EMCE balls deep 89893 Posts user info edit post |
What type of law did you study jbrick83. What kind do you practice?
[Edited on January 30, 2012 at 6:40 PM. Reason : I'm assuming you're an attorney. You talk like one.] 1/30/2012 6:40:16 PM
jbrick83 All American 23447 Posts user info edit post |
You don't really get a chance to study a particular type of law unless you get an LLM. I'd say 70% of your classes in law school are required. You can take an advanced family law, or a real estate or tax law class...but its tough to "specialize" in law school.
And I have a general practice, so I do a little bit of everything. But I worked for a very experienced family law attorney for two years and it probably consists of about 20% of my practice. I don't like doing it, but I'm competent in it and it pays the office bills. 1/30/2012 6:46:32 PM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
I think custody should be determined by how much the non-custodial or higher paid parent OFFERS to take, up to 50%, assuming the parent is determined to be suitable for half custody. If he/she doesn't care about the kid, take full child support benefits. If the parent does want half custody then only take half of the maximum benefits.
If you don't want him/her to have half custody fine, challenge it in court. But you still only get half the money. If that's not enough money to raise the kid by yourself, there's a very simple solution
Flame away feminists 
[Edited on January 30, 2012 at 8:46 PM. Reason : ] 1/30/2012 8:45:41 PM
theDuke866 All American 52917 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I like that people are supporting theDuke and whatnot (I really do!), but it's still crazy to me how much credit people give him for pursuing fatherhood. The bar has been set so low that we're always giving props to someone for working to overcome obstacles so they can spend time with their child...like it's some kind of amazing thing." |
Agreed 100%. All I have done (and do) is just stuff that I ought to do.
I will say that it is criminal that the system and my ex make it/allow it to be so fucking difficult.
...although really, I will say that the blame lies on my ex. Aside from me getting raped financially, the law and the courts have pretty much done the right things--the biggest problem is that it is a brutally, excruciatingly slow process, and you can't realistically hammer her tits in court every time she does something fucked up...the system just isn't equipped to deal with anything except broad-brush, big-picture stuff, and people like her take advantage of that. That, and it costs a ton to accomplish things that should be common sense--if I wasn't willing or able to spend years and megabucks pursuing this, I would be boned.
Quote : | "Taking more money from the men who are supporting their children is not going to make up for all the deadbeats out there; nor is it going to help the children of those deadbeats who are receiving nothing." |
Whatever sins may have been prevalent in our culture in 1950, I just don't see it being the case now. I'm not a family lawyer, but I have seen at least at many cases where the father who's trying to do the right things just gets outright fucked in the deal as I've seen girls who have been left high and dry by deadbeats. There are male and female dipshits; this is far, far, far from a one-sided problem where I represent an outlier that can reasonably be disregarded.
Quote : | "But I'm arguing that a lot of men can take care of their business before it even gets to court." |
Ha, I tried. I opened a 2nd checking account, started putting money in it (and asking my ex to put a little--I think I asked her to put in $50/month) every month long before our daughter was ever even born...that way we'd have money set aside to buy a crib, and stroller, and bottles, and some several-hundred dollar breast pump that she used maybe a couple of times, etc when our daughter was born.
...but when she saw the dollar signs that she could score by suing me rather than us (primarily me) just paying for things as needed, then that's exactly what she did.
Quote : | "instead of acting like crazy baby mamas just popped out of thin air." |
They didn't pop out of thin air; they have been spawned and enabled by decades of a family law system that lets them get away with all manner of ridiculous bullshit. 1/30/2012 8:59:46 PM
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Also, I'd purposefully do a horrible job of raising our kid. When we reconcile and get married, we can visit him or her in prison." |
i spit out my drink  1/30/2012 11:49:11 PM
mrfrog ☯ 15145 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "As an aside...if fathers in general did a better job, the courts would be more reasonable about this stuff. A lot of the law that's in place was put there in reaction to men being gigantic assholes for hundreds of years." |
Well that's a bunch of bull.
Quote : | "I'm just saying...I'd rather be the child of a single mom today than the child of a single mom fifty years ago." |
In no way supports, whatsoever, that previous pile of bull. And this is all an anti-feminist position.
feminism: "The advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men."
I, for one, am a feminist.
[Edited on January 31, 2012 at 1:48 AM. Reason : ] 1/31/2012 1:47:26 AM
Skack All American 31140 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "CHICAGO — An appeals court said a man can press a claim for emotional distress after learning a former lover had used his sperm to have a baby. But he can’t claim theft, the ruling said, because the sperm were hers to keep.
The ruling Wednesday by the Illinois Appellate Court sends Dr. Richard O. Phillips’ distress case back to trial court.
Phillips accuses Dr. Sharon Irons of a “calculated, profound personal betrayal” after their affair six years ago, saying she secretly kept semen after they had oral sex, then used it to get pregnant.
He said he didn’t find out about the child for nearly two years, when Irons filed a paternity lawsuit. DNA tests confirmed Phillips was the father, the court papers state.
Phillips was ordered to pay about $800 a month in child support, said Irons’ attorney, Enrico Mirabelli.
'Trapped in a nightmare' Phillips sued Irons, claiming he has had trouble sleeping and eating and has been haunted by “feelings of being trapped in a nightmare,” court papers state.
Irons responded that her alleged actions weren’t “truly extreme and outrageous” and that Phillips’ pain wasn’t bad enough to merit a lawsuit. The circuit court agreed and dismissed Phillips’ lawsuit in 2003.
But the higher court ruled that, if Phillips’ story is true, Irons “deceitfully engaged in sexual acts, which no reasonable person would expect could result in pregnancy, to use plaintiff’s sperm in an unorthodox, unanticipated manner yielding extreme consequences.”
The judges backed the lower court decision to dismiss the fraud and theft claims, agreeing with Irons that she didn’t steal the sperm.
“She asserts that when plaintiff 'delivered' his sperm, it was a gift — an absolute and irrevocable transfer of title to property from a donor to a donee,” the decision said. “There was no agreement that the original deposit would be returned upon request.”
Phillips is representing himself in the case. He could not be reached for comment Thursday.
“There’s a 5-year-old child here,” Mirabelli said. “Imagine how a child feels when your father says he feels emotionally damaged by your birth.”" |
Note to self?
[old] I know...It just reminded me of this thread.
[Edited on February 6, 2012 at 7:57 PM. Reason : l] 2/6/2012 7:56:47 PM
GenghisJohn bonafide 10254 Posts user info edit post |
ya'll niggas postin' in a troll thread 2/6/2012 8:02:20 PM
hgtran All American 9855 Posts user info edit post |
bitches be crazy  2/6/2012 8:21:22 PM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
That chick is crazy.
[Edited on February 6, 2012 at 8:28 PM. Reason : Is there an update? Hope this dude at least got all his child support money back] 2/6/2012 8:25:53 PM
Kurtis636 All American 14984 Posts user info edit post |
I'd probably demand a paternity test to if I knew without a doubt that I'd never had sex with the woman claiming I fathered her child.
You don't expect for some chick who blew you to scurry off to the bathroom to "clean up" only to have her spit into a turkey baster and shove it into her snizz. 2/6/2012 8:28:13 PM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
I was incorrect, she was the one who demanded the paternity test. Didn't read the names closely. 2/6/2012 8:29:19 PM
Skack All American 31140 Posts user info edit post |
What a douchebag! I can't believe he would try to get out of child support after gifting his sperm to her mouth. This is why we need courts to deal with people like this!!!  2/6/2012 9:07:45 PM
ComputerGuy (IN)Sensitive 5052 Posts user info edit post |
I would be so pissed...
note to self make sure to hold the woman's nose so she has to swallow. 2/6/2012 9:17:05 PM