Tarpon All American 1380 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "was the cobia at the bottom or on top or what?" |
We were over a ledge in 60' and there was a group of three cobes that were circling around covering the whole water column. He was at around 30' when I shot him. The other 2 scrammed before my buddies could get them, but they weren't near as big. 6/9/2011 8:46:23 PM
specialkay All American 1036 Posts user info edit post |
I had one of the best days I have had in a while on Harris yesterday after work. Got out there at 5 and was done about 8. Caught over 20 bass, with 4 of them going over 20". This is a pic of the biggest one. I forgot my tape measure, but he was at least 1" over the 20" mark i put on my rod.

[Edited on June 10, 2011 at 7:33 AM. Reason : ] 6/10/2011 7:31:47 AM
ctnz71 All American 7207 Posts user info edit post |

6/11/2011 8:57:25 PM
specialkay All American 1036 Posts user info edit post |
Harris is still on fire. Caught about two dozen on Saturday morning. This one was my best 22 1/2" and about 6.5 lbs

[Edited on June 13, 2011 at 7:57 AM. Reason : [Edited on June 13, 2011 at 7:55 AM. Reason : ]]
[Edited on June 13, 2011 at 7:57 AM. Reason : [Edited on June 13, 2011 at 7:57 AM. Reason : [Edited on June 13, 2011 at 7:55 AM. Reason : ]]] 6/13/2011 7:55:12 AM
Biofreak70 All American 33197 Posts user info edit post |
didn't do nearly any fishing while I was camping this weekend... dammit
but my license is renewed, so hopefully that will motivate me to get back out there 6/13/2011 7:57:59 AM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
drop the money for a lifetime license and you will definitely have motivation to get out and hunt or fish 6/13/2011 9:15:37 AM
sawahash All American 35321 Posts user info edit post |
I wish I could be fishing in the tournament today...but what also sucks...is with my job, I won't be able to see any of the weigh ins 6/13/2011 9:19:11 AM
specialkay All American 1036 Posts user info edit post |
Yea, fortunately my Dad got me a lifetime Sportsman when i was a couple years old. Best gift he has ever gotten me. 6/13/2011 9:19:28 AM
optmusprimer All American 30318 Posts user info edit post |
There are crappie in our creek, and they are doing a great job on the mosquito control. Too small to catch though... 6/13/2011 9:20:31 AM
pttyndal WINGS!!!!! 35217 Posts user info edit post |
damn, lines in the water for only 20min and they've already released a blue marlin. 6/13/2011 9:21:17 AM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
my dad got me lifetimes for $500 for xmas when i was 16. he kicked himself for not buying them when i was <1 yr old. was $100 for lifetime hunt/fish when i was born.
if my sister has kids that's what i'm getting them for their first xmas. hunt/fish/inland/coastal. the works. 6/13/2011 9:22:13 AM
sawahash All American 35321 Posts user info edit post |
They start a live video feed of the tournament at 4 every day...
http://www.ebmcdn.net/bigrock/flash/liveplayer/bigrocktv.html 6/13/2011 9:33:52 AM
BigHitSunday Dick Danger 51059 Posts user info edit post |
fished at new hope creek and got my first skunk in almost two months.
I had a couple of jacks chasing my fly and then by the time i noticed them i had already pulled the fly out to make a cast :s
i need to work on my thoroughness and patience. 6/13/2011 9:37:44 AM
travis3ncsu All American 1686 Posts user info edit post |
Fishin the tournament tomorrow and wednesday, will have a report thursday! 6/13/2011 3:53:10 PM
pttyndal WINGS!!!!! 35217 Posts user info edit post |
one boat apparently had someone having a heart attack and had to have the Coast Guard send a helicopter.] 6/13/2011 3:59:50 PM
pttyndal WINGS!!!!! 35217 Posts user info edit post |
boo, former carolina basketball player was the angler on the boat that currently in the lead.
Quote : | "Coast Guard medevacs ill boater off NC coast PORTSMOUTH, Va. — An MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew from Coast Guard Air Station Elizabeth City, N.C., medevaced a 25-year-old male from a recreational boat approximately 45 miles east of Oregon Inlet, N.C., Thursday.
At approximately 9 a.m. watchstanders at Coast Guard Station Oregon Inlet received a report from a 26-foot pleasure craft stating that there was a man aboard displaying symptoms of a stroke. The message was relayed by the crew of another pleasure boat, the Assault Weapon, via VHF-FM radio channel 16.
The Jayhawk’s crew hoisted the man aboard and transferred him to Albemarle Hospital in Elizabeth City.
"Thanks to the good Samaritan aboard the Assault Weapon acting as a radio relay and passing critical information over VHF-FM 16, we managed to locate the man in distress and transport him to the proper medical facility," said Lt. Kevin Sullivan of Coast Guard Sector North Carolina. "This a good reminder of the importance of monitoring VHF-FM 16; you never know when you can help a fellow boater."" |
6/14/2011 8:41:05 AM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
if you often find yourself outside of VHF range, it's probably a good idea to have a satellite phone on board.
i've had to relay messages for folks hailing seatow, etc. 6/14/2011 8:48:56 AM
sawahash All American 35321 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah that was the topic of conversation at BT last night. Everyone kept asking "have you heard about the dude that had a heart attack?"
I was watching the reports coming in...and a little after 1 a 33' boat had hooked something...it wasn't until after 5 that it said they lost it...I could only imagine what a 500lb fish would do to a 33' boat?
[Edited on June 14, 2011 at 8:50 AM. Reason : ] 6/14/2011 8:49:40 AM
pttyndal WINGS!!!!! 35217 Posts user info edit post |
yeah, that was the Bizzy B. http://www.thebigrock.com/participants/bizzy-b Fought it for almost 4 hours and had the hooks pulled. Probably would've sucked even more if they landed it and got there after the scales closed. The Trophy from Wrightsville beach brought in a huge fish but it went under the boat and pretty much got decapitated and was disqualified by the weighmaster. Pretty eventful first day.
ha, Trophy is already hooked up. Hopefully they don't run over this one. ] 6/14/2011 8:57:19 AM
sawahash All American 35321 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah, they got to the scales and hauled it off the boat and didn't even weigh it...
that would suck so bad fight a fish and then it gets run over...it would be even worse fighting a fish and then having a shark take a bite out of it and disqualify it. That shark could have just cost you $1 million.
It's funny cause I work for Big Rock Sports, we are not affiliated with the tournament, but we have a morehead city mailing address...so we were getting phone calls all day long asking about the status of stuff and if we had the t-shirts...I finally just started telling people what was going on and where they could find the t-shirts.
[Edited on June 14, 2011 at 9:02 AM. Reason : ] 6/14/2011 9:00:29 AM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
what's left over after expenses and taxes isn't shit to these type of people 6/14/2011 9:05:12 AM
sawahash All American 35321 Posts user info edit post |
Well it was sure worth something to the guys last year...
But there are a few folks that get lucky and are asked to tag along on a trip and who knows...they might be the angler that brings in the winning fish...I'm sure that person would be LOVING the winning prize, even after the expenses and the taxes and the giving the share to all the other people. 6/14/2011 9:10:16 AM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
it'd be like me or you winning $10k. we'd get excited, tell some friends, maybe go out and splurge on something we wanted.
but in the end it's not enough to really matter. 6/14/2011 9:11:54 AM
pttyndal WINGS!!!!! 35217 Posts user info edit post |
I need to find someone with that kind of money to take me with them.  6/14/2011 9:14:28 AM
BigHitSunday Dick Danger 51059 Posts user info edit post |
went to the neuse canoe launch near the falls dam and caught a bass and a robin in about two hours of fishing
my first river bass on a fly rod this year
the water ws so clear and there was so much vegetation, with a nice gravelly bed, only problem was there was a nonstop flow it was hard to find slack water 6/20/2011 12:03:20 PM
specialkay All American 1036 Posts user info edit post |
Went out to Harris again yesterday. I didnt have much luck there this weekend, but yesterday it was on fire. Maybe it was because of the clouds but they were tearing it up yesterday. I kept running into schhols of largemouth busting shad on the surface, prob caught 10-12 on a pop-r. Then started pitching a worm into cover and caught another 6 more. 6/22/2011 8:16:21 AM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
back before 9/11, cp&l employees could fish in the part of the lake up by the nuke plant that's roped off and off-limits or whatever. the bass would school up and bust shad on top pretty much all summer long back there. any fluke or soft jerkbait type of soft plastic rigged weightless would slay them. caught a lot on pop-Rs too.
i caught my first bass back there and had it mounted.
[Edited on June 22, 2011 at 8:56 AM. Reason : no gas engines, so me and pops would take a little 12' aluminum v-hull] 6/22/2011 8:55:58 AM
wlb420 All American 9053 Posts user info edit post |
From Kerr lake-143 lbs, Prob a new record
 6/22/2011 4:40:20 PM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
i ordered this today
ready to get that sucker mounted 6/26/2011 11:06:30 PM
KeB All American 9828 Posts user info edit post |
anyone ever fish at Yates Mill Pond?
was thinking about going out today for a couple hours.
I thought it was one of the ponds that get stocked april-sept with catfish but i haven't been able to confirm it yet.... 6/27/2011 12:23:17 PM
specialkay All American 1036 Posts user info edit post |
I have heard you can only fish from the boardwalk(no bank fishing) and you cant use minnows if that is your style. Lots of bream, tough to catch a bass since the boardwalk is only up near the shallow end. I used to have canoeing class out there and it didnt seem like it would be a good fishery, fairly shallow. 6/27/2011 1:33:59 PM
BigHitSunday Dick Danger 51059 Posts user info edit post |
theres actually an assload of crappie
we drug a net for ecology class along the shore mid day and it was nothin but crappie 6/27/2011 3:35:37 PM
porcha All American 5286 Posts user info edit post |
been catching a fair amount of catfish out of Shelley Lake, nothing more than 3lbs though, I'm still surprised I haven't caught a turtle 6/27/2011 4:39:58 PM
BigHitSunday Dick Danger 51059 Posts user info edit post |
Just went to a crash course in piedmont river entomology with NC State's Joe Silverman, whom actually has stream replicas in his lab where he rears insect hatches
cool stuff, good to know what these fish are eating, how they naturally behave, and what they look like 6/28/2011 11:21:08 AM
porcha All American 5286 Posts user info edit post |
going out this Thursday on the Carolina Princess...excited! 6/28/2011 11:43:47 AM
BigHitSunday Dick Danger 51059 Posts user info edit post |
I am going to set up a one fly fishing tournament sometime maybe fall if you or someone you know might be interested or can help plan a good location or ruleset let me know
Basically competitors are teamed up and you get one single fly to use and pattern of your choosing for the entire tournament, if you lose it and can't retrieve it you're done; if it breaks or unravels you can only repair it via glues or hooksharpening, you can't retie the fly or add any materials in the effort to mend it
The winnings would probably be a pool of flies used by the competitors (bring two flies of the same pattern, one to fish and one for the pot) I'm thinking total inches of fish caught observed by your partner 6/28/2011 9:02:15 PM
BigHitSunday Dick Danger 51059 Posts user info edit post |
when i was forced to abandon my car on 40 overnight, some gentleman relieved my window of its integrity and pilfered my fly fishing sling pack with all my flies, a bad ass buck knife, and some fly floatants. I was pissed for about 3 seconds, probably bout 150$ worth of flies in there.
Then I looked down and I realized that not only did they not steal my fly fishing lanyard with all my tools and someof my most used flies on it that was hanging on the rearview, they also didnt take my 8wt fly rod and reel an my 5 wt fly rod and reel.
So in the end i couldnt get mad at that. I can still go fly fishing, and I can restock my flies more carefully than I have in the past, which was buying everything that looked good, I kinda have a good idea of what flies i need, and what I can save for special trips away from homewater. I can also organize better and purchase more suitable fly boxes for my dry flies.
Plus, im lucky that I had removed my baitcasting rods and reels and my tackleboxes of spin fishing lures for reorganizing, id have been sick to lose that, so again I can still go fishing with my complete outfit
all good  7/1/2011 11:29:24 AM
BigHitSunday Dick Danger 51059 Posts user info edit post |
The club is sponsoring a 3 day trout fishing trip + accomodations to the Davidson river in october and i got my reservation in 
thatll be fun, my first "guided" trout river trip
[Edited on July 7, 2011 at 4:32 PM. Reason : h] 7/7/2011 4:31:49 PM
dbhawley All American 3339 Posts user info edit post |
went king fishing down at the Surf City Pier a few weekends back. They werent running, but the blues were, and we did pull in some monster chopper blues
hopefully planning on going heading down the end of this month again 7/7/2011 6:50:26 PM
Tarpon All American 1380 Posts user info edit post |
Caught 30 spanish in about two hours yesterday evening. All were right outside the Carolina Beach inlet. 7/7/2011 8:33:41 PM
StateCole All American 3597 Posts user info edit post |
I just got my rod and reels + tackle from my grandpas house and I'm looking for places to fish. But, I don't have a boat. Are there places to fish from the shore at Harris or Jordan. Like any trails that go to any remote coves or anything?
I'm looking to fish for mainly bass. I've haven't been out to those lakes in a while, and it's always been in a boat.
Any help is appreciated
[Edited on July 7, 2011 at 9:26 PM. Reason : or just any places around raleigh that has fishing access from the shoreline ] 7/7/2011 9:25:56 PM
porcha All American 5286 Posts user info edit post |
don't mean to hijack but another Q...
I am going to my uncle's beach house in Ocean Isle this weekend and he lives on the canals. I've got access to a fishing kayak...what can I fish for in the canals? I don't think I'm venturous enough to paddle into the intercoastal but I may venture into the larger no-wake zones
any flounder? whats the best way to fish flounder? 7/12/2011 10:43:42 AM
specialkay All American 1036 Posts user info edit post |
Flounder, redfish and trout. They can all be caught on the same setups. Carolina rig live bait or gulp shrimp with a 1/8-3/8 oz(change according to winds/tides to keep bait down, use as light as possible) jighead bounced along the bottom.
If you just want to ride around and the kayak has a rod holder, rig up a carolina rig with a 1/2oz to 1oz egg sinker and a 18" leader and i use kahle hooks i think the were #2. Hook a mud minnow or whatever live bait is available and just let it drag out behind the kayak as you paddle. You should pick up something doing that. 7/12/2011 10:55:20 AM
porcha All American 5286 Posts user info edit post |
thanks, i think i'll troll as i wont be anchored...prob troll a chum bucket too 7/12/2011 3:46:00 PM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
chum ain't gonna help you and it'll just make it harder to paddle. dry dog food in a minnow trap will catch you some mud minnows for an excellent flounder bait. 7/12/2011 5:18:07 PM
clayguevara All American 604 Posts user info edit post |
I have the same question as statecole. Love to start back! 7/12/2011 6:17:04 PM
BigHitSunday Dick Danger 51059 Posts user info edit post |
you can wade a large portion of the perimeter of lake crabtree
catfish bass crappie carp etc all within casting range
of course catch and release for higher order predatory species due to contamination, but its fine to be in the water
[Edited on July 12, 2011 at 6:28 PM. Reason : f] 7/12/2011 6:27:41 PM
BigHitSunday Dick Danger 51059 Posts user info edit post |
After I left the gym I decided I wanted to fish into the fading light. I had never been to this impoundment, but since my default impoundment is probably closed for the year I figured I'd try this one out, on google maps it looked pretty good.
My goal was to hook up with some bowfin, as it always is when I go to the impoundments. I usually skunk out or get a few greensunfish or shell crackers when I go to the New Hope Creek impoundment.
After being there about 5 minutes (about 30 casts for me lol) I make a fortunate cast in the midst of a group of snags across the channel below the dam portion and began retrieving my deer hair popper. At first I stripped hard to get it to dive, and for whatever reason as i began to cross the channel portion, i start stripping little by little just enough so that it doesnt dive. All of a sudden i see this white flash engulf the popper and then return to where it came from. Luckily i didnt have to set the hook because I was somewhat prospecting my next cast while working on my current one (big no no).
The fish went straight between the concrete walls of the channel and I had to maneuver over some slippery rocks while keeping the line taut to pull the fish over the wall by the leader, because in the struggle the fish was actually rubbing my leader against the wall. What i pulled over the wall was my largest bass caught on the fly to date

Yea! I estimate it to be about 2 pounds and it fought like a river fish for sure, had i not seen the strike id have been sure it was a bowfin.
At that point (around 8) the bad asses of the impoundment really began terrorizing things smashing and crashing all over the place, but nothing was really biting my fly. I walked up the impoundment wall off hand casting along the shore in advance of arrival, once i gotto the end I turned around and roll casted my way back. No bites.
Back at my original position at the dam channel I changed to a smaller popper and I began target casting towards all the structures, this time im getting many many bites and many big misses,.like multiple strikes on the same retrieve. I stick with it for about 30 minutes and I land this feisty bass off a miss and a second attempt at it.

This fish struck delicately, i almost thought it was a really small bream and began to try to maneuver the fly away from it, and it struck again with a sip and i had it hooked. It must have seen his big bro fight me earlier because he tried his best to fight just as hard.
I turned him loose and fished for about 20 more minutes, and wound up foul hooking a green sunfish in the forehead before it started getting dark. I was content with my day and decided to leave before it got too dark to follow the path through the weeds back to my car.
Best hour and a half of fishing i have had in awhile! If you guys havent fished the impoundments give them a try, plenty of casting room and plenty of fish to have a shot at!
just a copy paste job of my posting on the Triangle Fly Fishers club website
[Edited on July 20, 2011 at 11:23 PM. Reason : f] 7/20/2011 11:22:56 PM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
too damn hot to fish 7/20/2011 11:37:10 PM
specialkay All American 1036 Posts user info edit post |
^ agreed. For some reason my dumbass decided to work on adding a front deck to my boat last week when the temps were decent. Now that I am done installing it is 100 fucking degrees. I love to fish, but damned if I am going to go out in this weather to drag carolina rigs in 20' of water at a snails pace.
I think i might try Harris on saturday or sunday morning to go test the new front deck, but I will be out there from 4 am till 7 or 8 to beat the heat. 7/21/2011 7:45:11 AM