jbrick83 All American 23447 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "tell us more how you feel people are idiots because their opinion is different than yours" |
Only when it's obvious...as in this particular instance. 11/3/2011 9:54:36 AM
AxlBonBach All American 45553 Posts user info edit post |
wow that was pretty wild.
that said, some of that is family business, and she should have gone to law enforcement (police, fbi, cps) - not the court of public opinion - with that evidence. 11/3/2011 10:03:15 AM
Geppetto All American 2157 Posts user info edit post |
I completely disagree with Kiwi. Perhaps she and I are different in that I can separate the duties one carries out with the nature of the person themselves.
In my household my mother did all of the spanking and ne'er a time was I ever afraid of my mom. What I was afraid of, however, was doing things that would get me in trouble because they would result in a spanking. When others acted out, I didn't and to this day I can tell a huge difference in how I respond to people (IRL) and accept responsibility for my actions and how others do. 11/3/2011 10:04:44 AM
jbrick83 All American 23447 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "that said, some of that is family business, and she should have gone to law enforcement (police, fbi, cps) - not the court of public opinion - with that evidence." |
I'm agreeing with you, but I can also see the 16 year old daughter of a judge in Arkansas being afraid of going to the police/law with allegations against her dad. I'm also sure she was raised to think that this was okay and maybe didn't realized how fucked up it was until later (this is almost 8 years later). 11/3/2011 10:05:01 AM
AxlBonBach All American 45553 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I'm agreeing with you, but I can also see the 16 year old daughter of a judge in Arkansas being afraid of going to the police/law with allegations against her dad. I'm also sure she was raised to think that this was okay and maybe didn't realized how fucked up it was until later (this is almost 8 years later)." |
Agreed. Additionally, this helps in the ole "awareness" department for any kids out there that may be going through something similar and are afraid or don't know how to seek help.
Shitty situation all around. I'm ok with spanking, but damn this went way beyond discipline. 11/3/2011 10:11:27 AM
DoubleDown All American 9382 Posts user info edit post |
Hey we should just have a law where parents are not allowed to physically discipline their children - if their children are misbehaving and they cannot control them, we can have a gov't appointed disciplinary specialist that can assist with the parenting. Great idea! 11/3/2011 10:14:38 AM
BlackJesus Suspended 13089 Posts user info edit post |
Nothing wrong with a good ole country ass whuppin.
11/3/2011 10:18:11 AM
Beethoven86 All American 3001 Posts user info edit post |
^^You are an idiot.
[Edited on November 3, 2011 at 10:18 AM. Reason : ] 11/3/2011 10:18:34 AM
DoubleDown All American 9382 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "You are an idiot." |
Yea your friend jbrick83 already told me that 3 times, got anything new to share? 11/3/2011 10:21:08 AM
NCStatePride All American 640 Posts user info edit post |
I'm all for corporal punishment, but there are limits. It's one thing to sit on a forum and say "that's not nothing!" It's another thing to really consider what he's doing. A 16 year old disabled girl was found on her computer after she was told to turn it off, the mother is heard saying "I already spanked her", and father comes in and hits her with a belt 14 times, he leaves the room and mom hits her once, then 40 seconds later dad comes back in with what looks like a paddle and hits her 2 more times, then climbs on top of her in the bed and hits her once.
That's not harsh discipline; that's abuse.
The phrases he uses like "Bend over the fucking bed or I'll hit you in your fucking face" probably aren't helping. 11/3/2011 10:21:56 AM
BlackJesus Suspended 13089 Posts user info edit post |
Only white people think this is abuse. Atleast its a belt and not an extension cord. Now some of the ass whuppins I earned back in the day were abuse. I would have laughed if my mom was like turn over and let me spank you on the ass.  11/3/2011 10:24:23 AM
Beethoven86 All American 3001 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Yea your friend jbrick83 already told me that 3 times, got anything new to share?" |
No, but apparently you believe repetition in negative reinforcement is an effective means of correcting behavior, so I thought I would give it a shot. Oh well. 11/3/2011 10:24:33 AM
NCStatePride All American 640 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Only white people think this is abuse. Atleast its a belt and not an extension cord. Now some of the ass whuppins I earned back in the day were abuse. I would have laughed if my mom was like turn over and let me spank you on the ass. " |
What if you were a mentally challenged 16 year old girl who had already received something from mom, received 14 licks from dad before he says something about getting hit metal something, then hit three more times? I just want to make sure I understand at what point in time these parents would stop being loving, disciplinary parents and start being someone who is just losing their temper and senselessly beating their mentally challenged child. 11/3/2011 10:27:17 AM
jbrick83 All American 23447 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Only white people think this is abuse. Atleast its a belt and not an extension cord. Now some of the ass whuppins I earned back in the day were abuse. I would have laughed if my mom was like turn over and let me spank you on the ass." |
My girlfriend is a teacher at a school where a teacher got in trouble for slapping a student (the student destroyed the classroom and was uncontrollable...not making excuses, just describing the situation).
The teacher got suspended for a little while, but the parents didn't press any further because they didn't want Child Services to talk to the kid and find out that they more than likely beat the shit out of the kid back at home  11/3/2011 10:28:51 AM
Arab13 Art Vandelay 45180 Posts user info edit post |
I plan on spanking my kids, wether it happens or not is something else. Growing up the dual threat of it plus what it ment that my parents would think about me to result in this were enough to keep me in line most of the time. 11/3/2011 10:29:27 AM
DoubleDown All American 9382 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "What if you were a mentally challenged 16 year old girl who had already received something from mom, received 14 licks from dad before he says something about getting hit metal something, then hit three more times? I just want to make sure I understand at what point in time these parents would stop being loving, disciplinary parents and start being someone who is just losing their temper and senselessly beating their mentally challenged child." |
Is this girl back to being mentally challenged? 11/3/2011 10:31:39 AM
EMCE balls deep 89894 Posts user info edit post |
I got my ass whooped as a child, and am better for it. It taught me a very important lesson: dont get caught, and be sure to cover your goddamn tracks. 11/3/2011 10:33:17 AM
NCStatePride All American 640 Posts user info edit post |
Like I said, I'm a big fan of corporal punishment, and not just the 'slap their wrist and tell them they did a no-no'. That being said, there is a big line between corporal punishment for the sake of raising a disciplined child and beating a teenager with cerebral palsy almost 20 times with a belt, paddle, etc… 11/3/2011 10:33:35 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Is this girl back to being mentally challenged?" |
Yeah I'm not getting that, and I'm betting if you called up this woman and asked her she wouldn't get it either  11/3/2011 10:34:35 AM
Igor All American 6672 Posts user info edit post |
Arkansas is really getting some bad publicity for something it has no relation to. 11/3/2011 10:36:17 AM
BlackJesus Suspended 13089 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "dont get caught, and be sure to cover your goddamn tracks" |
She looks real mentally challenged when she turns off the camera.  11/3/2011 10:37:25 AM
NCStatePride All American 640 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Is this girl back to being mentally challenged?" |
She has ataxic cerebral palsy.
Quote : | "She looks real mentally challenged when she turns off the camera. " |
That's because it's ataxic CP; she's not a spastic quadriplegic. But yeah, I'm sure that just because you didn't see her in a motorized wheelchair that you can tell she's faking it.  11/3/2011 10:43:46 AM
DoubleDown All American 9382 Posts user info edit post |
^ did you watch the video of her talking about it as an adult posted on the last page? 11/3/2011 10:44:59 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "ataxic cerebral palsy" |
This does not make her mentally challenged. It means she has limited motor skills. Cognitively she's able to process thoughts and ideas just like any other person that isn't mentally challenged. 11/3/2011 10:47:06 AM
DoubleDown All American 9382 Posts user info edit post |

11/3/2011 10:48:20 AM
Beethoven86 All American 3001 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Ataxia type symptoms can be caused by damage to the cerebellum. The forms of ataxia are less common types of cerebral palsy, occurring in at most 10% of all cases. Some of these individuals have hypotonia and tremors. Motor skills such as writing, typing, or using scissors might be affected, as well as balance, especially while walking. It is common for individuals to have difficulty with visual and/or auditory processing. " |
Yes, I pilfered that from wikipedia, so I have no clue if it's accurate. 11/3/2011 10:50:06 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
It's kind of like saying that someone who is partially blind or deaf or has Parkinson's or something is mentally handicapped. 11/3/2011 10:51:43 AM
NCStatePride All American 640 Posts user info edit post |
Maybe "mentally challenged" isn't correct.... she has a disability caused by something in her brain. Whatever you want to call it, my point is that she's already someone who has a disability. I'm not saying she wasn't aware of what she was doing and being punished; it was just that she is someone is a life-long disability that he was beating.
Quote : | "It's kind of like saying that someone who is partially blind or deaf or has Parkinson's or something is mentally handicapped." |
Right, so if I saw someone with Parkinson's, I would say they are handicapped due to a mental abnormality. I guess I've always thought there was a distinction between a mental handicap and mental retardation. Maybe I'm wrong; I don't have a lot of experience around people who have non-retardation handicaps dealing with the brain.
[Edited on November 3, 2011 at 10:55 AM. Reason : ...] 11/3/2011 10:52:02 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Aside from the fact no one really deserves a beatdown, I don't really get the line of thought that someone who is physically handicapped shouldn't get a spanking. It's kind of like saying someone who is handicapped should get a free pass in life to do whatever the hell they want. 11/3/2011 10:55:08 AM
NCStatePride All American 640 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I don't really get the line of thought that someone who is physically handicapped shouldn't get a spanking." |
When did I say that (or are you referring to someone else)? 11/3/2011 10:56:51 AM
DoubleDown All American 9382 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "What if you were a mentally challenged 16 year old girl who had already received something from mom" |
Quote : | "losing their temper and senselessly beating their mentally challenged child" |
come on, you know what you were trying to imply  11/3/2011 10:59:39 AM
jbrick83 All American 23447 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I don't really get the line of thought that someone who is physically handicapped shouldn't get a spanking. It's kind of like saying someone who is handicapped should get a free pass in life to do whatever the hell they want.
" |
Woah woah woah....you are making a ridiculously large jump in reasoning right there. Slow down. 11/3/2011 11:01:19 AM
NCStatePride All American 640 Posts user info edit post |
Because I don't think you should "lose your temper and senselessly beat a [disabled] child", that means I don't think handicaped children should be subjected to corporal punishment? Yeah, that makes sense...
jbrick83 is echoing my feelings. It's a really, really huge leap to say that I think this event is particularly terrible because she is perminantly handicapped and extract from that this idea that I don't think someone with a disability should ever been disciplined.
[Edited on November 3, 2011 at 11:04 AM. Reason : jbrick83 responded] 11/3/2011 11:02:04 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Right, so if I saw someone with Parkinson's, I would say they are handicapped due to a mental abnormality." |
Go up to a person with Parkinson's and tell them they are mentally handicapped and I imagine you will get major stink eye.
Quote : | "Because I don't think you should "lose your temper and senselessly beat a [disabled] child"," |
Disability should have nothing to do with it. No child deserves to be senselessly beaten.
[Edited on November 3, 2011 at 11:05 AM. Reason : a] 11/3/2011 11:02:47 AM
Beethoven86 All American 3001 Posts user info edit post |
^They may even shake their fist at you. 11/3/2011 11:03:38 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Their shaken fist will probably be more chaotic looking than your standard shaken fist. 11/3/2011 11:04:50 AM
jbrick83 All American 23447 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Go up to a person with Parkinson's and tell them they are mentally handicapped and I imagine you will get major stink eye." |
Maybe not in the early stages, but I'm pretty sure that later stages include dementia. So eventually, they do have mental disabilities. 11/3/2011 11:06:23 AM
BobbyDigital Thots and Prayers 41777 Posts user info edit post |
because of parkinsons
[Edited on November 3, 2011 at 11:07 AM. Reason : .] 11/3/2011 11:06:31 AM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
If he wants to punish her for downloading music and prevent her from doing it again, there's a more effective way to do it.
Take her computer. 11/3/2011 11:08:16 AM
BobbyDigital Thots and Prayers 41777 Posts user info edit post |
and beat her with it amirite 11/3/2011 11:08:55 AM
jbrick83 All American 23447 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Take her computer." |
This was back in 2004...it was probably the family's only computer. If he takes it away, how else is he going to look up child pornography?? 11/3/2011 11:09:23 AM
Str8BacardiL ************ 41759 Posts user info edit post |
I can't believe people are defending this guy.
All evidence points to him being a horrible individual. 11/3/2011 11:09:39 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "This was back in 2004...it was probably the family's only computer. If he takes it away, how else is he going to look up child pornography??" |
Put it in his man cave, durr. 11/3/2011 11:10:27 AM
NCStatePride All American 640 Posts user info edit post |
wolfpackgrrr, That's the problem... I don't deal or work with anyone with Parkinson's. I do deal and work with people who are autistic... mentally challenged.
And in response to your last statement... No one is claiming any child shouldn't get beaten. The only reason it was mentioned was to try to frame a response to blackjesus who was saying it wasn't a big deal. I'm not implying that handicapped kids shouldn't be disciplined or that any other kid is alright being beaten. Are there any other assumptions you would like to jump to based on things I didn't say... just so I can go ahead and clear that up.
[Edited on November 3, 2011 at 11:12 AM. Reason : ..] 11/3/2011 11:11:17 AM
bmel l3md 11149 Posts user info edit post |
At the end of the video, the Mom said she was only allowed to use the computer for school work. I'm guessing she actually needed to computer for homework or maybe she was home-schooled. 11/3/2011 11:11:40 AM
NCStatePride All American 640 Posts user info edit post |
^So... am I the only one picking up on the fact that the computer is in the corner of what I assume is her bedroom? If it's a single family computer, why is it in her bedroom? 11/3/2011 11:12:53 AM
Str8BacardiL ************ 41759 Posts user info edit post |
Dude who beats their kid for using Napster or Kazaa???
I could see if she was like hanging out with a coke dealer but if that is the worst thing your kid does you are gonna be alright.
If you beat your kid for every little thing they do wrong then what are you gonna do for the serious shit they do wrong? 11/3/2011 11:13:46 AM
Str8BacardiL ************ 41759 Posts user info edit post |
Dude who beats their kid for using Napster or Kazaa???
I could see if she was like hanging out with a coke dealer but if that is the worst thing your kid does you are gonna be alright.
If you beat your kid for every little thing they do wrong then what are you gonna do for the serious shit they do wrong? 11/3/2011 11:14:19 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
^5 And I'm saying that this video isn't worse because the girl also happened to be disabled. It would be just as bad if she didn't have that disability. I have the same beef when prosecutors automatically go for hate crime charges when the victim happens to be black in a crime. Unless the guy was beating her because she's disabled, I don't see how her disability makes this a worse offense.
[Edited on November 3, 2011 at 11:14 AM. Reason : a] 11/3/2011 11:14:28 AM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on November 3, 2011 at 11:19 AM. Reason : set em up]
11/3/2011 11:17:40 AM