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"Still, this chatter has stirred up folks all over the Lowcountry, worried that nuclear fallout could seriously ruin their weekend. Officials with Charleston County, the state's emergency management personnel and even the Department of Defense have gotten worried calls from folks scanning the skies for mushroom clouds over Fort Sumter."

Of significant note here is the fact that enough people were concerned about this that the mainstream press in Charleston felt compelled to respond. This is reflective of the fact that more and more people are turning to the alternative media (and away from the "mainstream" media) for news and information.

Alternative Media Amplifies as Mainstream Gatekeepers Decline

[Edited on August 16, 2005 at 11:00 PM. Reason : 1]

8/16/2005 10:45:16 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Either they felt compelled to respond, or it was just a slow news day. If I were a reporter and needed some filler, I would probably put in a few lines about the small group that's convinced that our city will be nuked as a pretext to invading Iran.

attention =/= credibility

On a side note, I fought off an entire nest of invisible dragons who wanted to destroy Raleigh yesterday. Since they're invisible there aren't any witnesses or evidence. But believe me! I taught the invisible dragons a lesson!

[Edited on August 17, 2005 at 10:51 AM. Reason : .]

8/17/2005 10:49:39 AM

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"High-Ranking Military Officer Warns Of Major Terrorist Attack Looming; Cheney Consumed Day And Night With Nuclear Retaliation In Iran

August 17, 2005
By Greg Szymanski

A high-ranking military officer has come forward saying "a real danger exists" for a large-scale terrorist attack in the coming weeks, adding Vice President Dick Cheney spends his entire day consumed with issues of terrorism and U.S. nuclear retaliation in the Middle East if an attack on American soil occurs.

The retired officer, who remains anonymous, claims military factions are battling over how to address the terrorist threat, claiming the Iraq War, the threats being leveled to Iran and Israel's stranglehold on the Palestinians has created instability within U.S. political and military establishments.

These reports compound earlier reports made last week by others in the military that Cheney had already ordered Strategic Command (STRATCOM) to prepare a nuclear attack against Iran, a fact verified by Washington insiders, including Lyndon LaRouche, a former democratic nominee for President, who now has taken up the role as a spear-thrower while getting the message out for several senators on Capital Hill not willing for political reasons to go public.

Confirming military sources, LaRouche said he also learned this week said that the plan for a nuclear strike against Iran has been in the works longer than thought, actually starting in 2004 after Ariel Sharon and his government made threats "that Israel would take out Iran's nuclear facilities" like it did in Iraq in 1981.

"I think under the Bush adminnistration time-frame we are weeks away from an attack on our homeland and also an impending nuclear catastrophe," said LaRouche, an outspoken Bush critic in a telephone conversation from his Vermont political headquarters called Larouche PAC."

8/19/2005 12:14:05 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Sweet. Another anonymous source making unverifiable claims.

8/19/2005 12:26:43 PM

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"Pentagon drills for nuke terror

Posted: August 21, 2005
© 2005

WASHINGTON – When authorities tried to arrest a terrorist discovered unloading an improvised nuclear weapon in the port of Charleston, S.C., the bomb was detonated, killing 10,000, injuring 30,000 and exposing as many as 100,000 to high levels of radiation.

That was the scenario at the center of a nuclear terrorism drill, completed this week, one involving thousands of civilians, military personnel and local and federal officials."

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"Danger Of Staged Terror Attack at Red Alert Level

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet | August 21 2005

Recent events and news developments paint a clear picture of an establishment under intense heat and backed into a corner with no perceivable escape route.

At no greater time since 9/11 than during the next few months have we faced such an imminent danger of a staged terror attack being carried out to reign in the seeds of dissent and again rally the sleeping masses behind the elite."

[Edited on August 21, 2005 at 7:32 PM. Reason : 2]

8/21/2005 7:28:09 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"At no greater time since 9/11 than during the next few months have we faced such an imminent danger of a staged terror attack being carried out to reign in the seeds of dissent and again rally the sleeping masses behind the elite."

Just like the imminent nuking of Charleston last Wednesday? How did that work out for you?

8/21/2005 7:37:33 PM

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"This website nor any other that reported on the nuclear terror drills said that 'Charleston will blow up' - all we were doing was asking questions about the poorly explained dismissal of four star general Kevin P. Byrnes, and highlighting other sources who claimed that the dismissal was due to Byrnes finding out that the terror drill was set to go live.

Alex Jones appeared on Coast to Coast AM to discuss this story and he made it clear that we were simply reporting on issues that others had raised, we were not the source of the story and our aim was twofold. One, to ascertain how accurate the story was and two to head off any possibility of this drill becoming live, by simply giving the story attention we had already achieved the second aim."

8/21/2005 7:47:44 PM

Mr. Joshua
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So thats where you learned to distance yourself from your claims? By leaving out any comments regarding certainty you make it easy for yourself to dismiss your claim when it is proven false.

Can you tell us when and where the next NWO attack will be?

8/21/2005 11:28:09 PM

Yankee Cowboy
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I know, I know!

Because according to aaronburro:
Quote :
"you are now the dumbest person in the soapbox. and i am including salisburyboy"

So that means, I must now have the websites to prove it.

But actually, I don't know.

8/22/2005 12:36:09 AM

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"No Proof Found of Iran Arms Program

Uranium Traced to Pakistani Equipment

By Dafna Linzer
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Traces of bomb-grade uranium found two years ago in Iran came from contaminated Pakistani equipment and are not evidence of a clandestine nuclear weapons program, a group of U.S. government experts and other international scientists has determined.

"The biggest smoking gun that everyone was waving is now eliminated with these conclusions," said a senior official who discussed the still-confidential findings on the condition of anonymity."

8/23/2005 12:18:12 PM

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"US dismisses Iran nuclear report

BBC | August 24 2005

The United States has criticised an independent investigation which found no evidence that Iran was working on a secret nuclear weapons programme.

The report said traces of bomb-grade uranium in Iran's nuclear facilities came from contaminated Pakistani equipment, not Iranian activities.

But the US said there were other ways Iran could be building nuclear weapons.

Iran has always maintained the traces of enriched uranium found two years ago came from contaminated equipment.

The BBC's Pam O'Toole in Tehran says Iran will see the report's findings as a vindication of its position.

Iran insists its nuclear programme is peaceful and that US pressure over its nuclear programme is part of a wider effort to change the regime in Tehran.

However, a State Department spokesman said the report did nothing to reduce their concern at Iran's nuclear programme.

He listed a series of what he called "unresolved concerns", which included Iran's alleged dealings with clandestine nuclear procurement networks and the Bush administration's strong belief that the country was developing and pursuing a nuclear weapon.

...The independent report, published on Tuesday by the International Atomic Energy Agency, concluded that traces of uranium found in Iran two years ago came from contaminated equipment imported from Pakistan."

Who cares that there is no evidence they are pursuing nuclear weapons?! That didn't stop us from starting a war against Iraq. We better attack Iran anyway!

[Edited on August 25, 2005 at 9:06 AM. Reason : 1]

8/25/2005 8:59:54 AM

All American
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This is an old article, but maybe Uzbekistan is next....

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"U.S. Evicted From Air Base In Uzbekistan

By Robin Wright and Ann Scott Tyson
Washington Post Staff Writers
Saturday, July 30, 2005; Page A01

Uzbekistan formally evicted the United States yesterday from a military base that has served as a hub for combat and humanitarian missions to Afghanistan since shortly after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, Pentagon and State Department officials said yesterday.

In a highly unusual move, the notice of eviction from Karshi-Khanabad air base, known as K2, was delivered by a courier from the Uzbek Foreign Ministry to the U.S. Embassy in Tashkent, said a senior U.S. administration official involved in Central Asia policy. The message did not give a reason. Uzbekistan will give the United States 180 days to move aircraft, personnel and equipment, U.S. officials said.

If Uzbekistan follows through, as Washington expects, the United States will face several logistical problems for its operations in Afghanistan. Scores of flights have used K2 monthly. It has been a landing base to transfer humanitarian goods that then are taken by road into northern Afghanistan, particularly to Mazar-e Sharif -- with no alternative for a region difficult to reach in the winter. K2 is also a refueling base with a runway long enough for large military aircraft. The alternative is much costlier midair refueling.

Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld returned this week from Central Asia, where he won assurances from Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan that the United States can use their bases for operations in Afghanistan. U.S. forces use Tajikistan for emergency landings and occasional refueling, but it lacks good roads into Afghanistan. Kyrgyzstan does not border Afghanistan.

"We always think ahead. We'll be fine," Rumsfeld said Sunday when asked how the United States would cope with losing the base in Uzbekistan.

In May, however, Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman called access to the airfield "undeniably critical in supporting our combat operations" and humanitarian deliveries. The United States has paid $15 million to Uzbek authorities for use of the airfield since 2001, he said.

Yesterday, Pentagon spokesman Lawrence T. Di Rita said that the U.S. military does not depend on one base in any part of the world. "We'll be able to conduct our operations as we need to, regardless of how this turns out. It's a diplomatic issue at the moment," Di Rita said.

The eviction notice came four days before a senior State Department official was to arrive in Tashkent for talks with the government of President Islam Karimov. The relationship has been increasingly tense since bloody protests in the province of Andijan in May, the worst unrest since Uzbekistan gained independence from the Soviet Union.

Undersecretary of State R. Nicholas Burns was going to pressure Tashkent to allow an international investigation into the Andijan protests, which human rights groups and three U.S. senators who met with eyewitnesses said killed about 500 people. Burns was also going to warn the government, one of the most authoritarian in the Islamic world, to open up politically -- or risk the kind of upheavals witnessed recently in Ukraine, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan, U.S. officials said.

Karimov has balked at an international probe. As U.S. pressure mounted, he cut off U.S. night flights and some cargo flights, forcing Washington to move search-and-rescue operations and some cargo flights to Bagram air base in Afghanistan and Manas air base in Kyrgyzstan. As relations soured, the Bush administration was preparing for a further cutoff, U.S. officials said.

The United States was given the notice just hours after 439 Uzbek political refugees were flown out of neighboring Kyrgyzstan -- over Uzbek objections -- by the United Nations. The refugees fled after the May unrest, which Uzbek officials charged was the work of terrorists. The Bush administration had been pressuring Kyrgyzstan not to force the refugees to return to Uzbekistan.

Uzbekistan has been widely viewed as an important test for the Bush administration -- and whether the anti-terrorism efforts or promotion of democracy takes priority. "We all knew basically that if we really wanted to keep access to the base, the way to do it was to shut up about democracy and turn a blind eye to the refugees," said the senior official, on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitive diplomacy. "We could have saved the base if we had wanted."

After the latest setback in relations, the Bush administration is going to "wait for a cooling-off period," the administration official said. "We are assuming they mean it and want us out. We are now not sending someone to Uzbekistan."

The next test will be whether to withhold as much as $22 million in aid to Uzbekistan if it does not comply with provisions on political and economic reforms it committed to undertake in a 2002 strategic partnership agreement with Washington. Last year, the administration withheld almost $11 million. U.S. officials expect the Uzbek government will again be ineligible for funds."

8/26/2005 8:32:57 AM

All American
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Time for my salisburyboy impression and put about 6 consecutive posts up here. Here's an update.

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"Friday, August 26, 2005 · Last updated 4:34 a.m. PT

Uzbek Senate backs U.S. eviction from base


TASHKENT, Uzbekistan -- The Uzbek Senate on Friday endorsed the government's decision to evict U.S. troops from an airbase that has been an important hub for American military operations in Afghanistan.

Uzbekistan's ties with Washington have deteriorated since the Bush administration joined other nations in urging an international investigation into the suppression of a May uprising in the eastern Uzbek city of Andijan.

Uzbekistan's president, Islam Karimov, who has ruled the Central Asian nation for 16 years and tolerates no dissent, blamed the violence on Islamic militants.

He has rejected the demands for an outside inquiry, and, facing Western criticism, has found a strong support in Russia and China. Both of them are wary about the U.S. military presence in the strategic and resource-rich region.

The 93 Senators present at the session voted unanimously to support the July 29 order from Karimov's government giving the United States six months to vacate Karshi-Khanabad, an airbase in the southern Kashkadarya region.

No further action is necessary from the lower chamber, as the government-loyal, 100-seat upper chamber has the final say on parliamentary decisions.

The vote was not necessary to confirm the government's order. Rather it was seen as an attempt to give that ruling a symbolic show of popular support and legitimize it in the eyes of the international community.

"We know that fundamentalist moods arise wherever U.S. bases appear. Enemies of the United States appear wherever there is a U.S. military presence, and we don't want to be caught in-between," Kashkadarya governor Nuritdin Zainiyev said before the vote.

The head of the Senate's foreign relations committee and the country's former foreign minister, Sadyk Safayev, said the people of Kashkadarya had demanded the troops leave, alleging they had caused environmental damage. He also questioned the need for the troops in Afghanistan.

Uzbekistan issued the demand for the U.S. withdrawal just hours after hundreds of Uzbeks who had fled to Kyrgyzstan after the Andijan uprising were relocated to Romania, a staunch U.S. ally, by the United Nations refugee agency.

"If the U.S. is a friendly country ... how could they prevent the return of Uzbek refugees from Kyrgyzstan?" Senator Surayo Abdukhojayeva demanded.

The United States and other Western countries harshly criticized Uzbekistan for using force against mostly unarmed civilians in Andijan on May 13. Rights groups said up to 750 people died in the crackdown. The government put the death toll at 187.

Zainiyev also complained that Uzbekistan had spent $160 million to maintain the infrastructure of the Karshi-Khanabad base since the arrival of U.S. troops, and the U.S. "didn't pay anything."

The base has been an important staging point for U.S. military operations in Afghanistan since the earliest days of the war, which began in October 2001. More recently, the base has been used to move supplies, including humanitarian aid, into northern Afghanistan. It also is a refueling point for transport planes."

Now part 2...blaming the NWO and Jews somehow....

Jew, NWO, Talmaic Judaism, conspiracy...Uzbekistan is run by the jews and israel. i need an alex jones post, pronto!

8/26/2005 8:42:46 AM

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"US wants Iran referred to UN after report-diplomat

03 Sep 2005
Source: Reuters

By Francois Murphy

VIENNA, Sept 3 (Reuters) - The United States wants Iran to be reported to the U.N. Security Council, where it could face sanctions, after a U.N. nuclear watchdog report confirmed Tehran had resumed sensitive atomic work, a senior U.S. diplomat said.

The report by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) chief Mohamed ElBaradei, circulated to diplomats on Friday, said after a 2-1/2-year probe, the agency was still not able to say Iran did not have secret nuclear materials or activities.

It also said Tehran had resumed uranium conversion, one of several activities suspended under a deal with France, Britain and Germany. The so-called EU3 headed talks with Iran to try to persuade it to abandon technology that could be used to make bombs in exchange for political and economic incentives.

"Unless Iran stops its conversion, cooperates with the IAEA and returns to the negotiating table, we strongly agree with the EU3 that the (IAEA) board should report this matter to the U.N. Security Council," the diplomat said on condition of anonymity, confirming Washington's position.

Iran, which denies wanting nuclear weapons as suspected by Washington and the European Union, says it has answered almost all of the IAEA's questions and shown its atomic ambitions are limited to harnessing nuclear power to generate electricity.

But it angered the EU by resuming uranium conversion last month at a plant in Isfahan -- a move which brought talks between Iran and the EU close to collapse and led EU officials to threaten Security Council referral.

The IAEA board of governors unanimously called on Iran on Aug. 11 to reinstate its suspension in full and asked ElBaradei to report on Iran's compliance by Sept. 3. The board meets again on Sept. 19 to discuss how to respond to the report.

"In general, the report confirms our concern that Iran is proceeding with a nuclear weapons programme," the senior U.S. diplomat said. "The international community needs to put further pressure on Iran to force it back to the negotiating table." "

[Edited on September 4, 2005 at 12:28 AM. Reason : 2]

9/4/2005 12:25:06 AM

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"Sharon asks S. Africa to act against Iran

Prime minister meets with South African president in U.S., asks him to act for referral of Iran nuke issue to U.N. Security Council. Meanwhile, President Bush says referring matter to U.N. depends on diplomatic contacts

Attila Somfalvi and Reuters

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon met with South African President Thabo Mbeki Friday and asked him to advance the referral of Iran’s nuclear program to discussion at the United Nations Security Council.

Meanwhile, President George W. Bush said he is confident “the world will see to it that Iran goes to the U.N. Security Council if it does not live up to its agreements.”

Sharon and the South African president, who met on the sidelines of the U.N. summit in New York, discussed the Iranian question. Diplomatic officials characterized the meeting as a good one.

Israel is currently acting to convince South Africa, which is a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency’s governing council, to support the referral of the Iranian issue to the Security Council for possible sanctions. "

9/18/2005 3:55:21 PM

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BBC: "Iran nuclear weapons 'years away'"

9/18/2005 3:59:37 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Do they make a Jump To Conclusions Mat for conspiracy theorists?

9/18/2005 4:03:31 PM

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"Israel: Iran may be 6 months from bomb know-how

Sep 19 2005

By Claudia Parsons

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Iran may be as little as six months away from completing the know-how to build a nuclear bomb, Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom said on Monday.

"The question is not if they are going to hold that bomb in 2009 or 2010 or 2011, the question is when they will have the full knowledge," Shalom told a meeting of U.S. Jewish community leaders in New York.

"According to our people, security and intelligence, they are very, very close. It may be only six months before they will have that full knowledge."

The authoritative, independent International Institute for Strategic Studies said this month Tehran is at least five years away from producing enough fissile material for a single bomb, and that 15 years was a more likely time frame."

{Alarm pic}

aaaaaggggghhhhhhh! ATTACK IRAN NOW!

[Edited on September 22, 2005 at 8:53 AM. Reason : 1]

9/22/2005 8:52:16 AM

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"White House Warns Iran About Referral

The Associated Press
Monday, September 26, 2005; 4:35 PM

WASHINGTON -- Armed with fresh international backing for bringing Iran before the U.N. Security Council for its nuclear activities, the White House on Monday warned Tehran it has just one chance left to avoid referral for possible economic sanctions.

"The world is saying to Iran that it is time to come clean. The world has put Iran on notice," White House press secretary Scott McClellan said. "It is unacceptable the way Iran is behaving."

On Saturday, a majority on the 35-nation board of the U.N.'s nuclear watchdog agency approved a resolution that cited Iran for "a long history of concealment and deception" in a nuclear program Tehran insists is only for the peaceful production of nuclear power. The International Atomic Energy Agency resolution found Tehran at odds with its obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty that Iran signed.

According to the resolution, Iran's past failings already set it up for consideration by the Security Council _ though there was no immediate referral. Instead, the resolution asked IAEA members to look at the issue again at a future, unspecified meeting.

It wasn't the decisive rebuke desired by U.S. officials _ who allege Iran has a secret illicit program to build a nuclear bomb and have long wanted Tehran reviewed by the Security Council and possibly punished with economic sanctions. While India switched its position to support the resolution, U.S. allies Russia, China and South Africa abstained from the vote."

9/27/2005 8:12:57 AM

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"Jewish Groups Press for Iran Sanctions

By Ori Nir
September 23, 2005

WASHINGTON —As Washington struggles to secure world support for slapping international sanctions on Iran over its alleged pursuit of nuclear weapons, Jewish organization are stepping up their efforts to trigger a crackdown on Tehran.

Pro-Israel activists in Washington are pressing Congress to tighten American sanctions on Iran. And last week, on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly, Jewish communal leaders in New York urged world leaders, including Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, to act against Tehran."

9/29/2005 8:38:09 AM

211 Posts
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OK, right now in many backrooms of the Pentagon military officers are planning to invade every country in the world. The planning will be extensive, and cover everything; presentations will be made, ideas will be thrown around, and outlines for possible wars will be put together. They are planning alternatives and gauging how effective they would be. But in all likelihood, none of these plans will ever be used.

The United States plans theoretical wars all the time. They do this in case it is necessary. I have read all of those news reports posted here "exposing" the secret planning, but it doesn’t really mean anything. The fact that we have intricate plans to bomb Iran really doesn’t come from recent events. We have had plans for Iran for decades. Just like we have had plans for every other county. It is a good deterrent to attacking us if you know that we can have troops on the ground in your country tomorrow.

9/29/2005 10:07:23 AM

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"Israelis urge U.S. to stop Iran's nuke goals

Washington Times/David R. Sands | September 30 2005

The United States and its allies must act to stop Iran's nuclear programs -- by force if necessary -- because conventional diplomacy will not work, three senior Israeli lawmakers from across the political spectrum warned yesterday.

As a last resort, they said, Israel itself would act unilaterally to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear arms.

Iran will not be deterred "by anything short of a threat of force," said Arieh Eldad, a member of Israel's right-wing National Union Party, part of a delegation of Knesset members visiting Washington this week.

"They won't be stopped unless they are convinced their programs will be destroyed if they continue," he said.

Yuval Steinitz, chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, said the best hope was for the United States and other major powers to make it clear to Iranian leaders now there was "no chance they will ever see the fruits of a nuclear program."

"Threats of sanctions and isolation alone will not do it," said Mr. Steinitz. "

9/30/2005 3:07:06 PM

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"Attack on Iran would rocket oil prices to 400 dollars

Thu. 29 Sep 2005

Tehran, Iran, Sep. 29 – Oil prices on the international markets would shoot up to $400 a barrel if an attack were to be carried out on Iran, a senior Revolutionary Guards commander warned, Persian-language websites reported on Thursday."

Additional motivation for the globalists to attack Iran.

9/30/2005 4:01:24 PM

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"Will Israel Start World War Three?

Paul Joseph Watson/Alex Jones | October 2 2005

Israeli rhetoric towards Iran has considerably heated in the last few weeks as the world hurtles towards an inevitable confrontation over Iran's nuclear programs.

Last week three senior Israeli lawmakers went public to warn that Israel would act unilaterally to eliminate any perceived Iranian threat. Yosef Lapid, head of the centrist opposition Shinui Party in the Knesset stated, "Threats of sanctions and isolation alone will not do it, we feel we are obliged to warn our friends that Israel should not be pushed into a situation where we see no other solution but to act unilaterally."


Despite reports of increasingly strained relations between Russian and Iran, Vladimir Putin has publicly stated that Russia will defend Iran both diplomatically and militarily. The implications of this are obviously deeply concerning. If the situation was to spiral out of control, China, which has recently conducted several wargames with Russia, would step in on the side of Russian and Iran. The US would be obligated to defend Israel and in turn Europe would be obligated to defend the US."

[Edited on October 3, 2005 at 8:08 AM. Reason : 1]

10/3/2005 8:07:25 AM

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"Is Israel planning Iran strike?

Saudi paper: Sharon presented Bush with satellite photos, said Israel would not wait forever before attacking

Roee Nahmias

Israel has proposed to the United States to strike Iran on several occasions this year, Saudi newspaper al-Watan reported Sunday morning.

According to the report, the latest proposal was raised during the Knesset Defense and Foreign Affairs Committee’s visit to Washington several days ago, where Committee members apparently attempted to “market one agenda: Launching a war on Iran.”

The newspaper quoted Knesset Member Arieh Eldad saying that “nothing will restrain Iran aside from the use of force” and adding that Teheran’s nuclear project will not end “unless it is convinced it will be destroyed through military force.”

Meanwhile, Knesset Member Yosef Lapid reportedly said threats of sanctions and isolation have no effect on Iran. "

10/4/2005 8:23:07 AM

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"Blair says possible Iran links to Iraq bombs

Thursday, October 6, 2005; 8:01 AM

LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Tony Blair said on Thursday that evidence pointed to Iran or its Lebanese Hizbollah allies as the source of explosives used in roadside bombs in Iraq, although Britain did not have conclusive proof.

A senior British official first made the accusations in an anonymous briefing on Wednesday, saying London believed Iran and Hizbollah were to blame for armor piercing explosives used to kill British troops in Iraq.

Blair said the accusations were not proven but were worrying. He also said they may have been an attempt by Iran to intimidate Britain over its tough stance in negotiations over Tehran's nuclear program.

"What is clear is that there have been new explosive devices used not just against British forces but elsewhere in Iraq. The particular nature of those devices leads us either to Iranian elements or to Hizbollah," Blair said. "However we cannot be certain of this at the present time.""


10/7/2005 3:47:19 PM

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"US briefs on alleged Iranian nuclear warhead work - diplomats

VIENNA (AFP) Oct 09, 2005

The United States has briefed key nations on intelligence that it says shows Iranian atomic weapons work, namely research on getting a missile warhead to explode at an altitude that would maximize the blast of a nuclear explosion, diplomats and analysts told AFP.

However, a non-Western diplomat said the US briefing, carried out in various capitals ahead of a meeting in September of the UN atomic watchdog, "looks plausible but there is no hard evidence," namely direct proof of a nuclear warhead project."


10/10/2005 8:25:45 AM

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you know, being the blowhard that you are, i doubt this will help, but...

you hollering about how they don't, doesn't make it any less likely that they do.

10/10/2005 8:29:43 AM

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"Edging Towards Disaster with Iran

by Mike Whitney


The prospect of war breaking out between the United States and Iran is more likely by the day. Still, for the most part, the American public seems strangely unaware of the growing danger. In late September Iran began conducting major military exercises in the southwestern province of Khuzestan, where officials claim that US agents have infiltrated and are carrying out destabilizing activities. Tehran has deployed 100,000 soldiers to the oil-rich region to address the growing unrest and to carry out maneuvers which anticipate a preemptive invasion by the US.

These signs of mounting tensions are further amplified by a resolution that was passed by the UN’s nuclear watchdog agency (IAEA) two weeks ago. The agency voted by a slim majority to bring Iran before the UN Security Council for “non-compliance” with its treaty requirements under the terms of the NPT (Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty)

The US-backed resolution was pushed through the IAEA to make it appear as though Iran is conducting a secret nuclear weapons program. No evidence of such a program has ever been verified and the agency’s chief, Mohammad Elbaradei, has repeatedly given Iran a clean bill of health on all matters related to its compliance with treaty obligations.

The “nuclear weapons” issue is a red herring similar to the WMD ruse prior to the war with Iraq. It provides the US and Israel with some cover of legitimacy for future attacks on Iranian weapons-sites. By disarming Iran, the Bush administration will have eliminated a long-term regional competitor to Israel and will be able to proceed with the neocon master-plan to redraw the map of the Middle East to suit US interests."

10/10/2005 4:15:54 PM

All American
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10/12/2005 4:10:18 PM

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[Edited on October 12, 2005 at 4:14 PM. Reason : 1]

10/12/2005 4:13:44 PM

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10/12/2005 4:15:20 PM

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10/13/2005 8:20:12 AM

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10/13/2005 3:08:14 PM

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"Are we going to war with Iran?

The Sunday Telegraph warned last weekend that the UN had a last chance to avert war with Iran and, at a meeting in London last week, the US ambassador to the UN, John Bolton, expressed his regret that any failure by the UN security council to deal with Iran would damage the security council's relevance, implying that the US would solve the problem on its own."

10/18/2005 3:53:43 PM

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10/18/2005 3:56:07 PM

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"US seeking world domination: Iran's supreme leader

TEHRAN, Oct 21 (AFP) Oct 21, 2005

Iran's supreme leader accused the United States Friday of seeking global domination and vowed that his country would not give into demands to abandon its disputed nuclear programme.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei also alleged that Washington was stirring Sunni-Shiite violence in Iraq, and criticised Muslim countries who commit the "bad deed" of recognising Israel.

"Our main opponent in the nuclear issue is the American government," Khamenei said in a Friday sermon to thousands of worshippers at Tehran University.

"The Americans claim Iran is seeking nuclear weapons. We know they are lying and the audience know they are lying too. This hardline war-seeking goverment in the United States is seeking an empire and world domination.""

World domination? US domination of the middle east? That's CLEARLY crazy talk. What's that? PNAC and the Project for a New American Century? Shhhhh! That's just conspiracy theory crap anyway. Forget about that.

10/21/2005 11:46:06 AM

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"World domination? US domination of the middle east? That's CLEARLY crazy talk. What's that? PNAC and the Project for a New American Century? Shhhhh! That's just conspiracy theory crap anyway. Forget about that."

it's ironic that when you're trying to be sarcastic you're absolutely right.

[Edited on October 21, 2005 at 11:57 AM. Reason : *]

10/21/2005 11:57:06 AM

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Quote :
"Established in the spring of 1997, the Project for the New American Century is a non-profit, educational organization whose goal is to promote American global leadership."

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"As the 20th century draws to a close, the United States stands as the world's preeminent power. Having led the West to victory in the Cold War, America faces an opportunity and a challenge: Does the United States have the vision to build upon the achievements of past decades? Does the United States have the resolve to shape a new century favorable to American principles and interests?


America has a vital role in maintaining peace and security in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. If we shirk our responsibilities, we invite challenges to our fundamental interests. The history of the 20th century should have taught us that it is important to shape circumstances before crises emerge, and to meet threats before they become dire. The history of this century should have taught us to embrace the cause of American leadership."

Hmmmm. We need to "shape circumstances" in the Middle East and Asia to be favorable to American interests in order for "American global leadership." All of this is for good purposes, of course. It's for "peace" and "security" and good stuff like that. Just like the Iraq war was "for peace" and "for our security." They're not lying. Really. And yes, technically it is American global domination. But don't call it that. Just call it "global leadership." Euphemisms are so handy in cases like this.

Don't try to think for yourself. Just believe the government. Iraq really does have WMDs. And Oswald really was a lone gunman. Really. And don't you forget it.

[Edited on October 21, 2005 at 12:19 PM. Reason : 3]

10/21/2005 12:14:10 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Quote :
"salisburyboy, your photo gallery on PIC is getting pretty racy, don't you think?"

10/21/2005 2:51:21 PM

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"We will use force, Blair warns Iranians

London Telegraph | October 28 2005

Tony Blair delivered his strongest warning to Iran last night, saying Teheran would not be allowed to become a "threat to our world security".

He hinted that the West might have to resort to force. The Prime Minister said western allies would meet in the next few days to decide how to react after President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad called for Israel to be "wiped off the map".

While the initial response is likely to be an intensification of diplomatic pressure, senior British officials did not rule out the possibility that they could resort to force if Iran continued on its path of radical confrontation."

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"Comment: In one month we have gone from MPs saying that war against Iran is "inconceivable" to this. Iran has been the next target for the Globalists for a long time now.

OMG! Iran's president called for Israel to be wiped of the map! WE MUST INVADE IRAN NOW!!


[Edited on October 28, 2005 at 2:10 PM. Reason : 2]

10/28/2005 2:07:56 PM

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More lies and fearmongering:

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"Exiled Iranian Says Nation Hides Materials

Nov 21, 2005

WASHINGTON (AP) - An Iranian exile who opposes his country's Islamic government said Monday that Iran's military is building a series of secret tunnels to hide equipment for missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads."

Does this remind you of what Iraqi informant "Curveball" said about Iraq?! We've got to invade Iran right away!

Quote :
"Gingrich sees Iran threat to U.S. like Nazi Germany

November 20, 2005
By Joseph Farah

WASHINGTON – The threat posed to the national security of the United States by Iran was likened only to the one posed by Nazi Germany in the 1930s, by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who suggested Tehran could be planning for a pre-emptive nuclear electromagnetic pulse attack on America that would turn a third or more of the country "back to a 19th century level of development.""


[Edited on November 22, 2005 at 2:26 PM. Reason : `]

11/22/2005 2:25:58 PM

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Quote :
"Drawings showing how to make atomic warhead found in Iran


IRAN has documents that serve no other purpose than showing how to produce nuclear warheads, it was revealed yesterday.

The news came from Mohamed El Baradei, the director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), who told a meeting of the 35-nation IAEA board in Vienna that the country was in possession of what appeared to be drawings of the core of an atomic warhead."

I hear that documents showing how to make a nuclear bomb are on the interweb too! They are even in public libraries!

That's IT! We have GOT to invade Iran RIGHT NOW!!11

11/26/2005 12:51:56 AM

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hey, if we invade Iran, I wonder if theyll use any of those "defensive" weapons we sold them illegally in the 80's?


[Edited on November 27, 2005 at 10:51 PM. Reason : .]

11/27/2005 10:51:05 PM

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"Iran Nuclear Race Reaches Point of No Return

Nov 30, '05

( The Iranian nuclear arms race has reached a point of no return, stated the head of Israeli intelligence, Gen. Ze’evi Farkash, at a meeting of the Knesset Committee for Foreign Affairs and Defense. He believes that the current diplomatic window that would prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear arms is soon to close, even within a few weeks.

Gen. Farkash stated that diplomatic moves against a nuclear bomb in Iran were reaching a point of no return in terms of the Iranian nuclear arms race.

Farkash added that the Iranians had improved their technique of preparing centrifuges to a very advanced level, which is of some concern to the Israeli defense and diplomatic echelons.

Members of the committee expressed their concern due to the western countries’ inability to stem Iran’s race toward nuclear arms."

OOOOOOO NOOOO!!! The dreaded point of no return! Just a few weeks! We better invade Iran REAL SOON! It's like when we had to invade Iraq! We had to act quick before Saddam transferred all the WMDs to bin Laden!!


[Edited on November 30, 2005 at 4:55 PM. Reason : `]

11/30/2005 4:54:42 PM

All American
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"They are even in public libraries!"

can i have the dewey decimal numbers, please?

11/30/2005 4:57:35 PM

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"Washington suggests sanctions if Iran nuclear talks remain stalled

WASHINGTON (AFP) Nov 30, 2005

The United States suggested Wednesday that the international community impose economic or trade sanctions on Iran in case negotiations over Tehran's nuclear program fail to restart.
"It might be time to consider a different approach toward the new, more radical, more intolerant Iranian regime," said Nicholas Burns, undersecretary for political affairs at the Department of State.

"Through its diplomatic contacts and its trade and investment, the world does have leverage -- and that leverage should be used constructively now -- to convince the hard-liners in Tehran that there is a price for their misguided policies," Burns said at Johns Hopkins University in Washington."

Iran has an "intolerant" and "radical" regime? Well, pardon me, but it seems that it is Iran's opponents (ie, Israel and the Neocons) who are "intolerant" and "radical" here, pressing like raving lunatics to have Iran sanctioned or attacked for its nuclear power program.

12/1/2005 8:15:39 AM

All American
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[Edited on December 1, 2005 at 8:29 AM. Reason : .]

12/1/2005 8:22:32 AM

All American
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12/1/2005 4:16:29 PM

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Quote :
"US gathers allies for Iran sanctions

Dec. 4, 2005

The US is preparing for the possibility that it will have to deal with Iran's nuclear program without the assistance of the UN Security Council. In the past weeks the administration has been working with European and Japanese allies on a "menu" of sanctions that could be imposed on Iran even if the issue is not referred to the UN Security Council. "

U.S. bypassing the UN. Hmmmmm. Doesn't that sound familiar? Iraq maybe?

By the way, the U.S. "go it alone" strategy (eg, with the war in Iraq) is by design. That way, when the whole thing turns out to be a fiasco, the United States is portrayed as the "evil empire" around the world, and the United Nations can come in as the "saviors" (who didn't sanction the initial fiasco) and "fix things up" (eg, by sending in UN peacekeeping forces, etc.). This prepares the world for accepting increasing globalism, and ultimately global government.

Quote :
"Israel warns diplomacy on Iran nuclear work will fail

TEL AVIV, Dec 4 (AFP) Dec 04, 2005

Israel's army chief Dan Halutz predicted Sunday that diplomatic efforts on arch enemy Iran's controversial nuclear programme would fail but suggested a military strike was not yet on the cards.

"I believe that the political means that are being used by the Europeans and the Americans to convince the Iranians to stop will not end in stopping them," Halutz told reporters.

"The Iranians are determined to get a nuclear capability. From Israel's viewpoint such a situation is unacceptable... We should be prepared for the worst scenario."

But referring to the possibility of a pre-emptive strike against Iran, Halutz said: "Alternatives (to diplomacy) are not being considered yet.""

Not "YET." But it will be "unacceptable" for Iran to have a nuclear power plant (I mean "nuclear weapons"). And if diplomacy fails, what is left? I guess that means that the Zionists will need to get the United States to do their dirty work and attack Iran, just like the Iraq fiasco. Mmmmmm. How wonderful. And when we later discover that Iran had no nuclear weapons program, will it again be that we're "spreading freedom and democracy" (only to Iran)? Or will the justifcation be that since we invaded Iran, those who are resisting the invasion are clearly "terrorists with al-Qaeda." You see, anyone who resists a U.S. invasion of their country is obviously an "al-Qaeda terrorist."

[Edited on December 5, 2005 at 9:20 AM. Reason : `]

12/5/2005 9:11:24 AM

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