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All American
17732 Posts
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Yeah once you start dating the girl that's true

6/13/2013 4:20:20 PM

15294 Posts
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Girls always b lying

You should just delete her number.

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

6/13/2013 4:20:33 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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Quote :
"also, the 808 should have a ton of high maintenance broads that'll let you spend money on them.


There are, already had some fun with that. Just not trying to shit where I eat as far as dating is concerned.

6/13/2013 4:21:42 PM

15294 Posts
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Quote :
"Just not trying to shit where I eat as far as dating is concerned."


I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

6/13/2013 4:23:06 PM

35781 Posts
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eh, what's the worst that can happen? she shits on your door mat and is rude to you at the pool?

just don't let her know what you drive.

also, since no one reads #48

Quote :
"if a girl says "we don't need to talk on the phone everyday" she's probably lying. she still wants a call even if it's just to say hey.

and if she says "i think it's great you stay busy. it's good to have nights apart" she's probably lying."

6/13/2013 4:25:00 PM

15294 Posts
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Oh are you talking about women in your apartment compound?

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

6/13/2013 4:26:01 PM

If it feels good
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^^ huh?

I'm not big on talking on the phone, but I guess a text or two everyday would be nice. And I really like having time to myself at LEAST one night a week, but a couple nights is better.

What does suck is if two people both have really busy lives and they can't seem to have time for nights together.

6/13/2013 4:31:47 PM

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Quote :
"What does suck is if two people both have really busy lives and they can't seem to have time for nights together."

story of my life

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

6/13/2013 4:32:47 PM

35781 Posts
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my current situation, which may be on it's way out is dealing with Distance + her having multiple roommates + her working very early so she doesn't stay out late. usually she only stays over if she has the day off or on weekends. i try to split the travelling evenly but if she wants "quality time" that means she'll be the one driving. and if she is wanting more quality time then she'll be doing more driving. don't know what else to tell ya girl

6/13/2013 4:39:54 PM

All American
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Quote :
"just don't let her know what you drive."

too late.....

She lives on my floor and feels free to stop by if she sees my car there implying i'm home....

6/13/2013 4:44:16 PM

All American
6759 Posts
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Years ago I dated a guy who had multiple roommates but always wanted me to stay at his place even though I lived alone. Wtf. That got old real quick.

6/13/2013 4:45:28 PM

15294 Posts
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Quote :
"She lives on my floor and feels free to stop by if she sees my car there implying i'm home...."

That is scary as fuck.

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

6/13/2013 4:47:01 PM

35781 Posts
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Quote :
"Years ago I dated a guy who had multiple roommates but always wanted me to stay at his place even though I lived alone. Wtf. That got old real quick."

yeah and, to me, it's kinda rude when those roommates are mid 20s with real jobs. i could deal with it when i was in college and who knows wtf the roommates are up to at any point. but if i want to just hang out one on one with the chance for sex, just come over to my place where it's not an issue.

granted that's not the issue here. if we are up her way it's usually a weeknight when we are just going out for dinner or drinks.

6/13/2013 4:54:13 PM

35781 Posts
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welp it's over. thanks for the extremely long text message. it was fun.

6/13/2013 6:37:50 PM

15294 Posts
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U mad?

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

6/13/2013 6:51:41 PM

If it feels good
1189 Posts
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^^ a text breakup?? seriously?

6/13/2013 7:04:06 PM

35781 Posts
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yeah i think i'm more mad about the text breakup than anything. and i mean it's not like were bf/gf. we never had the DTR talk or anything like that. hell it's only been ~2 months. but they were good. so the sudden change kind of pisses me off.

6/13/2013 7:19:58 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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Thank goodness Mr. 4x4 is single. I was starting to get super jealous of this woman.

6/13/2013 7:20:25 PM

35781 Posts
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i can't tell if srs

6/13/2013 7:26:48 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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I'm vry srs.

6/13/2013 7:36:41 PM

35781 Posts
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thx u

6/13/2013 7:51:51 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Quote :
"I mean, I'm no expert, but you should probably call her once you get her number."

Talking on the phone, lol. I know guys with girlfriends who will call them and want to talk for anywhere between 15 minutes and an hour. That would be a deal breaker for me. Start trying to have phone conversations early on and you could be that guy. I say just keep it to text.

6/13/2013 8:08:03 PM


21814 Posts
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What is "the DTR talk" and is that the same the DTF talk?

6/13/2013 8:17:11 PM

All American
10849 Posts
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define the relationship

6/13/2013 8:34:13 PM

If it feels good
1189 Posts
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Quote :
"Thank goodness Mr. 4x4 is single. I was starting to get super jealous of this woman."

srsly, maybe now he'll send me a dick pic...

sorry 4x4... a text message breakup is a low blow regardless of relationship "status"

6/13/2013 10:07:23 PM

35781 Posts
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haha i'll see what i can do. maybe i'll feel better when i get back from Omaha

6/13/2013 10:22:16 PM

If it feels good
1189 Posts
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I just added a photo to my OK Cupid profile ... FLOOD of messages.

Guys are funny.

6/13/2013 10:53:18 PM

All American
10849 Posts
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well it makes you pop up on people's recent activity feeds.

6/13/2013 10:55:40 PM

If it feels good
1189 Posts
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OMG, que the weirdoes...

6/13/2013 11:27:51 PM

15294 Posts
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How is your Thursday? You never answered me

Im Krallum and I approved this message

6/14/2013 1:21:22 AM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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^^ queue/cue.

6/14/2013 1:37:46 AM

If it feels good
1189 Posts
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^ yeah, I may have had several glasses of wine before messing with my portfolio last night.

Advantage: my profile is sans bullshit and very honest.

6/14/2013 9:01:47 AM

35781 Posts
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what's your opinion on OKC? i have no plans to resubscribe to Match.

6/14/2013 9:03:15 AM

All American
43431 Posts
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I'm done with OKC. Such a waste of time....which I've found all online dating to be, at least for me.

Sorry about the text breakup...believe me I've been there

6/14/2013 9:21:30 AM

If it feels good
1189 Posts
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^^ I don't know yet. It is definitly better than POF. I will have to wait until the initial crop of creepsters go away first. Though, if they don't I will have to shut this down fast. I mean ... who writes this stuff?!

Quote :
"Would you marry me ? don't get freaked out i'm just kidding but those are the only words i can say to someone has the most romantic face I have seen in a long time you so beautiful I might even fall in love with you if I keep looking at your pictures ;-) "

6/14/2013 9:25:04 AM

15294 Posts
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If someone has a real profile its seriously not that difficult to construct a non creepy message.

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

6/14/2013 9:28:53 AM

All American
9257 Posts
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haha sounds like a copy/paste, paste, paste, paste

6/14/2013 9:28:55 AM

35781 Posts
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yeah, i guess as a guy i don't have to worry about the onslaught of creepy messages.

6/14/2013 9:50:27 AM

15294 Posts
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Creepy messages I have gotten

Quote :
"My roommate says she wants you"

Quote :
"so ive heard the rumor, is it true with you ? "

I told her it was true I can't read.
Quote :
"send me a video of you cumming"

This one was obviously a dude
Quote :
"yo what music are you currently into? I have got some selezy pcitures. but not able to put them here at okcupid. do you hvae a cell phone and I can text you thanks"

Good opener - you clearly read my profile. Weak finish - why the shit would i want sleezy pics?

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

6/14/2013 11:10:41 AM

All American
43431 Posts
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I enver get any creepy messages

ppl send me creepy msgs: Patrick864

6/14/2013 11:18:42 AM

15294 Posts
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All you have to do to get messages is update something on your profile once a week. You can literally just change like one sentence.

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

6/14/2013 11:21:59 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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So do dudes on OKCupid talk to each other about their dates?

Can you anonymously bwn your way through the site without people noticing?

6/14/2013 11:54:50 AM

35781 Posts
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i don't follow

6/14/2013 11:55:22 AM

All American
43431 Posts
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no...we don't talk to other guys on OKC that we don't know. And if we know each other IRL and talk about OKC girls we date...well that's just like taking about girls we date difference.

6/14/2013 11:56:19 AM

35781 Posts
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yeah, what he said. i don't go browsing the dudes side for people i know.

6/14/2013 11:57:35 AM

15294 Posts
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Quote :
"Hey man, how's it going? Just moved to the area recently, trying to making some friends. Do you play any sports?"

This one was from a straight dude.

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

6/14/2013 12:09:24 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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Sweet. Anna Daniels is about to join OKC and lay the crazy on everybody.

6/14/2013 12:11:07 PM

All American
12764 Posts
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^^ I've received that exact message before. I feel sure it's the same guy.

6/14/2013 1:41:47 PM

All American
10165 Posts
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Last night I got the following message (I've blurred out my location, because I say lots of stupid shit on here and don't want to risk any of it making its way to my bosses):

I'm wondering what the fuck is up with this. It couldn't possibly be legit, but on the other hand, what could this person's real agenda be? Is s/he trying to scam me somehow? Might this a disgruntled former student who's trying to make a fool of me? Is it just some malicious asshole-stranger who's getting a kick out of fucking with random people on okcupid? I really don't know.

By the way, I'm not ugly, but nor am I good-looking enough that a random woman would ever choose me as a makeout buddy.

6/14/2013 1:48:21 PM

All American
23313 Posts
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so...get the picture

get multiple pics so you know its not a catfish.

you dont have anything to lose by doing that...and then you can go from there. Maybe she is cool and just really wants a summer fling.

make sure she isnt hideous first.

6/14/2013 1:51:09 PM

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