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Page 5 and we're rollin....I really enjoy my personna Super+, which is good, considering I have 200 of them.

9/12/2009 9:19:18 PM

Mr. Joshua
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2 weeks in and I'm loving it.

Has anyone seen a nice combo DE/straight razor/brush stand combo anywhere? I think I might get the whole setup down the road but all of the nice sets that I've found so far are segregated into DE or straight.

9/14/2009 5:11:55 PM

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I bought a dual de/dual brush stand from the guy for $10. Got here (Hawaii) in a week. like it a isn't metal, but he'll pretty much do anything you want

that forum site above has instructions on how to get some of the price reduced

9/14/2009 7:18:55 PM

Arranging the blocks
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I also have free blades and aftershave... Pinaud Clubman.

9/14/2009 7:47:54 PM

All American
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Been rockin the DE shave for ~3 days now. I'm definitely loving it. I'm using the Merkur as pictured above, israeli personna blades, the soap/brush kit from wally world along with pinaud bay rum after shave. I can't believe I've been missing out on this all these years.

So my next question is related to head shaving. I've been shaving my head with a cartridge razor ever since st. baldricks ~2 years ago. Any of you ever do the head shaving thing with a DE razor? As much as I love the shave, I'm seriously considering just keeping a bag of cheap double edge disposables on hand for my head since the DE shave is so time consuming on my face, I can't imagine how long it'd take on my head.

9/15/2009 2:55:14 PM

All American
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^ i keep a mach3 around for, uh, special areas where i'm terrified of of a DE

the head qualifies, IMO...i'm sure you could, eventually, become good at it, but the idea of shaving one's head with a DE seems...dangerous, somehow...just doesn't seem as easy and like you're more likely to cut yourself


9/15/2009 3:01:05 PM

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the face seems soft enough in most places that you end up with the entire length of the blade touching your skin so it's not TOO easy to cut yourself

i can't imagine it'd be the same on your head though.. seems like you'd have like half the blade at most touching your head in some places and would just be asking to slice yourself open

9/15/2009 3:27:39 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Yeah, I think there might be a reason that no one rocked a shaved head a few decades ago.

[Edited on September 15, 2009 at 3:34 PM. Reason : unless you're as badass as Telly Savales]

9/15/2009 3:31:03 PM

All American
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Got the hookup on Alum Blocks. Not local but cheap as shit.

The site is shite but the parent company, AKM Parnters has good reviews on amazon. By purchasing through the site you get volume discounts not available through amazon.

9/17/2009 1:03:52 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Used after shave."


9/17/2009 7:32:53 AM

All American
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I'm hoping that was just a typo on the listing. Their product on amazon got pretty decent reviews so I'm thinking it's a legit product. Shit, I guess I'll know in a few days when the 5 I ordered get here .

[Edited on September 17, 2009 at 9:31 AM. Reason : .]

9/17/2009 9:29:48 AM

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I ordered some gear from Taylor of Old Bond Street's website earlier this week and hadn't seen any confirmation emails but saw the money taken out of my bank account.

I emailed them and asked them about it, and their response was:

Quote :
"Dear Sir,

Thank you for your order, which has now been processed.

Your order will be dispatched today as there has been a postal strike.

Kindest Regards,

Taylor of Old Bond Street"

crazy how something across the entire world affects us

9/17/2009 1:19:06 PM

All American
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Got my Merkur HD in today. I was pretty nervous putting the blade to my face at first, but the blogs and videos are right. As long as you just drag it down with no pressure it's fine. Because of the head of the razor handle, it's pretty easy to get the right angle. If it's wrong, you won't catch any hair.

My chin is hard as fuck to shave.

9/18/2009 1:28:20 AM

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My routine is thus:

I shower and get my face clean and warm. After my shower, I fill a mug with hot water and let my brush soak in it. While soaking, I get a washcloth wet with pretty hot water and put it on my face for a total of 90 seconds (having to rewet and rewarm it as necessary). Once that is done, I drain the water out of the brush and get my lather going (I use TOBS Lavender creme) in an aluminum barbeque sauce bowl (ghetto, I know). I also put some more hot water into my mug and let my razor soak in in it. While lathering, I fill up the sink with some hot water. After the lather is built, I get my face wet one more time and lather my face for about 45 seconds.

After that, I shave once WTG my whole face. Then I "rinse and repeat" the soak, lather and shave bit, except for my mustache area (I go XTG for that area the second time).

Then I rinse with cold water, apply my alum block, and clean up while waiting for the alum to do whatever it is it does. Then I rinse the alum with more cold water, towel off, and finish with TOBS herbal after shave balm.

That's it. It isn't BBS, but I don't want BBS for a shave every day.

Two days ago, I tried going twice WTG and then once XTG (whole face) and man...really smooth!

There you two cents.

9/18/2009 4:34:37 AM

35781 Posts
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Holy shit i didnt realize this thread took off the way it did. Just perusing the past few pages i'll add some thoughts

TOBS makes some great creams. I especially like the Coconut in the summer. And really, if you want to try something nice get either Trumpers or TOBS Rose. The scent doesn't linger, and it doesn't smell like your grandmas closet like you might imagine. It really is fine stuff.

Honestly, one of the best aftershaves i use is Aqua make think its old man stuff but the smell is classic and really does some great stuff for your skin. Also, a german brand called Speick, I had to find it online but that stuff is great too. The scent is very fleeting, and it has alum as an ingredient so it helps heal the skin really well also. I never use AS balms as they make my face too oily.

Blades blades blades...I've tried all kinds over the past few months. Some awful, some great, some middle of the road. Right now my favorites include Feathers, Red Pack Personnas, and Astras.

Also, i shave with a Merkur Classic 33c and a 1955 Gillette Superspeed Red Tip.

9/18/2009 9:39:53 AM

Mr. Joshua
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How often are you guys changing blades?

9/18/2009 2:15:44 PM

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about every week

at that rate, my Personna Super+'s will last four years

9/18/2009 2:27:34 PM

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bout once a week for me too. although i only shave one or twice a week so i could probably go longer

9/18/2009 2:38:52 PM

All American
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7 shaves or two weeks, whichever comes first (after 2 weeks they start to oxidize anyway)

9/18/2009 2:41:37 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Sounds about right. I've logged 2 weeks on my first blade and it's starting to dull a bit.

9/18/2009 2:47:15 PM

All American
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Got the alum blocks this AM. They're on the level.

9/21/2009 3:57:31 PM

All American
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So question related to the alum block for those of you that use them. How exactly are you guys working them into the shave routine? I'm using it right after the cold water rinse and right before the after shave lotion. It's just making a god awful paste/crust on my face. I'm thinking maybe I should let the alum dry fully before applying the ltion, but i'm interested to hear what you guys do.

9/22/2009 11:17:36 PM

10008 Posts
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Quote :
"Then I rinse with cold water, apply my alum block, and clean up while waiting for the alum to do whatever it is it does. Then I rinse the alum with more cold water, towel off, and finish with TOBS herbal after shave balm."

obtw, just received my Truefitt & Hill sample pack today...had a four-day-old going, so I used the Ultimate Comfort Pre-shave Oil, Creme, and AS balm.

pretty nice scent and finish

going to try the others over the next few days

still waiting on my stuff from TOBS, as well as some Cremo Creme from

9/23/2009 4:44:37 AM

Mr. Joshua
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I've been using just a standard coffee mug as a soap dish and lately I've taken to letting it sit under the running water as I wait for it to warm up.

It warms the mug a bit and I don't instantly lose some heat as the brush hits a cold surface.

9/23/2009 9:26:21 AM

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i change blades after 3 shaves, period. They are too cheap to risk catching a dull edge across the jugular.

9/23/2009 4:18:00 PM

All American
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shaving like a man?

real men grow beards.

9/23/2009 10:39:11 PM

10008 Posts
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Like Marion Morrison, Clint Eastwood, and Ronald Wilson Reagan? , and Jesus?

9/24/2009 10:39:33 PM

1139 Posts
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5 pages on shaving... Sorry I didn't read all of it, but here is my two cents.

I have a beard and only shave my neck. I use one of the Mach 5s. I found it is best to shave in the shower with really hot water. I usually get the water as hot as I can stand and hold my neck out for about 15-30 seconds. Then I shave, without a mirror in the shower. For somereason as many of you have eluded too, using hot water helps. I don't use any shaving cream, I just use hot shower water. Its clean its fast and I am done in a minute.

Does anyone else use this technique, or am I just a freak?

9/25/2009 9:35:23 PM

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yep....definitely didn't read any of the other posts...

hot water helps because it opens the pores your hair follicles are in, thus making your hair follicles more flexible and able to "come out" of the pores easier

the problem with using a Mach 5/Schick Quattro/25-bladed super-razzamatazz is that you shave the same place 5/4/25 times, resulting in....RAZOR BURN!!!

which leads me to something sad I saw online the other day

the disposable razor companies aren't even trying to prevent RB now, they are trying to market it as something you have to buy to MINIMIZE

[Edited on September 25, 2009 at 10:37 PM. Reason : correction in bold]

9/25/2009 10:36:31 PM

10008 Posts
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I shaved with the T&H Ultimate Comfort for three days, and didn't really like it. The second day, I had some razor burn that I hadn't experienced in about a month (after I learned how to DE).

I switched to the Trafalgar Creme and AS two days ago, and this morning I had RB. The scent is light and clean, but I'm not fond of it. I think I'll try it one more time and it'll run out, so I will switch to another scent.

So far, I'm a little underwhelmed with T&H.

9/26/2009 9:36:17 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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i use disposables and don't get razor burn

9/28/2009 12:24:57 PM

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Finished with the Trafalgar. Still had razor burn and the shave was not as great as my TOBS.

My new stuff came in:

Burt's Bees Creme and AS, as well as Cremo Creme.

Think I'm going to get my skin back to the TOBS Lavendar for a few days/weeks, then I'll try that stuff.

9/29/2009 2:37:53 AM

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Burts Bees shaving cream is probably one of the worst things out there. Which is hard to believe considering how great everything of theirs is. Just a warning, and your mileage may vary, but its a face raper

9/29/2009 10:35:01 AM

All American
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^ The only Burt's Bees product I have used for any long period was a facial cleanser. Within three weeks my face was getting pimples like I was in high school again. It truly was some junk. Threw it out and my face cleared up in less than a week. They're great at marketing, but I'm not so sure about the actual products they produce.

I use a Mach 2 or 3 or something. I've had the handles for at least 7-10 years...They don't ever need replacing regardless of how many times you drop them in the shower as far as I can tell. Several years ago I bought a huge pack of blades from Sam's Club. I do not get razor burn. I do not have to shave the same area repeatedly. I can get a closer shave by shaving twice, but it sounds like you guys are already shaving twice with your safety razors. I have yet to see any reason to switch.

I think you guys just like the idea of buying a bunch of fancy cremes and powders; not that there is anything wrong with that.

[Edited on September 29, 2009 at 11:33 AM. Reason : l]

9/29/2009 11:24:47 AM

All American
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real men just grow beards, and dont shave.

10/4/2009 4:14:40 PM

32613 Posts
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Quote :
"They're great at marketing, but I'm not so sure about the actual products they produce."

i have to admit the only good thing about their chap stick or whatever they call it is how good it feels to put it on.. besides that it seems to make my lips chapped 10x worse. i can use the $1.99 black tube of chap stick from a gas station and my lips are fine in a day. a week of burt's just makes them worse

10/4/2009 5:42:28 PM

All American
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OK, gentlemen, I've scanned the thread but it's too long and I'm tired so please forgive if this has been answered already. Is there a place in Raleigh or Cary to get a good barbershop shave? I'm giving my husband a shaving brush, soap, razor etc. for his birthday and would like to add in a gift certificate for a shave.

Thanks in advance. I did see the link about the place in Chapel Hill, but he would never drive that far for a shave.

10/4/2009 10:27:33 PM

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Not sure. I live in Raleigh. You may want to try Manmur on Hillsborough across from's been a while, though.

10/13/2009 3:28:28 AM

All American
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i think my blades oxidized from being open too long...i don't have to shave that often, so a pack of 5 lasts me a good long while...the blades are feathers and they're great...but i was gone for a week and didn't use the blade that was already in my razor...when i got back and started shaving with it, it kept skipping hairs and was, all-in-all, awful (no cuts, just like it was incredibly dull)

i threw it out and got out the next blade...same problem...opened a new pack and everything was fine

i know oxidation is a problem, but i'd yet to experience it

10/13/2009 8:26:52 AM

All American
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okay, so i tried witch hazel ($1.50 for a pint) and a styptic pencil ($1) this morning

i gotta say, i'm not quite sure why you'd use an alum block over terms of soothing, the WH is great (it's an anti-oxidant and astringent, so it constricts pores and blood vessels and soothes any razor burn or bumps)...i used the styptic pencil to take care of my one nick (i got into a hurry and it was stupid), but then splashing with WH afterward made my whole face feel good

seems like there must be an art to using the alum block, since it can leave residue on your face...the WH doesn't leave anything

the only bad side is that i cheaped out and got the 86/14 version (where 14% is alcohol) doesn't burn, and the alcohol sterilizes (which i guess the alum does, too), but man, that WH stinks...the smell doesn't last very long, but it's kind of nasty when you're putting it on your upper lip under your nose...i found online that a lot of people throw a bit of cheap cologne in there (brut is a favorite, since it has alcohol and mixes well) just to mask the scent...apparently, whatever you put in there doesn't have a lasting scent, either

wally world (because i'm cheap and don't want to wait around for online purchases to arrive) sells one brand of WH that's alcohol free and i THINK it has a fragrance...apparently, thayers is the favorite among DE shavers, so i might consider it if i can get past the $9/bottle premium (they come with all kinds of fragrances, some with alcohol and some not)

10/14/2009 8:12:49 AM

All American
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10/14/2009 9:14:07 AM

All American
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Happy birthday to me. I'm really loving the additional weight of this razor.

11/1/2009 12:23:40 PM

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11/1/2009 6:33:40 PM

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^^ i love that razor. Was very close to getting one just like it before i found my 1955 Gillette SS Red Tip.

11/1/2009 9:19:14 PM

All American
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using my grandfathers original gillette fatboy...razor was made b/t 1959=61

11/2/2009 7:59:12 AM

All American
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^ I'm thinking my next purchase will be a vintage model.

Any of you guys using the Feather blades? I've got about 80 Israeli Personnas but I'm definitely in the process of making a permanent transition. If any of you guys want to do some trading, drop me a line.

11/2/2009 11:19:14 PM

Mr E Nigma
All American
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i was using fancy razors for a while, but i got broke and when to a regular bic 1-blade for sensitive skin. ill never switch back. great shave.

11/3/2009 6:37:02 PM

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I tried the feathers and they sliced the fuck out of me waaay too easy. the cheapo blades work better for me

11/3/2009 8:57:57 PM

All American
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helpful reminder that men don't shave

11/4/2009 12:43:53 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Any of you guys using the Feather blades? I've got about 80 Israeli Personnas but I'm definitely in the process of making a permanent transition. If any of you guys want to do some trading, drop me a line."

i'm all out of feathers, but if you want to try some derbys, i've got plenty of those

same goes for anyone else...i'm all about some trading...i sampled a few varieties when i first started and decided i liked the derbys best...the feathers were a close second, but i keep thinking i didn't give them enough time...didn't try the israeli personnas

11/4/2009 8:03:16 AM

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