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All American
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Everyone knows that Harrow signed on to play for Lowe. He has shown more devotion to a coach than I have seen anyone show in a long time, and I'm sure this is hard on him. Zo is obviously on board. Hopefully their connection, along with Howell will keep Harrow put. CJL is hard to read because he is so casual and is obviously thinking in terms of dollar dollar bills.

4/6/2011 8:05:58 AM

37709 Posts
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is he in those pictures? I can't see him

plus I wonder who Gottfried was referring to when he said he had recruited some of our players and didn't get them

4/6/2011 8:06:35 AM

All American
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Man WTF is Harrow's problem. I remember a quote from him where he said he expected to be in the NBA in two years. So he's got an unrealistic view of himself and how quickly he's going to develop. He's probably thinking that this coaching change is hindering his two year plan. Great.

And I can understand being bummed out about Lowe, but man what was he expecting. He had to know his seat was warm before signing. And would he honestly rather stay here and lose than play under someone who almost certainly will do better just because the coach isn't Lowe?

Quote :
"plus I wonder who Gottfried was referring to when he said he had recruited some of our players and didn't get them"

Vandy, duh.

[Edited on April 6, 2011 at 8:08 AM. Reason : ...]

4/6/2011 8:06:55 AM

All American
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He was referring to Brown, who he recruited.

Let's jump to even more conclusions:

4/6/2011 8:18:59 AM

All American
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It's all good. I hear when Ryan Harrow keels over in despair that it does not deal with basketball here. It never does, otherwise he'd get yelled at by higher powers.

That series of pictures is pretty good too:

[Edited on April 6, 2011 at 8:40 AM. Reason : -]

4/6/2011 8:19:16 AM

All American
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[Edited on April 6, 2011 at 8:23 AM. Reason : .]

4/6/2011 8:20:03 AM

All American
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"Lookin' forward to runnin' the train on these hoes with you, coach!"

4/6/2011 8:24:30 AM

All American
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Nice of Harrow to get dressed up for the presser.

Hopefully he'll give Mark a chance and see what he can do for his game. It might have been fun to play for Lowe, but I can't possibly believe he was happy with what we achieved this year.

4/6/2011 8:29:10 AM

no u
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^^^that dude on the left looks like the FOREVER ALONE guy

[Edited on April 6, 2011 at 8:31 AM. Reason : carrots carats karats carets]

4/6/2011 8:30:23 AM

All American
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Quote :
""Mo Williams plays in the NBA right now, and apparently he's helped him get there," said sophomore guard Lorenzo Brown. "That's a big deal for Ryan [Harrow] and me right now, because basically we're the only two point guards here, and I'm a point guard/shooting guard. I'm pretty sure he can help us out.""

N&O says he's a good recruiter who likes to play an up-tempo offense. Sounds fine to me (although this is how Lowe was described too). If he can sell Alabama to recruits and do well with them, I don't see why he can't make us credible.

4/6/2011 8:36:38 AM

All American
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You know part of Gottfried is like, "shit...I get to coach these three like they were my recruiting class"?! Sign me the fuck up!

Quote :
""Mark Gottfried will never be called passive against zone defenses! Attacking the heart of the zone, inside/out, is the goal of his offense. The keys are ball movement, man movement and penetrate as the ball moves from sideline to sideline. Gottfried believes that his perimeter players must be hard to guard and find the gap between two defenders. After one or two ball reversals, guards look to \knife the zone\" by driving gaps. Post players are taught to be aggressive and move hard against the zone. Post players must occupy defenders along the baseline by flashing and posting up. One feature of Gotfried's zone style is attacking from behind from the short corner.""

This was a couple pages back. Harrow and Zo need to be salivating at this. With Zo's athleticism and Harrow handling skills this is exactly the type of offense they should be in. Especially considering we get zoned up with our lack of shooters.

[Edited on April 6, 2011 at 8:39 AM. Reason : ]

4/6/2011 8:37:13 AM

35782 Posts
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yeah hopefully they both stay. MG has plenty of time to mold them and break the bad habits

4/6/2011 8:42:13 AM

All American
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There are about a dozen videos on youtube of Gottfried coaching and explaining his high post offense

I hope Harrow watches this and sees himself scoring with ease

And our bigs better start working on their 15-footers

4/6/2011 8:53:08 AM

233 Posts
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What's Gary Busey doing at our press conference???

4/6/2011 8:55:34 AM

4764 Posts
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i googled "mark gottfried coaching staff", this thread is the 4th link

4/6/2011 9:11:58 AM

All American
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#1 link now

4/6/2011 9:16:37 AM

All American
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Rick Bonnell of The Charlotte Observer: "It's a safe bet ex-Charlotte Bobcat Gerald Wallace didn't send any congratulatory messages when he heard former Alabama coach Mark Gottfried got the N.C. State job. Wallace hated his one season under Gottfried so much he requested not to be described as a former Alabama player in Bobcats introductions."

4/6/2011 9:25:31 AM

All American
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awesome. not sure it thats a +1 or -1. Wallace acts like a dumbass, but i don't know enough about him besides he is really good at basketball.

[Edited on April 6, 2011 at 9:27 AM. Reason : d]

4/6/2011 9:26:49 AM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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Fuck Gerald Wallace

4/6/2011 9:27:45 AM

All American
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Quote :
"“You commit to a coach,” Wood said. “You trust that coach. You don’t really commit to a school, as much as people don’t want to hear that. So it definitely changes when that coach leaves.”"

4/6/2011 9:29:06 AM

7062 Posts
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wood bringing the sad

4/6/2011 9:31:02 AM

All American
14208 Posts
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well maybe YOU don't commit to a school.

4/6/2011 9:31:20 AM

no u
103356 Posts
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holy fuck Ernie is Scott Wood

i knew it

4/6/2011 9:31:34 AM

All American
4265 Posts
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I think these kid are still getting over the whole will take them getting back into practice mode to get over losing Lowe and having a new coach in place.

4/6/2011 9:33:06 AM

All American
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I will refrain from explaining how much I dislike Scott Wood's perspective out of respect for Scott Wood. But I really, really don't like that quote.

4/6/2011 9:36:20 AM

All American
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4/6/2011 9:37:15 AM

All American
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It took Gerald Wallace like 5 years to figure out he needed to learn how to shoot to play in the NBA. It's possible he wasnt very mature in college. Then again, it's also possible some of our current players aren't either...

Quote :
"calm down

...only as friends"

[Edited on April 6, 2011 at 9:39 AM. Reason : ]

4/6/2011 9:38:01 AM

All American
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They do need to remember that if they had performed better themselves Lowe would still be here. It sucks for them I am sure to lose a coach and the guy they signed up to play for. Either way Lowe wasn't getting much from their talent, and/or they were underperforming come game time. I can't imagine those guys not knowing that if they didnt make a good showing last year that Lowe would be gone. Hopefully, once they get to talk with Mark and have time to get over all that has happened they will realize this move had to be made and we have done our best to give those guys a chance to still succeed here at NC State.

4/6/2011 9:38:50 AM

All American
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Cannot understand what these kids are thinking. Yeah Lowe was a great guy but damn all he did was lose. Geez Wood, would you rather lose for four years and have a best friend or try and make the best of your college career?

4/6/2011 9:40:20 AM

All American
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I feel like if Gottfried does nothing else but get our players to play hard for 40 min. every game next season, then we make the tourney easily.

4/6/2011 9:40:26 AM

All American
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Maybe their talent is overrated. I hope to find out it was the system and coaching and not the talent, but....

4/6/2011 9:42:32 AM

All American
636 Posts
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Harrow has shown flashes (I was giddy during the first half of the first Clemson game watching him)... I really feel like the team needs him at his best more than CJL or LB

I obviously hope we're watching them all play in November

4/6/2011 9:43:08 AM

All American
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I don't really have a problem with Wood's quote. It's true. That's why kids get released from a LOI if a coach leaves a school. They're committing to the coach, not the mascot.

I seriously doubt Wood is going anywhere, but I guess I could see him going back to the midwest to play. CJL and Harrow are the ones to watch out for.

4/6/2011 9:46:58 AM

All American
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If harrow leaves it puts us in a bad position with no depth at point guard. and doubt there are any unsigned PG for this class. even in JuCo. next TL is class 2012.

4/6/2011 9:48:50 AM

All American
39631 Posts
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Quote :
"Cannot understand what these kids are thinking. Yeah Lowe was a great guy but damn all he did was lose. Geez Wood, would you rather lose for four years and have a best friend or try and make the best of your college career?"

yeah, screw them for doing whatever they feel is best for them

4/6/2011 9:50:06 AM

All American
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Quote :
"They do need to remember that if they had performed better themselves Lowe would still be here. "

[Edited on April 6, 2011 at 9:52 AM. Reason : PP mentioned a possible Iowa PG transfer]

4/6/2011 9:51:41 AM

All American
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Harrow needs to see how Ronald Steele dominated when he was healthy.

Anyway, kid is emotional. Wood is right -- you come for the coach, not the school. Legally it's the school and fans hope it is the school, but it's mostly the coach. Gottfried has to get with Harrow and his parents and deal with this situation.

4/6/2011 9:52:55 AM

All American
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So the primary and overwhelming reason you guys have ever accepted any part-time job is because of your boss?

4/6/2011 9:55:55 AM

All American
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obviously they commit to a school because of the money

4/6/2011 9:58:18 AM

All American
1991 Posts
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To be frank, I think some of these players liked playing for a black coach, which is understandable.

Not saying that's the whole reason they committed to NC State in the first place, or even a huge part of it necessarily, but I definitely think it helped and might help explain (with the exception of Wood) why the players apparently wanted Smart so badly and now seem disappointed with Gottfried.

That said, I don't think that the way some of them are acting is very respectable. Of course, these kids have the freedom to do whatever the hell they feel is best for them, but if they're going to stay at NC State, there is something to be said for making the best out of a situation that might be less than ideal for them. If they looked at the positives (that Gottfried is a better "Xs and Os" coach than Lowe, that he runs an uptempo offense that is fun for players, and that he's had experience getting to the tournament and a little experience winning in it), I think they could come to like the new coach. If they're going to transfer, transfer.

Not saying that the players who seem disappointed right now won't come around, though; I think they will.

4/6/2011 10:08:00 AM

All American
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They're the opposite of packboozie?!?

4/6/2011 10:09:52 AM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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^^^well, it's true for unc

[Edited on April 6, 2011 at 10:11 AM. Reason : .]

4/6/2011 10:11:28 AM

All American
15416 Posts
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Any player tweets since the conference?

4/6/2011 10:17:31 AM

All American
4765 Posts
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hope everyone sticks around.

4/6/2011 10:18:51 AM

All American
9198 Posts
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i'm leavin

4/6/2011 10:21:41 AM

All American
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4/6/2011 10:23:22 AM

All American
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I'm super glad to hear Zo is probably staying. I would absolutely love Harrow to stay too, but if losing Harrow is necessary to replace a coach who delivered 5 straight dismal seasons, then so be it.

4/6/2011 10:29:17 AM

Wolfman Tim
All American
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You guys must have forgot the exodus of posters from ST when Beardawg61 was let go

4/6/2011 10:32:36 AM

All American
12281 Posts
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some of this is just a couple of minced quotes being blown way out of proportion

there is some underlying truth but all of the rumored attrition was already in play before the press conference (wood to purdue, harrow to ???, cjl to nba/dl)

4/6/2011 10:39:45 AM

uNC SUcks
All American
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PackPride is removing any posts they see as bashing a player. I simply said that I hope Harrow and everyone stays, but if they are going to be a chemistry problem or won't go "all in" I wish them the best of luck as they walk out the door.

And I don't have a problem with Wood's comment. They are being recruited to play a sport, that's #1 and their eduction is #2--that's just how it is. You select the program that you best fit in. When the staff changes, the program changes, you may no longer "fit", or at least feel that way.

[Edited on April 6, 2011 at 10:47 AM. Reason : .]

4/6/2011 10:45:30 AM

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