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All American
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^^yeah...Red Solo Cup was so painful i had to cry

haha...just kidding...I cried when Mike Chang's dad stood up and clapped...

[Edited on December 7, 2011 at 11:06 AM. Reason : i can't remember what made me cry last week but something did]

12/7/2011 11:06:15 AM

All American
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Man in the Mirror should not have been touched. Glee royally botched it.

12/7/2011 11:12:04 AM

All American
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ABC was pretty awesome though

12/7/2011 11:15:47 AM

All American
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Trouble tones should've won IMO

12/7/2011 11:20:34 AM

All American
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yeah...i agree based on the fact that the last two songs done by The New Directions did nothing to enhance the performance...

and why did they get 3 songs when everybody else got 1...

if they had stopped at ABC, I would have been torn though...haha...

I'm a pretty big Jackson 5 fan

12/7/2011 11:24:30 AM

All American
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So...anyone watched last night's episode yet?

2/22/2012 9:28:04 AM

All American
8284 Posts
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Quinn is dead....or so I heard.....wait, what!?

I have a girlfriend...

2/22/2012 9:50:44 AM


21814 Posts
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a friend of mine did the costumes for the show choir that was all in purple in last night's episode.

I don't watch Glee, but I tuned in for that

2/22/2012 9:52:50 AM

All American
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I stopped watching this show and don't regret it one bit.

2/22/2012 9:54:05 AM

All American
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edit post one. K.

2/22/2012 10:10:12 AM

11583 Posts
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I now fully support the creation of Chick Chat

2/22/2012 10:12:05 AM

All American
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2/22/2012 10:21:16 AM

All American
49373 Posts
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i watched it...

i have never been more unsettled watching such a silly tv show (good silly...but still silly) in my entire life...

too much "real life" in that episode

[Edited on February 22, 2012 at 11:13 AM. Reason : adsf]

2/22/2012 11:10:24 AM

All American
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yeah that was, what felt like, the longest commercial break ever after that scene. Then we switched to watch the game so I watched the whole episode this morning. Still had the same reaction as last night.

2/22/2012 11:23:41 AM

21958 Posts
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I'm almost finished with last night's episode.

The beginning of the show was so powerful. The scene where he's getting dressed in that suit and then later his father finding him. Oh my goodness. I cried like no body's business.

[Edited on February 22, 2012 at 12:19 PM. Reason : oh shit! this show is making me a watering pot.]

2/22/2012 12:16:42 PM

35382 Posts
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i need to watch last week's and this week's episodes. i haven't been into the show as much this season as i have in the past

2/22/2012 2:30:54 PM

All American
1670 Posts
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Glee keeps surprising me by the content that they air on a major tv network. I'm glad they are bringing up uncomfortable subjects like they have although I'm sure they are receiving flack about it.

Sometimes the writing and plot are a little over the top with agendas but either way I'm glad to see things like suicide, gay relationships and mentally handicapped issues addressed in the spotlight.

2/22/2012 3:33:32 PM

45208 Posts
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I forgot to record last night's episode

But I can tell you the network is getting a lot of flack, especially for this season

2/22/2012 3:48:20 PM

All American
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^^couldnt have said it better.

When watching it last night, I knew that's where they were going as soon as Krofsky started walking through the locker room. As it all unfolded I kept saying things out loud like, "are they going there? Is this really happening? Oh my gosh they're really going there. Holy shit that just happened."

I know they aren't the first show to touch on these issues, and certainly wont be the last...maybe I just have this idea that bc it's a singing show that their audience reach is a pretty diverse crowd and it'll make an impact? Maybe I'm naive and wishful.

I dunno...I was just really really moved by this episode. Maybe it's bc I had a friend that committed suicide 3.5 yrs ago. The scenes after, not just the ones leading up to it, just...I dunno. I really can't put in to words. I've been wanting to talk about it to someone since, and all my gleeks haven't watched it yet.

2/22/2012 4:03:57 PM

26647 Posts
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I stopped watching it during that awful Christmas special.

Plots suck, they break into song for no reason as fast as they can and try to make you buy the itunes.

It's shit now.

2/22/2012 4:07:31 PM

All American
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I think it was so powerful because they set it up in a way in which most of us can relate. Whether we knew someone who tried to commit suicide, ignored someone when we shouldn't have, or even gone through rituals like dave did leading up to the event. It was so realistic and tangible. And it was accompanied by a powerful song so that it played out just like we wish our lives would (accompanied to music that is).

And they addressed the attitudes that surround something like that later between Quinn and Kurt. You'll always have one party talking about how selfish that an act of suicide is, and the other side urging that we be compassionate rather than judgmental.

I think this episode brought back the realism into the plot which we have all been missing since the first season. It's been too far-fetched lately for most people to identify with, but this show brought it closer to home.


2/22/2012 6:32:05 PM

All American
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For the record it drives me crazy when people complain about how selfish someone who committed suicide was.

2/22/2012 6:36:00 PM

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