acraw All American 9257 Posts user info edit post |
what about chucks for going out 9/16/2013 6:48:44 PM
Jeepin4x4 #Pack9 35780 Posts user info edit post |
chucks look great with the right pair of jeans.
but you look like a cheese wiener if you wear them with shorts. 9/16/2013 6:51:32 PM
DROD900 All American 24674 Posts user info edit post |
this thread is awesome
and I will say that I like begonias and Sayer's advice on page 1. But also, this thread makes me happy that I'm not in the dating scene 9/16/2013 6:58:10 PM
justinh524 Sprots Talk Mod 28463 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "my goal is just to be a bitch on the internet though so i'm ok" |
9/16/2013 7:35:26 PM
NCSUHippie If it feels good 1189 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "chucks look great with the right pair of jeans. " |
Agreed, and I bought a pair at the outlet in Mebane for $20, so they don't have to be expensive. I may be in the minority here, but I would say that Vans or similar shoes would be acceptable with nice jeans, too.
(and not nice as in expensive, but nice as in not faded to oblivion, no rips, or holes) 9/16/2013 7:47:23 PM
simonn best gottfriend 28968 Posts user info edit post |
how has no one pointed out that this is 5 pages of advice on how to meet women... from begonias.
BEGONIAS! 9/16/2013 8:17:18 PM
begonias warning: not serious 19581 Posts user info edit post |
are you suggesting bringing a girl flowers or having me hook you up?
cause lemme tell you about my friend dropdeadkate 9/16/2013 8:20:42 PM
synapse play so hard 60941 Posts user info edit post |
Khaki shorts, polo, 993s and no underwear.
There must be some trolling involved here. 9/16/2013 9:25:36 PM
dropdeadkate nerdlord 11725 Posts user info edit post |
NCJockGirl All American 8886 Posts user info edit post |
jeep I dont know, thats just me being comfortable and liking the style. A lot of lesbian chicks dig the look and Im one of them. I like the way a girl looks in them, however she better have on a pair of girly underwear and something that isnt a sports bra. If this post is about meeting girls, I am interested too!!!! I have been single too long 9/16/2013 9:27:47 PM
Hiro All American 4673 Posts user info edit post |
As in:

[Edited on September 16, 2013 at 9:30 PM. Reason : .] 9/16/2013 9:28:40 PM
begonias warning: not serious 19581 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Khaki shorts, polo, 993s and no underwear.
There must be some trolling involved here." |
yeah it doesn't have to be a "polo" as in Ralph Lauren, just a collared shirt. if I had to give a preference on brand, I'd go with Brooks Brothers 9/16/2013 9:55:21 PM
adultswim Suspended 8379 Posts user info edit post |
$10 plain t-shirt
$30 jeans
$20 chuck taylor knockoffs 9/16/2013 10:00:43 PM
synapse play so hard 60941 Posts user info edit post |
So if not a polo [lowercase, not the brand] then a long sleeved shirt? with sneakers? 9/16/2013 10:02:02 PM
begonias warning: not serious 19581 Posts user info edit post |
a long-sleeve shirt with shorts?! wtf kind of fashion anarchy are you trying to pull here?! 9/16/2013 10:03:10 PM
ncsuapex SpaceForRent 37776 Posts user info edit post |
How about some Nike flip flops, cargo shorts and a miller lite tshirt? 9/16/2013 10:04:10 PM
simonn best gottfriend 28968 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "if I had to give a preference on brand, I'd go with Brooks Brothers" |
LOL. if i had to choose, i choose the most expensive one i can name. 9/16/2013 10:05:04 PM
Jeepin4x4 #Pack9 35780 Posts user info edit post |
Brooks Brothers clothes fit like tents. That stuff is cut for overweight 50 year old accountants. 9/16/2013 10:08:35 PM
dtownral Suspended 26632 Posts user info edit post |
one of their cuts is okay 9/16/2013 10:09:59 PM
adultswim Suspended 8379 Posts user info edit post |
looked on their website and $65 isn't that expensive for a polo. and they have cheaper ones
[Edited on September 16, 2013 at 10:11 PM. Reason : not that i would ever pay that much for one] 9/16/2013 10:10:55 PM
glassssssss All American 29099 Posts user info edit post |
So....tucked in or not?! 9/16/2013 10:12:20 PM
adultswim Suspended 8379 Posts user info edit post |
should i give myself a boner before i walk into a bar
[Edited on September 16, 2013 at 10:15 PM. Reason : .] 9/16/2013 10:15:10 PM
d357r0y3r Jimmies: Unrustled 8198 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Brooks Brothers clothes fit like tents. That stuff is cut for overweight 50 year old accountants." |
Tailoring is pretty affordable and worth it. If you're going to pay 250-400 for a blazer or something, why wouldn't you make sure that it fits properly? 9/16/2013 10:15:21 PM
synapse play so hard 60941 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Brooks Brothers clothes fit like tents. That stuff is cut for overweight 50 year old accountants." |
You're out of your fucking mind. You must be thinking of Jos. A Bank, or trolling.
Quote : | "looked on their website and $65 isn't that expensive for a polo. and they have cheaper ones" |
They're often on sale, and cheaper at the outlet. It's not Lacoste money, that's for sure.] 9/16/2013 10:17:09 PM
theDuke866 All American 52902 Posts user info edit post |
Their outlet is a different, cheaper line of clothing. It's not just a better deal on the same stuff. 9/16/2013 10:20:59 PM
synapse play so hard 60941 Posts user info edit post |
I haven't noticed a difference, but I'm no clothes nerd or anything. Surely it's not the exact same line, but the quality is still there imo. Everything I've bought there has lasted. 9/16/2013 10:24:16 PM
Jeepin4x4 #Pack9 35780 Posts user info edit post |
Brooks Brothers clothing made specifically for the outlet stores are labeled with "346" on the tags.
outlet clothes are fine. they just have a shorter life span. not a big deal. Gap Outlet v-necks fit me perfectly and for less than $10 i don't mind having to toss them out when they lose their shape.
and most outlet stores have authentic items at various spots on the sales floor. they won't be near as discounted, but you still find a few steals if you keep your eyes open] 9/16/2013 10:34:52 PM
begonias warning: not serious 19581 Posts user info edit post |
^knows what's up
tucked in or not depends on where you're going and what shoes you're wearing. typically, sneakers = not tucked
Quote : | "LOL. if i had to choose, i choose the most expensive one i can name." |
LOL if you think BB is the most expensive brand I can name.
Actually I'm insulted. Fuck you.
[Edited on September 16, 2013 at 10:40 PM. Reason : want a discount? go to garland.] 9/16/2013 10:37:10 PM
Geppetto All American 2157 Posts user info edit post |
Ho. Ly. Shit, this is the first time I have realized how old the wolf web has gotten. People still talking about doc marten's and new balance 993s? Hell, even rainbows. This isn't 2003 and you shouldn't dress like it is either. Shit, might as well ask the guy to put on a no fear shirt and some Jncos.
I agree with wearing a polo. Majority of time, if you're just happening around town choose a color that is strong and classic (navy or black will do you fine) but if you're going out on the town to a few bars, spruce it up with a light green, a brickish red and maybe even the occasional lilac to really draw some attention. Girls happen to like a guy who is willing to sport a little color and has the confidence to do so.
As for the shorts, wear a 9" short that is not cargo. This will give you a little above the knee but not too much. Really you should be thinking faded nickle, graphite, chalkboard, khaki, or a pale blue. These will all provide you a lot of versatility, while making you look taller and classic (assuming you're in a mildly athletic frame). If you need to wear pants, put on some chinos, in any of those same short colors, and make sure its a classic fit. Even regular fit is too baggy for the modern man. If you're 25+, then I would suggest never wearing shorts when you go out on the town. Shorts should strictly be daywear. Edit: chino colors should be khaki, navy, gray, or graphite.
Shoes, you can pretty much wear whatever casual sneaker you want, but personally i prefer driving moccasins. If you're 25+, this is a solid go to that will neither look too dressy or casual. If you're in a situation where sneakers are appropriate (pretty much limited to daywear, IMO) any casual sneaker will do but try to own some with some fucking color. Pretty much anything, i repeat anything other than gray 993s.
If you need to dress it up some, you can apply a button up to the chinos above and go with a proper shoe. Cole Hanns are a good mid tier shoe to rock. A brown leather with a leather sole will get you through most situations. Try not to choose a rubber sole shoe because it will look as cheap as it is because the scale of the shoe will be off. If you need height (and I don't think you do at 5'10") a dress shoe will get you there. Belt should be brown or black leather and preferably with a placard.
If you need a suit at all, again, go for a modern, more tailored fit and make sure that your suit is wool and nothing other than wool. Don't shop JoS A Bank because that shit is cheap and gawdy. If you're looking for something, you can go brooks brothers but some of that stuff is even too baggy for the modern man. i would suggest J. Crew... but it is probably best to get one made for you. It will be worth the money, I promise. But J. Crew is about the best you can do for off the rack. Also, if you're going to sport a tie... do not do it with a shirt with a button down collar, this will be a clear sign that you don't really know what you're doing.
Whatever you do, because people have different styles, just make sure you're stuff actually fits properly, and isn't entirely dated. Groom yourself well, but not overly. Smell good but not overpowering (don't mix too many scents, you want the smell to be subtle enough so she has to and wants to get close to smell you).
Also make sure that you stand up straight, make eye contact, smile when appropriate and spend 60% being the guy you are around your friends, 20% being the guy you are after you have dated a girl for a few months, 10% being who you are at formal events and 10% being the guy you are around your grandma and you will do fine no matter what you wear, how tall you are or where you are at.
[Edited on September 16, 2013 at 10:58 PM. Reason : so many edits] 9/16/2013 10:53:57 PM
Kris All American 36908 Posts user info edit post |
Brooks Brothers fit really baggy. Penguin is usually about the same price and the slims fit really well, no wrinkles when tucked in and haven't had a single one wear out yet. 9/16/2013 10:55:34 PM
BlackJesus Suspended 13089 Posts user info edit post |
I had no idea what 993's where until that post. Yall really like guys that wear cheap athletic shoes? Cheap shoes, short shorts, and no underwear. I smell trolls. 9/16/2013 10:57:23 PM
synapse play so hard 60941 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Yall really like guys that wear cheap athletic shoes? Cheap shoes, short shorts, and no underwear. I smell trolls" |
They're not cheap, but I too smell trolls. 9/16/2013 11:03:35 PM
acraw All American 9257 Posts user info edit post |
this thread makes me feel cheap  9/16/2013 11:06:19 PM
tchenku midshipman 18598 Posts user info edit post |
$120 shoes = cheap?
sneakers, bitches.
you can run. you can fight. you can scale things.
[Edited on September 16, 2013 at 11:08 PM. Reason : ] 9/16/2013 11:06:29 PM
acraw All American 9257 Posts user info edit post |
I have a pair of running shoes that I got from zappos for 80 bucks. Cheap considering most shoes are 100+ 9/16/2013 11:08:35 PM
Sayer now with sarcasm 9841 Posts user info edit post |
the post i made on the first page, underwear suggestion included, was 100% serious
Lemme put the underwear thing in perspective:
As a straight dude, if an attractive lady lets you know she ain't wearing any, your mind is going to be on it and it's kinda a turn on.
Do you think that shit is a one-way street?
Her eyes are going to be visiting your crotch more than they would have, and her mind is going to be on your wedding tackle. Maybe she'll get lucky and catch the bulge, maybe she'll want to see more.
There really aren't any downsides unless you suck at wiping your ass or zipping your fly, in which case you've got bigger problems than trying to meet women. 9/16/2013 11:18:04 PM
synapse play so hard 60941 Posts user info edit post |
I realize you're trying to be funny, but you're failing. 9/16/2013 11:48:16 PM
Sayer now with sarcasm 9841 Posts user info edit post |
you realize wrong bitch 9/17/2013 6:50:49 AM
Jeepin4x4 #Pack9 35780 Posts user info edit post |
i get boners a lot more easily when i'm going commando. that's a compliment to the ladies right?] 9/17/2013 7:52:18 AM
adultswim Suspended 8379 Posts user info edit post |
if you display your boner to the right, it means you're gay 9/17/2013 8:01:09 AM
0EPII1 All American 42565 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "There really aren't any downsides " |
Umm, random boners creating tents? Or is that considered acceptable in your circles? And don't give me the nonsense of if you get a boner looking at a dressed woman you are a little boy. They can happen due to pressure, temperature change, or even unexplained reasons. 9/17/2013 8:01:34 AM
sparky Garage Mod 12301 Posts user info edit post |
I only go commando when I'm sporting my Umbros  9/17/2013 8:07:17 AM
Jeepin4x4 #Pack9 35780 Posts user info edit post |
0EP hates guys that go commando because he can't sniff their boxers at the end of the night. 9/17/2013 8:08:32 AM
CalledToArms All American 22025 Posts user info edit post |
i just go athletic poly/spandex boxer briefs all the time now. 9/17/2013 8:20:05 AM
21814 Posts user info edit post |
So now that we've covered the "How to dress" portion-- maybe the OP, if he wants, can tell us more about his experience with the ladies.
When was your last committed relationship? How do you approach girls? How many dates do you go on until it fizzles out? What do you talk about? What type of girls do you go after? What type of girl do you want? 9/17/2013 10:08:30 AM
Jeepin4x4 #Pack9 35780 Posts user info edit post |
have you been told you are emotionally unavailable? i get that a lot. it's mostly true / ] 9/17/2013 10:09:38 AM
dtownral Suspended 26632 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Umm, random boners creating tents?" |
are you 14? 9/17/2013 10:12:48 AM
0EPII1 All American 42565 Posts user info edit post |
Are you 4?
Quote : | "And don't give me the nonsense of if you get a boner looking at a dressed woman you are a little boy. They can happen due to pressure, temperature change, or even unexplained reasons." |
throughout the day? i didnt say they happen all the time. very rarely, but when they do happen, it is embarrassing, even with underwear.
[Edited on September 17, 2013 at 10:27 AM. Reason : wow, both of you need to learn how to read] 9/17/2013 10:24:07 AM
Sayer now with sarcasm 9841 Posts user info edit post |
lol this is what I thought too.
I don't walk around randomly sprouting chub throughout the day like a mid-puberty teenager, so this isn't an issue for me. 9/17/2013 10:24:15 AM
Exiled Eyes up here ^^ 5918 Posts user info edit post |
This thread waffles back and forth from funny to creepy to sad.
Seriously. I dress in what I'm comfortable in. I am not comfortable and feel like a tool in chino shorts, or 9 inch shorts or whatever you call them, so guess what? I don't wear them. Same goes for polo shirts.
I'd rather dress comfortably in a style that suits my personality, if that doesn't pull in the ladies, well then they're likely not the kind I'd be interested in anyway. 9/17/2013 10:44:37 AM