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All American
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I really liked this movie after I first saw it but it’s been about a week and I’m now realizing they picked the safest, lamest ending possible.
Spoilers ahead:

This movie was essentially a reboot of the Star Wars franchise, with a near literal passing of the torch scene (lightsabers), and they had so many possibilities of directions.

A stronger ending IMO would have been Finn and the other rebels saving a powerful but untrained Rey from Palpatine using non-force methods, this would have ties to 2 story threads together better. The singular focus on Rey as THE powerful hero with a bunch of normies supporting her is too similar to the older movies.

Of course they could easily compensate for this in upcoming movies but I can’t judge this movie but a hypothetical future one.

[Edited on December 26, 2019 at 12:22 PM. Reason : ]

12/26/2019 12:21:32 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"A stronger ending IMO would have been Finn and the other rebels saving a powerful but untrained Rey from Palpatine using non-force methods"

so in chapter 9 they just decide "the force isn't THAT strong"

also, justin must have only seen the new-special effects Special Edition of RotJ or something because his hatred for that movie is irrational

[Edited on December 26, 2019 at 9:10 PM. Reason : .]

12/26/2019 9:09:29 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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No, ewoks are just the dumbest fucking thing ever.

12/26/2019 9:27:42 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"This is just a bunch of ridiculous bitching about silly things. I am glad I can enjoy movies more than people such as this writer."

12/26/2019 9:35:04 PM

All American
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^^^ Reyes training in the force pales compared to Palpatine. Makes no sense she is even remotely in the same league.

12/26/2019 10:22:04 PM

Forgetful Jones
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makes even less sense that Finn and the other rebels Resistance would be able to stop him with non-force methods

12/26/2019 10:30:10 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Makes no sense she is even remotely in the same league"

She wasn't a match for him by herself, that is why when her and Kylo tried to fight him together, he just lifted them up in the air like they were ants and tossed them aside.

She was able to channel every Jedi to ever exist though, including Luke, Anakin, and Yoda. Any one of them individually would be able to hold their own against Palpatine, but combine their power with all the other Jedi and boom.

12/26/2019 10:44:14 PM

All American
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It's easier to consume these movies as popcorn entertainment if you don't get so caught up in the rules of a fantasy sci-fi universe, like arguing about what "force powers" a person should/shouldn't have.

12/27/2019 10:39:09 AM

All American
7946 Posts
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Quote :
"She was able to channel every Jedi to ever exist though, including Luke, Anakin, and Yoda. Any one of them individually would be able to hold their own against Palpatine, but combine their power with all the other Jedi and boom."

Didn't Palpatine say that he had every Sith to ever exist in him too?

12/27/2019 3:03:41 PM

All American
6883 Posts
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Pretty much the worst of the bunch.

12/27/2019 3:15:40 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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I think most shortcomings of this movie are a direct result of the shitty writing of #8.

12/27/2019 6:21:07 PM

All American
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^^^Yeah, but Moron was acting like it was JUST Rey vs. JUST Palpatine.

12/27/2019 10:45:03 PM

Zinc Saucier
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Is it better to dislike a trilogy or to feel conflicted about it? That's what I was thinking after seeing this movie. I have zero desire to rewatch TFA, don't like a lot of the 'bold choices' in TLJ, and was really frustrated about how far this movie went to undo what happened in TLJ.

Random thoughts:
-Lando, Leia, Luke and HAN in the movie?

-Snoke is a clone of Palpatine? Ugh, whatever.
-Having Hux announce "I'M THE SPY" was so absurd. That actually happens a few times in the movie, where a character might as well be talking to the camera. And then he's killed 30 seconds later. *shrug*
-I was excited to see Keri Russell in the cast, then she wears a helmet the whole time. Same thing happened with Gwendoline Christie. These are some badass actresses, let's see their whole faces at least once.
-I guess they did the best they could with Leia. It was awkward to say the least, but I'm not sure what would've been best.
-3PO's "sacrifice" and Chewie's "death" were so unnecessary. I immediately assumed both would be walked back.
-Making Rey the Emperor's granddaughter is just boring. Rey coming from nothing was the best decision Johnson made in TLJ.
-I didn't like Rose in TLJ, but damn. They might as well have written her out of the movie. That's a case were the shitheels absolutely won.
-The Emperor shooting enough force lightning to disable every ship in the sky was so over the top. There's been a bit of power creep throughout the whole trilogy IMO.
-Fuck that kiss.
-I like the former First Order soldier Finn meets but she probably could've been cut out and saved some time in this bloated ass movie. Was Lando hitting on her at the end?
-Also that other, broken droid was unnecessary

Overall the whole trilogy feels like it couldn't decide what it wanted to be. Had it been an all JJ or all Rian it probably would've felt more cohesive. Or if TLJ and ROS hadn't been so eager to do away with what their predecessors did.

[Edited on December 28, 2019 at 11:31 PM. Reason : gia]

12/28/2019 11:30:43 PM

2001 Posts
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I accidentally posted this in the other thread.


the biggest question lingering on my mind is about the "lightspeed skipping" scene where they somehow evaded the first order and landed on the rebel base. How did the first order not just track the resistance to the new base? How did they manage to escape the lightspeed tracking that seemed to be inescapable? Was this explained and I just missed it or are we to assume they just light jump until all the ships chasing them either crash or get 2 jumps behind and lose them.

I guess that would explain how low fuel levels made evasion impossible for the rebel fleet. How do they refuel? Instead of going to a casino, why couldn't they just go get extra fuel and bring it back to the fleet during the 2nd movie?

12/29/2019 1:55:52 AM

All American
38975 Posts
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^^ that is exactly, point for point, how I feel

12/29/2019 2:20:53 AM

Sa Da Tay
2094 Posts
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yea shin hit the nail on the head

12/29/2019 2:59:22 AM

2001 Posts
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I felt a great disturbance in the force. As if a half dozen characters died and were suddenly brought back to life.

12/29/2019 6:20:45 AM

All American
22926 Posts
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I really enjoyed it but came away with some of the same questions everyone else did.

I'm having trouble with Palpatine still breathing, even if it is through some weird machine. Where did his body land? Did those acolytes travel to Kef Bir and dig his body out of that Death Star wreckage we saw? I mean I can take him somehow surviving the deep pit fall - that seems to be a theme among Star Wars movies. But I have a hard time seeing him survive that and the subsequent fall to Kef Bir. The moon obviously has an atmosphere. Wouldn't organic material burn up upon entry?

Second question is the staffing of all of those Sith Destroyers on Exogol. As Star Wars fans I think we get kinda used to the enormity of the machines in these movies, but man those things have to take thousands of people to man. And there were hundreds of these Sith Destroyers. Were these folks just hanging out on Exogol until time to board them? This doesn't look like a lush and green planet where food is plentiful. And they've obviously been pretty well trained.

12/29/2019 10:06:25 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Quote :
"But I have a hard time seeing him survive that and the subsequent fall to Kef Bir. The moon obviously has an atmosphere. Wouldn't organic material burn up upon entry"

Leia could survive in the vacuum of space despite being knocked the fuck out and almost dead. If someone with like no force training and clearly not as powerful as palpatine could do that, I have no problem with the emperor being able to both survive a pitfall and protect himself during reentry.

12/29/2019 10:20:34 PM

Forgetful Jones
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don't they put out books for every movie that explain the off-screen stuff? did you people have this many questions about TLJ and TFA?

12/29/2019 10:31:43 PM

10229 Posts
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I don’t think that was his original body, more like some simulacra built by his weird acolytes hanging out. Palp’s body did die but his consciousness hung out tethered to the dark side of the force until he could find another vessel.

At least that’s how I took it, particularly with his original plan being to jump bodies into Rey once she took the throne.

12/30/2019 5:19:48 AM

All American
2630 Posts
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The Correct Ranking is:

V, IV, R1, III, VI, II, IX, VII, Solo, I, VIII

12/30/2019 9:07:20 AM

All American
22926 Posts
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No way AotC is better than Solo.

12/30/2019 9:48:33 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
27333 Posts
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VI is way too high. Solo is better. So are the prequels.

12/30/2019 11:39:01 AM

Forgetful Jones
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my favorite part of Solo is how the lighting and cinematography is so dark and poorly lit, that you can't see anything at all. what a great movie to watch.

12/30/2019 1:57:31 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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My favorite part about ROTJ are the shitty "jokes" and the GODDAMN EWOKS who speak gibberish but also speak random English words like "yahoo" do a note for note Tarzan yell. Also Carrie Fisher's awesome acting.

12/30/2019 4:21:34 PM

no u
103352 Posts
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why are you guys rating rogue one so high? did i miss something?

12/30/2019 4:38:58 PM

All American
27205 Posts
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^^Actually it was Chewy that did the Tarzan yell , and it isn't too farfetched that one of them was just mimicking the people that they met, especially if they hear C-3PO as a god and he was talking English with the people. I understand your point though, lol. Ewoks were specifically created to sell toys.

Quote :
"But I have a hard time seeing him survive that and the subsequent fall to Kef Bir. The moon obviously has an atmosphere. Wouldn't organic material burn up upon entry?"

We don't know how dense the atmosphere is, how fast the Death Star debris was travelling, or what it's trajectory was. Also, we don't know what kind of material the Death Star was made out of -- if it is some kind of super sci fi metal that removes heat quickly like a space shuttle tile, or if Palpatine was inside the structure enough, aeroheating wouldn't be an issue. Also also, if he's powerful enough to shoot a whole fleet down with lightning, I'm sure he could make some kind of force field. Ultimately though, I saw it as someone else mentioned. His physical body died, but he lived on as a dark side force ghost and just possessed some kind of clone of himself.

12/30/2019 5:47:22 PM

All American
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^but they made a point, several times, of showing his busted fingers, like he went down a well shooting lightening out of them.

Anywhoo. Rogue One, in my book, is such a great movie. I think people hate on it at a subconcious level because everybody dies.

12/30/2019 5:58:54 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Rogue One is the best star wars movie.

12/30/2019 7:11:47 PM

Forgetful Jones
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I like Rogue One. But it ain't shit without A New Hope, it's just a long ass trailer leading up to ANH yet somehow it's the best movie? I wonder how far it would drop on peoples' lists if not for the last 2 minutes of the movie.

12/30/2019 8:07:38 PM

no u
103352 Posts
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that's the only notable part of it

12/30/2019 8:42:55 PM

All American
22926 Posts
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^^When I think of Rogue One, Darth Vader doesn't even come to mind. I just love seeing more inter-working of the Empire.

12/30/2019 8:45:10 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Quote :
"But it ain't shit without A New Hope"

And empire ain't shit without a new hope. But that doesn't mean a new hope is better.

I thought they did a better job with writing the characters in that one movie than they've done in either the prequel or sequel trilogies do in 3 movies. Also there aren't any just plain bad parts, which there definitely are in I,II,III,VI,VII, and VIII (and I'm assuming IX based on internet reactions.)

I think people are disappointed because they introduced good characters, probably better than many of the others in the universe, and then they're all dead at the end of the film and we're stuck with Finn and Rose and some shitty droids who aren't K-2SO.

12/30/2019 9:27:38 PM

2001 Posts
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Quote :
"I wonder how far it would drop on peoples' lists if not for the last 2 minutes of the movie."

Thats what being part of a series is supposed to be about. Building upon the stories of previous movies. R1 is the only recent movie that enhanced the story of other movies. It seamlessly flowed into the plot of ANH without any loose ends. All of the other recent movies destroyed the plot of at least one of the previous movies.

Gareth Edwards probably could have made 7,8,9 into legendary movies.

12/30/2019 10:58:36 PM

6262 Posts
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I might be wrong, but the order is IV, V, VI, I, II, III, VII, R1, VIII, Han Solo movie, IX

12/30/2019 11:11:07 PM

Forgetful Jones
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the Phantom Menace is better than all of the non-original-trilogy movies? yeah, you might be wrong indeed.

[Edited on December 30, 2019 at 11:51 PM. Reason : unless you're talking about order of release or something?]

12/30/2019 11:50:37 PM

6262 Posts
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Quote :
" I might be wrong about order of release"

12/30/2019 11:56:58 PM

All American
7338 Posts
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There's too many movies to rank them in order. Easier to place them on tiers.

LEGITIMATELY GOOD // Movies I would or could intentionally watch again start-to-finish: IV, V
BEST OF THE REST // Movies I might watch and finish if on TV: VI, R1, III
EH // Movies I might watch and watch for a bit before moving on: I, TFA, TLJ, ROTS
IRREDEEMABLE // Movies I will never intentionally watch again: Solo, II

1/1/2020 10:57:22 PM

2001 Posts
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Kenobi is definitely better than any of the disney films.

1/5/2020 7:13:09 PM

Forgetful Jones
147715 Posts
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that's canon, right?

1/5/2020 8:52:55 PM

All American
5057 Posts
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Overall I am glad I watched the movie, but there is just so many decisions and hanging threads that I cannot express it fully. Instead, I will sum it up with one quote:

Quote :
"Somehow, Palpatine has returned."

1/6/2020 4:42:19 PM

All American
2157 Posts
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This doesn't bother me at all. We've seen multiple people fall in this saga and then be saved or climb back or just not die. It is clear that Palpatine had some major injuries, so I don't see anything beyond what we've established as believable in this universe.

Palpatine is also a master of the force. We've seen Luke show up and physically fight from planets away. We've seen Rey and Ben physically engage from far away. The emperor may have never physically been with Vader and Luke in ROTJ. I believe in the former movies Palpatine only showed as a hologram, so his sudden shift to a physical appearance almost seems less likely than him projecting himself.

1/7/2020 10:53:13 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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He is arguably the most powerful being in the star wars universe, I don't see why people are surprised/upset he didn't die in the coke-fueled shit show that was ROTJ.

1/7/2020 12:42:49 PM

All American
7611 Posts
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I sacrificed my seat to my daugher's friend at the ride of Star War: Rise of the Resistance at Disney during the Christmas trip. Man, it's a big regret. She took my seat at the last moment. We waited for a whole day for that ride.

1/7/2020 12:49:15 PM

All American
9609 Posts
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the things that we do for our kids, amiright?

1/7/2020 2:55:26 PM

All American
7611 Posts
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[Edited on January 7, 2020 at 2:58 PM. Reason : Just to make both of them happy]

1/7/2020 2:57:54 PM

All American
14628 Posts
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Sorry, but we're going in a couple weeks and I'll be damned if some kid who isn't mine is getting my spot on that ride

1/7/2020 5:12:33 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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That doesn't make sense. You all waited in line, you all should have had a seat. Poor trolling shoot

1/7/2020 6:22:10 PM

All American
7611 Posts
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You don’t have to wait in line. Just reserve your seat by having your number. When your time arrives, you get in directly. Make sense?

1/7/2020 6:35:35 PM

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