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All American
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Quote :
"Wow. I see we've somehow escalated the conversation back up to what factors will determine whether we're going to play for the national championship ...again... before we have even shown that we can win one. single. solitary. conference game."

shit like this certainly lends credibility to the accusations of "world's most delusional fanbase"

saying we "spanked" FSU is just wrong, as others have pointed out. we got lucky and won, which is something we tend to do against them at home (see Daniel Evans). for whatever reason, we've always been their ACC kryptonite (thanks CtC), but I wouldn't count on it this year, coming off a WINLESS ACC season.

6-6 would be a small miracle, even though we have 4 absolutely "should" win games, plus Wake at home for a ("should" win) 5th. splitting with BC/GT gets the 6th. don't count on winning an ACC road game. and at least we don't play the butt pirates this year.

seriously, if we can't go 4-0 OOC, forget it. it's somehow worse than last year's schedule, which was an abortion (and we only managed 3 wins against, one a comeback against a FCS school). as I said, consider winning the 4 "should" win games a successful season. at least that is something to build on.

3/6/2014 9:15:59 AM

All American
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Unless Jameis Winston rapes another girl this offseason, I think our home winning streak ends this year.

3/6/2014 9:18:50 AM

All American
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Wow, you guys are trolling real hard. I concede. We won't "spank" them . I would take a close "W" over FSU though.

[Edited on March 6, 2014 at 9:44 AM. Reason : ]

3/6/2014 9:44:05 AM

68205 Posts
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The audacity that some of you people think will be the BCS bowl game is just fucking ridiculous

3/6/2014 9:54:12 AM

All American
18474 Posts
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We will be lucky to make a bowl game next year period wtf are you smoking

3/6/2014 9:59:34 AM

All American
7177 Posts
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Yeah, lets get back on topic. I was trolling a little bit.

3/6/2014 10:06:47 AM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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^^^Especially considering the BCS does not exist

Quote :
"but I wouldn't count on it this year, coming off a WINLESS ACC season. "

Auburn did it

3/6/2014 10:10:17 AM

All American
11993 Posts
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After they fired that coach...

3/6/2014 10:45:13 AM

218 Posts
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I've been doing some 'research' on the football team for this upcoming season. We don't have that many seniors on this team, and I don't think we're going to lose much talent after this year. But our problem will be in the 2016 season when almost all of our main players will be seniors. Considering Doerens recruiting I don't think we're going to be replenishing what talent we do have.

(Assuming that he's not fired by the end of next season) What do you see for the WolfPack's future?

I see us going 4-8, maybe 5-7 if Doeren and Canada don't make call's like they did in the Syracuse game. I can't say anything about 2015 yet, because I think it will depend on the schedule, what transfer's Doeren can get, and if the coaching staff will adapt and learn. We have a lot of good and potentially great sophomores, so I think the 2016 will be the last chance we have for a while to get back to being a legitimate team. But again, the success will lie with what the team and coaches can do.

I don't know about anyone else, but I really miss O'Brien right now.

3/6/2014 11:49:23 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Considering Doerens recruiting"

He's doing pretty well in recruiting.

Quote :
"but I really miss O'Brien right now"

I missed him last year, as I think he might have had a marginally better season, but in the long run, it was time for him to go. The jury is still out on whether Doeren is best answer for the next several years.

[Edited on March 6, 2014 at 12:13 PM. Reason : ]

3/6/2014 12:00:05 PM

218 Posts
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You're right, O'Brien needed to go. But Doeren is the wrong answer to the right question. And he isn't doing a bad job recruiting, but I think O'Brien did better. He didn't recruit how people wanted him to, so that was kind of a mess. But O'Brien knew who he wanted and what he wanted to do with them. There were a few problems, but I am disappointed by Doeren's recruiting so far.

3/6/2014 12:09:59 PM

All American
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Quote :
"And he isn't doing a bad job recruiting, but I think O'Brien did better. "

3/6/2014 12:12:19 PM

218 Posts
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In your mind, how is Doeren doing a better job recruiting? What has he done so far that has stuck out to you?

3/6/2014 12:22:54 PM

All American
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You're either a troll or 12 years old...but whatever, I'm bored...

His recruiting class in his first full year...after a HORRIBLE season...was better than TOB's last 4 or 5 years of recruiting when we were coming off of winning bowl seasons. To me...that is impressive. If he can keep that up, then he easily trumps TOB's recruiting. I was a TOB fan (for the most part)...but his recruiting was in a steady decline. It was pretty pathetic.

3/6/2014 12:28:39 PM

All American
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Considering he is getting better players, higher ranked players and exactly what the team needs as far as depth and quality players at skill positions...I'd say he is lightyears ahead of TOB after year one.

DD is a solid coach. With his players in place it will be seen. We had hardly any talent last year and if we did have it, it was so young that it barely showed up.

I get the feeling you're trolling.

3/6/2014 12:29:31 PM

All American
12280 Posts
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He's better than TOB at recruiting but that's not saying much. Our class was rated decently because we brought in a million recruits.

Anyway, big turnarounds aren't exactly rare in college football. But if we do turn it around suddenly, it's going to be an 8-4 season, not a fucking BCS bowl wtf why is anyone talking about that.

3/6/2014 12:31:19 PM

All American
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O'Brien's first full recruiting class and DD's first full recruiting class are basically scratches. About even except in numbers with DD bringing in a few more. I guess people don't remember the excitement around here when TOB brought in Glennon, Barnes, Manning and Mattes in one class...all 4*'s, the last three in the Top 10 of NC. Some are saying that DD did an amazing job in NC this year, and he only brought in one guy in the Top 10 of NC.

But I have no sign. I appreciate what TOB did for the program and I hope that DD gets us going in the right direction.

3/6/2014 12:59:54 PM

All American
8845 Posts
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Isnt the biggest issue with TOBs first class that only 2/3s made it in

3/6/2014 1:10:23 PM

All American
4866 Posts
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Quote :
"I don't know about anyone else, but I really miss O'Brien right now. "

So you miss terrible recruiting classes? Or that feeling of apathy that overtook the program after RW left?

DD might not be the answer, but no coach in America could have won with our offense last year. Let's at least see how he does this year before we start longing for the days of TOB

3/6/2014 1:38:55 PM

218 Posts
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I think our team last year had more talent than most of the teams we played, not all but most. If you look at Doeren's record he coached at a low level conference (MAC). After he left his team was still doing good, so it wasn't DD's coaching that landed them there. It was the quality of the players. His recruiting classes there were awful, and he had most of his position coaches do everything in that regard. Now he's here and he lands barley any top talent. As stated before TOB got several top 10's from NC to go here, and DD can barley drag one with him. I'll give him through the 2014-2015 season, but if he doesn't at least recruit 2 top 10's from NC and get us 5 wins then I'm out. TOB had 7 wins when we gave up on him, so I think it's generous to give DD a chance at 5 for this season. Historically, NC State has given coaches 3 seasons to prove they deserve the spot. So if he doesn't get us to even the lowest of bowl games by his third year then he needs to be booted.

3/6/2014 2:10:16 PM

All American
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trolling at its finest, or sheer stupidity.

Better talent than the other teams? lol...than who? Richmond? yeah thats about it.

We got STOMPED last year because of terrible O line play, lackluster performance at QB. WRs that were hit or miss. The only shining light was our RBs and DL

I dont even want to get into the defensive secondary.

but LOL @ your views.

DD will be fine. This year will be a lot better. You have to look at his recruiting from a needs standpoint, not a stars stand point.

3/6/2014 2:16:52 PM

All American
28024 Posts
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Quote :
"I think our team last year had more talent than most of the teams we played"

Who were these talented players you speak of?

By any metric, we didn't have more talent than most teams.

Here's the ACC leaders from last year (no NC State)!/sport/stats/m-footbl

The coaches didn't select a single player from the team onto the first, second, or third all ACC teams. Only our kicker got honorable mention:!/news-detail/theACCFootball-2013-Coaches-All-Conference-Team-Announced_12-11-13_2v9dsd

Just stop

3/6/2014 2:18:26 PM

218 Posts
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This past season was the worst in recent history. We have never lost 8 ACC games. We almost lost to Richmond. The coaching was absolutely terrible across the board. DD and the rest of the coaches had decent talent with Creecy, Tocho, and several other players, but he is so stubborn that he chose to coach the team how he wanted not how he should have. He called a fake punt against Syracuse deep within our own territory. That is what I call one of the dumbest calls in history. Only bad coaches make that call. Great coaches make daring calls, but not stupid ones.

3/6/2014 2:23:11 PM

All American
28024 Posts
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Just stop

3/6/2014 2:25:50 PM

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3/6/2014 2:28:02 PM

218 Posts
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You actually think I'm trolling? Wow, apparently everyone back home was right. Pack fans can't take any criticism. The culture around here is pathetic. True opinion can not be expressed, because people hold their ideals so strong. It's really sad that you can't actually debate me like a man.

3/6/2014 2:28:09 PM

All American
23153 Posts
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you want TOB back and he punted to Gio and lost the game.

Id say that was a bigger coaching error than the fake punt.

3/6/2014 2:29:44 PM

All American
28024 Posts
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You want us to debate that we had more talent than most of the teams we played last year, and you cite Creecy as an example? (nothing against Creecy)

Quote :
"Wow, apparently everyone back home was right. Pack fans can't take any criticism. The culture around here is pathetic."

lol. you're making your true intentions very apparent.

[Edited on March 6, 2014 at 2:43 PM. Reason : ]

3/6/2014 2:41:48 PM

218 Posts
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I have cited reasons why I believe I am correct. You have cited nothing. Come back with some actual and true information, then we can actually have a true debate. You are the one who is trolling here. I have explained thoroughly why I believe DD is a bad fit for NC State and why TOB was better. Until you provide something to counter this other than your whining, I'm going to take what you're saying as trolling.

3/6/2014 2:45:41 PM

All American
23447 Posts
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Guess who's bizzack?!?!

3/6/2014 2:49:34 PM

All American
28024 Posts
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Quote :
"I have cited reasons why I believe I am correct. You have cited nothing."

what did you cite about us having more talent? YOu just threw out the names Creecy and Tocho. I cited two websites that showed all the leaders in the ACC, and the coaches' first, second and third teams that didn't include any State players. To explain why you think DD is a bad fit, you cited the fake punt. You're not good at this.

3/6/2014 2:51:11 PM

All American
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3/6/2014 2:51:39 PM

218 Posts
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If someone has a differing opinion you guys set the torches on fire and make a mob. It's sad that you can't even have a reasonable debate without adults name calling. Everyone here should be ashamed of themselves. You are all acting like children because people have different ideas from you. I hope none of you breed because you'll create sheltered children that only have it there way.

3/6/2014 2:55:29 PM

218 Posts
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All that you guys have done is say that I'm a troll. How am I a troll? I have a serious opinion about Dave Doeren. I was trying to explain my point and then you take it way out of proportion. My original post had nothing to do with what everyone here turned it to.

3/6/2014 2:57:19 PM

All American
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Doeren had a shitty first season with sub-par talent at most positions. Hopefully next season will be better. We'll see.

3/6/2014 3:02:30 PM

218 Posts
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There we go. Finally something I agree with. Thank you.

3/6/2014 3:06:46 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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3/6/2014 3:09:53 PM

All American
7177 Posts
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Attn users < 20 posts aliases

[Edited on March 6, 2014 at 4:31 PM. Reason : ]

3/6/2014 4:30:52 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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Quote :
"All that you guys have done is say that I'm a troll. How am I a troll?"

Although I disagree with your points, this is what people around here generally do when you put up a well-backed argument that they compositely disagree with. They don't want to "waste time" trying to break down a well-formed yet inconvenient and completely unpopular point so its much easier to just write it off as "trolling"

3/6/2014 7:52:05 PM

All American
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3/6/2014 8:11:35 PM

All American
12428 Posts
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Tranny Claus!

3/7/2014 9:09:53 AM

All American
11993 Posts
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Apparently everyone back home was right

3/7/2014 9:46:55 AM

All American
28024 Posts
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Let's get off this page

OL vs DL Drills:

3/8/2014 11:27:07 AM

All American
12428 Posts
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saw a lot of O-Linemen getting destroyed in that video. A few held their own though. From the looks of it, if Jomantas is our starting LT next year, we're screwed. Thought Chandler looked solid. Thuney looked solid. I can see why Schooley is starting at C...Tu'uta prolly shouldn't even have a jersey after the few plays I saw of him. The good news is, I would assume the d-linemen have the advantage in a 1-on-1 drill like this.

3/8/2014 12:12:04 PM

All American
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yeah, it's just a drill on the second day of practice

3/8/2014 12:19:44 PM

All American
4866 Posts
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Quote :
"From the looks of it, if Jomantas is our starting LT next year, we're screwed. "

I think Crisp will start at LT, assuming he can stay healthy.

3/8/2014 2:22:27 PM

All American
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^^With guys who have been on campus for more than a year or two. It was pretty obvious just watching that drill who our best o-linemen are right now.

3/8/2014 2:28:35 PM

All American
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3/11/2014 10:46:37 AM

All American
4866 Posts
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Quote :
"What about your trip to Tallahassee? Coach Doeren told me you drove down there by yourself for the FSU game. What was that trip like to you and why did you feel like you had to do that?

JB: That trip, it meant a lot to me to be there because I honestly thought we were going to win, and I wanted to be with the guys even though I couldn’t play. I just wanted to say we beat the No. 1 team in the country "

Well ... you've got to like the confidence. Maybe?

3/11/2014 11:51:50 PM

All American
10713 Posts
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I really hope he can play.

3/12/2014 6:50:03 AM

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