EMCE balls deep 89893 Posts user info edit post |
RIP Whitney  2/12/2012 8:18:24 PM
4nik8r All American 801 Posts user info edit post |
Weirdly enough, Maya Rudolph is hosting SNL next week. She's played Whitney numerous times in weekend update and the aforementioned Miley Cyrus sketch. 2/12/2012 8:39:55 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
Whitney Houston Found Submerged in Bathtub 2/12/2012 10:33:16 PM
Kiwi All American 38546 Posts user info edit post |
Water in her lungs
also, fear daughter is suicidal 2/12/2012 10:34:30 PM
BigHitSunday Dick Danger 51059 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "ll cool j is annoying me too much energy" |
o my god i mean god forbid someone show up on stage not stoned and excited to be there 2/12/2012 10:42:28 PM
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
Nate dogg got ripped off. 2/13/2012 7:59:29 AM
21814 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "The Stages Of Internet Grief, As Applied To Whitney Houston’s Death
0. Basic Twitter Check
"Ho hum. ... Let's see how Jeremy Lin played last night."
1. Shock
2. Denial.
"Wait a second. This could be a hoax. I better check a real news feed to make sure this is legit, and that Zodiac Motherfucker isn't pulling my leg."
3. Verification.
"Oh man, she IS dead."
4. Denial, Part 2
"I can't believe I learned about it from Zodiac Motherfucker." (NOTE: This really was who I learned it from.)
5. Speculation
"So it was drugs, right? Had to be drugs."
6. Consideration of Tasteless Joke on Twitter
"If I write, 'I get so emotional baby, every time I think of youuuuu ... lying face down in a bathtub,' people may get mad."
7. Notice of Outrage at Someone Else Making Similar Tasteless Joke on Twitter
"That's a lot of 'TOO SOON's. Better hold that zinger I had until Monday."
8. Commemoration
"RIP Whitney. Here's a (picture of her back when she was clean/video of her singing the anthem at the Super bowl/clip from the raw vocal from 'How Will I Know'). WHAT A TALENT."
9. Announcement of Personal Connection
"I remember in eighth grade when we drank peach schnapps and would listen to 'I Wanna Dance with Somebody.' And even though I didn't really like the song, I KNEW that woman was talented."
10. Blame
"Fucking Bobby Brown."
11. Discovery
"Oh wow. Xanax? I guess that makes sense."
12. Speculation, Part 2
"These things always happen in threes. Who's next?!"
13. Meta-Commentary
"Isn't it so weird how we, like, mourn people on Twitter now, y'all?"
14. Live Tweeting of the Funeral/Awards Show Tribute
"Wait, why is Al Michaels at this funeral? Did he have an affair with her or something?"
15. It's OK to Make Tasteless Jokes Now
16. Link to #longread That Tells You the Real Story
"Here's the full Esquire piece on Whitney's death. BRUTAL."
17. Next Internet Death
2/13/2012 9:48:28 AM
BigMan157 no u 103356 Posts user info edit post |
that's pretty on point
if bob dole dies next we need to burn that guy at the stake as a witch 2/13/2012 9:50:44 AM
0EPII1 All American 42569 Posts user info edit post |
i just found out about 12 hours ago that she died.
anyway, i guess that's what happens when you never mature (even at nearly 50) and keep on partying hard and abusing chemicals till the end.
but, if she died happy, more power to her! 2/13/2012 9:52:10 AM
Ernie All American 45943 Posts user info edit post |
i just found out about 12 hours ago 2/13/2012 9:53:39 AM
Jeepin4x4 #Pack9 35780 Posts user info edit post |
listening to her double Greatest Hits album this morning at work. fuck yeah, Whitney, fuck yeah.
will probably watch The Bodyguard this week too. 2/13/2012 10:42:56 AM
NyM410 J-E-T-S 50085 Posts user info edit post |
People who legitimately do that suck. 2/13/2012 10:48:51 AM
Slave Famous Become Wrath 34079 Posts user info edit post |
Jeepin4x4 #Pack9 35780 Posts user info edit post |
nah, it was more like
I'mmmmmmmm every womannnnnnnnn. it's allllll in meeeeeeeeeeeeee 2/13/2012 10:56:52 AM
uther Starting Lineup 78 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Weirdly enough, Maya Rudolph is hosting SNL next week. She's played Whitney numerous times in weekend update and the aforementioned Miley Cyrus sketch." |
So would it be "too soon" next weekend for Maya to riff on Whitney? 2/13/2012 11:00:28 AM
slappy1 All American 2303 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "i just found out about 12 hours ago that she died.
anyway, i guess that's what happens when you never mature (even at nearly 50) and keep on partying hard and abusing chemicals till the end." |
I read this like you were blaming a bender you went on this weekend for not finding out sooner. 2/13/2012 1:18:46 PM
aaronburro Sup, B 53288 Posts user info edit post |
she was removed from the bathtub by a bodyguard! 2/13/2012 2:03:35 PM
21814 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Sony hikes Whitney Houston album prices online
It's easy to get so emotional about a singer after they've passed prematurely, as Whitney Houston did Saturday at the age of 48. But fans seeking to buy her digital albums in remembrance weren't too happy at sudden price hikes so soon after her death.
The Brits picked up on it quickly, with London-based Next Web writer Matt Brian and The Guardian's Josh Halliday both finding the price increases, which raised Houston's "The Ultimate Collection" 2007 album from £5 (about $7.89) to £8 (about $12.63). In the United States, the cost is even steeper: $15 for the "Greatest Hits" collection at both Amazon (mp3 store) and iTunes.
Halliday found out that Sony Music increased the price of "The Ultimate Collection" at about 4 a.m. Sunday, not even 12 hours after news broke of Houston's death. Fans were quick to point fingers at Apple for the anti-sale, but it turned out that when Sony bumped up the wholesale price of "The Ultimate Collection," iTunes and other retailers automatically upped their pricing.
We've reached out to Sony for comment and will update if/when we hear from them.
Digital Spy found consumers who said the price change happened even more quickly: 30 minutes for it to jump from $4.74 to $12.62, which prompted one buyer to fume, "The album itself is great so please don't be put off purchasing it, just [realize] that you will merely be lining some fatcat's pocket before Whitney's lifeless body is cold."
Houston's "iTunes Essentials" album is even more expensive at $18.45 for 15 songs (vs. 36 songs for $14.99 on the "Greatest Hits" album, which was originally released in 2000).
Over at Google Music, you can't find those albums, but there are a smattering of free singles, including "Greatest Love of All" and "So Emotional."
Meanwhile, at Walmart, things are just plain fishy. Though the retail giant has exited the music download business, it is still a massive CD retailer. While the pricing of Whitney's CDs hasn't changed, every single one is listed as 'out of stock online.' Could that really be because of a surge in buying? Or is there a price change afoot?
As of this morning, three of Houston's singles were in the top 10 singles chart at iTunes, including the No. 1 "I Will Always Love You," which was also sung in tribute by Jennifer Hudson at last night's Grammy awards. Houston's "Greatest Hits" album was No. 2 on the iTunes albums chart, runner-up to only Adele, who swept the Grammy awards with hits from her "21" album.
By the end of the week, Houston's sales could even surpass her. " | ] 2/13/2012 4:05:04 PM
Mr. Joshua Swimfanfan 43948 Posts user info edit post |
I saw the little makeshift memorial on tv and someone had put up a big "WHITNEY WE WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU" sign and I felt bad because I'm sure that a ton of other people made the same banner and then got there later and felt bad that they'd been beaten to it. 2/13/2012 4:18:50 PM
Wolfman Tim All American 9654 Posts user info edit post |
I never thought I'd see the day where a record company puts profit ahead of the art of music. 2/13/2012 4:22:22 PM
justinh524 Sprots Talk Mod 28531 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Whitney Houston IS Dead!" |
 2/13/2012 4:32:25 PM
Mr. Joshua Swimfanfan 43948 Posts user info edit post |
Seal Team Six strikes again. 2/13/2012 7:51:59 PM
0EPII1 All American 42569 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I read this like you were blaming a bender you went on this weekend for not finding out sooner." |
bahahah it does really read like that  2/15/2012 5:17:23 AM
Troop All American 849 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Seal Team Six strikes again." |
2/15/2012 5:27:24 AM
joepeshi All American 8094 Posts user info edit post |
Random, but this was an awesome tribute at her "homegoing".
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvS9JFbRHqg 2/21/2012 8:06:38 PM
0EPII1 All American 42569 Posts user info edit post |
this is the best one i have read
Quote : | "Whitney Houston 'chose death': Swedish politician
Whitney Houston was an “awful mother” who “chose drugs and death” and thus doesn’t deserve all the media attention being devoted to her death, a local Swedish politician has argued.
“Stop extolling Whitney Houston,” Lennart Holmlund, a Social Democrat member of the local council in Umeå in northern Sweden, wrote in a blog post published on Saturday.
The post came shortly after the start of live coverage of Houston’s funeral by broadcasters in Sweden, the culmination of a week of intense media coverage about the late pop diva, who was found dead in her Beverly Hills hotel bathtub on February 11th, aged 48.
While Holmlund admitted Houston was a “good singer” and that he even owned a few of her albums, he felt that the media had gone too far in exalting Houston and her apparently fatal drug addiction.
“Now the media is glorifying someone who couldn’t take care of her daughter, but instead drew her child into drug addiction,” wrote Holmlund.
“What an awful mother who didn’t see to it that her daughter didn’t follow in her footsteps.”
The politician argued that addicts can’t “blame anyone but themselves” for their problems.
“Because Whitney had so much money there was money to help her get away from drugs but she chose instead both drugs and death,” he wrote.
“The media should take responsibility and not be marketers for a life of drugs that resulted in fame and a fast track to death.”" |
Damn right.
A couple of days ago, all three international news channels I receive were giving full coverage to the funeral live. I understand CNNI doing it, but BBC and Sky, WTF? 2/21/2012 10:20:49 PM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
I mean princess diana's funeral was broadcast on American channels, and she wasn't even talented.
[Edited on February 21, 2012 at 10:28 PM. Reason : ] 2/21/2012 10:28:39 PM