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Group Fears RFID Chips Could Herald 'Mark of the Beast'

Truckers encouraged to take the microchip into their right hand?; Babies microchipped?

[Edited on March 30, 2005 at 3:22 PM. Reason : 2]

3/30/2005 3:13:20 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
" Recent developments in artificial intelligence, chaos theory and neuropsychology are providing a framework which may enable political psychologists to go beyond this focus on the content of beliefs (Eiser, forthcoming). In Chaotic Logic, Benjamin Goertzel (forthcoming) develops a mathematical model of belief systems as part of a larger model of the structure and evolution of intelligence (B. Goertzel, 1993a, 1993b). In this model, he shows that belief systems can be characterized as dialogical or monological. Dialogical belief systems engage in a dialogue with their context, while monological systems speak only to themselves, ignoring their context in all but the shallowest respects. This mathematical model quantifies the philosophical distinction between the "open" and "closed" mind.
Conspiratorial beliefs are useful in monological belief systems since they provide an easy, automatic explanation for any new phenomenon which might threaten the belief system. In a monological belief system, each of the beliefs serves as evidence for each of the other beliefs. The more conspiracies a monological thinker believes in, the more likely he or she is to believe in any new conspiracy theory which may be proposed. Thus African- Americans, who are more likely to be aware of the Tuskeegee syphillis conspiracy, are predisposed to believe that AIDS may also be a conspiracy, while this idea may seem absurd to people who are unfamiliar with past medical abuses.

Monological conspiracy thinkers do not search for factual evidence to test their theories. Instead, they offer the same hackneyed explanation for every problem - it's the conspiracy of the Jews, the capitalists, the patriarchy, the communists, the medical establishment, or whatever. In these cases, the proof which is offered is not evidence about the specific incident or issue, but the general pattern, e.g., the X conspiracy has been responsible for all of our other problems so it is obvious that they must be responsible for this one as well. For example, Crenshaw (1992) observed that black women have been racially and sexually abused by the white male power structure throughout American history. She then simply assumed that Anita Hill's allegations should be viewed as an example of this pattern, never stopping to examine the factual basis for the particular allegations at hand."

Quote :
"When conspiracy theories combine logical fallacies with lack of evidence, critics refer to them as a form of Conspiracism, a worldview that sees major historic events and trends as primarily the result of secret conspiracies.

Some people distinguish between falsifiable accusations of conspiracy and unfalsifiable conspiracy theories and argue that when conspiracy theories are proposed, the proponents bear the burden of proof. In justifying the classification of a conspiracy theory as conspiracism, detractors tend to level accusations that the theory is:

1) Not backed up by sufficient evidence.
2) Phrased in such a way as to be unfalsifiable.
3) Improbably complex.

Defenders point out in response that:

1) Those powerful people involved in the conspiracy hide, destroy, or obfuscate evidence.
2) Skeptics / apologists are not (in their opinion) prepared to keep an open mind.
3) Skeptics / apologists may be politically motivated and have a vested interest in the status quo. "

3/30/2005 4:56:09 PM

All American
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Quote :
Defenders point out in response that:

1) Those powerful people involved in the conspiracy hide, destroy, or obfuscate evidence.
2) Skeptics / apologists are not (in their opinion) prepared to keep an open mind.
3) Skeptics / apologists may be politically motivated and have a vested interest in the status quo"

omg that couldnt be more exact and dead on right.

3/30/2005 5:03:14 PM

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Montana House Condemns Patriot Act

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"HELENA - Montana lawmakers overwhelmingly passed what its sponsor called the nation's most strongly worded criticism of the federal Patriot Act on Friday, uniting politicians of all stripes.

The resolution, which already galloped through the Senate and passed the House 88-12 Friday, must survive a final vote before it officially passes.

Senate Joint Resolution 19, sponsored by Sen. Jim Elliott, D-Trout Creek, says that while the 2005 Legislature supports the federal government's fight against terrorism, the so-called Patriot Act of 2001 granted authorities sweeping powers that violate citizens' rights enshrined in both the U.S. and Montanan constitutions.

The resolution, which does not carry the weight of a law but expresses the Legislature's opinion, encourages Montana law enforcement agencies not to participate in investigations authorized under the Patriot Act that violate Montanans' constitutional rights. It requests all libraries in the state to post a sign warning citizens that under the Patriot Act, federal agents may force librarians to turn over a record of books a person has checked out and never inform that citizen of the request.

The resolution asks Montana's attorney general to review any state intelligence information and destroy it if is not tied directly to suspected criminals. It also asks the attorney general to find out how many Montanans have been arrested under the Patriot Act and how many people have been subject to so-called "sneak and peaks," or government searches of a person's property without the person's knowledge."

4/4/2005 10:11:15 AM

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Five reasons why conservatives should fight the Patriot Act

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"For those who think only a liberal would make a stink about government overreach in as noble a cause as the war on terrorism, Barr offers five reasons why conservatives should be leading the charge against the Patriot Act.

1. It knocks the stuffing out of the Fourth Amendment, which mandates the maximum respect for the sanctity of a citizen's home and personal property. It establishes that the rights of the individual are equal to the power of the government. Isn't individualism a foundation block of conservative thinking?

2. It allows secret searches of homes and offices without timely notification to their occupants and permits the secret seizure of private property. These are police state tactics.

3. It permits the government to employ secret courts to collect data on the private lives of its citizens, ranging from library check-outs to gun purchases, without the judicial checks and balances.

4. It defines terrorist activity so broadly it could be applied against all manner of political dissenters, including pro-life demonstrators.

5. Finally -- and this is my favorite -- the power of the Patriot Act doesn't expire with the current administration. "

Patriot Act: Facts emerge from the shadows

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"Two weeks ago, Montana became the fifth state to pass a resolution critical of the Act. Since 2001, more than 375 local governments have passed resolutions criticizing the law or declaring "civil liberties safe zones" in a bid to discourage cooperation with the law.

..."Too many people think the Patriot Act doesn't affect them, and that if it does, it doesn't matter," says former Rep. Bob Barr, R-Ga., who is now urging revisions in the law. "It severs the very foundation of the Fourth Amendment to say that government can invade a person's privacy and gather information against them without having a sound basis for suspecting that they've done something wrong," he says."

4/11/2005 10:39:32 AM

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Big Brother 'Chipping' Us Good

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"Non-Governmental Organizations are campaigning against permits from the US Food and Drug Administration for the introduction of data chips, inserted under the skin, to provide easy access to patients' records. They worry that satellites could track anyone with a chip easily and wonder with concern what other uses the chips could be put to.

...Turkey is still far from this level of regimentation, but around the world there are now almost two billion chipped cards sold this year. Seventy percent of those chips will be used for security. In Europe, the chips are being placed in passports, and the US has gone to extremes by placing them under the skin. In this way, everybody could be watched by satellite through these chips."

[Edited on April 11, 2005 at 10:48 AM. Reason : 1]

4/11/2005 10:48:05 AM

Mr. Joshua
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In that case...

Better put one on.

4/11/2005 11:03:00 AM

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Fascist Symbols In U.S. Congress and on U.S. coinage

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"The two bundled axes on each side of the American flag are fascist symbols. The word fascist comes from the word fasces which means, "a bundle of rods and among them an axe with projecting blade."

Fascism is a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition. "

[Edited on April 11, 2005 at 1:25 PM. Reason : 1]

4/11/2005 1:17:54 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Coincidental Symbols Can Be Interpreted In Many Ways!

4/11/2005 1:21:40 PM

All American
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Interpretations of Symbols and Words Affect Reality

4/11/2005 1:22:52 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Check this out:

Doesn't the Columbia Logo look kind of like a swastika?

This must be the first clue at a massive global conspiracy aimed at building a fascist army dressed in outstanding outdoor apparel.

4/11/2005 1:35:37 PM

All American
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Nail --> Head.

4/11/2005 1:38:08 PM

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Excellent article...

One man's fight to be left alone

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"All he's doing is questioning the assumptions. Why do you have to show ID to get on a plane? And why would you be permitted to get on the plane if you said you forgot your ID and not allowed on if you said you had ID and refused to show it? Is it really about ID? Or is it about something else?

He said he is fighting for the long-established right to be able to travel without restriction, the right of every American, as one Supreme Court Justice once wrote, "to be left alone."

It's that whittling away of rights that bothers him.

He remembers seeing a posting on an Internet site discussing the case written by a person from Eastern Europe, a person who lived under the Soviet regime, who claimed that showing ID was a sign of a police state. Others objected to the characterization, saying if we lived in a police state, we'd know it.

The person from Eastern Europe wrote, "A police state doesn't tell you it's a police state."

And the reason is always security.

Gilmore isn't buying it.

"In a country of 300 million people, there are what, 12 guys intent on doing harm," he said. "So the government makes the 300 million people show their papers to travel rather than doing something about the 12 guys.""

4/12/2005 9:48:54 AM

All American
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Note: The evidence is overwhelming and the evidence contained in this article is not the only evidence.

...More to come,0,1955131.story?coll=mmx-celebrity_heds

Quote :
"Lopez has close call with paparazzi
By Associated Press

April 12 2005

LOS ANGELES -- A recent close call with paparazzi at a traffic light in Beverly Hills gave Jennifer Lopez "goosepimples."

Lopez says she was almost involved in an accident when a car went "screeeech" right in front of her vehicle. "It was the paparazzi trying to beat the light on the same turn with us," she said.

"Sometimes they feel like it's a game; like they're playing cops and robbers," Lopez told reporters, according to AP Radio. "I got goosepimples."

Lopez said she didn't know she was being followed because "I try to block this stuff out a little bit 'cause it's the only way to kind of live."

"Nobody likes to hear somebody in the public eye who they feel makes a lot of money complain, so we don't, but it is a very strange thing," the singer-actress said.

"Nobody writes books about how to deal with it or anything like that," Lopez said. "Maybe I'll do that next. No. I'll make no money, it's not worth it.""

4/12/2005 10:01:44 AM

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Patriot Act needs to be amended

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"Among other things, the bipartisan bill would narrow the overbroad definition of "domestic terrorism" to clarify that domestic terrorism does not include civil disobedience by political organizations. Right now, the Patriot Act defines domestic terrorism as essentially including all state and federal crimes committed for political purposes - like, say, trespassing by pro-life picketers and lunch counter sit-ins by civil rights workers.

The SAFE Act would also restore the requirement that the government have a reasonable suspicion of criminal activity before engaging in surveillance and require the government to report to Congress on its use of the act's provisions. It would also allow third-party recipients of subpoenas - public libraries and book stores, say - the right to challenge them in court. Right now the act has a "gag order" provision that precludes recipients from disclosing the orders to anyone, arguably including both their attorneys and the courts.

When the ACLU, the American Conservative Union, and the League of Women Voters all agree that something needs to be fixed, it's not a sign of creeping paranoia. It's a sign it really needs to be fixed."

4/12/2005 10:36:41 AM

All American
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Quote :
"MICHAEL JACKSON was "sobbing and crying" as he begged JORDAN CHANDLER's mother to let her 13-year-old son to share the superstar's bed, a California court heard yesterday (11APR05).

JUNE CHANDLER, whose now-estranged son Jordy received a multimillion-dollar, out-of-court settlement from the THRILLER singer in the early 1990s, spoke at Jackson's child molestation trial in Santa Maria court.

June testified she allowed Jordy to stay at Jackson's California Neverland Ranch three times, and refused her son's request to sleep in Jackson's bedroom.

Later, on a trip to Las Vegas with Jackson and Jordy, June claimed her son and his brother stayed in the singer's suite at the Mirage Hotel.

When June refused to allow Jordy to sleep in Jackson's bed on the second night of the trip, she claimed Jackson was upset about her decision and questioned her about it.

She testified, "He was sobbing and crying, shaking and trembling. He said, 'You don't trust me? We're a family. (The boy) is having fun. Why can't he sleep in my bed? There's nothing wrong. There's nothing going on.'"

After Jackson's sobbing plea, June gave permission for Jordy to sleep in Jackson's bed for two nights.

No charges were ever filed against Jackson in relation to Jordy's settlement. June has not spoken to her son for 11 years.

Jackson has pleaded not guilty to 10 felony charges of child molestation, administering an intoxicating agent and conspiracy involving allegations of child abduction, false imprisonment and extortion.

The trial continues."

Who is the real "nut"? who dares to speak the truth even when the truth is unpopular or "out of the mainstream"? Hardly. The real nuts are the ones who have looked at the facts and realize that something is deeply wrong with our government and country and pretend as if everything is ok.

4/12/2005 10:40:09 AM

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Quote :
"Patriotic opposition to the Patriot Act



It has taken awhile, but serious and principled opposition to renewing parts of the USA Patriot Act is growing in the form of an improbable coalition that includes some of Washington's leading conservatives, the ACLU, gun rights groups, libertarians and medical privacy activists."

4/13/2005 11:46:06 AM

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Big Brother wants to get even bigger

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"The federal government wants to build massive databases containing information on you, insisting that it's in your best interests. But privacy advocates are concerned about the potential for abuse."

Implanted Microchips Common As Cellphones Within A Decade

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"Forget mobile phones as the hottest new media technology - for anyone under 30, handsets as we know them will be gone in 20 years. The world's tech-savvy youngsters will be using microchip implants to communicate and transact."

[Edited on April 16, 2005 at 11:28 AM. Reason : 1]

4/16/2005 11:26:45 AM

All American
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4/17/2005 11:44:15 AM

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Is America Preparing for Martial Law?

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"The Department of Homeland Security recently carried out an extensive anti-terrorist exercise entitled TOPOFF 3 (April 4-8, 2005). The "drill" was described by officials as "a multilayered approach to improving North American security".

The stated objective of the TOPOFF 3 "Full Scale Exercise" was to "prepare America" in the case of an actual bioterrorism attack by Al Qaeda:


The purpose of the TOPOFF anti-terrorist exercises is not to "defend America" against terrorists, but to build a consensus within federal, State and municipal bodies, as well as within the business community and civil society (hospitals, schools, etc.) that this illusive outside enemy exists and that "the threat is real".

We are not dealing with a classical media disinformation campaign. While the TOPOFF exercise has been casually mentioned in press reports, it is not the object of a national debate.

With regard to TOPOFF, the consensus building process is "internal", it does not pertain the public at large. it is largely addressed to key decision-makers within these various governmental and nongovernmental bodies. It includes more than 10,000 participants in important decision-making positions (federal and State officials, law enforcement, fire departments, hospitals, etc), who may be called to act in the case of an emergency situation. These individuals in turn have a mandate to spread the word within their respective organizations, --i.e. with their coworkers and colleagues, as well as with the people working under their direct supervision.

In other words, this consensus building process reaches out to tens of thousands of people in positions of authority. The antiterrorist agenda and exercises thus become a "talking point" within numerous governmental and nongovernmental organizations."

[Edited on April 19, 2005 at 11:42 AM. Reason : 2]

4/19/2005 11:40:40 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
".. we deliberately built the scenario as a very complex WMD bioterrorism attack in New Jersey, as well as a kind of a dual-header in the state of Connecticut in terms of a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device, and then a simultaneous chemical attack.

The system in TOPOFF 3 across the board was tested as never before, and this was deliberate. We wanted to test the full range of our incident management processes and protocols that spanned prevention, intelligence and information-sharing, and then the more classic or traditional response and recovery. But really for the first time in a national-level exercise, we really got at a near simultaneous WMD attack which is, of course, very, very stressful for the federal folks, as well as our state, local and international partners."

Sounds legit to me, I'm not exactly sure why you left this part out.

Quote :
"Known and documented, Al Qaeda is a creation of the US intelligence apparatus"

I love how he presents that as fact and provides absolutely no evidence.

4/19/2005 11:50:54 AM

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The US Senate is currently considering a National ID card bill...

A national driver’s license — in reality, a national ID card — would let the government track and restrict all our movements

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"TODAY, TRAVELING by T or bus is a simple cash or pass transaction. But that may not be the case much longer, if a "Real ID Card" proposal in the US Senate becomes law. Cast as a security measure that would create a national driver’s license by moving the power to issue licenses from the states to the federal government, the bill is really a major step on the path to a national ID card. If it passes, it will mark a profound change in American society — and a drastic restriction of our civil liberties."

[Edited on April 21, 2005 at 2:21 PM. Reason : 1]

4/21/2005 2:21:09 PM

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Warning on spread of state surveillance,3604,1464412,00.html

Quote :
"Richard Norton-Taylor
Thursday April 21, 2005
The Guardian

Governments are building a "global registration and surveillance infrastructure" in the US-led "war on terror", civil liberty groups warned yesterday.
The aim is to monitor the movements and activities of entire populations in what campaigners call "an unprecedented project of social control".

The warning came from the International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group, including the American Civil Liberties Union, and Statewatch, a UK-based bulletin which tracks developments in the EU. "

4/22/2005 10:15:24 AM

Mr. Joshua
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What a vague article, even for one thats only three sentences long.

Maybe it could have explained exactly what a "global registration and surveillance infrastructure" is or maybe how the "unprecedented project of social control" worked. Oh well, without vague articles like this you would have little to bitch about.

4/22/2005 10:26:37 AM

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Florida Cops Handcuff Crying 5 Year Old School Girl In Class


Quote :
" The child was knocking down blocks and throwing a temper tantrum When they sat her down and calmed her, the three cops reportedly said "Do you want us to put handcuffs on you?" She didn't answer, and here you see them handcuffing her.

Is this any way to solve a behavior problem of this nature in our schools with children as young as five years old? In the video as it was shown on tv you can hear her crying "Mommy!

This is what it is coming to the new police state in America. The cops will come for you if you smack your child's bottom in a toy store or at a public park, and they can taser your child and/or put handcuffs on and scare the hell out of him or her for life. This is the new 'norm.'

[Edited on April 23, 2005 at 3:52 PM. Reason : 2]

4/23/2005 3:49:44 PM

Sup, B
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hey, whatever it takes. if the parent won't discpline their brat, then we have to take action before that brat becomes a psychopathic murderer!!!one

4/23/2005 3:51:28 PM

Mr. Joshua
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You left this important part out:

Quote :
"The Police Department declined to comment, citing an official complaint by Akins that has sparked an investigation by the supervisor of the four officers involved. Two are new officers who were being trained that day. Police spokesman Bill Proffitt said the investigation would be complete in about two weeks and the findings would be made public."

This isn't regular operating procedure by any means. The little girl went on a destructive rampage lasting over an hour, destorying property and swinging at teachers. The police had been called because of the same girl on a previous occasion. They overreacted, their behavior was out of line with police methods, and now it is under investigation. What else would you like to hapen?

This is not a sign of a police state. Police have overreacted before and will certainly do it again. Please don't piss yourself everytime it happens.

Of course, for someone who relies on the amazing interpretive skills of Jeff Rense this must seem like a watershed moment in human history.

4/23/2005 8:33:38 PM

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Handcuffing Of 5-Year-Old A Picture Postcard Of America's Decline

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"This video is a picture postcard wich illustrates the downfall of America into a police state divorced from any form common sense or reason.

Watch the video. The child is clearly having a tantrum which clearly of no danger to anyone. She lightly slaps a teacher with a level force that would barely swat a fly.

Before the police handcuff her, she is seen calmly sitting down and being quiet.

4/25/2005 1:19:53 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Ah yes, current events interpreted via Always good for a laugh.

4/25/2005 1:24:25 PM

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Quote :
"Some fear law would create national ID card

Boston Globe/Charlie Savage | April 26 2005

WASHINGTON -- Congress is poised to pass a law that would make sweeping changes to the nation's system for issuing driver's licenses by imposing stringent requirements on states to verify the authenticity of birth certificates, Social Security cards, legal residency visas, and bank and utility records used to obtain a license.

House Republicans attached the bill to a must-pass supplemental spending package for troops in Iraq without first putting it through the usual legislative scrutiny of hearings and debate. Should it emerge intact from House-Senate negotiations over the spending package, it could be law next month."

[Edited on April 26, 2005 at 11:29 AM. Reason : 1]

4/26/2005 11:27:12 AM

Mr. Joshua
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4/26/2005 11:33:12 AM

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Implanting Citizens With Microchips – The Taking of Free Will

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"Nancy Levant | April 26 2005

In October, 2004, the FDA approved an implantable microchip for use in humans. A tiny subcutaneous RFID tag, now made by several American companies like Applied Digital Solutions, VeriChip, and Digital Angel are mass-producing RFID chips and stocking chip warehouses and implantation centers. Upper level governmental officials are getting “chipped” to demonstrate public acceptance of the technology, and they are very quick to highlight the humanitarian uses of tracking devices in humans."

Good article.

[Edited on April 26, 2005 at 12:04 PM. Reason : 2]

4/26/2005 12:02:24 PM

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The Criminalization of Children

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" | April 25, 2005


First they took the power to discipline away from the teachers, then they put Coke and Twinkie machines every 15 feet in the schools. The children started bouncing off the walls. The ritalin and prozac was brought forward as the solution to the problem created by the social architects at the Department of Education who knew exactly what they were doing.

Now we have entered the latest phase of schools being turned into locked-down prisons. Children thumbscan to get their lunches, if they write the word "gun" in an essay (even in an honors English class) they are arrested. What you are seeing is the face of the New World Order, where everything is criminalized.

We have the biggest prison population in the world, and the globalists are only accelerating the pace of their construction.

Prepare yourselves. The earth is being transformed into a prison planet."

[Edited on April 26, 2005 at 12:15 PM. Reason : 2]

4/26/2005 12:11:59 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"First they took the power to discipline away from the teachers"

Oh no!!! Teachers can't hit children anymore!!!

Quote :
"then they put Coke and Twinkie machines every 15 feet in the schools."

Yes, because snack machines are the tools of the zionists. Most children bounce of off walls without sugar.

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"The ritalin and prozac was brought forward as the solution to the problem created"

I'd like to see it proven that ADD is a result of snack machines in schools.

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"the social architects at the Department of Education who knew exactly what they were doing"

So at a conference at Bohemian Grove, they all decided that snack machines in schools would lead to the chain of events that would enslave mankind?

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"Children thumbscan to get their lunches"

Read the article. This is limited to one school district in Ohio and is completely optional. Students can choose to use a PIN number instead.

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"if they write the word "gun" in an essay (even in an honors English class) they are arrested"

Have any proof? I wrote an essay on gun control in my honors english class and the black helicopters never came after me.

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"Prepare yourselves. The earth is being transformed into a prison planet."

Heaven forbid that modern technology should find its way into everyday life!

4/26/2005 2:24:49 PM

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The Alex Jones Report: Special Edition

You need to watch this video. It's about 1 hr long, but well worth it. The first part covers the abuse and torture by police in the U.S. over the last few decades with insight into the recent torture conducted by the U.S. military against Iraqis and in the "war on terror". It then includes clips form the movie covering the true role of the United Nations and the false left-right paradigm. Near the very beginning of the video clip, you will see clips from his latest movie where cops torture, abuse, and break the arms of pro-life demonstrators with illegal nun-chucks (spelling ?) here in the U.S. IT IS ABSOLUTELY SHOCKING AND HORRIFYING.

Later in the video clip, Alex discusses recent efforts by the government to regulate bloggers and the coming of toll roads and transponders in cars in his weekly local TV show. The first amendment is under attack. The government has no business regulating and controlling internet websites. Regulating and controlling free speech and small newspapers is something they did in communist russia and in dictatorships. They are assaulting free speech because more and more people are waking up due to the alternative media. Alex made this important point: notice that they aren't proposing regulation of the "mainstream media" sites like CNN, NBC, etc. They are only proposing regulating the alternative sites...the "blogs." They are exposing their hand.

The toll road proposals are draconian. All over the country the government has plans to take EXISTING roads and tax people by the mile. It will be done by having transponders in our vehicles, which scanners and computers will be able to track and tax automatically. These transponders will allow the government to know where your car is at any time. This is very serious. The control grid is being put into place.

This is a must see clip.

[Edited on April 27, 2005 at 11:18 AM. Reason : 3]

4/27/2005 11:02:15 AM

All American
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salisburyboy: With all your expository posts on tww you would be first on the line when the NWO takes over. Maybe it's time you joined the rest of us.

4/27/2005 11:15:54 AM

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Toll Road Hell

Quote :
" | April 29, 2005

Toll roads are being proposed across the country, with supportive legislation in Capitol Hill for more tolls on the country's interstates. These are roads that your tax dollars built. Now they want you to pay for the privilege to use them.

Across the country we are hearing reports of calls for more toll roads and of new toll roads being set up. Today, the Washington Post is reporting that the Capital Beltway will be getting Virginia Toll Lanes.

They are making way to set up a toll road hell across the country. Encouraging or forcing transponders into the mix, Big Brother will make sure travel is exorbitant and that you will always be traceable, no matter where you are."

4/29/2005 1:04:13 PM

Mr. Joshua
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HOT lanes are actually a pretty good idea. It allows people to pay to use a less congested roadway. No one would be forced to use it, as it would consist of an additional two lanes alongside existing free lanes. In regards to the transponders, there are already heavily used in all areas that have toll roads. It lets people to drive through a toll area without having to stop and look for correct change, leading to less congestion. It also allows the government to employ fewer people to man toll booths.

How dare the tyrannical government employ modern technology to lessen traffic congestion!!!

4/29/2005 1:15:21 PM

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RFID Tracking Devices Proposed For Texas Cars

Quote :
L.A. Lorek
Express-News Business Writer

With the help of a dime-size adhesive tag on a vehicle's windshield and cutting-edge technology that detractors equate with Big Brother, police soon could track Texas cars and trucks — if a legislator's bill makes it into law.

Though the bill hasn't made it out of the Texas House of Representatives' Transportation Committee, it already has generated outrage among technophiles and privacy advocates who believe the technology, once introduced, will creep into other law enforcement areas.

"Why don't they just tag us like cattle and be done with it?" said Scott Henson, director of the American Civil Liberties Union's Texas police accountability project in Austin. "

4/30/2005 2:29:34 PM

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Another child handcuffed...

Fall River police handcuff 7-year-old outside his elementary school

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"FALL RIVER, Mass. -- Police handcuffed a 7-year-old boy outside his elementary school this week after he allegedly assaulted three teachers and two police officers.

The boy was handcuffed around his wrists and ankles on Thursday until he calmed down and his mother came to pick him, police said. The boy, who police did not identify, faces assault and battery charge in juvenile court."

5/1/2005 10:01:35 PM

All American
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Quote :
"allegedly assaulted three teachers and two police officers.

...sooo whats the problem???

5/1/2005 11:40:28 PM

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"Protesters Subject To Police Choking, Pain Compliance

Prison Planet | May 3 2005

After Tent State University education fee protesters refused to leave a field and wanted to camp there for the night, police used chokeholds and 'pain compliance' to disperse them.

And don't for a second think this just happens to left-wingers. Pro-lifers have been subject to even worst treatment, including police breaking people's arms with nunchucks, for decades."

Video included at link. This police brutality is something you would expect in Communist Russia or some military dictatorship...not America.

[Edited on May 2, 2005 at 10:33 PM. Reason : 1]

5/2/2005 10:31:20 PM

All American
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i thought columbia's symbol had something to do with a weave they use in their fabrics? just a guess.

oh and die salisbury

5/2/2005 10:32:56 PM

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Quote :

"oh and die salisbury""

Bring it punk.

5/2/2005 10:35:12 PM

All American
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o wow, lookie what u "magically" left out:

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"He said handcuffing the child was the best available method of preventing the child from hurting himself or others."

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"Police were called after the student assaulted three teachers and damaged the principal's office."

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"The boy allegedly continued to fight after an officer took him out of the building, hitting the officer and trying to flee. When a second officer arrived, the boy punched him in the groin, police said."

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"The officers decided to handcuff the boy after consulting with superiors"

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""If a child, no matter what age, is out of control, it's justified," Hunter said. "I'd rather they do that than let him hurt another child or himself.""

5/2/2005 10:35:45 PM

Mr. Joshua
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^ Thats nothing new.

Salisburyboy always ignores information that doesn't fit in with his conspiracy theory. Ignoring information is the only way for him to expose the real truth.

5/3/2005 9:43:16 AM

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Aspen Times: "Then they came for the children"

Quote :
"By Ted Rall
May 3, 2005

They've vanished into the netherworld of a Homeland Security gulag and their story has already disappeared from the headlines, but the shocking case of two 16-year-old girls from New York City arrested a month ago ought to inspire outrage among every American worthy of the name. Since the government's reasons for the girls' imprisonment could apply to virtually any teenager, it should also spark fear.

...Based solely on an essay written by one of the two, the FBI says both girls are "an imminent threat to the security of the United States based upon evidence that they plan to become suicide bombers." But the feds admit that they have no evidence to back their suspicions. Nothing.

"There are doubts about these claims, and no evidence has been found that such a plot was in the works," one Bush Administration official admitted to the Times. "The arrests took place after authorities decided it would be better to lock up the girls than wait and see if they decided to become terrorists," another told the New York Post. The same logic could be used to justify locking up any Muslim, or anyone at all. Heck, maybe that's the idea."

[Edited on May 3, 2005 at 10:13 AM. Reason : 1]

5/3/2005 10:13:10 AM

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Another person dies after being Tasered by the cops...

Quote :
"Phoenix Man Dies After Being Tasered


PHOENIX (AP) - A man suspected of assaulting a police officer died Tuesday after being shocked multiple times with Taser stun guns during a struggle with police, authorities said.

The 24-year-old man had run out a back door of an apartment when officers tried to arrest him early Tuesday, Phoenix police spokesman Sgt. Randy Force said. A female officer caught up with the man and shocked him.

When the suspect continued to resist, another officer shocked him with his Taser, Force said. Police did not say exactly how many times the man was zapped.

The man, who was not immediately identified, went unconscious and was pronounced dead later at a hospital, Force said.

The death comes amid increasing debate nationwide over police use of Tasers. According to a report released by Amnesty International in March, there were 13 Taser-related deaths in the U.S. and Canada in the first three months of this year - compared with six during the same period last year.

In February, a county in Ohio suspended use of Tasers by police following the death of a suspect who had been shocked nine times. The Chicago City Council has also voted to look into police alternatives to Tasers in response to concerns about their safety.

Stun guns produced by Arizona-based Taser International are used by more than 6,000 law enforcement agencies worldwide. The company has stood by studies demonstrating the safety of its weapons."

[Edited on May 4, 2005 at 8:30 AM. Reason : 2]

5/4/2005 8:29:05 AM

Mr. Joshua
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What the hell does that have that have to do with anything?

You're really reaching - as always.

5/4/2005 9:39:20 AM

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"Chief Of Police Who Received Verichip Advocates Forced Government Chipping To Buy And Sell"

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"The Bergen County, New Jersey Chief of Police Jack Schmidig barked, "do I trust the government? I am the government!" as he advocated mandatory government implant chipping by law to buy and sell. Schmidig made nationwide headlines when he personally got chipped last month."

[Edited on May 13, 2005 at 7:18 PM. Reason : 1]

5/13/2005 7:14:36 PM

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