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All American
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also wash the boresnake. i've noticed that some people do not and it gets NASTY after a while.

2/19/2009 5:02:09 PM


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Since it is being discussed in the ammo thread:

I'll be at PDHSC on saturday at 11 and sunday at 12 if anyone wants to go as well.

2/19/2009 5:09:57 PM

All American
758 Posts
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ill actually be out of town from friday afternoon till sunday midday - how long are you planning on staying there?

2/19/2009 11:13:08 PM


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They are always busy, so I don't plan on getting a lane till at least half hour after I arrive, and I will be on the lane for an hour or slightly longer.

2/19/2009 11:25:01 PM

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last time I went on a Sunday the wait was 2.5 hours

2/20/2009 12:07:37 PM


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I'm arriving on sunday about 20 minutes before they "open"

2/20/2009 12:37:10 PM

294 Posts
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Shit, I'll be at PDHSC in about half an hour. My Smith should be there.

2/20/2009 12:46:20 PM

All American
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what model?

2/20/2009 4:36:33 PM

All American
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Where do you guys get your ammo? Local? Online?

I went to the local wally-world (near the intersection of 15-501 and I-40) and I only saw shotgun shells for 7-1/2 shot. Didn't see any slugs, rifle ammo, or handgun ammo. Maybe I missed them but I doubt it.

Went to Dick's Sporting Goods in the same shopping center and they had slightly more selection.

2/20/2009 4:42:25 PM


10410 Posts
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Mostly walmart, but it depends on which one. Not all carry hand gun ammo.
I have found that super walmarts are less likely to carry hand gun rounds, though I'm not sure if it is fact or not.
Ordering online is a good bet, but you may pay a few $ more.

2/20/2009 4:58:41 PM

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I want an XM307

2/20/2009 5:00:22 PM

All American
1450 Posts
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so...went to pick up the Next Generation Arms lower receiver today

but instead, bought 3 of them sombitchs

anyone needing a ceramic coated piece of art to start a new build?

2/20/2009 5:46:08 PM

All American
33197 Posts
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edit post is a good place to check for ammo

2/20/2009 5:53:04 PM

All American
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how much for a next gen lower?

[Edited on February 20, 2009 at 6:10 PM. Reason : i'm interested in the no oil aspect of it.]

2/20/2009 6:06:19 PM

All American
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I paid $238

I will sell for the same, plus shipping.


(my dealer is selling them for $250 on gunbroker right now)

[Edited on February 20, 2009 at 6:17 PM. Reason : ]

2/20/2009 6:17:17 PM

All American
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what can you tell me about this no oil thing.

is it the real deal?

what's 'plus shipping'?

do you not live in raleigh?

[Edited on February 20, 2009 at 6:25 PM. Reason : eh]

2/20/2009 6:22:16 PM

All American
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I havent tested the no oil part out yet, but from what the guys out here (WA, btw) are saying, these lowers are setting the bar pretty damn high.

On top of the benefits of the ceramic coating, the tolerances are tightened up pretty significantly, no more of the upper/lower rattle. All the NGA products I've put my hands on have felt 100% solid. Including weapons that had 1000s of rounds through them already. personal opinions on the "no oil", but Im very impressed thus far.

And yea, as stated above, Im in WA state...therefore, shipping charge. Unless you got a trip out this way planned of course.

2/20/2009 6:31:07 PM

All American
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see if you can get a shipping estimate on it. i'm interested.

what do they recommend parts kit wise? any ol' generic kit?

2/20/2009 6:36:53 PM

All American
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No special considerations as far as build kits, was the word I got when I picked them up. Like I said, the tolerances are very tight.

Ill work on the shipping estimate this weekend.


2/20/2009 6:44:12 PM

294 Posts
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^ way the fuck up there..

The Smith is a Model 60-15 like this, but with a Hi-Viz fiber optic front sight.

Hogue Monogrip, Bianchi Speedstrip, two HKS speedloaders, and a Bianchi belt and shoulder holster for ~700ish.

As for the no oil thing, I'd at least put some slide glide on it before swearing off lube forever.

2/20/2009 11:31:41 PM

Arranging the blocks
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Isn't the only thing the oil is supposed to do in a gun is prevent wear and rust? If you had a chromed pistol, you'd be much better without oiling it. I believe without oil "holding" crud, it's less likely to malfunction.

2/20/2009 11:41:28 PM

All American
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Oil also lubricates. Even an all stainless gun needs some lube to stay happy.

2/21/2009 9:01:50 AM

All American
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some things not to do inspired by that guy shooting himself in the hand in the Classifieds thread

and bb-guns and certain plastics don't mix too, I did this when I was a little kid shooting a milk jug with my red ryder bb gun, but it just bounced off my forehead harmlessly luckily, wasn't the smartest move

[Edited on February 22, 2009 at 5:04 PM. Reason : ]

2/22/2009 4:43:36 PM

All American
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wondering if anyone here has experience with Bersa pistols. I'm interested in getting a Bersa .380 CC as an everyday carry gun but I haven't shot one myself.

2/23/2009 11:27:29 PM

All American
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They are not bad little guns. I prefer the KelTec's, buts its just a personal taste thing for me. Though I will admit each of them has had 1-2 hours of "fluff and buff" work put into it to get it all slicked won and working as I want it to.

2/24/2009 1:40:56 AM

All American
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the bersa is like a cheap sig p232. the fixed barrel is good for accuracy.

snappy but not uncontrollable. good for conceal carry. cheap enough that i don't care if it gets a little scratched/worn out.

extremely easy to take care of.

good site.

[Edited on February 24, 2009 at 1:54 AM. Reason : d]

2/24/2009 1:54:12 AM

45912 Posts
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lollerz. just got in a little gun talk with my dad. he doesn't like my pistol since it has tactical safeties (backstrap & trigger) and says I need to sell mine and get one with a safety lever.

He even offered to buy it for me

Not sure if I want to give up what I have though. He just thinks that mine isn't very safe since it's so easy to engage the safeties - I couldn't convince him otherwise

2/24/2009 9:54:24 AM

All American
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what do you have?


2/24/2009 10:15:39 AM

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2/24/2009 10:16:38 AM

294 Posts
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Hide it, tell him you sold it, and get a new gun ftw. It's that simple.

Get a revolver, that should really trip him out. No safeties whatsoever!

[Edited on February 24, 2009 at 10:58 AM. Reason : I can't count]

2/24/2009 10:56:56 AM

All American
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Can you dad point out the millions of gun deaths from the 'easy' safeties on XDs and Glocks?

I love how people manage to turn their own opinions and prejudices into facts.

2/24/2009 11:02:00 AM

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lollerz - I was about to tell him that I'm going to get a revolver, but decided against that

I don't have to hide it from him - he knows it's my choice/right. He would just rather me have a different gun.

^ I tried to explain that to him. It didn't get through.

2/24/2009 11:04:58 AM

All American
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"Just because I say it, makes it true!!!"

On a different note...

Quote :
"Florida can't keep up with concealed weapon permit requests
The state greenlighted funds to hire 61 workers to tackle a backlog of concealed-weapons permit applications.

TALLAHASSEE -- Floridians in record numbers want to carry concealed weapons, a trend linked to a surge in crime, economic anxiety and fears of stricter gun laws.

The state is buried under a backlog of 95,000 applications for concealed-weapons permits and it needs to hire a lot more people to handle the paperwork. A legislative panel Wednesday gave Agriculture Commissioner Charles Bronson the OK to spend $3.9 million more so he can hire 61 temporary workers.

''Once the economy gets bad, crime always goes up,'' said Bronson, a police officer. ``People get desperate whenever things are not going the way they feel like they should be going, and they'll do things they normally wouldn't do.''

The state reported a surge in applications in November after the election of President Barack Obama, who in the past has advocated stricter gun control laws but who also campaigned as a defender of Second Amendment rights. Florida received 75,679 first-time concealed-weapon permit applications in 2007 and 86,269 in 2008, in addition to tens of thousands of renewal forms. About 541,000 Floridians have permits for concealed weapons.

Nationwide, retailers report a surge in sales of firearms in recent months. Some Florida stores have run out of ammunition.

As applications for gun permits stack up, the state has reported a spike in phone calls from impatient applicants, and at least 140 large tubs in a Tallahassee office building are filled with unprocessed applications.


By law, the state must process permit applications within 90 days. A permit is valid for seven years and costs $117, which includes a $44 fee for state and federal background checks and a set of fingerprints. The money to hire new employees comes from fees paid by applicants, not from general tax dollars.

Adding to the backlog of applications is that the state gives a priority to renewal forms, to avoid cases of gun owners unknowingly having their permits expire or to catch cases in which permit holders have broken the law.

Asked about the surge in gun permit applications, Gov. Charlie Crist said: ``I'm pro-gun. I think people ought to have the right to protect themselves, and if people want to get new certificates, that's their constitutional right . . . If they use those instruments responsibly and prudently and within the bounds of the law, everything should be fine.''

The state senator in Crist's hometown of St. Petersburg disagreed. ''More guns is never a good thing, especially in an urban area,'' said Sen. Charlie Justice. ``There are very few areas of our city that have not been touched by gun violence.''

Bronson said it's a positive thing that people would seek to legally own a concealed weapon. ``That's the reason why people get concealed weapons, so that if they are threatened with their life they can defend themselves and their family and their property. And this is the right way to do it.''


At Jet's Florida Outdoors store in Westchester, which sells guns, sales clerk Chris McCarthy said people are buying the weapons because of the economy but also because they're afraid of a possible crackdown on gun ownership under the Obama administration.

''The demand is because of the fear. People are concerned with losing their rights,'' McCarthy said.

Miami Herald staff writers Beth Reinhard and Jose Pagliery and Times/Herald researcher Lynette Norris contributed to this report. Steve Bousquet can be reached at"

2/24/2009 11:17:05 AM

45912 Posts
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Who needs Obama's economic stimulus plan?

Gun market is up
Ammo market is up
Gun accessory market is up
More government jobs are being created

AND.......... Heard on the news today that many mortgage companies are in a hiring frenzy due to so much business


2/24/2009 11:24:17 AM

294 Posts
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You said he'd buy you a new one, right?

Just throw the XD in a closet (with a lot of silica gel packets for rust control ) and have him buy you a new Springfield 1911. That plan is so full of win.

2/24/2009 11:48:37 AM

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I've got the feeling that he would want proof of sale/trade

2/24/2009 11:49:29 AM

All American
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this is the thing i don't get about this run on guns.

if there is a ban on gun ownership, it won't matter if you have 1 gun or 500, they will be taken away.

2/24/2009 1:34:29 PM

All American
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On the radio today I heard there is current legislation in the GA to allow CCH in places that serve alcohol.

[Edited on February 24, 2009 at 2:00 PM. Reason : can't find an article]

2/24/2009 1:57:34 PM

All American
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if there is a ban on ownership, we will need more guns

we will need them to arm the population and overthrow the tyrannical leadership

2/24/2009 2:04:14 PM

All American
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Quote :
"it won't matter if you have 1 gun or 500, they will be taken away."


2/24/2009 2:18:15 PM

45912 Posts
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how does the government know I own a firearm?

2/24/2009 2:21:07 PM

All American
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from a friend:

Quote :
This isn't related but I have to vent...

My wife and I have been NYS Pistol License holders for almost 20 years. I highly value our 2nd amendment rights and take firearms ownership very seriously.

A few weeks ago my wife gets a certified letter from the Pistol Licensing Division asking her to come to police headquarter to discuss an issue related to her license. She goes there today an is told that her license is being suspended and pistol confiscated because my sixteen year old grandson had (and possibly still has) a gang affiliation. He was arrest two years ago for stealing cell phones and spent a year in a juvenile facility. Released 10 months ago he lives in an apartment with his mother (my daughter) in my house. The officer said there is some evidence (stuff on the internet) that indicates he still has an affiliation with a gang.

Further along during the interview my name comes up and the officer tells my wife that I can expect to get a suspension letter in the mail and that my pistols will be confiscated.


I'm feeling violated and I'm pissed.

The officer then tells my wife that with the economy getting worse they're really cracking down on issuing licenses and closely reviewing potential problems!

At this point I'm investigating my legal options which may be few living here in the People's Republic of New York. My initial instinct is to ignor any suspension order and let them come and arrest me rather then voluntarily given up my pistols, although that would probably end any chance I'd have to have my rights restored.

My wife's main concern is that I don't blow a gasket and end up having another heart attack over this. You read about this kind of stuff but you never think it's going to happen to you. "

2/24/2009 4:10:34 PM

All American
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It Begins...

2/24/2009 5:09:41 PM

All American
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Quote :
"On the radio today I heard there is current legislation in the GA to allow CCH in places that serve alcohol."

There's a bill in committee here as well - SB235/H270

Write your reps and the members of the committees!

2/24/2009 5:17:08 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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^^^why doesn't he just tell him to get his worthless ass out of his house?

2/24/2009 5:25:31 PM

All American
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Following up ^^

If anyone would like to send a message to the Senate committee about SB235, these are the email addresses of the chairmen and members -



And in the house committee overseeing H270 -



2/24/2009 6:04:31 PM

All American
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Quote :
"how does the government know I own a firearm?"

i suspect by raiding gun stores locally/online and confiscating records. if you only purchase your weapons at guns shows with cash, well that's gonna be a lot harder/impossible.

2/24/2009 8:47:22 PM

All American
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Hmm, tell you dad you need a NEW model XD, with thumb safety? or better yet, an XD 45 with thumb safety.

2/24/2009 9:57:36 PM

294 Posts
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^ er, what? The XD-M doesn't have those, either.

2/25/2009 4:34:21 PM

All American
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The $ and 5 inch XD 45's came out with thumb safety as an option over a year ago, and the rumor has been that they will eventually offer a 4 and 5 inch XD in the other sizes with this option. Esp given that all non 45 XD's use essentially the same lower.

2/25/2009 5:08:07 PM

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