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ALL ABSENTEE BALLOTS IN NEW YORK ARE IN Paul gets 39% Romney 26% Santorum 19% Gingrich 16%

[Edited on April 23, 2012 at 11:22 PM. Reason : .]

4/23/2012 11:00:21 PM

All American
9221 Posts
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What a clusterfuck.

[Edited on April 24, 2012 at 3:07 AM. Reason : .]

4/24/2012 3:01:33 AM

All American
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i mean, it would be kinda funny if this happened everywhere, but really i wouldnt have wanted to hear this from maddows whore mouth.

you know, kinda ruined it for me.

[Edited on April 24, 2012 at 7:31 AM. Reason : not sure about the google spreadsheet]

4/24/2012 7:30:59 AM

All American
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I wish I was shocked by you saying that.

4/24/2012 9:21:01 AM

All American
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do you really want to defend that woman?

4/24/2012 11:37:25 AM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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Reddit comment said it better than I could:

Quote :
"I'm not sure who should be more in panic-mode at this point. Romney, because he might have to deal with a brokered convention, or the major media outlets, because they might actually have to tell people that for the past few months they've been passing off poorly formulated estimates as fact.

"What do you mean Ron Paul has 500+ delegates? Your delegate tracker said he had 80! And I thought Santorum had like 200? Now you're saying he has none?""

4/24/2012 11:53:33 AM

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Fox News Admits Ron Paul Could Win Iowa!

4/24/2012 11:59:34 AM

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You people don't get it. Ron Paul's been dead since 1946. What you're seeing is an astral projection of what you wish the perfect president to be.

4/24/2012 12:52:57 PM

All American
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lulz @ making it easier for Obama to get reelected

4/24/2012 5:33:53 PM

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NY voter tampering fraud

GOP Chief’s robocall says Romney is only candidate running

4/24/2012 5:36:41 PM

All American
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bitching about voter fraud is pretty stupid considering that Ron Paul is trying to run in the political party that is the most entrenched in establishment politics

4/24/2012 11:52:13 PM

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Exposing fraud is stupid, everybody.

4/25/2012 12:19:17 AM

All American
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noticing that Republicans favor voter suppression is like noticing that women menstruate.

4/25/2012 1:26:01 AM

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I'm not sure how I should respond to your rationalization that we should let trusted party officials and representatives get away with fraudulent tactics in a society that prides itself on being fair and just.

[Edited on April 25, 2012 at 1:46 AM. Reason : .]

4/25/2012 1:45:22 AM

All American
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I don't even know how to articulate my disgust for voter fraud

But the fact still remains, it's hardly a shock that the status quo party would participate

4/25/2012 2:14:22 AM

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I am also desensitized by the fraud but at the same we have zero tolerance for saying BOMB in an airport, should we not have zero tolerance for something like fraud in an election?

You can't just pass it off because it has no shock value. That's for sure.

I know sitting back and letting it happen is wrong, but I have so many people against me for simply pointing out fraud.... that I feel like I'm living in a country that hasn't seen the constitution for a hundred years and have no idea what it is.

4/25/2012 2:32:14 AM

All American
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Fucks sake, at least we can agree on voter fraud

4/25/2012 2:39:16 AM

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I don't understand, jaZon, I've been crying, whining, and posting fraud for the last 20 pages. You've been insulting me and calling me an idiot the whole time.

After tonight's rigged elections (I saw Somerset county, PA jump Romney's number from 19 with 97% reporting to 3719 to win 50%+ of the vote), I'm throwing in the towel.

Just look at the results:

1) Romney has 50%+ votes in every single county in the state. Romney just isn't 30% better than any of the other candidates.

2) It has santorum still on the ballot and it has santorum beating ron paul. That, too, is absurd.

I don't know. I don't really care if you believe me anymore. I'm done. I've completely lost faith in the political system. I've completely lost faith in the people to do anything about it. It looks like they win.

By the way, CISPA is going to pass this week. I believe they let SOPA fail because they knew CISPA, which is twice as bad as SOPA, was coming. Are google, wikileaks, etc going to do anything about it? Nope. Why not? Doesn't make sense. Does it?

[Edited on April 25, 2012 at 2:58 AM. Reason : .]

4/25/2012 2:56:24 AM

All American
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I've been shitting on you because I think you're crazy for thinking a libertarian system would work in the real world - as if a libertarian candidate could win the actual election.

But at least you have ideals

[Edited on April 25, 2012 at 3:01 AM. Reason : ]

4/25/2012 3:01:20 AM

All American
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CISPA is going to pass because it makes internet companies immune from prosecution....

...i.e, they get to hand over your personal information without seeing a loss to their bottom line. that's why they aren't going to oppose the bill. internet companies don't give a fuck about you. you're a commodity to them.

4/25/2012 3:14:53 AM

All American
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Oh, this brings up a question I have.

What say you libertarians about monopolies, natural or otherwise?

In a limited (or no) regulation free market, service providers could take a dump on your face without really suffering since no other company is going to drop the capitalon the off chance that they can get enough people to switch.

4/25/2012 3:21:35 AM

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I don't like being called Libertarian because every party should be libertarian if libertarian means following the constitution. Before I answer your question, can you please tell me how democrats and republicans are not libertarians.

4/25/2012 3:25:54 AM

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I hope this shows up

I find it impossible to believe that Ron Paul, the champion of the Constitution, could lose to someone who has no regard for the constitution, in this city, in particular.

[Edited on April 25, 2012 at 4:18 AM. Reason : .]

4/25/2012 4:16:25 AM

All American
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i believe you use a lot of commas.

i also believe you might be on to something here, after all, philly did give us cheesesteak and rocky balboa.

but really,

do you honestly believe that in 2012 the good people of philadelphia think or vote any differently than the rest of us? is there something inherently better about them that im unaware of? since when would this have anything to do with someone winning or losing there?

are philadelphian children educated more than the rest of us in the merits of the constitution from an early age? do they come out of their mothers vaginas with powder wigs and flying kites to attract lightning while working as silversmiths?

are the british coming?

please enlighten us to the depth of your mickey-mouse view of the universe.

4/25/2012 8:11:32 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Green Bay, Wisconsin (CNN) - A Green Bay voter confronted Mitt Romney over his religion at a town hall Monday, the day before Wisconsin's primary. Romney is a life long member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, whose members are commonly called Mormons.

"I guess my question is, do you believe it's a sin for a white man to marry and procreate with a black?" asked Bret Hatch, a 28-year old Ron Paul supporter from Green Bay."

keep it classy, shitheads.

4/25/2012 9:00:08 AM

All American
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might as well post the whole article.
Quote :
"HOWARD — Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney’s religious beliefs led to an awkward exchange with an audience member during a primary-eve campaign visit to the Green Bay area on Monday morning.

The audience member, Bret Hatch of Green Bay, told reporters later that he wanted to ask Romney about the Mormon church’s teachings on race.

Hatch, 28, who supports Ron Paul in the Republican presidential primary, said he believes Mormon doctrine teaches racial disparity.

When Hatch tried to question Romney by citing religious verses, Romney at first urged Hatch to ask his question. But after Hatch’s microphone was pulled away moments later, Romney replied: “We’re just not going to have a discussion about religion.”

About 150 people turned out to hear Romney at Wisconsin Building Supply, 1990 Larsen Road, on the eve of Tuesday’s statewide primary.

U.S. Rep. Reid Ribble, R-Sherwood, who introduced Romney, said it is uncommon for a presidential primary to remain undecided at the time of Wisconsin’s primary.

“Your vote will finally matter,” Ribble told the crowd.

Audience members applauded numerous times as Romney criticized President Barack Obama and accused him of mishandling the nation’s economic recovery.

While acknowledging that Obama did not start the economic crisis, Romney said: “He is responsible for the fact that the turnaround has taken so long. He has not done the job he was elected to do.”

Romney, a former Massachusetts governor, enters Tuesday’s primary with a sizeable lead in delegates over his fellow Republican contenders: former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum and Paul, a congressman from Texas.

Others attending Monday’s event voiced mixed feelings about the race.

Joe Witthun of Howard said he was leaning toward supporting Paul, although he was impressed by Romney’s presentation.

“I liked what he had to say,” Witthun said. “Everything he said sounded good.”

Martha Coaty of Allouez said she would have preferred to see Florida Sen. Marco Rubio in the Republican race. But she said she will vote for Romney on Tuesday in hopes of ending the long primary process and turning the focus on Obama.

“It’s coming down to the wire now,” she said. “I think we have to get this show on the road.”"

4/25/2012 9:25:26 AM

All American
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Quote :
"keep it classy, shitheads."

lol, who's the shitheads here? The people who actually have that in their doctrine or the one's calling them out?

They downplay his Mormonism for a reason.

4/25/2012 9:39:30 AM

All American
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i identify myself as a christian and yet i dont stone homosexuals to death.

clearly im either 1) lying, or 2) not christian.

[Edited on April 25, 2012 at 9:51 AM. Reason : -]

4/25/2012 9:51:26 AM

All American
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Why aren't you stoning homosexuals to death?

Don't answer in thread, I barely care and I'm sure no one else wants us to get into it here.

4/25/2012 10:06:33 AM

All American
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one reason i edited my response was because i had said "why do you, the self proclaimed least religious TWWer, even care?"


4/25/2012 10:09:22 AM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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Quote :
"I've been shitting on you because I think you're crazy for thinking a libertarian system would work in the real world - as if a libertarian candidate could win the actual election."

You don't even know what a "libertarian system" is or would look like. The primary focus of libertarians is to stop the government from doing so many fucked up things.

Quote :
"What say you libertarians about monopolies, natural or otherwise?"

I'd challenge you to find a natural monopoly. The government is, by definition, a monopoly. It creates monopolies by creating barriers to entry and regulating smaller start-ups out of the market. The government is co-opted by megacorps that seek to create a monopoly for themselves.

In theory, monopolies could be fine, because economies of scale allow it to provide a good or service to a greater population at a lower cost. If monopolies do what critics claim they will, and "jack up the price" once they've cornered the market, or stop innovating, competition will then have a wedge into the market.

^You might not stone homosexuals to death...but you do worship a god that, at some point in the past, approved of stoning homosexuals to death.

[Edited on April 25, 2012 at 10:22 AM. Reason : ]

4/25/2012 10:19:41 AM

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for anyone that has missed it:

Quote :
"My case for fraud:

I just wanted to say that Ron Paul hasn't consistently gotten less than 10% of the vote until the third primary.

The first primary in Iowa, Ron Paul got 21% of the vote and tied with Mitt (25%) and Santorum(25%)

The second primary, Ron paul got 39% of the vote and only lost by 200 votes due to corruption explained here:

The third primary is when the rigging really stepped in. Gingrich, who came in LAST place, became the winner over paul by 27% of the vote! Gingrich even beat Romney by 12%?! Doesn't make sense at all.

Then the fourth primary Ron Paul got 7% of the vote?! It's not possible for Ron Paul to dip from 39% in maine to 7% in Florida. People in maine and People in florida and people in south carolina have no reason to hate or especially love Ron Paul to that degree of difference. You can see that Ron Paul was neck and neck with romney the first two primaries and then oddly he falls off the face of the earth.

But wait, there's more! When you get to the Virgin Island primaries, Ron paul wins the POPULAR vote!! How the hell?? IT'S AN ISLAND IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE. He's had less than 10% EVERYWHERE else. Virgin Islands isn't special. It's just that the people rigging the elections slipped. Nobody was paying attention to the islands because "they didn't matter"... that is, until Ron Paul won!

The very next primary, Puerto rico, the election riggers made ron paul lose SO BADLY that he lost to local people that we've never heard about in our lives (Fred Karger!!). Paul went from winning popular vote in Virgin Island, to a humiliating loss in Puerto Rico. How is that possible? There is no difference between Virgin Islands and Puerto rico that would polarize them!!

To prove it's rigged against paul in VI, CNN still hasn't posted the March 10th virgin island popular vote numbers."

4/25/2012 12:38:03 PM

All American
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Quote :
"^You might not stone homosexuals to death...but you do worship a god that, at some point in the past, approved of stoning homosexuals to death."

meh, he might not actually believe that to be true. I wouldn't think that it would be internally consistent, but still. Either way, let's not get into it here. I sent him a PM myself.

4/25/2012 12:44:42 PM

All American
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Quote :
"In theory, monopolies could be fine, because economies of scale allow it to provide a good or service to a greater population at a lower cost. If monopolies do what critics claim they will, and "jack up the price" once they've cornered the market, or stop innovating, competition will then have a wedge into the market."

In theory, if Verizon and ATT merged and cut off access to their towers to third parties, what company is going to drop the ridiculous amount of capital required to even attempt to challenge their market dominance? Extremely tiny regional companies? I'm sure people these days would love to shell out for a service they can't use away from home.

That sort of argument could go on and on from both sides, but what I gather is you think the market will be work things out...even if it takes decades...and that's ok?

[Edited on April 25, 2012 at 1:39 PM. Reason : ]

4/25/2012 1:29:59 PM

All American
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i apologize for my religious derail.

back to your regular programming (geniusboy).

4/25/2012 1:55:09 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I'd challenge you to find a natural monopoly. The government is, by definition, a monopoly."

So "the government" is not natural but a company like GE or DeBeers is natural? Also DeBeers was used in my econ class as an example of a monopoly on diamonds whether it is "natural" or not they did not say.

4/25/2012 4:10:30 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Quote :
"In theory, if Verizon and ATT merged and cut off access to their towers to third parties, what company is going to drop the ridiculous amount of capital required to even attempt to challenge their market dominance? Extremely tiny regional companies? I'm sure people these days would love to shell out for a service they can't use away from home.

That sort of argument could go on and on from both sides, but what I gather is you think the market will be work things out...even if it takes decades...and that's ok?"

Similar things have happened. I use ATT Uverse, which I find to be a superior and more reliable service to TWC Roadrunner at a lower price. Neither service is perfect or the best it could be, but competition did make its way into the market. Nothing the government has done with cable internet has improved competition.

Quote :
"So "the government" is not natural but a company like GE or DeBeers is natural? Also DeBeers was used in my econ class as an example of a monopoly on diamonds whether it is "natural" or not they did not say."

I've been taking "natural monopoly" to mean one that arises out of a free market. In fact, DeBeers is a company that cornered the market with the help of the government.

I wouldn't buy diamonds because I recognize that they are not actually rare. Many others don't understand that or they don't care.

4/25/2012 4:29:52 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Nothing the government has done with cable internet has improved competition." ?

4/25/2012 4:53:20 PM

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What a huge audience, mitt.

4/25/2012 5:05:30 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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Quote :

Nothing the federal government has done increases competition. Local governments could be an effective tool in this area.

4/25/2012 5:08:13 PM

All American
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Oh, I see.

4/25/2012 5:14:38 PM

All American
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And yes, I'm intentionally not posting that as a pic

4/25/2012 5:16:55 PM

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I know you don't know what you're talking about jaZon.

I don't think I know.
I don't believe I know.

I know you don't know what you're talking about jaZon.

4/25/2012 5:19:31 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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I'm sure that if Ron Paul was running as governor, he'd still be a libertarian. He's running for federal office, so he's against federal laws that restrict liberty.

4/25/2012 5:20:22 PM

All American
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^^ Well then you're dumber than I thought.

4/25/2012 5:21:57 PM

Sup, B
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Quote :
"noticing that Republicans favor voter suppression is like noticing that women menstruate."

and ignoring suppression by Democrats is just as idiotic, or did you forget in 2000 when Democrats in Florida tried to disqualify military ballots that were sitting in the election offices on election day simply because they didn't have a fucking postmark? Who were those military ballots mostly supporting? Right, not democrats.

Both parties do it, and will do it. Don't act all high and mighty about it.

4/25/2012 7:30:29 PM

All American
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Stephen Colbert Raises More Than PAC Backing Ron Paul:

This is why Ron Paul is a joke.

4/25/2012 11:31:29 PM

16786 Posts
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ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNND....THIS is why your a fucking moron for listening to MAINSTREAM media.

Ron Paul and the Spanish Revolution!

4/26/2012 12:15:11 AM

All American
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Maybe Spain should worry about their self created 23% unemployment rate(50% youth unemployment) and complete lack of mobility

I mean, that probably IS what their media focuses on

[Edited on April 26, 2012 at 12:34 AM. Reason : ]

4/26/2012 12:33:31 AM

16786 Posts
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jazon is the expert. listen to him.

4/26/2012 12:34:16 AM

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