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All American
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1/17/2008 8:38:49 AM

All American
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1/17/2008 8:41:01 AM

All American
93281 Posts
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come on math major...


1/17/2008 8:43:15 AM

All American
8846 Posts
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technically he's 6.1 cause his is the first post

1/17/2008 8:44:20 AM

Mr Grace
All American
12412 Posts
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if you worked last year and have since moved, contact your old employers and give them your parents address so they can send you your w-2s. have to have them to you by jan 31.

file immediately and do direct deposit.

cash money in 3.5 weeks

1/17/2008 8:50:23 AM

18598 Posts
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+1 for OmarBadu and Noen

1/17/2008 9:20:41 AM

All American
93281 Posts
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look man, I was the pioneer of page decimal numbering back in the day. the pages go:

Page 2
Page 3

1/17/2008 9:24:32 AM

All American
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Quote :
"it would take three months for me to get the money i need to move out because my bills are huge"

You don't pay rent but your bills are huge? Where does all your money go? I seriously have no idea how people get into this situation. I mean, the extreme lack of foresight one would have to have just boggles my mind...

1/17/2008 9:48:19 AM

All American
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if you have huge credit card debt you could always declare bankruptcy. after 7 years it won't even be on your credit anymore and you can get rid of a significant portion of your debt.

it doesn't sound like you are in the position to buy a house anytime soon anyway.

1/17/2008 9:51:47 AM

41758 Posts
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I would not declare bankruptcy.

1/17/2008 9:57:07 AM

147487 Posts
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yeah thats like the dumbest suggestion

1/17/2008 9:57:32 AM

All American
4126 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm confused about how she has a steady job and free rent, but has nothing that she can sell and a ton of debt."

1/17/2008 9:58:32 AM

All American
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im simply amazed that two adults would both come to TWW about some shit like this.

no fucking wonder you're broke.

1/17/2008 10:12:09 AM

All American
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Quote :
"after 7 years it won't even be on your credit anymore and you can get rid of a significant portion of your debt. "

hahahah funniest thing that i have read all fucking morning. you just keep thinking that. its more like, the creditors may stop reporting but it still on your credit report.

1/17/2008 10:14:45 AM

All American
12764 Posts
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Your bankruptcy can be reported on your credit report for 10 years from the filing of the case.

1/17/2008 10:15:36 AM

147487 Posts
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plus shes not really that bad off shes just being stubborn about it

1/17/2008 10:15:53 AM

All American
12764 Posts
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Well, that was obvious from her first post

Quote :
"Need to stay in job for April bonus of like $1300"

1/17/2008 10:17:03 AM

147487 Posts
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well that and this:

Quote :
"hes letting me save the money"

1/17/2008 10:18:14 AM

All American
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i wouldn't know as i've never needed to do that, but I have a friend who declared bankruptcy (he made some poor choices) but he is doing fine now... has a house, good job, suv, etc. and that was only 7ish years back.

1/17/2008 10:18:16 AM

All American
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regardless, it sounds like this chick doesn't have anything about her life together, and she would rather bitch on TWW than find a solution.

1/17/2008 10:19:57 AM

All American
10151 Posts
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Quote :
"if you have huge credit card debt you could always declare bankruptcy. after 7 years it won't even be on your credit anymore and you can get rid of a significant portion of your debt.

it doesn't sound like you are in the position to buy a house anytime soon anyway."

my cousin was in a tough spot and went to someone about declaring bankruptacy... it's like $1300 in legal fees just to declare. kinda of ironic. "oh you're broke as shit? well give me money that you don't have obviously and i'll take care of things for you."

when you say bills... what kind of bills are we talking here? CCs? school loans? other loans? car payments? medical? I agree with the 2nd job thing, get you out of the house and allow you to earn extra cash. sell shit on ebay. cut out unneccessary expenses. tax season is here, file your taxes, get a rapid refund if you absolutely have to. you work for an animal place... take out an ad to walk peoples dogs. not sure what sort of relationship you have with your employer... but talk to your boss about seeing if there is anyway you can get an advance on your bonus. it's worth a shot.

1/17/2008 11:48:20 AM

All American
4126 Posts
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Quote :
""I'm confused about how she has a steady job and free rent, but has nothing that she can sell and a ton of debt.""

1/17/2008 11:52:52 AM

All American
38546 Posts
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Thanks for all the advice guys, I know what I'm going to do from here on out...

1/17/2008 12:03:33 PM

All American
17209 Posts
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just let me know before you come so i can change the sheets

1/17/2008 12:04:10 PM

All American
44225 Posts
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crash with a friend?

1/17/2008 12:25:56 PM

All American
14538 Posts
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get a loan

1/17/2008 12:30:45 PM

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I think the reason you are not getting more positive reinforcement is so many people on here have done the "trunk only" move before. I can think of a hand full that have either documented it on here or I know IRL that have basically sold everything that did not fit in their car and hit the road...

You sound miserable and three months is a long time to live in limbo. If your current relationship is over and you do not want to stay in the city you are in go back home. I am telling you that $1300 (less after taxes) is not gonna seem worth the wait when you are looking back on this time period.

I doubt your finances are nearly messed up to the point where bankruptcy would make sense, and honestly a 30 day late payment or two on your credit cards is not the end of the world. It should be a last resort, but if you need your check to pay rent or a deposit, spend it on that.

Also you have not said anything about looking for a job in the city you are moving to. Start that now. If you can have a job lined up before you move it will be a lot less stressful.

1/17/2008 12:48:38 PM

All American
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1/17/2008 12:54:00 PM

All American
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1/17/2008 3:12:22 PM

All American
57594 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm confused about how she has a steady job and free rent, but has nothing that she can sell and a ton of debt.""

The money certainly didn't go to beauty supplies.

1/17/2008 3:15:20 PM

All American
522 Posts
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I second the questioning of the $1300 bonus (April I think you said?). It might cost you a lot more than that to get settled there, negating any benefit.

If you're in Knoxville everything you need is on the strip by the airport.
Family Inn and Suites is $35 a night.
Couple of doors down is a Krystal (open 24/7?)
Across the street is the Car Title Loan place if things get really bad.

-- Dave

1/17/2008 4:30:07 PM

All American
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1300 is after taxes, plus tax refund, plus whatever I save.

If I'm going to move it's going to be out of Knoxville and closer to the beach. So name some good cities to live in on the east coast.

1/17/2008 6:29:50 PM

All American
18332 Posts
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I don't play Internet asshole very often, but it really sounds like you're being extraordinarily picky. The fact that you only work four days a week and a second job hadn't even occurred to you until someone suggested it speaks volumes. Time to check the pride at the door, stop denying that you fucked up, take off the rose-colored glasses and start handling your business.

1/17/2008 6:38:10 PM

All American
44225 Posts
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i ♥ Kiwi

1/17/2008 6:39:15 PM

5724 Posts
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Virginia Beach

1/17/2008 6:40:14 PM

Mr Grace
All American
12412 Posts
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youre a big retard if you take your ass to a beach town with 1300 bucks to your name and no job during the off season.

you need to move in with some tww geek in raleigh so you can mooch off your parents and actually find a job.

1/17/2008 6:46:15 PM

41758 Posts
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1/17/2008 6:47:27 PM

All American
14984 Posts
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It's threads like this that remind me why I have so little hope for my own generation. By and large it is made up of people who are worthless and weak. For whatever reason it's now acceptable to still be an irresponsible child at age 21+.

[Edited on January 17, 2008 at 7:57 PM. Reason : asdfasdf]

1/17/2008 7:35:35 PM

All American
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It'll be more like 3k.

I'm gonna go back to school for sure. I also want to experience the beach life before responsibilities like a family tie me down! I'll have a roommate. I never cared about my finances because I always had someone to carry me. I think that's my major flaw and I'm glad it's finally biting me in the ass because just trying to be financially responsible on my own went well until I needed a new wardrobe! Otherwise, I'd say I'm pretty kick ass.

A second job is def. a must. Hey almost two weeks after a break up ...I think I should be allowed time to morn the loss of a love before getting my head straight.

1/17/2008 8:58:21 PM

All American
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it's a tragic moment when you find out you aren't special isn't it.... the world doesn't really give a damn about any individual

1/17/2008 9:01:37 PM

All American
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There are plenty of people who care about me a lot. I just can't wait to find the one who thinks the world of me. /sap

Of course that will be a long time from now, the present hold new adventures, soul searching, self improvement, and happiness.

Would you live in Florida?

1/17/2008 9:09:54 PM

Yankee Cowboy
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go to Maine

1/17/2008 9:10:46 PM

All American
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Snow? If I went north it'd be NYC but that's waaaay too expensive for me, love the culture though.

So south it is. Cheap, young people, beach. Main requirements~

1/17/2008 9:11:56 PM

All American
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i never said anything about individual people caring about you

and why are you so damn dependent

1/17/2008 9:12:25 PM

All American
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Because people allowed me to be. Honest as honest gets. I want to make it on my own though. Just cause I'll have a roomie doesn't mean theyll be paying my path.

1/17/2008 9:14:32 PM

All American
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when i was in between apartment leases last fall i spent about a month staying with different friends. i was, i guess, a drifter of sorts. some people let me store my belongings in their house and i would just alternate where i stayed.
if you have good friends, it's a great idea.

1/17/2008 9:16:33 PM

25077 Posts
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i am so glad you brought this to tww

1/17/2008 9:18:36 PM

All American
38546 Posts
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Fuck me for wearing my heart on my sleeve.

I think I've proven that tdub doesn't really hurt me or ruin me with all their super bad insults. I don'tlive in Raleigh so the collective community of tdub goes away with the flip of a switch. Sorry sweetheart.

1/17/2008 9:20:15 PM

41758 Posts
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NYC seems expensive to the rest of us but I mean people manage living there. The rents seem high but at the same time its one of the few places you can easily function with no car. Think about how much of your income goes to car payments, insurance, repairs, and gas.

I know I spend over $100 a week on gas easily, $175 car payment month, ~$140 a month insurance, ~10 for taxes and plates, then and repairs, tires, etc is $texas. Thats $725/mo not even including the damn repairs.

1/17/2008 10:23:03 PM


47844 Posts
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set em up

1/17/2008 10:50:36 PM

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