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 Message Boards » » What restaurants will you refuse to go to? Page 1 2 3 [4], Prev  
Not an alcoholic
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i try to stay away from Chick-fil-a for the gay reasons, but i still end up there every couple months or so because it's pretty good. The only other place I just really don't want to go to is Subway, because their subs are shit for about the same price as decent subs elsewhere.

[Edited on February 15, 2012 at 7:57 PM. Reason : 4 pages of food douches]

2/15/2012 7:57:26 PM

All American
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Quote :

2/15/2012 8:05:30 PM

148877 Posts
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Whenever I see an Applebee's commercial with Chris Berman posing in front of a beer and a plate of hot Applebee's food, I have to assume as soon as the director yells "thats a wrap," Berman chugs the beer, knocks the plate of food onto the floor and curses at how insulted he is to have to step foot into an Applebee's, let alone pretend to like it.

2/15/2012 8:09:05 PM

All American
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i didnt think anything less than sanitation grade C could even legally operate?

2/15/2012 8:54:11 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Golden Corral gives me more than the heebie-jeebies."

What? Golden Corral pwnts!

2/15/2012 10:09:25 PM

play so hard
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Quote :
"bojangles i feel is dropping off severely. it used to be a gloriously salty and succulent feast.

now its just bland and greasy- i get the same satisfaction chewing on my napkin."

ha whatever. the food hasn't changed a bit.

Quote :
"taco bell, the food here has gotten increasingly worse in the past few years and pretty much makes me feel like shit after i eat it.

the food hasn't changed. you've just gotten older.

2/15/2012 10:17:11 PM

114652 Posts
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a lot of bojangles' locations have gone downhill though

2/15/2012 10:22:03 PM

Zinc Saucier
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I don't refuse to go to any places but there are a few places I try to avoid. Red Robin, Chilis, Ruby Tuesday, and a lot of other chains. I do like Cheesecake Factory on occasion though, along with Macaroni Grill and Carrabba's.

I agree with the point about aging affecting your tastes. I can taste the salt in everything these days. Chances are people who say "X makes me sick now" just can't eat like they could as teenagers.

2/15/2012 10:49:51 PM

All American
1966 Posts
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Quote :
"i try to stay away from Chick-fil-a for the gay reasons, but i still end up there every couple months or so because it's pretty good. The only other place I just really don't want to go to is Subway, because their subs are shit for about the same price as decent subs elsewhere."

I too, attempted to stay away from their delectable treats when I found out they were against my bestiality habit, but then I could not stay away from the chicken nuggets.

2/15/2012 11:49:58 PM

I'm Eggscellent
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speaking of chick fila the one in cameron village is gonna be fancy

2/24/2012 9:55:01 PM

148877 Posts
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i like how passionately synapse defends food he likes

2/24/2012 9:59:35 PM

All American
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2/24/2012 10:00:11 PM

All American
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I tend to stray away from places with multimillion dollar ad budgets or places that don't actually cook the food or prepare the food like a Chili's or Applebees. Anyone that would put ammonia in food like McDonald's does also loses business for life.

[Edited on February 24, 2012 at 10:15 PM. Reason : a]

2/24/2012 10:14:13 PM

All American
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Quote :
" Applebees is so terrible word's can't.. I don't even.. what is?"

Additionally, i agree with the "fuck Chic Fil-A's bigotry but I occasionally indulge" sentiment.

All Chili's can burn to the ground. Fucking salt factory.

Also, Bojangles haters can GTFO. I don't care if that's incongruous with the 'salt factory' comment.

2/24/2012 10:57:08 PM

All American
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Every Bojangles east of Raleigh is godawful.

I try to avoid chain sit-down restaurants for the most part, although I do still like Carrabba's, the thing with the goat cheese and sun-dried tomatoes and chicken is good.

Glasshalffull is the only local place that comes to mind that I will never ever ever go back to.

2/24/2012 11:08:52 PM

1136 Posts
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Quote :
"or places that don't actually cook the food or prepare the food like a Chili's or Applebees."


2/24/2012 11:31:20 PM

Black and Proud
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most of chili's food is prepared before hand and then microwaved

2/24/2012 11:32:50 PM

All American
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The shit like the southwest egg roll has to come prepared and frozen. I prefer to eat at places that start with fresh veggies and meat. I like restaurants to actually cook rather that frying frozen food.

2/25/2012 10:31:47 AM

All American
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Quote :
"i try to stay away from Chick-fil-a for the gay reasons, but i still end up there every couple months or so because it's pretty good."

someone should open up an atheist chicken sandwich shack
or at least a queer friendly one

2/25/2012 11:52:38 AM

All American
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Quote :
"" Applebees is so terrible word's can't.. I don't even.. what is?""

I declared a blood feud with that shitty restaurant in 2002 after yet another horrible experience at the one on Hillsborough. I've never looked back. Fuck that chain shithole.

^ I will be forced to eat there occasionally for pure convenience. The one opening in CV is literally 100 yards from my back door.

[Edited on February 25, 2012 at 12:01 PM. Reason : ]

2/25/2012 11:59:20 AM

All American
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2/25/2012 12:03:46 PM

All American
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I don't care what a restaurant does with its profits.

Chick-fil-a is amazing.

2/25/2012 12:12:10 PM

All American
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Quote :
"motherfucking Applebee's"

I used to hate on Applebee's so hard. I hadn't been in at least a decade. I had to go with some work folks up in NY, and it was actually palatable. I... I had to rethink a decade of hatred. I need to confirm that it wasn't garbage, but I don't know if I want to go back.

Now, Friday's is another story. I went there, and couldn't find a single thing on the menu worth putting in my mouth. And this was knowing we were getting like 1/2 off.

2/25/2012 12:13:54 PM

All American
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Quote :
"The one opening in CV is literally 100 yards from my back door. "

Hi, neighbor!

2/25/2012 12:15:03 PM

All American
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I can't say that there's any restaurant I absolutely won't eat at
maybe Burger King? but that could happen

I got really hungry yesterday and ate a fucking gas station hot dog
why are those so much thicker than real hot dogs? I don't want MORE weird hot dog meat... I mean really it is just an excuse to eat chili and slaw in a bun.

2/25/2012 12:19:06 PM

All American
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2/25/2012 12:45:56 PM

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