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4/24/2008 3:07:22 PM

Mr Scrumples
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Quote :
"or just irresponsible parenting manifesting itself through your douche son.

Oh, come the fuck on...

They can't watch what the hell their kid does throughout college.

The ONLY way that holds any water is you know they paid for his fraternity dues and the fraternities generally promote the kind of lifestyles that got him into this. But even that's stretching it a lot, and saying that would get a lot of people in those organizations pretty pissed...

4/24/2008 3:08:12 PM

11095 Posts
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Pledges make great DDs

4/24/2008 3:09:59 PM

All American
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^ i'll seconded that!

4/24/2008 3:14:02 PM

All American
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^^^ Never been in a frat, but virtually every fraternity party I've ever been to has had DDs (usually pledges/froshes).

You can't expect a parent to take responsibility for their college junior son. Kid is 21, he's an adult and he's responsible for his actions, period. Drunk, high, or sober it's all on him.

4/24/2008 4:34:04 PM

All American
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^^^^disagree on all fronts. If i got a DUI, I'd be more worried about what my parents would do to me than the legal system. They'd straight up kill my ass, regardless of how old I was.

and, disagree, because while I've been in a fraternity, we've come down hard on guys who have driven drunk (whether they get caught or not).

4/24/2008 4:52:03 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Yes, alcohol impairs you, but I think the deterrent effect is greatly overrated."

Now I'm convinced that this is someone who does drive drunk and wants to make himself feel better by trying to persuade someone to agree with him so as to feel morally superior.

Rather weak if you ask me man.

Cabs are cheap. DD'ing isn't hard. We've all done it. It's plain irresponsible to drive while intoxicated. There have been countless deaths that are completely needless because some selfish prick decided he'd rather drive home.

4/24/2008 5:00:01 PM

All American
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4/24/2008 5:06:40 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Now I'm convinced that this is someone who does drive drunk and wants to make himself feel better by trying to persuade someone to agree with him so as to feel morally superior.

You can be convinced of anything you want, doesn't make it true. Granted, I'm sure there have been times that I've driven above the legal limit, but I don't make a habit of it by any means.

I just feel like DUI legislation is right up there with more gun laws, hate crime legislation, etc. We've got more than enough laws, the problem is that punishment is not sever enough in the majority of the cases so we have a billion different gradations of punishment and dozens of laws that all cover the same offense.

I don't believe, from a philosophical standpoint that you should be punished simply for driving with alcohol in your system (or pot, or Nyquil, or whatever). Instead I feel that you should be punished when you operate your vehicle in a dangerous or unsafe manner, period. The reason why is irrelevant, whether it's incompetence or impairment makes no difference to me.

4/24/2008 5:09:55 PM

All American
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alcohol effects everyone differently. a 0.15 may not impair an individual nearly as much as a .02 (see: dumb girls who cant hold their booze) but honestly, i could give two shits if the guy who .15 doesnt impair wants to drive. I'd rather have the limit be reasonably safe.

Here's the most important part you're missing:

The goal isnt to have the limit be on the edge of what actually impairs an individual and slows response times; the goal is to have it be safe with a significant buffer such that you eliminate gray areas.

re: punishment for ineptitude in driving... it's a system of ex-ante and ex-post punishments. it's preventative measures.

[Edited on April 24, 2008 at 5:42 PM. Reason : ]

4/24/2008 5:40:48 PM

All American
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Quote :
"You can be convinced of anything you want, doesn't make it true."

Yes it does

Quote :
"Granted, I'm sure there have been times that I've driven above the legal limit, but I don't make a habit of it by any means."

And what kind of dumb ass logic is that? Is that the same intelligence that got you into NC State? I'm ashamed to have my degree from NC State now. Just because you don't make a habit out of it DOESN'T MEAN THAT THAT ONE TIME YOU DON'T KILL SOMEONE. And I find it utterly amazing that you're so ambivalent to that.

Quote :
"I don't believe, from a philosophical standpoint that you should be punished simply for driving with alcohol in your system (or pot, or Nyquil, or whatever). Instead I feel that you should be punished when you operate your vehicle in a dangerous or unsafe manner, period. The reason why is irrelevant, whether it's incompetence or impairment makes no difference to me."

You just hate DUI checkpoints.

^ I'm with you. .08 may not make you drunk... but the law wasn't made so that the legal limit puts most individuals in the really tipsy an ounce away from drunk mode.

[Edited on April 24, 2008 at 5:53 PM. Reason : .]

4/24/2008 5:51:43 PM

All American
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Just astonishing.

Let me put it this way, I'd be willing to wager that unless you've never driven within 4 hours of having a drink of any kind there's a pretty good chance that you've driven "drunk." I've never gotten behind the wheel when I thought I was legally drunk, but I would imagine that given all the times I've gone to the bar to play trivia and had a few beers (like 2 or 3) I've probably driven over the legal limit at least once or twice.

In fact, I'd bet that most people you know, including your parents, your priest, and your grandma have probably done the same coming from a bar, a restaurant, or a dinner party. Just chill out. I've never gotten a DUI or even come close to getting one. It doesn't make it right, but maybe you can relax with your holier than thou attitude.

I do dislike DUI checkpoints, but for reasons unrelated to getting a ticket (never gotten even a warning ticket going through one of those things), again more for philosophical reasons.

[Edited on April 24, 2008 at 5:59 PM. Reason : I'm done here.]

4/24/2008 5:57:52 PM

All American
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Quote :
" that bond was very low. i wonder if his family is poor?"

ahhhahhahah they dont take that into consideration. 2 bonds ago i had about 15 bucks in my pocket

4/24/2008 6:22:14 PM

All American
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if i ever get arrested, first person i'm going to call is jackleg. then my lawyer.

4/24/2008 6:26:30 PM

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Quote :
"if anybody would like to help with my situation let me know"

haha thats his new away message on AIM.

4/24/2008 7:42:42 PM

32613 Posts
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Quote :
"ahhhahhahah they dont take that into consideration. 2 bonds ago i had about 15 bucks in my pocket


well they're suppose to at least act like they are..the whole "ability to pay" thing

[Edited on April 24, 2008 at 7:45 PM. Reason : and i think i'd block everybody not on my list if i was him]

4/24/2008 7:44:51 PM

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WOOOOOOOOW this is fucking awesome. So I sent that dude an IM telling him to burn in hell and what a sack of shit he is. And he didn't respond. Well then like 3min later some bitch thats his friend sends me an IM:

Quote :
Me: Fuck you bitch
Me: How about you go kill somebody too
Me: Die!
xash2leex: it was a fucking accident
xash2leex: it wasnt like he did it on purpose
Me: Oh well
xash2leex: what the fuck is your problem
Me: I guess he will accidentally get sentenced to prison too
Me: That should be fun
xash2leex: ur a fucking shithead
Me: Almost as fun as killing an innocent woman on a bike
Me: Drunk....
xash2leex: im sorry your perfect and never drink
Me: I dont think he accidentally got into the car drunk
xash2leex: and is a huge douchebag
Me: And accidentally drove
xash2leex: he feels bad about it already
Me: The gus nickname is "the drunk guy"
Me: So its not like this is something new
xash2leex: he doenst need shits like u telling him anything
Me: awwww
Me: How nice, so he gets some cunt to come fight his battles
xash2leex: I AM NOT A CUNT
Me: Of course you are
Me: Be careful, he might kill you too
xash2leex: i think ill be fine
Me: ...on accident
Me: I am sure that lady thought she would be fine riding her bike
Me: You arent gonna win this
Me: Dude is a fucking sack of shit
Me: And he is gonna pay
Me: Prison should be fun
xash2leex: and people like you arent going to help at all
Me: I dont really care
xash2leex: do u feel good about yourself
Me: I dont want to help the guy
xash2leex: being an asshole to people
Me: I want him to suffer
Me: and suffer
xash2leex: you dont even know him
xash2leex: hes a good guy
Me: And cry himself to sleep at night on his prison issue pillow
xash2leex: he just fucked up
Me: Of course he is, all good guys kill people
xash2leex: yea im sure he meant to kill her right?
xash2leex: lik e
Me: Not the point
xash2leex: he purposely decided to fuck up his life
xash2leex: like
Me: No point to drive drunk
xash2leex: u know lets go ride
xash2leex: and kill some bitch on her bike
xash2leex: right
xash2leex: is that how you think?
xash2leex: like HE DIDNT DO THAT
Me: Maybe if you were a real friend, you would have been there for him and given him a ride
Me: Buuuut
xash2leex: and your just being relaly mean
Me: You werent
Me: I dont give a fuck you cunt
xash2leex: dont turn this around me fuckface
xash2leex: i didnt know he needed a ride
Me: I hope the guy gets ass raped in what ever prison he is going to
xash2leex: he had a ride back to his apt
Me: It was his 21st birthday
xash2leex: he was driviing to class
Me: He drank a shitload
Me: Do the math
xash2leex: who ever thinks that ppl are still drunk
Me: Oh, well that makes it ok then
xash2leex: when tehy wake up
Me: Go tell that to the ladies family
xash2leex: i didnt say it was ok
Me: ITS OK!!
Me: He was going to class
xash2leex: its an awful thing tha happened
Me: Sorry for your loss
xash2leex: its just your not helping the situation by being an asshole
Me: And its going to be aweful when he gets sentenced to years in prison
Me: Oh wait, no its now
xash2leex: your an asshole
Me: I dont really care
Me: Its better than being a murderer
Me: I'll take anything over that
Me: You dont get sent to prison for being an asshole
Me: ....or a cunt
Me: So we are both safe
xash2leex: your really mean
Me: And you are a really bad speller
Me: It must suck knowing the whole campus wants you to die
xash2leex: nobody wants me to die
Me: Hopefully your friend is handeling it well
xash2leex: im safe
Me: No, your friend
xash2leex: everyone on campus doesnt want him to die
Me: Oh pretty much all of them do, trust me
xash2leex: naw
Me: So how are you going to help him prepare for years in prison?
Me: He must really be looking forward to that
xash2leex: just leave him alone
xash2leex: ok
Me: Not gonna happen
xash2leex: the situation sucks
Me: I really hope I see him out somewhere
xash2leex: what would you do?
xash2leex: i am quite curious
Me: I'll figure something out
xash2leex: you are not going to do shit
Me: Im not gonna kill the guy or anything
xash2leex: you are all talk
Me: If thats what you mean
xash2leex: thats why you are messing with him online
Me: If only your friend were all talk
xash2leex: you wouldn't have the balls to do anything to his face
Me: That lady would still be alive
xash2leex: SHUT THE FUCK Up
Me: I know I might not, I dont wanna die
xash2leex: hes a killler be careful
Me: I tend to not fuck with murderers
Me: I think its funny he isnt even man enough to defend himself
Me: He sends some whiny cunt to talk to me
Me: What a gentleman
xash2leex: haha yupp
xash2leex: deal with it
Me: Oh I will
xash2leex: deal with this whiny cunt
xash2leex: bye
Me: Outside of prison
xash2leex: i hope i meet you one day
xash2leex: thatd make my life
Me: Be sure to get him a carton of smokes so he can buy something nice for himself on the inside
xash2leex: awww that was clever
xash2leex: did you think of that on your own
Me: Actually I did
Me: Did your friend kill that lady on his own?
xash2leex: good job
xash2leex: im sooo glad assholes like you go to state
Me: Me too
xash2leex: you are probably some sad loser
xash2leex: chilling on his computer
Me: I really dont care
xash2leex: just bugging people
xash2leex: GOOD
Me: I dont kill people
xash2leex: YOU SUCK
Me: So I am happy with myself
xash2leex: I am glad
Me: Good
xash2leex: alright BYE ASSHOLE
Me: Now piss of bitch
Me: Go comfort the murderer"

[Edited on April 24, 2008 at 8:22 PM. Reason : .]

4/24/2008 8:21:53 PM

All American
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^ Oh come the fuck on, you really WERE being a douchebag. Holy shit, you're an asshole. And I'm sure you've never done anything wrong in your entire life.

Quote :
"convicting someone of a felony for any ACCIDENT is dumb

Felonys should be reserved for people with malicious intent."

There's a REASON three or more DWI offenses get you a felony the fourth time: you're intentionally endangering the public, which IS malicious.

In this case, since he had no prior convictions, I can't see him actually getting convicted of the felony and serving the full time. But that doesn't mean he'll get off: there are enough of lesser-included offenses that I'm sure they'll stick him with something. Maybe just something like manslaughter.

[Edited on April 24, 2008 at 8:24 PM. Reason : ,.]

4/24/2008 8:21:54 PM

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^^you know, you really are an asshole. we don't need you to be the judge and jury of him. just stfu.

4/24/2008 8:23:38 PM

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I think he lost those rights when he drove drunk and killed a woman.

4/24/2008 8:25:25 PM

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it's called due process, and you don't need to be a part of it. go back 2 9th grade civics.

4/24/2008 8:27:01 PM

32613 Posts
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jesus shut the fuck up.

you're going 100% by what the media is telling you

you weren't there

he hasn't been found guilty in court, yet


Quote :
"I think he lost those rights when he drove drunk and killed a woman.


nobody in this country loses those rights until they're convicted..he has not been.

[Edited on April 24, 2008 at 8:27 PM. Reason : oops]

4/24/2008 8:27:07 PM

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4/24/2008 8:28:56 PM

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Yeah, I am somebody else was driving the car

4/24/2008 8:29:39 PM

Mr Scrumples
61466 Posts
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yeah, i got bored of that IM pretty quick.

ncsujew, how old are you?

4/24/2008 8:41:53 PM

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4/24/2008 8:46:03 PM

All American
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Older than I thought.

4/24/2008 8:47:16 PM

All American
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was just at Bentleys (sp) in crossroads.....4 cars got broken into and gps units were stolen....thank god i'm poor

4/24/2008 8:56:19 PM

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new thread is that way -->

4/24/2008 9:10:36 PM

All American
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ncsujew you admitted you are a loser
Quote :
xash2leex: you are probably some sad loser
xash2leex: chilling on his computer
Me: I really dont care

4/24/2008 10:58:27 PM

1029 Posts
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Damn, you got me.

4/24/2008 11:19:21 PM

All American
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This unfortunate incident reminded me, has anyone heard anything lately about the Polumbo situation? Just asking.

4/25/2008 1:30:13 AM

red baron 22
All American
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drunk drivers piss me off. how many people got to die before idiots realize that

4/25/2008 2:17:48 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Me: You dont get sent to prison for being an asshole
Me: ....or a cunt
Me: So we are both safe
xash2leex: your really mean
Me: And you are a really bad speller"


4/25/2008 8:16:43 AM

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That AIM was really fucked up

fwiw I never said his nickname was "Drunk Guy" as in that is what all of his friends call him. That is what my friends called him because we didn't know his name and he was drunk every time we saw him. Apparently his real nickname is "shortbus".

4/25/2008 9:01:50 AM

All American
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burn baby burn, disco inferno

4/25/2008 2:47:17 PM

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Quote :

4/25/2008 3:25:22 PM

All American
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im pretty sure i saw this fuck up on campus today.

5/1/2008 12:23:12 AM

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haha this guy went to my highschool

5/1/2008 7:36:16 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Apparently his real nickname is "shortbus"."


5/1/2008 7:39:07 PM

37709 Posts
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ok, that AIM is really fucked up

but i lol'd

5/1/2008 7:42:25 PM

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5/1/2008 7:50:24 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Me: It must suck knowing the whole campus wants you to die
xash2leex: nobody wants me to die
Me: Hopefully your friend is handeling it well
xash2leex: im safe
Me: No, your friend
xash2leex: everyone on campus doesnt want him to die
Me: Oh pretty much all of them do, trust me

who is the bad speller?

5/1/2008 8:04:28 PM

All American
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7/10/2008 2:39:54 PM

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