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All American
23525 Posts
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looks 5 years old

10/7/2013 1:44:40 PM

All American
23447 Posts
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I think she looked better with the brunette Bachman wig. Not a bad singer either.

Her tongue and crotch-grabbing is just annoying as fuck though. I get (or maybe I don't)...but I just think she's going a little overboard.

10/7/2013 1:53:59 PM

All American
28541 Posts
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Quote :
"you posting that about yourself?"

boom. did he mention that he's rubber and you're glue? this is kinda hilarious.

10/7/2013 2:02:19 PM

All American
7323 Posts
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that rap track posted on the last page is pretty dope. i heard it on XM and when i saw miley was featured on it i was like dafuq?

10/7/2013 2:05:52 PM

45208 Posts
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I'm a big fan.

10/7/2013 2:24:57 PM

148787 Posts
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Quote :
"you posting that about yourself?"

just figured you were either trolling or completely ignorant to great hip hop producers

trying to give you the benefit of the doubt by assuming you were trolling

Bandz A Make Her Dance one of the best rap songs of the last 5 years? That's laughable

10/7/2013 2:26:55 PM

best gottfriend
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Quote :
"Her tongue and crotch-grabbing is just annoying as fuck though. I get (or maybe I don't)...but I just think she's going a little overboard."

there's definitely an aspect of "ehhh, i'm not sure you completely understand what you're doing there miley".

10/7/2013 2:28:02 PM

45208 Posts
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speaking of...her documentary is coming on right now on mtv

10/7/2013 2:33:15 PM

All American
29099 Posts
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her teeth are too big for her mouth...she can barely close it

10/7/2013 2:44:28 PM

26632 Posts
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Has she ever been screened for rabies? I bet that's why she can't control her tongue, she probably has rabies.

10/7/2013 2:45:43 PM

All American
39456 Posts
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Quote :
"trying to give you the benefit of the doubt by assuming you were trolling

Bandz A Make Her Dance one of the best rap songs of the last 5 years? That's laughable"

it was a giant radio hit, mainly due to the production

10/7/2013 2:47:21 PM

All American
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it's my opinion that pretty much anything that is played on radio stations, particularly hip-hop (and country) radio stations is absolutely terrible. but i realize that's just my opinion.

10/7/2013 2:53:21 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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that's a pretty dumb opinion.

10/7/2013 2:59:46 PM

All American
28541 Posts
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and you seem to enjoy being a jerk for no particular reason.

but yeah, most corporate radio sucks (imo)

10/7/2013 3:05:58 PM

68205 Posts
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as a hiphop head since the 5th grade i can say without a doubt that I agree with TT10

bandz make her dance is a terrible song and who the fuck is mike will made it?

def. not the best hiphop producer in the game

10/7/2013 3:07:05 PM

All American
4073 Posts
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not the best, but I know that he has a bunch of stuff out right now with a large number of artists

10/7/2013 3:11:01 PM

45208 Posts
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he's getting paid so he's gotta be doing something right

10/7/2013 3:12:45 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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Quote :
"but yeah, most corporate radio sucks (imo)"

That's a little more accurate.

10/7/2013 3:18:30 PM

All American
39456 Posts
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probably shouldn't have said "if not the best", but the dude does matter

regardless if you had never heard of him before

10/7/2013 3:22:40 PM

All American
28541 Posts
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aren't the vast majority of stations "corporate radio"?

10/7/2013 3:23:39 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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Sure, but contending that everything played on those stations is terrible is pretty stupid.

10/7/2013 3:41:28 PM

All American
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My only problem with radio is how small their song selection is. I mean do they really need to keep playing blurred lines 50,000 times a day when the song is already several months old?

10/7/2013 3:43:09 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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If it's selling, I guess they do. I don't often listen to 105.1 or 101.5 much so I guess I've been lucky to escape some of that onslaught so far.

10/7/2013 3:50:53 PM

All American
1973 Posts
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hold up. I'm sorry I'm late to this but

Quote :
"Mike Will Made It was behind Mercy and Bandz A Make her dance, two of the best rap songs of the past 5 years"



10/7/2013 5:17:21 PM

All American
1973 Posts
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10/7/2013 5:19:37 PM

TX R. Snake
10566 Posts
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10/8/2013 9:59:14 AM

All American
25823 Posts
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Quote :
"if she wants to "liver her life" without haters, she's probably in the wrong line of business, dontcha think? she deserves to be criticized. (and what's with all the grown men itt coming to the defense of teenage pop-star who's intentionally trolling for criticism in order to get her and her entourage richer? it's weird.)"

But that's the thing. In her case, no press is bad press- she wins no matter what. Getting all up into a tizzy over what's she's doing isn't going to stop her. The only way she's going away is if people start ignoring her, which nobody really seems interested in doing right now. People can't seem to help themselves. By the time people start ignoring her or get bored with her shit, she'll have reinvented herself ala Britney/Madonna and go on to talk about how she's 'changed' for the better. I just think it's funny u mad.

[Edited on October 8, 2013 at 10:14 AM. Reason : .]

10/8/2013 10:13:36 AM

All American
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lol, i ain't mad. i agree with most of what you just posted. i just said she's in the wrong line of work if she wants to live her life free of criticism (and I know she didn't say that, but you did)

10/8/2013 10:22:47 AM

All American
25823 Posts
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eh, i meant 'people' not 'you' per se

and i still stand by what i said. i wasn't a rich/famous celebrity and i was a total idiot when i was 19-20. she will either end up dead, go to rehab when she starts liking coke or heroin, or she'll gradually grow out of it and decide to get her shit together if she wants to have a long lasting career.

10/8/2013 10:44:39 AM

play so hard
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Quote :
"i just said she's in the wrong line of work if she wants to live her life free of criticism (and I know she didn't say that, but you did)"

No, he didn't say that. That was all you. Hell she did the performance knowing it would receive all kinds of criticism.

10/8/2013 10:49:33 AM

All American
15213 Posts
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Quote :
"decide to get her shit together"

Other than posing with little clothing on in magazines and being provocative at an awards show that always encourages outlandish behavior (which she has already admitted went a little further than she planned), have there been any legit reports she is using drugs and/or endangering her life somehow?

She comes across as very calculated and deliberate with her actions whenever I've read interviews with her and profiles about her. She may eventually fall apart but I don't get why everybody assumes she's at that point now.

10/8/2013 10:57:15 AM

All American
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^^he said, and I quote "i am liking this bitch more and more. she's a lot smarter than people give her credit for and she's basically saying 'fuck you' to all her haters. she's 20. let the girl live her life and have fun doing it."

i don't think it's a stretch at all for me to interpret that as him saying "let her live her life free of criticism", is it? and i said she's in the wrong line of work for that. but i agreed that she knew what she was doing. I understand she did the performance knowing it would receive all kinds of criticism and increase her popularity.

Why do you keep trying to argue with me over things i haven't said (or didn't mean)?

[Edited on October 8, 2013 at 11:14 AM. Reason : ]

10/8/2013 11:12:57 AM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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Let's just agree that she never said she "wants to live her life free of criticism." Should be able to find some common ground there right?

10/8/2013 11:18:22 AM

All American
28541 Posts
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I agree with that. That's why i said (in the sentence that you quoted):

Quote :
""(and I know she didn't say that, but you [ujustwait] did)""

10/8/2013 11:22:28 AM

All American
25823 Posts
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Quote :
"have there been any legit reports she is using drugs and/or endangering her life somehow?"

i mean weed isn't a big deal to me, and MDMA isn't THAT big of a deal, but she's admitted to doing cocaine. she's 20 and coke is a pretty hard drug. from my experience, experimentation can turn into addiction/abuse pretty quickly, especially if you're rich and around people who aren't there to protect you. I'd be somewhat concerned if i were her parent, wouldn't you? doing drugs is one thing, but bragging about it to the world also isn't the smartest thing to do...

[Edited on October 8, 2013 at 11:35 AM. Reason : .]

[Edited on October 8, 2013 at 11:36 AM. Reason : .]

10/8/2013 11:33:57 AM

All American
43425 Posts
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I just wanted to post that I have no idea who any of the hip hop artists mentioned on the previous page are. Except Wiz Khalifa. But I already know to avoid anything involving him like the plague.

10/8/2013 11:37:23 AM

26632 Posts
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don't worry, no one ever mistakes you as someone who is open to any new ideas, science, cultures, experiences, or art

10/8/2013 11:43:44 AM

All American
15213 Posts
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Quote :
"I'd be somewhat concerned if i were her parent, wouldn't you?"

sure, but that's not really the discussion.

Just seems to me she wants to hammer the point home she's not a mild mannered young Disney star anymore. What better way to do that than sex and drugs?

10/8/2013 11:45:34 AM

26632 Posts
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I can give you sex...
I can give you drugs...
And what I certainly can give you, is house!!!

Sex, drugs and house!!!

10/8/2013 11:47:25 AM

All American
25823 Posts
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Quote :
"sure, but that's not really the discussion."

actually, it is. people seem to be wayyyy more concerned with the fact that she's being overtly sexual than the fact that she's doing drugs, although many are concerned about both. i'm not an uptight prude and i think she's behaving like a typical 20 year old with a hot body, record deal, and access to tons of attention. what i'd be worried about is the drug use, which could possibly ruin her life- NOT the fact that she's in tune with her sexuality and using it to her advantage. i caution people that think that she's promoting her sexuality BECAUSE of drugs, because i don't think the two go hand in hand.

[Edited on October 8, 2013 at 12:16 PM. Reason : .]

10/8/2013 12:14:35 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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Quote :
"I'd be somewhat concerned if i were her parent, wouldn't you"

Should Justin Bieber's parents be concerned about him? What about Chris Brown's parents? A$AP Rocky? Wiz Khalifa?

Additionally I don't see Miley out there extolling the virtues of drug usage or talking about it all the time, but perhaps you've seen some interview I haven't.

In short, I think you're only saying these things because she's a young white woman.

10/8/2013 12:15:53 PM

All American
25823 Posts
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READ what i posted and click on the link- she CONSTANTLY talks about it. weed isn't a huge deal. nor is MDMA, although abuse of either can be really dangerous. they are still way less hard on your body than coke and booze. and yes, i'd be concerned if my son or daughter were stoned 24/7 like wiz khalifa, let alone if he or she was doing coke.

[Edited on October 8, 2013 at 12:20 PM. Reason : .]

10/8/2013 12:19:26 PM

11725 Posts
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^^ "dancin with molly", "trying to get a line in the bathroom"

lines from one of her recent hits

just sayin

10/8/2013 12:19:58 PM

All American
6786 Posts
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Quote :
"nor is MDMA"


10/8/2013 12:20:42 PM

Not an alcoholic
8015 Posts
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Coke isn't a big deal. As long as you don't have to inject it it's not a bad drug

10/8/2013 12:21:26 PM

All American
25823 Posts
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YES coke IS a big deal. and NO MDMA is NOT that hard of a drug

some of you have no idea about drugs, although I blame D.A.R.E and fear mongering for that shit

[Edited on October 8, 2013 at 12:23 PM. Reason : science]

[Edited on October 8, 2013 at 12:25 PM. Reason : .]

10/8/2013 12:22:39 PM

All American
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i hope he was just trying to be funny

(i would like to know what that study means by "harmful". i don't understand how weed can be more "harmful" than steroids, GHB, Methadone, Butane... that doesn't make any sense)

[Edited on October 8, 2013 at 12:25 PM. Reason : ]

10/8/2013 12:23:37 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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I think we can all agree that weed isn't a big deal right?

10/8/2013 12:24:12 PM

Not an alcoholic
8015 Posts
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^^^So you're saying that alcohol is definitely the worst drug?

[Edited on October 8, 2013 at 12:26 PM. Reason : ~]

10/8/2013 12:25:39 PM

All American
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^ by FAR.

weed certainly won't kill you, but like i said, i would be concerned if my son/daughter were high all the time and bragging about it. shows a real lack of maturity and the ability to control yourself

[Edited on October 8, 2013 at 12:33 PM. Reason : .]

10/8/2013 12:26:11 PM

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