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23634 Posts
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i had sex?

3/11/2014 7:25:21 PM

?? ????? ??
14957 Posts
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I lost mine to the lifeguard at camp when I was 17.

3/11/2014 7:26:21 PM

All American
9609 Posts
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fucked a girl on her period

on the floor

we don't speak.

3/11/2014 7:26:51 PM

18598 Posts
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where was it?
Cobb dorm, Carolina

was it memorable?
only because it started as "just the tip"

are you still in communication with the person?

[Edited on March 11, 2014 at 9:26 PM. Reason : ]

3/11/2014 9:26:26 PM

All American
7611 Posts
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Till marriage, when I was already 26!

3/11/2014 9:28:49 PM

1616 Posts
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i had a jailbait gf who worked at Sonic. got to see that beautiful round butt in my dorm ... haven't seen her since we split up

3/11/2014 10:02:24 PM

All American
9012 Posts
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in one of the most cliche ways possible, in the back of a car

3/12/2014 12:10:39 AM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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slipped out of my pocket while I was minding my own business.

3/12/2014 9:09:45 AM

All American
7323 Posts
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a friend of a friend who showed up at PB's one night. i wasn't really attracted to her (she had a decent body, but her face was lacking), but she was into me so afterwards we went back to her place. i got it in, got it out, then got out, and never called her again.

3/12/2014 9:19:16 AM

All American
14180 Posts
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after a soccer game in high school took this chick to my parents house. they were out of town and had a neighbor checking routinely to make sure my car wasn't there. i took the fence down before the game in preparation and parked in the back yard behind the house afterwards. i wore a condom and lasted about 5-10 minutes before i busted quite possibly the fattest nut of my life. i wasn't an all star in the sack by any means. the chick ditched me for some "friend" of mine a couple of weeks later. said chick hit me up about 8 years later when i was living at the beach and wanted to come visit. i beat it up right that time and got several facebook messages thereafter from her claiming how "in love" she still was with me. i never responded or talked to her again.

3/12/2014 9:23:10 AM

Bee Hugger
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Summer after my Freshman year of college. My friend's parents went out of town so he had a party at his house. Lost it to a girl I had met earlier that summer in his parents' guest bedroom. We ended up dating for 2 years.

I don't remember much about it, so no.


3/12/2014 9:29:15 AM

warning: not serious
19581 Posts
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my story is the same it was in 2010 when I first posted ITT

3/13/2014 10:49:51 PM

35780 Posts
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It was during my senior year of high school. I was hanging out with my buddy, his girlfriend, and her really sleazy friend at the girlfriend's house. it was late, we had been drinking and doing some other stuff when my buddy ran out to meet up with a 21 year old to get us some more booze. The two girls then decided they wanted to strip for me and put me on a chair and danced around before dragging me upstairs to the bedroom. The three of us were naked in her bed just fooling around for about 10 minutes before my buddy got back, so the girlfriend had to scramble back downstairs leaving me with the sleazy friend. I had no idea what I was doing, I just let her take control and ride me until I came.

We have spoken maybe twice in 12 years.

3/14/2014 8:53:18 AM

5879 Posts
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Freshman summer of high school @ a house party.

Do not remember.

She is on my book of face but no.

3/14/2014 9:45:01 AM

Sink the Flagship
9818 Posts
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Quote :
"fucked a girl on her period

on the floor

we don't speak."

got a good laugh out of this comment

3/14/2014 12:37:59 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18195 Posts
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In my room at a house on Long and Winding Road, summer after my junior year of college. I had been pining after this girl, a former coworker, for months. I invited her to a party we were having, and she showed up and proceeded to get ME drunk (ordering drinks, taking two sips, asking me to finish them, and repeating). At one point she vomited in the yard, rinsed out her mouth with water, and then jumped on me in the grass (not near the vomit).

It was very memorable because I did not want to have sex. Back then I was trying to be good at my religion, so I kept saying I couldn't. I resisted for a while, then she noticed that most of my friends were watching us and taking pictures, then asked if we could at least make out in my room. I said sure. Then she kept trying to get at the dick. I said, no, even if it weren't against my religion, you're drunk, you won't remember. Well, at this point I had been resisting for two or three hours, so when she said she was, in fact, totally sober, I believed her. Around four in the morning I caved in and gave her the gift. Then, figuring that I was "In for a penny, in for a pound" as far as violating the religion goes, I gave it to her three more times. (My sexual prowess is average or sub-average in all respects except that I am good for many rounds, even now)

The next morning she looked at me and said, "Did we have sex?" I wanted to kill myself, but then she started playing with my junk again and we did it one more time. Then we dated for a year and a half, lived together a while. Then we broke up and she kept begging for the dick and, once again, I resisted, and once again, after a couple of weeks of her saying, "I'll just come over and suck you off, we don't even have to talk" I caved in. I know now that this wasn't because I had a magical dick and she was just crazy, but at the time it worked and we fucked on and off for a couple of years.

I talk to her from time to time. Her mom wrote me a letter of rec to get me into the Peace Corps, and she reads my blog religiously (the mom, that is). She has a boyfriend and seems to have shed the youthful crazy.

Too long, didn't read.

3/14/2014 12:52:38 PM

5879 Posts
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Quote :
" I caved in and gave her the gift."

3/14/2014 1:30:23 PM

All American
14984 Posts
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Quote :
""I'll just come over and suck you off, we don't even have to talk""

I miss college so much sometimes.

[Edited on March 14, 2014 at 1:35 PM. Reason : sdfsdf]

3/14/2014 1:35:13 PM

All American
11455 Posts
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I was raped

3/14/2014 5:28:45 PM

All American
3626 Posts
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freshman year with gf at the time
not really
nope, not since we broke up

3/14/2014 8:57:48 PM

El Nachó
special helper
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3/14/2014 9:34:14 PM

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