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Garage Mod
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Quote :
"I apparently dodged a bullet, but what the fuck mate?"

dude you totally dodged a bullet. what the fuck was she doing pulling out her wallet if she didn't intend on paying for the check? that's some fucked up tricky ass shit. i wish girls would just say what they mean and mean what they say. fuck this read between the lines bullshit!!

5/24/2013 12:36:31 PM

All American
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I wish I started writing a log of all my dating experiences 10+ years ago. It would either be a) very entertaining b) explain why I'm fucked up in the head or c) both.

5/24/2013 12:38:03 PM

5052 Posts
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Do you still have her number?

Cause if she is of that mindset, she is also familiar with the rule if I pay I get to choose the sex position to start the rest of the night off with.

5/24/2013 1:01:15 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I apparently dodged a bullet, but what the fuck mate?"

dude, what you dodged was one of those "The Rules" bitches. she's looking for some "Mr. Right" as defined by a paperback book, and you were declined on page 1.

good fucking rididance.

5/24/2013 1:18:44 PM

35781 Posts
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you also dodged the fact that if you did get serious with her you'd have to picture Shawn putting it in her ass every time you slept with her.

5/24/2013 1:20:50 PM

All American
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i dunno, that's kinda hot.

5/24/2013 1:23:43 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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^^^It's important to keep in mind that women will invariably break "The Rules" if they are actually into a guy. Also, we should remember that the reason people get caught up in all those rules in the first place is usually because they've had bad experiences in the past. I still think it's crazy, but it's not like they're horrible people.

5/24/2013 2:17:21 PM

All American
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actually i'm pretty convinced that any women who gets dating advice from "The Rules" or "He's Just Not That Into You" are idiots and horrible human beings

5/24/2013 2:20:14 PM

If it feels good
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I had never even heard of "The Rules" until this thread! Maybe I am not really a female...

5/24/2013 2:28:06 PM

All American
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Quote :
"actually i'm pretty convinced that any women who gets dating advice from "The Rules" or "He's Just Not That Into You" are idiots and horrible human beings"

ITT: LivinProof78 >> BridgetSPK

[Edited on May 24, 2013 at 2:53 PM. Reason : ]

5/24/2013 2:53:24 PM

Save TWW
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seems like a sane woman living in 2013 should go into a first date w/ a plan to split the check unless the guy offers to pay. Perfectly fine to accept it, dated as hell to assume it.

5/24/2013 6:37:23 PM

All American
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Straight out of "The Rules".

And Bridget the only thing more fucked up than a woman who dates according to "The Rules" is a woman who would wind up breaking these rules for a guy she decided she liked, after all. You're still single, right?

5/24/2013 8:17:48 PM

All American
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the types of people I like and go out with tend to be the types of people that split the check.

Quote :
"If you're out with a girl one on one and it's implied its a date, you should definitely pay no questions asked.

this is really silly

5/24/2013 8:40:41 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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^^LOL To be clear, I'm not advocating that people follow prescribed rules or The Rules. I mean, I read that book when I was 12, but that's mostly cause I was bored at my aunt's house.

I thought it was evident I eschew rules in favor of making humiliating blunders that anybody with any sense could avoid.

5/25/2013 1:10:36 AM

11149 Posts
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I usually offered to split the check on dates, especially first dates. However, most of the time I wasn't sure if it was a date or just hanging out with my friend, since I had a tendency to date friends. If they paid then it was definitely considered a date.

5/25/2013 1:48:32 AM

All American
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5/25/2013 10:24:23 AM

5052 Posts
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I wanted to ask her if that was code for putting out on the first date.

5/25/2013 8:02:17 PM

37776 Posts
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Tell her it's 2013. EQUAL RIGHTS BITCH.

5/25/2013 8:03:26 PM

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Wonder how many messages they get a day

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

5/29/2013 4:42:53 PM

All American
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This gem was posted by a friend earlier today... With a profile like that, who could resist?

5/29/2013 6:32:40 PM

37776 Posts
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Seems legit.

5/29/2013 6:45:06 PM

All American
4073 Posts
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the best part of that is the "similar users"

...yep, none of those guys will murder you either

5/29/2013 6:47:16 PM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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i think my okcupid experiment is over. not getting much out of it.

5/29/2013 7:04:44 PM

All American
1000 Posts
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^^^ This guy misspelled "Psyche!"

5/30/2013 12:11:45 AM

All American
7863 Posts
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anyone notice the guy on the right?


what a great username.

5/30/2013 12:30:58 AM

35781 Posts
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passive aggression because i didn't hang out with you on Sunday is not very flattering.

6/10/2013 4:34:26 PM

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blogging isn't either

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

6/10/2013 5:12:52 PM

All American
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Quote :
"passive aggression because i didn't hang out with you on Sunday is not very flattering."

Well that blows.

I have a "first date" tonight with a girl from OKC. Sadly I have a bad feeling she's gonna look worse than her pics, haha (yeah yeah superficial I know). If its not a great date I think I'm gonna burn my OKC profile to the ground for good

6/11/2013 8:43:18 AM

35781 Posts
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haha it turned out fine. we talked about it over pizza and beers last night. she said she wasn't used to dating a guy that was "so independent". i laughed at that one. i guess after diving into a few relationships head first and kind of forgetting to enjoy my own time i'm doing that more. which is a good thing, but hard for some girls to understand why i wouldn't want to hang out with them 24/7???

6/11/2013 9:04:07 AM

All American
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I like that he knows Spanish "okay"

6/11/2013 9:10:36 AM

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Lets talk about this

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

6/12/2013 12:49:43 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Sadly I have a bad feeling she's gonna look worse than her pics, haha (yeah yeah superficial I know). If its not a great date I think I'm gonna burn my OKC profile to the ground for good"

My 6th sense was correct. Commence the burning!

6/12/2013 1:42:29 PM

All American
4073 Posts
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I think from now on anyone who goes on a date should take a photo of the person they met from OKcupid and post it in this thread for comparison (also link their profile page)

6/12/2013 1:46:13 PM

393 Posts
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The person I went out with last week was cuter than I expected. I don't think I could take a photo of someone on a first date.

6/12/2013 5:21:26 PM

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^^I think that's a little invasive and it would be weird to intentionally construct a situation just to take a picture.

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

6/12/2013 5:25:21 PM

All American
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Yeah one time I went on a date with a girl and she was way hotter than me.

So I tried to sneak a picture and she caught me and said "what the fuck?"

Lol, awkward, but I got several more dates.

6/12/2013 9:44:11 PM

All American
23447 Posts
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Quote :
"So I tried to sneak a picture "

Please tell me you're kidding.

wtf is wrong with you people

6/12/2013 9:49:13 PM

All American
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I needed a picture to cross-reference with the skin suit I was making.

You know, so I could tuck my wiener under.

[Edited on June 12, 2013 at 9:56 PM. Reason : -]

6/12/2013 9:55:45 PM

35781 Posts
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Quote :
"haha it turned out fine."

hmm, maybe not. oh well. maybe i'll join OKC this time

6/13/2013 1:39:45 PM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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Quote :

Lets talk about this"

that got out of control fast.

6/13/2013 1:58:35 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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So last week I was e-mailing a cute girl back and forth. She was send pretty detailed responses following up pretty quickly, so I figured she might be down for meeting up. I messaged her my number and she responded back with hers. Texted back and forth nothing overly exciting nor anything that would blow myself out of the game before it even started. Second day texted her to say whats up, she said "heeyyy!, how's it going" unfortunately I didn't text back until 3 hours later as I forgot my phone while going out to dinner with friends. When i got back, i texted that i was at dinner with friends but was wondering what she was up to the rest of the week to see about meeting up.

Never heard back, wtf.....

6/13/2013 4:04:19 PM

15294 Posts
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Well you didn't lose anything that you had a few days ago...

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

6/13/2013 4:05:35 PM

All American
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I mean, I'm no expert, but you should probably call her once you get her number. Just sayin.

Especially if you are asking her out...

[Edited on June 13, 2013 at 4:15 PM. Reason : -]

6/13/2013 4:12:20 PM

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Did you read his entire post?

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

6/13/2013 4:13:20 PM

All American
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^^^ that's true just thought weird that she put that much effort into writing a bunch of long-winded e-mails on the site in response to my messages, gave me her number and then got cold feet about meeting up.

^^ I dunno man I think calling a girl when you get her number online seems needy.

[Edited on June 13, 2013 at 4:14 PM. Reason : a]

6/13/2013 4:13:57 PM

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Munster, why aren't you trying to hookup with chicks in your crossfit cult?

6/13/2013 4:15:03 PM

15294 Posts
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Maybe she is insane and needs constant reinforcement...

Maybe she is busy or broke her phone or something...

Idk its always a hard game when people don't respond - dating or not. If someone I don't know very well doesn't respond to me I usually don't initiate anything unless its necessary. It can be a little different in the dating realm though. Don't worry about her unless you have something relevant, funny, etc to say to her. Don't do none of that "Im checking on you" shit.

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

6/13/2013 4:15:36 PM

All American
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^^ My box kinda sucks for that. It's in the university area so all the women are older married chicks, college girls dating one of the hard core athletes, or fat chicks trying to get back in shape.

Definitely switching to Dilworth or Metro (in southend) when my contract is up in July. Heard there is a lot of talent when you down here, the university area one was just convenient from my old apartment and is on the way home from my current work.

^ it's cool, ball's in her court if she wants to get up. Not going to text or call back a chick i haven't even met after a no response.

Quote :
"Im checking on you" shit."

hell no

[Edited on June 13, 2013 at 4:19 PM. Reason : a]

6/13/2013 4:17:45 PM

35781 Posts
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if a girl says "we don't need to talk on the phone everyday" she's probably lying. she still wants a call even if it's just to say hey.

and if she says "i think it's great you stay busy. it's good to have nights apart" she's probably lying.

6/13/2013 4:18:28 PM

35781 Posts
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talent...jesus you have pick up artist books on your nightstand don't you?

also, the 808 should have a ton of high maintenance broads that'll let you spend money on them.

6/13/2013 4:20:06 PM

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