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Sup, B
53284 Posts
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yep, but you know that going into it. As far as I'm concerned, that's the only thing that a server is "entitled to" just by showing up at work. Everything else is based upon the quality of service you give as determined by the customers. Don't like? Don't be a fucking waiter

7/28/2012 10:26:48 AM

13178 Posts
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Quote :
"I have a graduate degree and teach at a public university, so you can suck my dick. Faggot"

Graduate degree= 2 years of smoking pot as you read Shakespeare.

Teaching at a public university = lecturer who makes jack shit a year who's biggest concern for the year is the contents of your syllabus, if you didn't just steal it from another real professor or have it handed down to you by your department.

Thanks for proving my point.

Quote :
"ehe.... it was $2.13/hr when I waited tables. I doubt it's changed much. This is far below minimum wage."

Then you should know that if your tips during your shift plus your hourly rate that you get from the restaurant does not equal at least whatever the state/federally mandated minimum wage is for all hourly workers, then your employer has to compensate you until you do meet minimum wage.

So for tipped employees you're guaranteed whatever the minimum is from your employer (like $2 or $3/hr) regardless of how much you bring in from tips. So if you end up making $14/hr off of tips, you'll still get that minimum from your employer. However, if you end up only making an average of $3/hr from tips, they need to pay you an additional $1.50/hr of time you worked to get to minimum wage.

7/28/2012 10:41:45 AM

balls deep
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Yes, you do know about the $2.13/hr going in. You also know that another part of your pay is the tip. I guarantee you that every server thought they would be getting @2.13/hr with a tip sprinkled in every now and then, no one would ever be a server.

Quote :
"Don't like? Don't be a fucking waiter"

I love the absolutes. It would only be fair if it went both ways though, no?
If you aren't going to tip appropriately (what's generally expected in your society), then don't go out to eat in the first place.

Silly argument is silly. We're just repeating ourselves though. If you get autograted, just suck it up and know it's the result of servers getting jew'd in the past. Don't tip a penny over. The server will have to live with the fact that they could have gotten a better tip if they hadn't autograted.

7/28/2012 10:49:25 AM

All American
25825 Posts
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Urite, EMCE, urite.

7/28/2012 10:59:09 AM

balls deep
89889 Posts
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^ I'm also going to have to request that you stop taking breaks from TWW. I miss you

7/28/2012 11:05:26 AM

148864 Posts
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I've learned much from this thread

7/28/2012 11:08:13 AM

Sup, B
53284 Posts
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Quote :
"I love the absolutes. It would only be fair if it went both ways though, no?
If you aren't going to tip appropriately (what's generally expected in your society), then don't go out to eat in the first place."

I can appreciate that. People shouldn't be d-bags and not tip if the service was actually decent. But servers shouldn't assume their shit was the best ever and then demand a tip via autograt. Servers should bust their ass to make the customer want to tip. That's what a tip is, dude.

7/28/2012 11:10:40 AM

tommy wiseau
All American
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right, the problem with that argument is that many times a server will completely bust their ass for a table and still get a shitty tip. I don't even know why I'm trying to argue with a troll though.

7/28/2012 11:17:14 AM

All American
27139 Posts
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these threads are great. both sides start as somewhat reasonable then devolve.

/spoof UJustWait yo, servers work hard, you should compensate them.

/spoof others but servers shouldn't expect shit for not doing their job

------how it should go---------
/spoof UJustWait for sure, but I did work hard and still didn't get compensated. that was lame. I hope you guys realize that no everyone is lazy who works a low paying job.

/spoof others for sure, but some college and highschool kids who wait are pieces of shit. we'll compensate those guys poorly and you well.

------how it actually goes-----


[Edited on July 28, 2012 at 11:21 AM. Reason : seems aaronburro got it while i was typing]

7/28/2012 11:21:18 AM

Sup, B
53284 Posts
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Quote :
"right, the problem with that argument is that many times a server will completely bust their ass for a table and still get a shitty tip. I don't even know why I'm trying to argue with a troll though."

which sux. They busted their ass, and didn't get a gift at the end. but that's what you have to put up with as a server. If you don't like that arrangement, don't be a waiter. You aren't entitled to someone else's appreciation.

7/28/2012 11:35:10 AM

All American
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there are also some people who tip really well even for mediocre service (they come into these threads too).

i mean, i'll tip 25-30% at places i go a lot to just form a bond. the one bar i go to the most STILL has shitty service, but i tip them well anyway. some shit evens out.

7/28/2012 11:42:17 AM

All American
93281 Posts
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I had terrible service at a restaurant once where they added auto-tip... I went to the manager and had them take the auto-tip off. (terrible service as in i did not get even ONE drink refill)

7/28/2012 11:49:01 AM

All American
8383 Posts
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Waiting tables does suck. Look at all these cunts you have to serve and be nice to. Thank god I got out.

7/28/2012 11:54:19 AM

All American
25825 Posts
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Nice synopsis cyrion.

I apologize for the name calling and foul language

I haven't gotten that riled up in a thread in ages. This conversation reminds of how awful it could be at times and why I'm glad I quit

[Edited on July 28, 2012 at 12:22 PM. Reason : Asdf]

7/28/2012 12:19:45 PM

All American
27139 Posts
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its all these threads, you just happen to be waiter champion today lol.

7/28/2012 12:26:38 PM

13178 Posts
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Quote :
"I love the absolutes. It would only be fair if it went both ways though, no?
If you aren't going to tip appropriately (what's generally expected in your society), then don't go out to eat in the first place.

Life isn't fair. Do you honestly think waiting tables is the only "unfair" job?

7/28/2012 12:34:00 PM

balls deep
89889 Posts
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I'm not going to waste my time with responses defending statements that I never made. Drink bleach, then you can try again.

7/28/2012 12:49:05 PM

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