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All American
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THAT...was a full ferry.

6/4/2010 2:56:58 PM

All American
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Quote :
"how was the trip this year? anyone have to save some drowning people?

I thought I heard you were camping in a different location than last year, hopefully the riptide wasnt as bad where you were this year. I wish I couldve come out and be sociable, I feel like such a hermit nowadays with all the stuff going on with Lily "

6/4/2010 3:03:21 PM

All American
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i know this is a random thread to ask, but do you see a time in the near future where you and Allie would be able to have a relative look after LB for a few hours and we could all go out to dinner or maybe bowling as a big group? you kids deserve a night on the town

6/4/2010 3:10:21 PM

All American
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^^We missed you man, it was a good time! We did camp at a separate spot this year and the riptide wasn't too bad. But a lot of the guys were huge pussies and never went in the water at all. Go figure.

Also, the horseflies were HORRIBLE! But nothing some standard bug spray couldn't take care of.

[Edited on June 4, 2010 at 3:10 PM. Reason : I didn't miss Tim ]

6/4/2010 3:10:24 PM

New Recruit
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camped by our vehicles about 15 miles north of the lighthouse, was good

6/4/2010 7:40:35 PM

All American
7547 Posts
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Cape Lookout High School dawg. It's the place all the dumb kids go when the nicer public schools don't watn them.

And that shit be closing down.

They fucked.

6/4/2010 9:25:13 PM

All American
24675 Posts
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Quote :
"i know this is a random thread to ask, but do you see a time in the near future where you and Allie would be able to have a relative look after LB for a few hours and we could all go out to dinner or maybe bowling as a big group? you kids deserve a night on the town"

yeah, once everything settles down a little more and we get back into a normal routine I dont see why we couldnt get allies mom to watch Lily for a few hours while we get out of the house. We did that the other day and got to see the new Shrek movie.

We'll figure something out soon

and I'm glad I didnt have to deal with the horseflies out there, I absolutely HATE horseflies, with a passion. They are probably my least favorite creatures on this planet.

[Edited on June 4, 2010 at 10:29 PM. Reason : adsf]

6/4/2010 10:28:15 PM

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