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All American
27048 Posts
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ha, just like he was grasping at this one

11/24/2012 9:52:19 AM

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11/25/2012 1:28:42 AM

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Europe mulls banning 'boxes' for abandoned babies

Stangl wanted to do something to help women in such desperate situations. So the following year, she convinced Berlin's Waldfriede Hospital to create the city's first so-called "baby box." The box is actually a warm incubator that can be opened from an outside wall of a hospital where a desperate parent can anonymously leave an unwanted infant.

A small flap opens into the box, equipped with a motion detector. An alarm goes off in the hospital to alert staff two minutes after a baby is left.

Baby boxes are a revival of the medieval "foundling wheels," where unwanted infants were left in revolving church doors. In recent years, there has been an increase in these contraptions — also called hatches, windows or slots in some countries — and at least 11 European nations now have them, according to United Nations figures. They are technically illegal, but mostly operate in a gray zone as authorities turn a blind eye.

But they have drawn the attention of human rights advocates who think they are bad for the children and merely avoid dealing with the problems that lead to child abandonment. At a meeting last month, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child said baby boxes should be banned and is pushing that agenda to the European Parliament.

11/25/2012 2:23:32 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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11/25/2012 3:18:06 PM

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Quote :
"DALLAS (AP) — George P. Bush, a nephew of former President George W. Bush and son of one-time Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, has made a campaign filing in Texas that is required of candidates planning to run for state office, an official said Thursday night.

Sorrells said the report does not specify what office Bush might seek, if any, and he had no other details on the filing, which wasn't available online. Bush did not immediately reply to an email seeking comment, and no phone listing for him could be found."

What did this one have to do with population control? Inquiring minds want to know.

11/25/2012 9:29:56 PM

16786 Posts
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Nothing yet. Just a suspect.

11/25/2012 11:17:54 PM

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Quote :
"WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House could finally have its chance to close the books on its Benghazi public relations disaster, as key Republicans signal they might not stand in the way of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice to become the next secretary of state.

11/26/2012 6:16:24 AM

play so hard
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Nice bump brah

11/26/2012 10:28:56 AM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Quote :
"What did this one have to do with population control? Inquiring minds want to know."

11/26/2012 10:39:50 AM

2258 Posts
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Quote :
"Nothing yet. Just a suspect."

For running for office? For being a Bush? What does that have to do with population control?

11/26/2012 3:18:53 PM

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Yes he is a suspect for being family of the Bush dynasty

11/26/2012 3:28:21 PM

All American
15485 Posts
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OMG, it all makes sense...

11/26/2012 4:29:11 PM

2258 Posts
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Oh, so Rockefellers, Rothschilds, David Icke, so on so forth?

Because I'm pretty sure the Bushes never passed anything dealing with population control. Pretty ineffective evil mastermind if you ask me.

11/26/2012 4:32:54 PM

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Quote :
"Because I'm pretty sure the Bushes never passed anything dealing with population control"

11/26/2012 5:20:01 PM

2258 Posts
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You're right, the State of the Union Address is a legally binding decree.

You should stick with trying to make points by talking about hidden symbols on money, Nic Cage.

11/27/2012 10:11:14 AM

16786 Posts
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Did you forget how Bush's son got into office?
Quote :

All five major US TV news networks (CBS, NBC, ABC, Fox and CNN) made the incorrect assumption that all of Florida's polls closed at 7:00 p.m. EST, which was not the case. All five of them reported this incorrect statement at the top of the 6:00-7:00 hour. Westernmost counties in Florida had polls open for another hour, until 8:00 p.m. EST, as they were part of the Central Time Zone. This region of the state traditionally voted mostly Republican. Because of the above mistaken assumption, some media outlets reported at 7:00 p.m. EST that all polls had closed in the state of Florida. Also, significantly, the Voter News Service called the state of Florida for Al Gore at 7:48 p.m. EST. A survey estimate by John McLaughlin & Associates put the number of voters who did not vote due to confusion as high as 15,000, which theoretically reduced Bush's margin of victory by an estimated 5,000 votes;[10] a study by John Lott found that Bush's margin of victory was reduced by 7,500 votes.[11] This survey assumes that the turnout in the Panhandle counties would have equalled the statewide average of 68% if the media had not incorrectly reported the polls' closing time and if the state had not been called for Gore while the polls were still open. This opens the possibility that Bush would have won by a larger victory margin and controversy would have been avoided if the networks had known and reported the correct poll closing times, and called the state after all polls were closed. Some individuals made public statements to the effect that they would have voted for Bush, but did not vote because of the poll close time confusion, or the Gore call.

In a 2010 issue of TV Guide, the premature calls for Gore's victory ranked #2 on a list of TV's ten biggest "blunders", and is blamed for ushering in a new era of public distrust of the media.[12]
Florida Supreme Court

Jeb Bush, the brother of George W. Bush, was governor of Florida, leading some Gore advocates to make various allegations of impropriety, especially due to their joint campaigning for the Republican vote in Florida and Jeb Bush's assurances to George W. Bush that the Republicans would win Florida. While it is typical for sitting governors to campaign strongly on behalf of the candidate with the same party affiliation, it is unusual for the governor to be related by blood to the candidate.
Democratic State senator Daryl Jones said that there had to have been an order to set up road-blocks in heavily Democratic regions of the state on the day of the election.[13]
Democratic lawyer Mark Herron authored a memo distributed to Democratic election canvassers on how to invalidate military absentee ballots. The Herron Memo stated postmark and "point of origin" criteria Herron maintained could be used to invalidate military ballots. However, the Herron Memo was in line with a letter sent out by Secretary of State Katherine Harris which stated that if a postmark was not present on the military ballots that the ballots had to be thrown out. Florida Attorney General Bob Butterworth, a Gore backer, later told the counties to go back and reconsider those ballots without a postmark.[14]

Conveniently, the memo attached a form that could be duplicated and used to protest the validity of individual ballots. By the time the Herron memo made headlines, the Democrats had challenged more than 1,500 absentee ballots (which grew to more than 2,400) mostly from soldiers overseas.[citation needed]

The actions of the Florida Secretary of State, Katherine Harris, who was in charge of state election procedures, also came under fire, due to her status as a Bush state campaign co-chairman, her involvement with the "scrub list", and her behavior during the recount crisis. In particular, democracy advocates have taken issue with her antagonizing of Democratic lawyers, her dispatching of a lawyer to Palm Beach county to convince the voting board of voting down a manual recount[clarification needed] (despite thousands of protesters within the county including 12,000 with affidavits), and in particular her collaboration with Republican party advisers (at one point housing them).
There were a number of overseas ballots missing postmarks or filled out in such a way that they were invalid under Florida law. A poll worker filled out the missing information on some absentee ballot applications; the Democrats moved to have the returned ballots thrown out because of this.[citation needed] These disputes added to the mass of litigation between parties to influence the counting of ballots.[citation needed] The largest group of disputed overseas ballots were military ballots.[citation needed] On November 19, 2000, Democratic vice-presidential candidate Senator Joseph I. Lieberman appeared on Meet the Press and said that election officials should give the "benefit of the doubt" to military voters rather than disqualifying any overseas ballots that lacked required postmarks or witness signatures. Up until that point, the Democrats had pursued a strategy of persuading counties to strictly enforce those requirements disqualifying illegal ballots and reducing votes from overseas, which were predominantly cast for Bush.[15]
A suit by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) (NAACP v. Harris) argued that Florida was in violation of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the United States Constitution's Equal Protection Amendment. Settlement agreements were reached in this suit.[16] However, a systematic investigation by the Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice found no evidence of racial discrimination.[17]
Between May 1999 and Election Day 2000, two Florida secretaries of state - Sandra Mortham and Katherine Harris, contracted with a new company (DBT Online Inc.), at an increase of $4.294 million to have the "scrub list"'s re-worked. Nearly 1% of Florida's electorate and nearly 3% of its African-American voters - 96,000 citizens were listed as felons and removed from the voting rolls. (For instance, many had names similar to actual felons, some listed "felonies" were dated years in the future, and some apparently were random.) In a vast minority of cases, those on the scrub list were given several months to appeal, and some successfully reregistered and were allowed to vote. However, most were not told that they weren't allowed to vote until they were turned away at the polls. The company was directed not to use cross-checks or its sophisticated verification plan (used by the FBI).[18]

11/27/2012 11:34:50 AM

16786 Posts
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Quote :
" People like Washington County Elections Chief Carol Griffen (1 p.25), have argued that Florida was in violation of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 by requiring those convicted of felonies in other states (and subsequently restored their rights by said states), to request clemency and a restoration of their rights, from Governor Bush, in a process which might take two years and ultimately was left to Bush's discretion. One should note Schlenther v. Florida Department of State (June 1998) which ruled that Florida could not prevent a man convicted of a felony in Connecticut, where his civil rights had not been lost, from exercising his civil rights.
A full cousin of George W. Bush, John Prescott Ellis, was analyzing data from the Voter News Service for Fox News and had several times contact by telephone with both George and Jeb Bush that night. It was his decision to call Florida for Bush, with Fox being the first network to do so. However, Fox had also incorrectly called the state for Gore before the polls had closed, like the other networks, and retracted around the same time they did which was at around 10 p.m. that evening. Fox only called the state for Bush at 2:16 a.m., shortly after the famous Volusia error was introduced. This error took 16,022 votes away from Gore and added those votes and more to Bush, producing more total votes in the precinct than there were registered voters. The other major networks announced the same totals within minutes. The error was corrected quickly and the calls retracted one by one.
Xavier Suarez, who was ousted as mayor of Miami in 1998 on charges of absentee voter fraud, was later elected to the Executive Committee of the Miami-Dade Republican Party. Suarez helped fill out absentee ballot forms and enlist Republican absentee voters in Miami-Dade County for the 2000 presidential election. “Dade County Republicans have a very specific expertise in getting out absentee ballots,” Suarez is claimed to have remarked. “I obviously have specific experience in this myself.”[19]
The Brooks Brothers riot: the manual recount in Miami-Dade County was shut down shortly after screaming protestors arrived at Miami's recount center. It turned out that these protesters were Republican Party members flown in from other states, some at Republican Party expense.[20]
The suppression of vote pairing. In brief, web sites sprang up to match Nader supporters in swing states like Florida with Gore supporters in non-swing states like Texas: the Nader supporters in Florida would vote for Gore and the Gore supporters in Texas would vote for Nader. This would have allowed Nader to still get his fair share of the vote and perhaps get into the Presidential debates, while also allowing Gore to carry swing states. Six Republican state secretaries of state, led by Bill Jones of California, threatened the web sites with criminal prosecution and caused some of them reluctantly to shut down. The ACLU got involved to protect the web sites, and the Federal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against Bill Jones two years later, but by then the election was over. The vote pairing web sites tallied 1,412 Nader supporters in Florida who vote paired for Gore, and if only a few more of the 97,421 people who did vote for Nader in Florida had known about vote pairing, the election might have had a different outcome.

11/27/2012 11:35:17 AM

All American
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11/27/2012 11:41:08 AM

16786 Posts
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The man wanted to know about Bush, JaZon.

I haven't even gotten to Homeland Security and the TSA yet, which is related to population control.

11/27/2012 11:45:31 AM

All American
28661 Posts
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jeez man, how many times have people asked you to summarize your thoughts instead of posting a 10 minute youtube video or a huge block of text? nobody's reading that.

11/27/2012 12:04:54 PM

All American
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^^ lead off with those next time - you actually have a point

11/27/2012 12:16:25 PM

2258 Posts
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TSA? Don't you mean FEMA? Different DHS division.

Get your conspiratorial organizations right next time. Unless there's a plot to kill/sterilize people in lines at the airport.

11/27/2012 2:06:29 PM

All American
1657 Posts
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See, the TSA is part of a plot to steal thousands of iPads and cell phones so the DHS can plant RFID chips in them before reselling them on eBay and craigslist.

11/27/2012 4:18:28 PM

2258 Posts
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Bumped for the memory of dear departed Genie Sex Boy.

12/6/2012 1:26:17 PM

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