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All American
14180 Posts
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clearly Skack made the wrong end of the pig into the USB, sooo disgusting...

I saw this on etsy recently and thought it looked cool. I guess even a guy might like something like that...

11/16/2011 2:57:31 PM

mainly potato
13090 Posts
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I want that. Link?

I found it! It's a tote insert, not what I thought, but I still want one.

[Edited on November 16, 2011 at 4:58 PM. Reason : //]

11/16/2011 4:40:00 PM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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Quote :
". I guess even a guy might like something like that... "

nope. it's a murse.

11/16/2011 4:56:40 PM

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11/16/2011 5:17:12 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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Seems a bit excessive, unless you're the world's biggest Francophile. And other than Pau Gasol or a werewolf, I don't know who'd designate such prime real estate to a razor.

11/16/2011 5:37:05 PM

All American
31140 Posts
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I always wanted to carry an electric razor, some books and journals, and an iPad everywhere I go, but I never knew how until now.

11/16/2011 6:30:33 PM

All American
4328 Posts
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where's the slot for the pbr?

11/17/2011 12:38:04 PM


21814 Posts
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3/19/2013 8:11:12 AM

All American
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3/23/2013 1:14:26 AM

All American
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3/25/2013 12:51:24 AM

All American
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6/5/2013 5:28:24 AM


10410 Posts
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More pens:

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

6/5/2013 6:28:06 AM

All American
4670 Posts
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Nice. What material is that blue one in the second pic?

6/6/2013 10:19:17 AM


10410 Posts
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The top one in the second pick is a cobalt and aluminum metallic hybrid material, and has a blue-grey color
The bottom one is a denim weave, and is very blue.

I sell these, so if you see anything you like, feel free to PM me.

6/6/2013 11:58:46 AM

All American
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No before pics, but I went to the thrift store a couple months ago and found a very old and very dirty piece of stained glass with a broken wire hanger and no frame for $3.99. Bought it, cleaned it, and made a frame out of a ~70 year old stair tread for it:

Made a necklace for my god daughter's 4th birthday (with the help of my jewelry making ex-girlfriend):

Broke the handle to my lawnmower and made a sweet fix out of metal I scavenged from an old printer:

6/6/2013 12:08:19 PM

All American
4160 Posts
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You did an awesome job with the stained glass! <3

6/6/2013 4:45:33 PM

All American
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^ Thanks. The old worn paint on the stair tread was perfect. It's kind of a mint green top coat, but underneath is a peach color. Popular stuff in the 30's/40's/50's I guess. I think it's going to be my mom's birthday present in a couple weeks.

The most expensive part of that project was the $7.50 router bit I had to buy to make the frame really fit well around the stained glass.

[Edited on June 7, 2013 at 11:45 AM. Reason : l]

6/7/2013 11:45:10 AM

11725 Posts
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my new fingerless mitts. still need to add the buttons to them but oh well

also I made this for MeatStick

6/7/2013 12:36:47 PM

All American
31140 Posts
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Pin up girl refrigerator magnets. One with special "internet edition" pointy elbow.

Courtesy of a handle of Sailor Jerry, 3M spray adhesive, and some free promotional magnets from my dentist and plumber.

[Edited on June 15, 2013 at 2:53 PM. Reason : l]

6/15/2013 2:51:45 PM

11725 Posts
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This is Herbert. Ignore my dog being a total creeper in the background. It's like her life's purpose jaffa all my pictures

7/4/2013 2:46:58 PM

1139 Posts
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I just moved into a new house a few months ago and needed some storage for stuff in my garage. Instead of doing some sort of rack system or shelves I opted to build custom cabinets. I liked the idea of having an easily movable storage system so I put casters on them. I built them so that they are tall enough to be convenient but not too tall that they would fall over easily since they are on casters. I made an effort to minimize materials cost, build time and material waste. The cost to build one is approx $50 and about 4-6 hrs labor. I have built three so far but plan on building 8 to 12 of them. Also another benefit is that if and when I ever decide to move. I should be able to roll these things with contents to a moving truck and back out to my next garage. Eventually I plan to put a thin plywood door on the front to hide my junk.

[Edited on July 8, 2013 at 10:33 PM. Reason : .]

7/8/2013 10:28:00 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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That's awesome!

7/8/2013 11:50:02 PM

All American
4673 Posts
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Neat stuff guys!

7/9/2013 12:34:59 AM

All American
12710 Posts
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Finished it

7/15/2013 10:26:30 PM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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I'm not very crafty, but I did manage to make a small gift recently. My brother graduated several years back, but had to work for a few years in a job unrelated to his field and spent a stint unemployed, and only recently has finally broken into a job in his desired field.

As a congratulatory gift I got him a book I thought he'd like that's very related to the work he'll now be doing. And I had saved his graduation ceremony program from 2009. So I took a part of that which had a cool design on it, and cut it down to size, and had it laminated, to make it into a bookmark to go along with the book.

7/15/2013 10:46:19 PM

All American
4673 Posts
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Damn! That's awesome and thoughful!

7/15/2013 10:52:24 PM

All American
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NO one makin anything lately?

2/10/2014 3:04:35 AM

Squishie Enthusiast
4040 Posts
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Made this for a friend

And made this for me

And made this for a baby

[Edited on April 23, 2014 at 10:08 PM. Reason : stuff]

4/23/2014 10:04:43 PM

balls deep
89904 Posts
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You were supposed to make me one of those

4/23/2014 10:11:49 PM

All American
8029 Posts
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Hand-carved wooden spoons, bowls (pic's in gallery of recent work in black walnut) Scrimshawed horns and jewelry, hand-forged knives, brain-tan buckskin and leather items from skins I tan.

[Edited on April 24, 2014 at 1:02 AM. Reason : ..]

4/24/2014 1:00:51 AM

4380 Posts
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I always wanted to write a song on guitar. Here's my short little song:

[Edited on May 22, 2014 at 2:31 PM. Reason : write, not wrote]

5/22/2014 2:31:24 PM

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