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12/5/2011 12:22:54 PM

All American
43429 Posts
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Saw a bunch of these idiots marching down Broadway yesterday, beating on buckets and carrying banners demanding free healthcare. Luckily there weren't that many of them so the intersection was only blocked for 2-3 minutes.

12/5/2011 12:28:04 PM

26647 Posts
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When you don't lock up criminals, people get pissed.

12/5/2011 2:13:43 PM

Art Vandelay
45180 Posts
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12/5/2011 4:15:22 PM

Sup, B
53286 Posts
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Quote :
"Tents cost $

surely you aren't stupid enough to be saying this seriously.

12/5/2011 4:34:30 PM

Burn it all down.
18411 Posts
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Wow...I'm now amazed at the restraint those cops exhibited in only pepper spraying some of that crowd and waiting so long before they did. There is no doubt in my mind they acted correctly given the situation.

12/5/2011 4:49:36 PM

16786 Posts
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Quote :
"Wow...I'm now amazed at the restraint those cops exhibited in only pepper spraying some of that crowd and waiting so long before they did. There is no doubt in my mind they acted correctly given the situation."

This is a dangerously idiotic stance and it's compelling that you fail to understand the Bill of Rights.

12/5/2011 5:03:05 PM

Sup, B
53286 Posts
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says the person who thinks he has the right to put up a tent wherever he wants to

12/5/2011 5:11:34 PM

45912 Posts
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bunch of asshole hippies threatening police. fuck'em all.

[Edited on December 5, 2011 at 5:15 PM. Reason : ^^]

12/5/2011 5:14:47 PM

Burn it all down.
18411 Posts
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Quote :
"This is a dangerously idiotic stance and it's compelling that you fail to understand the Bill of Rights."

I missed that part in the Bill of Rights that says surrounding cops and threatening them is assembling peacefully. All the cops wanted to do was come in, grab the tents, and leave. That's it.

12/5/2011 5:28:31 PM

balls deep
89891 Posts
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I mean, you can't keep someone from going somewhere like that. THAT MUCH is highly illegal. The protesters should never have said that the police officers can leave IF....
That was really stupid

having said that much

Don't forget that the police officers were fucking stepping over the circle of protesters that was "preventing them from coming and going". Calling "saying someone can't leave your circle, but allowing them to come and go as they please" a threat is a bit silly.

12/5/2011 5:44:23 PM

All American
2269 Posts
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Keep shopping, everything is fine!

12/5/2011 8:16:03 PM

37709 Posts
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I was waiting for that video to get here. It really shows the true colors of who these protesters really are

12/5/2011 8:30:05 PM

All American
3302 Posts
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Is OWS still going? I need a brief overview of whats going on.

12/5/2011 8:30:06 PM

16786 Posts
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So if you don't listen to the cops, the cops can attack you.

if the cops don't listen to you, you can't attack the cops.

12/5/2011 8:34:12 PM

All American
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12/5/2011 8:35:08 PM

16786 Posts
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Sounds like a police state.

12/6/2011 12:20:25 AM

TX R. Snake
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12/6/2011 12:24:44 AM

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12/6/2011 12:26:57 AM

TX R. Snake
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12/6/2011 12:30:29 AM

16786 Posts
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U.S. Military Preparing for Martial Law against the American People!
Even before 9/11, the Military has been training our soldiers how to shut down cities, confiscate guns, and put Americans in camps.

Watch for yourself.

([old] but hey... it's coming soon to a theater near you)

12/6/2011 12:37:15 AM

Burn it all down.
18411 Posts
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WHAT? US Forces don't just go to Iraq/Afghanistan with absolutely no idea how to hold down a city, enforce martial law, establish curfew etc????

The horror, oh god. the horror.

12/6/2011 12:55:55 AM

16786 Posts
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This is pre-911. Do you know something I don't?

12/6/2011 1:09:47 AM

Burn it all down.
18411 Posts
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Oh, I'm sorry, we should only train for wars that we're currently fighting

Pilots still train for air to air combat, we're not planning on doing that any time soon. Hell German pilots go against US pilots constantly in training, last I checked we're not invading Berlin any time soon.

We constantly train for mass causality situations involving NBC threats, we pray that doesn't happen.

Training is training.

12/6/2011 1:18:30 AM

16786 Posts
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Can they or can't they control entire US cities if given a command to do so?

12/6/2011 1:20:53 AM

Burn it all down.
18411 Posts
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Can or can't they nuke the Vatican if given the order to?

12/6/2011 1:21:47 AM

16786 Posts
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Will the consequences be the same?

12/6/2011 1:23:28 AM

Sup, B
53286 Posts
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can you or can't you stop being a freakin moron

12/6/2011 8:40:09 AM

50085 Posts
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Zucotti Park and this "movement" made me LOL hard this weekend. Five fools beating drums and yelling at everyone walking by. I honestly felt bad because the way it's set up these protesters at the "birthplace" of OWS are treated like zoo animals. Behind a gate as people gawk and take pictures of them..

12/6/2011 9:07:55 AM

16786 Posts
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Quote :
"Zucotti Park and this "movement" made me LOL hard this weekend. Five fools beating drums and yelling at everyone walking by. I honestly felt bad because the way it's set up these protesters at the "birthplace" of OWS are treated like zoo animals. Behind a gate as people gawk and take pictures of them.."

It's so terribly funny to watch only 5 people fight for America and treat them like zoo animals!! ha ha haaa. The corporations think it's so terribly funny to watch all their slaves work for them every day and treat them like zoo animals!! ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaa

[Edited on December 6, 2011 at 10:52 AM. Reason : .]

12/6/2011 10:51:32 AM

TX R. Snake
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12/6/2011 11:00:55 AM

26647 Posts
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It's interesting to see so many people that think OWS is a joke.

They're the same people that blow an emotional gasket about a poor person getting extra food stamps or govt. assistance, but protect the criminals who crashed the economy and plundered our treasury of billions of taxpayer $$$

[Edited on December 6, 2011 at 6:05 PM. Reason : ...]

12/6/2011 6:04:23 PM

All American
7207 Posts
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that video is obviously fake. i couldnt match the audio with the cops mouth

12/6/2011 6:50:18 PM

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12/15/2011 6:17:07 PM

26647 Posts
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Quote :
"CEO pay jumps 36.5%"

12/16/2011 12:28:00 PM

All American
12803 Posts
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Quote :
"Even before 9/11, the Military has been training our soldiers how to shut down cities, confiscate guns, and put Americans in camps. "

You mean help them get jobs?

12/16/2011 12:42:19 PM

All American
10774 Posts
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bout damn time

12/16/2011 5:58:17 PM

26647 Posts
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12/19/2011 1:11:24 AM

26647 Posts
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12/23/2011 1:30:43 AM

26647 Posts
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Quote :
"Wonkblog: Economic experts explain 2011 in charts

We asked economists, economic policymakers and investors for their favorite charts of 2011. Here’s what they gave us"

12/23/2011 9:13:37 PM

All American
5021 Posts
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Yeah I saw those graphs on Ed. Did you see the one before it where the average income of the top 1% was below that of the median income at the start of the graph?

12/23/2011 9:17:16 PM

All American
7207 Posts
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so how long before these people pack up and leave. the media buzz has faded.

12/24/2011 12:00:37 AM

70 Posts
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It'll be revived when the weather improves.

12/24/2011 1:16:59 AM

37709 Posts
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4 Occupy Charlotte tards were arrested tonight (12:30am) for burning stuff near other flammable objects

What were they burning, you ask?

American flags of course

12/31/2011 1:32:09 AM

All American
6462 Posts
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1/2/2012 11:11:40 PM

50085 Posts
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How are the May day protests going? Reuters doesn't seem impressed..

5/1/2012 10:17:37 AM

All American
2314 Posts
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^ it's raining here in NYC so the turnout isn't that great. It's amazing what a little rain and a little cold weather can do to these peoples' resolves.

It's a really important issue when it's 75 degrees and sunny outside....

5/1/2012 11:01:18 AM

All American
5853 Posts
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Quote :
"It's amazing what a little rain and a little cold weather can do to these peoples' resolves.

"If only the weather was better Id get out and better myself....or protest." Seems about right from this group. Just need an excuse to not do anything.

I spent 60k getting a degree in puppetry and now I can find a job. It isnt MY fault, it is all because my neighbor makes too much money. Mic Check yall. lol, worthless

5/1/2012 11:33:01 AM

All American
63547 Posts
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you mean like it was all last winter?

5/1/2012 11:36:45 AM

All American
10774 Posts
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so OWS are terrorists now. great

5/1/2012 3:58:34 PM

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