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All American
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page 6 for oldsaw

1/23/2009 8:07:43 PM

All American
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How did I never see this thread?

What a fucking absurdity. But a funny one.

Even the first post is laughable in the very idea that an entire generation of people can be so utterly two-dimensional in personality. Whoever wrote that was one hack of a sociologist... he obviously couldn't cut writing anything actually intuitive, so he settled for this sensationalist bullshit after looking at some '90s-born high school preps and assuming that was how they'd act in the workforce. Honestly, the whole article is just describing one personality type... that of the spoiled sorostitute that I see on the wolfline from time to time, complaining loudly on the phone about her needs and her boyfriend(s)... and pretty much everyone else on the bus, regardless of generation, hates that sort of bitch.

1/23/2009 9:04:58 PM

All American
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Quote :
"How did I never see this thread?"

damned if i know. It's becoming EPIC

[Edited on January 23, 2009 at 9:29 PM. Reason : becoming, hell. it is.]

1/23/2009 9:28:10 PM

All American
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and once again

the major "complaints" about millennials in the workforce stems from the fact that what it takes a full work week for the typical baby boomer to do, a 25 year old in the same position can routinely complete in less than 8-15 hours

honestly, one of my supervisors wanted me to schedule an entire week to focus on contracts - AN ENTIRE WEEK

it took me less than 45 minutes thanks to the magic of CTRL C and CTRL V

wait till i write up a simple mail merge that will fill in the blanks on contract templates

and i know there are easier/more efficient ways to fill out a volume of documents, but i'm not sure people are going to be able to adjust to even just the mail merge...

[Edited on January 25, 2009 at 5:17 AM. Reason : i will say i learned a TON about excel from a 55 year old, like revolutionized my game yo]

1/25/2009 5:15:41 AM

All American
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good luck explaining the mail merge thing, i still haven't been able to get anyone to adopt it. instead they have directories for each contract with word and excel documents that they essentially reproduce every time.

1/25/2009 9:53:37 AM

All American
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and each contract has at least 3 associated documents that use the same exact information

and i promise you they're re-typing each field


1/25/2009 1:35:01 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Basic training, like how to eat with a knife and fork, or indeed how to work. Today, fewer and fewer middle class kids hold summer jobs because mowing lawns does not get you into Harvard."


Many of the middle-class "millenials" I know worked through college and high school.

I can't speak for the upper class kids though, which is what many of these generalities about "my generation" seem like they're based on.

1/25/2009 1:43:53 PM

All American
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don't you know

every generation is defined by the members who went to harvard

and only those individuals

everyone else is chaff

burned up to history

[Edited on January 25, 2009 at 1:47 PM. Reason : go fight a war or something, public school kids]

1/25/2009 1:46:23 PM

All American
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One of my cousins is getting a Masters from Harvard

He's never worked a day in his life and his parents still pay for all his shit.

We're both about to turn 25.

I have nothing in common with some uber-liberal dude like this who is majoring in French Film history.

1/25/2009 1:50:47 PM

All American
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you and him will be viewed the exact same, thanks to worthless douches like hooksaw, when you apply for jobs

where i'm from we call that "stereotyping" and its illegal

but whatever

just roll with it

1/25/2009 1:51:45 PM

10229 Posts
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god hooksaw is a fucking moron

i've been working since I was 15 years old, and I'm currently working as I finish up school.

my tuition has been paid through a few scholarships, but mostly through my own money. My parents have given me no money for actual tuition. (Though, that's not to say they don't give me cash from time to time....)

fucking old codger.

1/25/2009 1:53:00 PM

All American
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Quote :
"UNC-CH grades still ballooning
Eric Ferreri - Staff Writer
Published: Sun, Jan. 25, 2009 04:47AM
Modified Sun, Jan. 25, 2009 06:50AM
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CHAPEL HILL -- At UNC-Chapel Hill, students are getting great grades.

And that's a problem.

A new report on grade inflation reveals that about 82 percent of all undergraduate grades at UNC-CH were A's or B's in the fall of 2007, and more A's were given than any other grade.
Related Content

* Graphic: More A's than B's at UNC-Chapel Hill
* Graphic: See how grades have risen since 2000

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Now, some faculty fear top students aren't getting the recognition they deserve as the line between them and the rest of the class blurs.

"We think it is a problem," said Donna Gilleskie, an economics professor who analyzed more than 1 million grades since 2000 in writing the report. "It's a disservice to students. Sure, students would all like to get A's. But you want to reward students who have mastered the material."

The new report comes nine years after a similar study found 77 percent of the grades issued to undergraduates were A's and B's. That report prompted lengthy faculty discussion but no changes, and the trend has worsened since.

The new report is a draft that can change as Gilleskie adds data and controls to it. But it shows that the average undergraduate grade-point average has increased steadily, from 2.976 in 1995 to 3.2 in 2007.

The inflation appears greatest in some humanities departments, where grading is often more subjective than in the hard sciences or math. But there was a significant spike in medical-related schools as well, the report notes.

Across the country, grades have been on the rise for years. At UNC-CH, Provost Bernadette Gray-Little said there are no formal plans for a broad examination of the issue.

Many of the more than 50 UNC-CH departments analyzed have had average GPAs of at least 3.0 dating back to 1995. Since then, the averages in most departments have risen steadily.

A couple of examples: In 2000, the average GPA in environmental science and studies was 3.15. By 2007, it had risen to 3.72. The percentage of A's given in that department rose over the same time span from 36 percent to 76 percent.

In the exercise and sports science department, 94 percent of undergraduates received A's in the fall of 2007, according to the data, up from 83 percent in 2000.

The inflation could help explain increases in membership to academic honor societies such as Phi Beta Kappa, which had 110 members in fall 2004 at UNC-CH and 176 this past fall.

Higher expectations

But even as grades climb, students aren't always satisfied.

Andrew Perrin, a sociology professor and chairman of the faculty committee that produced the new report, recalls one student who, upon receiving an A-minus for a final grade, asked him what she had done wrong. That sort of outsized expectation may be part of the problem, Perrin suggests: Students expect great grades, and some professors are becoming less willing to be "judgmental" and critical in grading, he said.

"Virtually everybody entering UNC now is used to getting an A on everything," Perrin said. "The sensibility of people in humanities and social sciences is pretty anti-hierarchical and inclusive and tolerant of all kinds of expressions. It's difficult not to apply that to grading practices as well."

Although changes to the classroom dynamic may contribute to grade inflation, faculty members say there are plenty of other possible reasons. Students, by some measures, are smarter today. In some departments, smaller classes lead to more effective learning. And many professors see high grades as evidence that they're doing a good job teaching.

Grade inflation is not unique to UNC-CH. At Princeton, faculty members have tried to control grade inflation by setting quotas, allowing departments to award A's to no more than 35 percent of students. At Seton Hall University, grade inflation diminished after faculty members confronted the issue by talking about it in detail with each other.

[it continues beyond this]"

1/25/2009 3:17:43 PM

All American
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it'd be interesting to see if they raised on the USNWR list proportionate to the grade increase

1/25/2009 3:20:14 PM

All American
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1. Please note well that I didn't write the articles by CBS News, The New York Times, and others that have been posted here. I simply dared to assert that there may be some truth in them.

2. I am not the only one here who thinks that there may be some truth in those articles. Here's a sampling from this very thread of those who had the courage to agree (to some degree, at least)--and who knows how many lurkers also agree:

Quote :
"from what i've seen in the real world - i agree with a large portion of this"


Quote :
"I'd agree with it too. 90% of the people I see at school are self-centered irresponsible brats. They have no concept of hard work and think everything should be handed to them on a silver platter. Fuck their parents for spoiling them. "


Quote :
"I'm curious to hear why you think this report is 'garbage.'"



Quote :
"I'm obsessed with stuff like the Kennedy family, royal families, hollywood gossip. So I know all about Caroline.

Even with all that, I still find it hard for those of us that are 25 and up to not know who she is."



3. I concede and have indicated that we--my fellow Gen X-ers and I--(1) have a number of shortcomings and (2) are mostly to blame for you Millennials being "fucked up." But some of you are so far gone you can't even see that you're fucked up.

Quote :
"For the record, I never indicated that other generations--including mine--don't have shortcomings. All generations do. But the topic for this thread is the so-called Millennials. Are the criticisms--and the praise--valid or not? If not, why not"

Quote :
"I'm just holding up a mirror to many 'Millenials' [sic]. But please understand, if a lot of you actually are fucked up in certain ways, we, 'Gen X' and 'Boomers,' played a huge part in that."



4. I like to think of myself as exhibiting healthy skepticism, but perhaps I cross the line into the netherworld of cynicism at times--as do many of my contemporaries:

Gen Xer more cynic than slacker

I shall ponder this.

Quote :
"I must've really struck a nerve here. Hmm--revealing."


[Edited on January 26, 2009 at 2:53 AM. Reason : "The sting in any rebuke is the truth." --Benjamin Franklin]

1/26/2009 2:48:05 AM

All American
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all those quotes and not a single rebuttal for my points that were made in direct response to your comments, not the comments of the New York Times et al.

1/26/2009 2:53:17 AM

All American
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remind me again

what was your real intent on making this thread?

1/26/2009 3:04:07 AM

All American
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Quote :
"all those quotes and not a single rebuttal for my points that were made in direct response to your comments, not the comments of the New York Times et al."

1/26/2009 9:54:20 AM

All American
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haha Woodfoot's pwnt was so sour that he had to leave

1/26/2009 9:57:27 AM

All American
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Quote :
""I must've really struck a nerve here. Hmm--revealing.""
Quote :
""The sting in any rebuke is the truth.""

you don't fucking talk to people who are or could be your students this way (at least not until you have tenure, lol)

that is the first thing he would have learned in a properly structured graduate program

[Edited on January 26, 2009 at 12:27 PM. Reason : other than that, how was the play Mrs. Lincoln?]

1/26/2009 12:27:38 PM

Art Vandelay
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Quote :
"when looking at certain types of institutions, and especially certain programs within there, some of the brightest minds in higher education (including some who had a hand in creating my masters degree, hooksaw) do find evidence of grade inflation"

so the fact that people are generally getting smarter has no effect on them being able to pick up the same information successively faster?

or is it more along the lines of, "well this paper sure as shit would have gotten a 'C' 20 (x) years ago, it got a 'A' now so it must be grade inflation!"

[Edited on January 26, 2009 at 12:55 PM. Reason : oh this is for humanities.... yeah, i can see that being issues there...]

1/26/2009 12:48:12 PM

All American
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dammit, woodfool, look what you made hooksaw do!

he's done gone took his ball and went home.

1/26/2009 3:08:30 PM

All American
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Quote :
"people are generally getting smarter"

[citation needed]

Quote :
"or is it more along the lines of, "well this paper sure as shit would have gotten a 'C' 20 (x) years ago, it got a 'A' now so it must be grade inflation!""

the "papers" themselves have changed

grade inflation isn't just the letter on the "paper", it includes discussion of the actual rigor of the coursework and assignment

and before you say "citation needed"

for starters...

1/26/2009 6:15:58 PM

All American
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I know you still read this, you old queen.

Take that Gen Y bullshit and shove it up your wrinkly ass.

Stabbed student shows up for job interview

Quote :
"A 16-year-old student went to a job interview instead of the hospital after he and a schoolmate were stabbed yesterday.

Staff at the King West Vets veterinary clinic said the Central Commerce Collegiate student showed up on time for his 1 p.m. co-op placement interview. But when employees noticed blood on his leg, they called police.

"He did really well on the interview and we were very proud of him for sticking to the appointment," said veterinarian Kent Ackerman. He wouldn't say if the student will get the job.

The teen, the second 16-year-old to be stabbed in the Crawford and College Sts. area yesterday, was taken to hospital with minor injuries."

2/6/2009 8:24:24 AM

All American
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he better get that job.

2/6/2009 10:48:25 AM

All American
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We’re shaping up to be the worst generation

8/20/2023 5:38:32 PM

All American
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a much better link than ^

saw that this morning and was too dumbfounded to pick an apt thread to post it in

you chose wisely

8/20/2023 8:19:50 PM

All American
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Will not someone think of the children?

8/20/2023 9:39:36 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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I'm not sure I follow how this makes us the worst generation.

Are we the parents in this scenario? The University? The students? The condom company?

8/20/2023 10:05:37 PM

All American
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We’re the parents

8/21/2023 12:48:58 AM

All American
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Quote :
"One student said he doesn't know what all the fuss is about.

"I’m not offended at all," said Karim Aguilar Ortega, an NC State student. "People can do whatever they want with any of these items. I don’t see myself being in position to be offended.""

8/21/2023 7:03:31 AM

All American
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Back when I was a student, there was a national campaign going on to curb excessive drinking among college students. There was a sign above the atrium that said something like "NC State students drink on average 3 to 4 alcoholic drinks per weekend." The idea was to "trick" students into thinking that a few drinks was the norm.
Clearly, the solution here is to put a pamphlet in the condom package that says "NC State freshmen are having sex with 3 to 4 partners per weekend."

8/21/2023 11:14:57 AM

All American
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not fair, we didn't get those last year

8/21/2023 12:21:03 PM

All American
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Oh wait, are you a college student?

8/21/2023 12:26:56 PM

All American
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I remember those "3 to 4 drinks per weekend" signs. Every time I was about to open a 5th drink, I'd think of those signs, and they'd successfully curb me from over-indulging.

8/21/2023 12:57:57 PM

All American
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yes sir

also I always wonder how they get these random NC state students, do they just pick one off the street?
I wanna testify to something once too

[Edited on August 21, 2023 at 4:18 PM. Reason : --]

8/21/2023 4:11:59 PM

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