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3/6/2006 8:38:58 PM

All American
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3/6/2006 9:35:28 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Quote :
"There you go repeating the things I say. Stellar work there Mr. Joshua."

Its just hilarious that you buy into your "alternative media" even more than the people you criticize for getting news from the "mainstream media." Your hypocrisy keeps me in stitches, little buddy.

Quote :
"The evidence is overwhelming in both cases, and proves with 100% certainty that the government was involved in both cases and is lying about what really happened. After looking at the evidence, there is no debating this."

Then why can't your alternative sources prove any of this? How many TWWers have you convinced?

Quote :
"Sources like and, on the other hand, are actively exposing the truth about these monumental events. They have demonstrated themselves to be real journalists by reporting the entire truth, as opposed to lying and covering up the truth."

There is a difference between exposing the truth and spinning conspiracy theories to simpleminded people with an internet connection. As soon as your sources are able to prove anything I'll begin to take them more seriously.

You have never proven that the mainstream media is covering up anything. Nor have you proven that they are controlled by the zionists. None of your theories have ever been proven, little fella. Keep swingin'.

3/7/2006 12:14:30 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"You have never proven that the mainstream media is covering up anything."

What a joke. Is the MSM paying you to propagandize for them? There are dozens of things the MSM is covering up. Take the controlled demolition of WTC building 7 on 9/11, for example.

WTC Building #7 collapsed around 5:20pm on 9/11. It was not hit by a plane, and only had a few small fires in it. Yet, it collapsed at near free-fall speed in a symmetrical fashion as in a controlled demolition.

WTC Complex Leaseholder Larry Silverstein admits in PBS documentary that WTC 7 was brought down in controlled demolition:

1 minute video clip:

Watch the demolition charges going off at the top right of WTC 7 in the following video clip:

"Pull" and "pull it" are industry terms for triggering a controlled demolition. To make this perfectly clear, here is another video clip from the same PBS documentary where the term "pull" is used to describe beginning a controlled demolition on WTC Building 6.


Excellent websites on WTC Building 7:

Quote :
"There is a difference between exposing the truth and spinning conspiracy theories to simpleminded people with an internet connection. As soon as your sources are able to prove anything I'll begin to take them more seriously. "

blah, blah, blaaahhhhh

Quote :
"Nor have you proven that they are controlled by the zionists. "

Anybody who doesn't have their head up their ass knows damn well that the Jews run Hollywood and the MSM.

Quote :
"None of your theories have ever been proven, little fella. Keep swingin'."


What drivel. Could that post have possibly been more complete nonsense?

Please keep up your trolling, Mr. Joshua.

3/7/2006 8:29:23 AM

31803 Posts
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Quote :
"WTC Complex Leaseholder Larry Silverstein admits in PBS documentary that WTC 7 was brought down in controlled demolition:"


3/7/2006 8:45:17 AM

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When did I ever say that Jews always lie?

Even they tell the truth every now and then.

3/7/2006 8:48:07 AM

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when it fits your opinion/view, i guess it's the truth.

3/7/2006 8:49:46 AM

All American
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salisburyboy completely missed that I proved the holocaust was not a myth by using common sense

How about thinking about this in common sense terms? - Ok.

Why would the Germans transport millions (supposedly) of Jews (and non-Jews) to camps just to kill them? - Because killing them in the streets of Berlin and Munich was not the image the Nazis wanted to put forth.

Why go through all that trouble when you could just execute the people on the spot? See above.

Why go though all the expense of transporting them and feeding and housing them if just to kill them? - I really feel like that was answered above - they needed the German public to believe that the outcasts were going to "labor" camps. That was acceptable, killing them in the streets was not or the Nazis wouldn't have minded.

And then to kill them by using gas chambers? That would be very expensive, complicated, and more difficult than a bullet to the back of the head. Why do it that way? - Killing up to 400 people at once with toxic pesticides that are manufactured in your own country isn't cheaper than the bullets needed for war? There is also less of a chance for riots/resistance when you are killing in mass. Would you stand in line knowing you were the next to be shot? I would be kicking someone's ass, as would the other 399 people in line.

3/7/2006 8:53:08 AM

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Oh, so you want some more of my thoughts on the Holocaust?

It was once deemed an "irrefutable fact" that 4 million people died at Auschwitz alone. The current estimate is well below that (by at least 2.5 million).

Here's the estimate given on the official Auschwitz Museum website:

Quote :
"The overall number of victims of Auschwitz in the years 1940-1945 is estimated at between 1,100,000 and 1,500,000 people."

The plaque at the Auswitz Museum was changed to reflect this change from 4 million to 1.5 million (the estimate of 1.5 million is still way too high, by the way):

Above left: This was the plaque on display at the Auschwitz camp until 1989: note the "4 million" victims. Above right: This is the plaque currently on display at Auschwitz - note the suddenly reduced number of victims to 1.5 million - a casual reduction in the number of deaths by 2.5 million.

If the official Auschwitz Museum has revised down the deaths at Auschwitz by 2.5 million, why has the 6 million number remained unchanged?

But you guys just continue to believe the 'sacred' 6 million number. It's the gospel truth because the Zionist-controlled MSM says so. Along with whatever else they say happened. And if you question any of their "official" story, well, they'll just have to deport you to Germany or somewhere and charge you with "Holocaust denial" and throw you in prison for up to 20 years.

3/7/2006 9:11:26 AM

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so i guess 1.5 million people killed is A-OK with you!

3/7/2006 9:27:37 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"so i guess 1.5 million people killed is A-OK with you!"

The 1.5 million estimate is still a gross exaggeration. The actual number that died is much less.

And the vast majority of those who died did so from disease and starvation near the end of the war when the condition at the camps was deteriorating due to heavy Allied bombing and Allied forces closing in on the Nazi-controlled areas, which cut the supply lines to the camps. There was no plan to exterminate the Jews. The camps were slave labor camps.

[Edited on March 7, 2006 at 9:36 AM. Reason : `]

3/7/2006 9:31:33 AM

All American
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Quote :
"the estimate of 1.5 million is still way too high, by the way"

So you want to prove this? Didn't think so.

I saw the second plaque at Auschwitz (I was there in 1998), 4 million or 1.5 or whatever - it doesn't change the fact that it happened and was NOT A MYTH.
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"And if you question any of their "official" story, well, they'll just have to deport you to Germany or somewhere and charge you with "Holocaust denial" and throw you in prison for up to 20 years."

So when are you getting deported or locked up?
Quote :
"The 1.5 million estimate is still a gross exaggeration. The actual number that died is much less."

The actual number that died is much higher. See what I did there? Saying something doesn't make it true.
Quote :
"And the vast majority of those who died did so from disease and starvation near the end of the war"

Using vague language like that is worthless. Give me numbers and facts/sources to back up those numbers.
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"There was no plan to exterminate the Jews. The camps were slave labor camps."

You keep saying this and offering no proof. I guess the Nazi government wasn't capable of deception and propaganda. Why would they want to hide the fact that the concentration camps were death camps?

3/7/2006 9:42:47 AM

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Quote :
"The camps were slave labor camps."

so in your twisted fact world, even that would be ok.


3/7/2006 9:56:06 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"So you want to prove this? Didn't think so."

You probably would have said the same thing to someone questioning the 4 million number prior to 1989 or whenever they changed the estimate and plaque. But you know what? Such a person would have been right.

I've already discussed some of the evidence, including the fact that the worldwide Jewish population actually increased from just before to just after WWII. That would have been virtually impossible if anywhere near 6 million died. The actual number of Jews that died, therefore, must have been only a couple hundred thousand (at the maximum).

Do you want to prove that 6 millon really died?

Quote :
"I saw the second plaque at Auschwitz (I was there in 1998), 4 million or 1.5 or whatever - it doesn't change the fact that it happened and was NOT A MYTH."

I've never said that no Jews died. I've consistently said that people did die at the camps. And many NON-jews died in the camps too. What I am arguing is that the actual number that died is much less than alleged.

Quote :
"So when are you getting deported or locked up?"

Are you suggesting people haven't been prosecuted and locked up for questioning the Holocaust?

Quote :
"Using vague language like that is worthless. Give me numbers and facts/sources to back up those numbers."

Why don't you provide some evidence to support the "sacred" 6 million number? Where is the evidence to support that?

Quote :
"You keep saying this and offering no proof."

No, but you keep suggesting they were extermination camps with absolutely no proof.

Where's the proof that 6 million died?

You see, you guys supporting the "official" story have a burden of proof as well. But I don't see any evidence to back up your claims.

3/7/2006 9:58:26 AM

31803 Posts
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EVERYONE: 372948439320294380320 sources of real proof.

3/7/2006 10:00:40 AM

9434 Posts
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Where is the proof to back up your support of the "official" story?

3/7/2006 10:01:45 AM

All American
60354 Posts
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so wait

what does building #7 have to do with arabs flying planes into the first 2?

3/7/2006 10:14:01 AM

All American
3194 Posts
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Quote :
"I've already discussed some of the evidence, "

No you haven't.

Quote :
"including the fact that the worldwide Jewish population actually increased from just before to just after WWII."

Where is this info coming from again? Because I have seen no census info.
Was there some worldwide Jewish census taken in 1938 and again in 1948?

Quote :
"The actual number of Jews that died, therefore, must have been only a couple hundred thousand (at the maximum)."

Only 200,000? I like the way that's such a small number to you. Oh, you also don't provide any proof.

Quote :
"but you keep suggesting they were extermination camps with absolutely no proof."

My personal experience is all that I need. I've been to the camps - remember?

I am not trying to prove anything to you, frankly, I don't care what you think/believe.
If the Holocaust is a lie, then I am interested to know the truth.
It's obvious that you don't believe the history found in textbooks written by historians - and I have no problem with that. I do have a problem with you putting your beliefs out there with no proof or facts to back them up.

You are trying to change my mind, I am not trying to change yours. If you use flawed logic to support your claims/beliefs - I am going to point it out and ask for a logical explanation.

Quote :
"Why don't you provide some evidence to support the "sacred" 6 million number? Where is the evidence to support that?"

I've never said 6 million people were killed. To me the actual number is not what matters.
You seem to be stuck on the number, and have failed to prove 1.1-1.5 million people were NOT killed at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

3/7/2006 10:26:35 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"so wait

what does building #7 have to do with arabs flying planes into the first 2?"

And what does the collapse of the WTC towers have to do with the Pentagon attack?

What is the purpose of such a ridiculous question?

Look. WTC Building 7 collapsed around 5:30pm on 9/11. It was not hit by a plane, yet collapsed as in a controlled demoltion. Later, WTC leaseholder Larry Silverstein admitted it was brought down in a controlled demoltion. Also, you can see the demolition squibs in the collapse footage of WTC 7. There can be absolutely no debate about what caused the collapse of WTC 7.

To recap, I brought that up to refute Mr. Joshua's claim that "[I] have never proven that the mainstream media is covering up anything."

3/7/2006 10:28:55 AM

All American
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have i tried to debate you about what brought down tower 7

i want to know what that has to do with planes hitting tower 1 and 2

and btw

Quote :
"And what does the collapse of the WTC towers have to do with the Pentagon attack?"

What is the purpose of such a ridiculous question?

[Edited on March 7, 2006 at 10:45 AM. Reason : `]

3/7/2006 10:44:25 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"I am not trying to prove anything to you, frankly, I don't care what you think/believe. "


Quote :
"It's obvious that you don't believe the history found in textbooks written by historians - and I have no problem with that. I do have a problem with you putting your beliefs out there with no proof or facts to back them up."

I have provided facts and evidence to support my claims. Now where is the proof to support the "official" version of the Holocaust story?

Quote :
"i want to know what that has to do with planes hitting tower 1 and 2"

No, you just want to distract from the issue at hand with a ridiculous question. Nice try. The bottom line is that WTC 7 was brought down in a controlled demolition. And you know it.

3/7/2006 10:56:22 AM

31803 Posts
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Quote :
"I have provided facts and evidence to support my claims."


and the leader of the bullshit was KEYLOGGERS.

Quote :
"The bottom line is that WTC 7 was brought down in a controlled demolition. And you know it."


[Edited on March 7, 2006 at 10:58 AM. Reason : *]

3/7/2006 10:57:53 AM

9434 Posts
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I already admitted that I was wrong to accept and post the keylogger story.

Now, can you discuss the issue at hand, or are you going to use more logical fallacies here?

3/7/2006 10:59:16 AM

All American
1336 Posts
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^how about you provide a rebuttal to any of the information presented on this webpage? and I mean hard proof that indicates that significantly fewer (mere hundreds of thousands) of Jews were killed. something similar to the eisantzgruppen reports that indicate that millions of Jews were, in fact, murdered.

btw, aren't you a lawyer or something?

3/7/2006 11:13:41 AM

All American
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i still don't see what building 7 being brought down in a controlled manner (which i'm not arguing) has to do with towers 1 and 2

3/7/2006 11:16:24 AM

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if my ass is ever on the line, i'd rather rot away than have any lawyer that has as little credibility, common sense, and intelligence as this douche represent me.

i find it hard enough to believe that he's gainfully employed and able to remain so that to think he'd be a lawyer is extremely difficult.

[Edited on March 7, 2006 at 11:21 AM. Reason : *]

3/7/2006 11:16:54 AM

All American
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^yeah, i wasnt sure but i thought i remembered somebody mentioning it. it always amazes me that people like him are able to interact in the real world at all (he must have a job since he has an internet connection)

3/7/2006 11:18:07 AM

All American
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you're probably thinking of wolfpack2k or whatever his name is

3/7/2006 11:20:55 AM

All American
3194 Posts
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Quote :
"I have provided facts and evidence to support my claims."

No you haven't.


6 million Jews were killed by the Nazis. There were 15 million before the Holocaust and 9 million after according to a worldwide Jew count. This is a fact.
They weren't labor camps, they were death camps. This is a fact.
The Nazis had a plan to kill all Jews in Europe. This too, is a fact.
I have provided facts and evidence to support my claims.

3/7/2006 11:22:15 AM

All American
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FWIW, he's not a lawyer, but according to a PM:

Quote :
"I majored in Civil Engineering at NC State, and graduated in May of 2002...
I work in an engineering department with a City. Been doing that for about 1/2 a year."

3/7/2006 11:24:48 AM

All American
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^^don't forget he has suggested that white people are the true isrealites

3/7/2006 11:29:19 AM

All American
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going back into the archives:


Quote :
"The land that is now referred to as "Palestine" is a portion of the land that God promised
to the descendents of Jacob (the Israelites).
This land belongs to the Israelites alone.

The Arabs have attempted to re-write history in the attempt to take land away from
the Israelis. They claim that this land belongs to the "Palestinians." The truth of the matter
is that there never has been a nation of "Palestine." Jerusalem was never the capital of any
Arab state or province. Only the Jews have ever made the land called "Palestine" west of the
Jordan River a sovereign nation-state with Jerusalem as its capital.

The Arabs would have us believe that the Jews displaced a nation of Arabs living in Palestine
when the Jews began to re-settle Israel in the 20th century. This is not true. "Palestine" was
largely barren and unpopulated until the Jews began to settle the land in the 20th century.
After Jewish development, which resulted in economic opportunity, huge numbers of Arab
immigrants have flooded into Israel.

The land that is now Israel is 1% the size of the rest of the lands that Arabs control. Yet,
the Arabs cannot abide with this. They are continually calling on Israel to surrender more
of its land.

The real reason muslims want to take the land from the Jews is not because the land is the
Arab's land: it is because muslims are committed to the destruction of Israel and the Jewish
Muslims believe their religion teaches them to wage war against the Jews and that
killing Jews is a religious obligation.


3/7/2006 12:03:00 PM

All American
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Seems like his opinion of Jews has recently changed.

Do you attend a church, salisburyboy?

3/7/2006 1:35:36 PM

9434 Posts
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^^I wasn't trying to hide that. I admit that I used to believe that the Jews were, indeed, descendants of the Israelites.

I've changed my mind about a lot of things over the past 2-3 years. I used to believe the government's story on 9/11. I used to support the Republicans. And on and on. I don't try to keep those things secret.

If anyone is serious in their search for truth, they must be willing to change their mind (and admit they were wrong). It is virtually inevitable that you will have to change your mind because no one is right about everything. Most people are wrong about many, many things. And that is completely understandable given that most people are bombarded with lies by the "mainstream" media, churches, academia, etc.

You should be suspicious of those who never change their mind and will never admit they are wrong. These kind of people apparantly already believe they are right about everything. They are very resistant to changing their mind or admitting they were wrong. The truth or facts do not matter to these people. Only perpetuating their belief that they are correct matters.

And thank you for bringing this up, erudite (even though you did it, apparantly, to try to criticize me). It's an important point.

3/7/2006 1:39:27 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"You should be suspicious of those who never change their mind and will never admit they are wrong. These kind of people apparantly already believe they are right about everything. They are very resistant to changing their mind or admitting they were wrong. The truth or facts do not matter to these people. Only perpetuating their belief that they are correct matters."


3/7/2006 2:07:05 PM

All American
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Just reminding you that you were "wrong" and could be "wrong" now.

"Aparantly" I didn't try to criticize you, or I would have.

What church do you attend again? (you must have missed that question)

3/7/2006 2:14:29 PM

All American
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3/7/2006 2:15:44 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Just reminding you that you were "wrong" and could be "wrong" now."

You think I don't know that? How about reminding yourself of that fact?

Quote :
"What church do you attend again?"


3/7/2006 2:19:58 PM

All American
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Quote :
"You think I don't know that? How about reminding yourself of that fact? "

I'm not trying to convince you that I am right.

3/7/2006 2:31:52 PM

All American
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Everybody here loves salisbot, and creams their pants every time he posts.

7 pages.

3/7/2006 11:52:21 PM

All American
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4/10/2006 5:59:25 PM

39171 Posts
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Quote :
"You should be suspicious of those who never change their mind and will never admit they are wrong. "

this is exactly why we dont listen to you

4/26/2006 9:01:56 PM


18617 Posts
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4/26/2006 9:16:23 PM

39171 Posts
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if i bother you why did you click the thread

4/26/2006 9:22:37 PM

10214 Posts
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this thread is true in its entirety. i've now subscribed to all of salisburyboy's beliefs

4/26/2006 9:24:32 PM

39171 Posts
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me too

4/26/2006 9:26:06 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Quote :
"If the official Auschwitz Museum has revised down the deaths at Auschwitz by 2.5 million, why has the 6 million number remained unchanged?"


Quote :
" is correct to note that the Polish Communist government did claim that four million people were exterminated at Auschwitz, historians (Feig, Reitlinger, Hilberg, et al.) have never supported that figure. Consider the estimates provided by Buszko at the end of his article on Auschwitz, which appeared in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust:

Of the 405,000 registered prisoners, 65,000 survived
Of the 16,000 Soviet POW's, 96 survived
Various estimates suggest 1.6 million were murdered

Buszko's article, and the above estimates, appeared in the 1990 edition of the Encyclopedia, which clearly puts the lie to Foner's comment that "anyone who publicly doubted the 4.1 million .. " figure "previous to 1992..." was "...labeled an anti-Semite...". Buszko is not only a Jewish historian, but Polish as well.

Leon Poliakov, the author of the well-documented "Harvest of Hate," which was, we note, first published in 1956, provides the following information, which clearly demonstrates that Foner's contention, cited above, is an outright lie:

"After some thirty months of intense activity, the Auschwitz balance sheet showed close to two million immediate exterminations (this figure can never be fixed exactly), (8) to which one must add the deaths of some 300,000 registered prisoners - Jews for the most part, but not entirely - for whom the gas chamber was only one of any number of ways by which they might have perished." (Poliakov, 202)

(8) In his affidavits, Hoess spoke of two and a half million, 'a figure set officially,' he wrote, under the signature of [Eichmann], in a report to Himmler. This figure has been accepted by several authors, and it appears in the verdict at the trial of the major war criminals. However, there is no reason for accepting without question the statistics attributed to Eichmann, which may err on either side.

Adding the number of victims to those deported from different countries gives a lower figure, although we have little data, for example, on the number of Polish Jews sent to Auschwitz. An approximate figure in the neighborhood of two million seems closer to the truth." (Ibid.)

Feig also provides evidence of the false nature of Foner's comment when she notes that:

"Höss testified that the Tesch directors could not help but know of the use for their product because they sold him enough to annihilate two million people."

Feig's book was published in 1981

According to Snyder, Adolf Eichmann reported to Himmler, in 1944, that four million had been killed in the camps, and another million had been shot or killed by mobile units. (Encyclopedia of the Third Reich. 1989) Eichmann's report, which referenced all the camps (most of which were in Nazi-occupied Poland), may have been the source of the Polish Communist government's figures. (Snyder is a Professor of History at the City College and the City University of New York.)

During the war crimes trials, Höss was was asked if it was true that he had no exact numbers because he had been forbidden to compile them, and he agreed. He also agreed that Adolf Eichmann had told him that that more than two million people had been exterminated there. (von Lang, 120)

The Institut Fuer Zeitgeschichte, Munich, provided the following capsulated paragraph about Auschwitz in a March, 1992, letter of inquiry. (See auschwitz

"The extermination camp in Birkenau, established in the second half of 1941, was joined to the concentration camp Auschwitz, existing since May 1940. From January 1942 on in five gas chambers and from the end of June 1943 in four additional large gassing-rooms gassings with Zyklon B have been undertaken. Up until November 1944 more than one million Jews and at least 4000 gypsies have been murdered by gas." (IFZ)

While it is admittedly difficult to compile exact figures, since the Nazis did not maintain registration records for those who were to be exterminated immediately upon arrival at Auschwitz, it seems accurate to assert that the number of Jews killed fell somewhere between one and one-point-six million.

According to figures provided by the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, the overall number of victims of Auschwitz in the years 1940-1945 is estimated at between 1,100,000 and 1,500,000 people. The majority of them, and above all the mass transports of Jews who arrived beginning in 1942, died in the gas chambers. (Waclaw Dlugoborski and Franciszek Piper, Eds. Auschwitz 1940-1945. Central Issues in the History of the Camp. The Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, 2000, 5 vols., 1799 pp., ISBN 83-85047-87-5)

Jews were not the only victims of this Nazi German killing machine - historians estimate that among the people sent to Auschwitz there were at least 1,100,000 Jews from all the countries of occupied Europe, over 140,000 Poles (mostly political prisoners), approximately 20,000 Gypsies from several European countries, over 10,000 Soviet prisoners of war, and over 10,000 prisoners of other nationalities."

If you actually read the information on this website it should put to rest most of your concerns regarding the Holocaust. Of course, I don't expect you to do this as you avoid anything that may threaten your fragile worldview.

4/26/2006 10:10:16 PM

All American
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Quote :



4/27/2006 2:09:21 AM

39171 Posts
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i agree

4/27/2006 11:51:14 AM

168 Posts
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Quote :
"6 million Jews were killed by the Nazis. "


5/1/2006 3:48:12 PM

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