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Sup, B
53293 Posts
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Quote :
"It's a stupid semantic one, but I understand it."

the fuck it's semantic. there's an actual difference, dude. That's why miscegenation laws were struck down. A black man went to prison for doing the exact same thing a white man could do without going to prison: marrying a white woman. Had the laws simply said the gov't wouldn't recognize the marriage, it would have been different. But one law sent people to jail, the other wouldn't. That's more than just semantics

5/8/2012 10:28:41 PM

All American
28747 Posts
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That still doesn't make it....


5/8/2012 10:29:23 PM

Sup, B
53293 Posts
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Quote :
"However, I do not feel that it's fair for one group to have tax benefits/protections/etc over another for no reason other than religious bigotry."

And I tend to agree. But that's not the same as throwing someone in jail. Our society voted to recognize and grant benefits to unions between one man, one woman. It's not the only instance of social engineering in our laws.

you want to do social engineering in other areas. this is the kind of shit you allow, then, when you say it's OK to use the law to try and affect social changes. this is what you get

5/8/2012 10:31:28 PM

16786 Posts
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there goes aaronburro, making excuses and being the lawyer for the government.

Argues all people are created equal, but defends the government's decision to hold straight people more equal than gay people.

5/8/2012 10:33:47 PM

Sup, B
53293 Posts
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I'm not defending that in the sense that I think it's how it should be. I'm saying that's how it is, and we set up our gov't in such a way that it's allowed. Don't like it? Change the fuckin gov't

5/8/2012 10:36:40 PM

All American
34517 Posts
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You don't have to go to jail for your rights to be infringed. That's argument is part of your famous goal post moving, straw man, make up your own definitions style of thinking.

And I'm sure living in a state where the people around you voted to demonize you, you're friends and the people you love TWICE is worse than jail.

5/8/2012 10:36:47 PM

Sup, B
53293 Posts
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Quote :
"You don't have to go to jail for your rights to be infringed."

true. but, in order to have a right that is infringed upon, you must first have that right. in this case, even God seems to admit that a gov't benefit is not a right. As such, the only way that anyone's rights were infringed in this case is if someone is now being thrown in jail or prevented from doing something other than obtaining gov't benefits or recognition. That's clearly not happening. Thus, jail serves as a convenient proxy. People are still free to do whatever they want with regards to who they love and with whom they want to live and join their lives.

Quote :
"And I'm sure living in a state where the people around you voted to demonize you, you're friends and the people you love TWICE is worse than jail."

And you know what's great about this country? You've got the RIGHT to get up and move to another state. Hell, several states have explicitly voted in the opposite manner, so you've even got ones that you know are more amenable to your opinions and beliefs.

5/8/2012 10:40:56 PM

16786 Posts
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The elections are illegitimate, I assure you the votes were fraudulently tampered with by the electors.

Quote :
"I'm not defending that in the sense that I think it's how it should be. I'm saying that's how it is, and we set up our gov't in such a way that it's allowed. Don't like it? Change the fuckin gov't"

You really have no idea what you're getting yourself into. The "fuckin gov't" has the country by the balls and it has people like you defending them for no apparent goddamn reason. THEY are setting the policy. THEY decide the laws. THEY decide everything you want for you. Ron Paul is our only hope of revolutionizing this country without a physical confrontation.

[Edited on May 8, 2012 at 10:45 PM. Reason : .]

5/8/2012 10:43:04 PM

All American
7863 Posts
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if that was true they would just kill him.

5/8/2012 10:44:32 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Quote :
"i'm fucking pissed. what the hell kind of country are we where we deliberately take away a person's freedom?"

I'm as pissed as the next guy...but now you're getting pissed about freedom? Where have you been the last ten years?

It's easy to understand why this amendment is a bad one. It's easy to understand how it will negatively effect people. I just wish people would get as fired up about foreign policy, drug policy, and the banking/monetary system, because it's just as fucking bad.

5/8/2012 10:45:30 PM

All American
27048 Posts
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5/8/2012 10:46:26 PM


15145 Posts
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Facebook isn't working now.

Probably because everyone in NC is logging on to bitch.

5/8/2012 10:46:57 PM

16786 Posts
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Quote :
"if that was true they would just kill him."

Really think hard about what you just said. What would you do if they really did kill him? It would be too late for you to act.

An assassination of Ron Paul will start an immediate war.

5/8/2012 10:50:07 PM

All American
27048 Posts
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Someone killing Ron Paul wouldn't lead to anything.

And the gubment didn't have anything to do with this - it's the masses of back woods retards and religious zealots that think it's ok to tell people how to live

5/8/2012 10:52:16 PM

16786 Posts
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Either come out from under the rock you're living under or suffer the consequences. That's my only warning. Laugh at me. I don't give a shit. It's your life. When the government is playing with our election results it's never a good sign. NEVER a good sign. The government doesn't care about the millions of people they have killed in the middle east and they certainly don't give a shit about a little dude named jaZon in denial.

[Edited on May 8, 2012 at 11:13 PM. Reason : .]

5/8/2012 11:12:49 PM

All American
27048 Posts
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Quote :
"come out from under the rock you're living under"

Heed your own advice if you seriously think the people of the state of NC aren't capable of doing this.

5/8/2012 11:14:57 PM

All American
34517 Posts
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Quote :
"And you know what's great about this country? You've got the RIGHT to get up and move to another state. Hell, several states have explicitly voted in the opposite manner, so you've even got ones that you know are more amenable to your opinions and beliefs."

Not sure if serious.

You're seriously suggesting people run from their problems?

And you live in a fantasy land if you think getting up and moving is just that easy. Skilled jobs in particular don't exist in all places and neither do good unskilled jobs, then there is the issue of ties to family and friends. Human beings aren't the robots you want them to be.

5/8/2012 11:18:11 PM

All American
27048 Posts
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I always love the people that say, "It's ok, you can just move."

It's the biggest cop-out response there is.

5/8/2012 11:19:54 PM

All American
3288 Posts
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Quote :
"The elections are illegitimate, I assure you the votes were fraudulently tampered with by the electors."

Did these same folks mess with all the polls that told us this exact result would come about?

5/8/2012 11:25:05 PM

16786 Posts
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Quote :
"Did these same folks mess with all the polls that told us this exact result would come about?"

the establishment owns the voting numbers and the voting machines, they own the media (newspapers, television, magazines, radio), and they own the government and the mainstream candidates.

the only reason ron paul is winning delegates is because of ONE thing. Transparency. Cameras are Everywhere at the conventions.

[Edited on May 8, 2012 at 11:34 PM. Reason : .]

5/8/2012 11:33:45 PM

All American
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5/8/2012 11:39:26 PM

16786 Posts
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Slap that forehead a little harder, jazon.

5/8/2012 11:43:00 PM

All American
27048 Posts
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It only drowns out your crazy talk for so long

5/8/2012 11:44:11 PM

1139 Posts
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i voted for amendment one

5/9/2012 12:43:48 AM

All American
31924 Posts
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5/9/2012 1:12:44 AM

All American
27048 Posts
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AND he voted for Ron Paul


5/9/2012 1:19:56 AM

All American
7436 Posts
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Anyone who voted for this sectarian garbage is a bigot. I can't wait until the 14th Amendment stomps all over this shit.

Hey Grumpy or TheDuke, remind me again how religion doesn't fuck shit up for the rest of us.

5/9/2012 1:27:17 AM

All American
27048 Posts
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More power to the states! LOL

5/9/2012 1:29:43 AM

16786 Posts
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Quote :
"More power to the states! LOL"

5/9/2012 1:47:42 AM

All American
15485 Posts
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^^^ or aaronburro

I'm pretty sure he's religious although he seems to keep it mostly out of his politics.

5/9/2012 1:49:59 AM

All American
27048 Posts
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^^ So you're agreeing giving states more power is fucking ridiculous?

5/9/2012 1:51:15 AM

16786 Posts
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no, try again.

5/9/2012 1:52:20 AM

All American
27048 Posts
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Showing members of the Texas state legislature voting for other members in the texas state legislature

*Nothing to do with states here, folks*

5/9/2012 1:55:48 AM

All American
25825 Posts
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Good job at making gay marriage extra dextra super illegal in NC

So glad I left that shithole 7 years ago...

5/9/2012 2:18:03 AM

16786 Posts
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Stop blaming NC. The vote was rigged.

5/9/2012 3:00:28 AM

All American
27048 Posts
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5/9/2012 3:01:50 AM

16786 Posts
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5/9/2012 3:14:51 AM

All American
27048 Posts
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Oh ok, I believe it this time.

5/9/2012 3:16:59 AM

16786 Posts
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You believe.
I know for a fact.

5/9/2012 3:20:25 AM

All American
27048 Posts
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You think people voting for a federal prison inmate is believableand at the same time think they won't vote for this? LOL

5/9/2012 3:24:49 AM

16786 Posts
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You're the only one talking about believing still.

5/9/2012 3:45:27 AM

All American
7841 Posts
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from cnn article..

Quote :
"North Carolina voted Tuesday to outlaw same-sex marriage, which was already prohibited in the state. Supporters pushed for the constitutional amendment, arguing that it is needed to ward off future legal challenges"

That alone is a reason that we have too many lawmakers. The "slippery slope argument" is so ridiculous.

5/9/2012 7:08:21 AM

All American
14984 Posts
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Quote :
"gov't recognition of your marriage"

Which is the only thing that matters from a legal protection standpoint, so yes, for all intents and purposes we have now outlawed gay marriage... even more so than it already was. Pretty shameful thing to have voted for this amendment, more shameful still that it was even written and put up for a vote. What a stupid fucking state we live in.

14th amendment, discrimination based on gender. Game, set, match. Mark it down, it will happen. It's only a matter of time before SCOTUS decides to hear a case. When they do that is the only possible, logical decision.

5/9/2012 7:13:25 AM

All American
9196 Posts
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Of course that may not be the decision Kennedy arrives at, depending on how well the atavists persuade him.

5/9/2012 7:28:24 AM


15145 Posts
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Quote :
"= 29 North Carolina: 50.3 % "

I randomly thought this would be an interesting statistic. An overwhelming majority of the voters went "for" the Amendment. Turns out it's a thin majority of households that are actually married in the first place. While unmarried people have nothing to gain and everything to lose from the law, married people also don't really have anything to gain... other than bring down their neighbors.

I wonder, unmarried people voted for this bill? Does them protecting marriage make sense? Generally, all the FB haters I see are in a marriage. It's hard to imagine that this got passed through higher voter participation from that half of the population. That's really hard to believe.

5/9/2012 10:11:25 AM

All American
7841 Posts
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Quote :
"It's hard to imagine that this got passed through higher voter participation from that half of the population. That's really hard to believe."

money talks. All i ever saw was advertisement for "Vote Yes". Also, the backing of churches plays a very large roll in the vote as well. Most people think it's a gay marriage issue, so immediately vote against it if their ideals are not in line, but don't consider the facts.

as npr stated this morning, it's all about cognitive dissonance. Facts are not good enough to change one's own perception. For the longest time I never liked hummus cause I told myself it looked bad and I hated it. Then one day I opened up and really enjoy a wider variety of foods. A little off topic, but there is something behind it.

5/9/2012 10:35:47 AM

All American
4852 Posts
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Way to go NC. Speaking as a Yankee, our perception of your state has now fallen to the Georgia/Alabama tier. Good to know you can still marry 14 year olds there, as long as it's a straight marriage.

5/9/2012 10:36:35 AM

2953 Posts
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I would be interested in seeing the breakdown on how African Americans voted on this issue. Seems very divided with the evangelical church group going FOR and the NAACP group going AGAINST.

5/9/2012 10:45:15 AM

434 Posts
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^^ its actually 16 yr olds

5/9/2012 11:16:50 AM

All American
7436 Posts
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But 1st cousins are still game. gg, bigots.

5/9/2012 11:24:37 AM

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