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All American
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Dude has a lot of important frens... don't piss him off, moron!

3/12/2016 1:13:07 AM

All American
42526 Posts
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Hope y'all watched ^

This comment under the video so perfectly encapsulates Trump. The guy who wrote the comment did a great job with imitating Trump's talking style, it is genius!

Quote :
"If you ask Donald Trump anything and he's always the best at it.

"Donald, have you ever tossed monkeys?"

"I have and let me tell you I've tossed so many monkeys, I'm the best monkey tosser on this stage.

In fact I've got people in Washington tossing monkeys right now; and you know what? They only toss the best monkeys and if I become President I'm gonna toss the most monkeys out of anybody and the people are going to love my monkeys, they will be the most beautiful monkeys.

AND the government will PAY for those monkeys to be tossed. In fact the Monkeys will be tossed 10 feet higher and we'll have MEXICO pay for those high tossed monkeys! Its going to be beautiful, fantastic, the best, we're going to win again at tossing monkeys."

And the Trump fans go "omg, this man is going to make monkey tossing great again."

Perfectly shows how Trump talks shit and the audience just loves him for it.

3/12/2016 1:33:32 PM

All American
42526 Posts
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fucking lying self-contradicting clownish asshole

and this "man" want to be POTUS???

3/12/2016 2:19:07 PM

All American
33764 Posts
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Apparently cops just pepper sprayed protesters outside a trump rally, a journalist was hit:

3/12/2016 9:17:58 PM

All American
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Another column that suggests the rise of Trump is more of a result of the failure of the Left to protect the working class:

Quote :
"Tom Lewandowski, the president of the Northeast Indiana Central Labor Council in Fort Wayne, puts it even more bluntly when I asked him about working-class Trump fans. “These people aren’t racist, not any more than anybody else is,” he says of Trump supporters he knows. “When Trump talks about trade, we think about the Clinton administration, first with Nafta and then with [Permanent Normal Trade Relations] China, and here in Northeast Indiana, we hemorrhaged jobs.”

“They look at that, and here’s Trump talking about trade, in a ham-handed way, but at least he’s representing emotionally. We’ve had all the political establishment standing behind every trade deal, and we endorsed some of these people, and then we’ve had to fight them to get them to represent us.”

Now, let us stop and smell the perversity. Left parties the world over were founded to advance the fortunes of working people. But our left party in America – one of our two monopoly parties – chose long ago to turn its back on these people’s concerns, making itself instead into the tribune of the enlightened professional class, a “creative class” that makes innovative things like derivative securities and smartphone apps. The working people that the party used to care about, Democrats figured, had nowhere else to go, in the famous Clinton-era expression. The party just didn’t need to listen to them any longer.

What Lewandowski and Nussbaum are saying, then, should be obvious to anyone who’s dipped a toe outside the prosperous enclaves on the two coasts. Ill-considered trade deals and generous bank bailouts and guaranteed profits for insurance companies but no recovery for average people, ever – these policies have taken their toll. As Trump says, “we have rebuilt China and yet our country is falling apart. Our infrastructure is falling apart … Our airports are, like, Third World.”

Trump’s words articulate the populist backlash against liberalism that has been building slowly for decades and may very well occupy the White House itself, whereupon the entire world will be required to take seriously its demented ideas.

Yet still we cannot bring ourselves to look the thing in the eyes. We cannot admit that we liberals bear some of the blame for its emergence, for the frustration of the working-class millions, for their blighted cities and their downward spiraling lives. So much easier to scold them for their twisted racist souls, to close our eyes to the obvious reality of which Trumpism is just a crude and ugly expression: that neoliberalism has well and truly failed."

3/12/2016 10:50:37 PM

All American
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Id need to see some pretty convincing statistics that a majority of these morons weren’t already voting republican and aren’t latent racists before I believe anyone claiming that’s not the root problem

3/12/2016 11:21:13 PM

All American
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^ the highest correlation of if a county will support trump is how many whites without a high school diploma are in the county. You also have to consider than the broader GOP has been singing the song of how horrible the economy is, without the appeal of trump. It's fairly disingenuous to say too that it is the left that has ignored the middle class, when Obama focused at least 1 SOTU on inequality and several other speeches, speeches derided by republicans as class warfare. It wasn't Obama that put trump on Fox News to spoit Obama Muslim conspiracies. It was the GOP that fed this, and more:
This is what created trump.

But anyway, trump literally can't say a true or factual thing, his entire platform seems to be using fabrications to get people angry:

3/13/2016 12:26:15 AM

All American
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It was under Bill Clinton that Nafta was passed and Glass Steagal repealed.

Look, I'm a liberal, but I'm not going to sit here and pretend that the Democratic party hasn't been controlled by corporate interests and funded by wall street for quite some time, now. The Democratic party announced their "liberalism" by focusing on identity politics and social issues while being the lesser of two evils when compared to the GOP. But they have long ago stopped being populist, or even remotely interested in preserving the interests of the working class. They don't represent labor. They represent capital.

It's time to own up to this.

[Edited on March 13, 2016 at 12:48 AM. Reason : ]

3/13/2016 12:45:02 AM

All American
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^ that's true, but you can't say this is what created trump. Trumps initial rallying cry was calling Mexicans rapists, this is what kick started this rise to power in the GOP, before that, it was trump claiming he has secret info proving Obama's birth certificate was fake. To now say that it's really because poor whites see trump as someone that will help them because Obama failed them is absurd. Trumps policies are explicitly anti poor too, one of his applause lines is mocking people on welfare and foodstamps.

3/13/2016 12:49:02 AM

All American
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I'm not saying that, Jesus Christ.

I'm saying that the Democratic party, like the republicans before them, stopped representing the poor working class because they assumed (wrongly) that they had nowhere else to go.

Those people are now both poor, AND angry. Trump appeals to them because he represents their anger. It has nothing to do with policy, and everything to do with emotion. OF COURSE Trump won't help the poor. That doesn't matter. He speaks the language of hate and anger, and that resonates with his supporters.

If the American Left had not turned their backs on the poor working class, then those people wouldn't be in such dire straits to begin with, and a personality like Trump would be as offensive to them as he is to college educated "liberals."

I mean, Jesus Christ. You're talking about SPEECHES that Obama has given to defend him as in tune with the working class.


[Edited on March 13, 2016 at 1:05 AM. Reason : ]

3/13/2016 12:55:47 AM

26632 Posts
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I agree with that, the Democratic Party became a party of identity politics

3/13/2016 7:53:57 AM

All American
11252 Posts
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Quote :
"What is happening in this primary is just a distillation of what’s been happening inside their party for more than a decade. I mean, the reason that many of their voters are responding is because this is what’s been fed through the messages they’ve been sending for a long time — that you just make flat assertions that don’t comport with the facts. That you just deny the evidence of science. That compromise is a betrayal. That the other side isn’t simply wrong, or we just disagree, we want to take a different approach, but the other side is destroying the country, or treasonous. I mean, that’s — look it up. That’s what they’ve been saying.

So they can’t be surprised when somebody suddenly looks and says, you know what, I can do that even better. I can make stuff up better than that. I can be more outrageous than that. I can insult people even better than that. I can be even more uncivil. I mean, conservative outlets have been feeding their base constantly the notion that everything is a disaster, that everybody else is to blame, that Obamacare is destroying the country. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s true or not. It’s not, we disagree with this program, we think we can do it better — it’s, oh, this is a crisis!

So if you don’t care about the facts, or the evidence, or civility, in general in making your arguments, you will end up with candidates who will say just about anything and do just about anything. And when your answer to every proposal that I make, or Democrats make is no, it means that you’ve got to become more and more unreasonable because that’s the only way you can say no to some pretty reasonable stuff. And then you shouldn’t be surprised when your party ultimately has no ideas to offer at all."

3/13/2016 10:14:06 AM

Mangy Wolf
All American
2006 Posts
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Trump with his standard threat to Bernie Sanders --- "be careful"
He used it on McCain last week.

This is not the country I grew up in

3/13/2016 11:48:34 AM

All American
3111 Posts
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38% of Trump's supporters in SC and roughly 20% of his overall supporters wish the south had won the Civil War. You think these people are supporting Trump because he's talking about free trade?

3/13/2016 1:13:29 PM

All American
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No, of course not. I'm saying that free trade ruined those peoples' economy. Now they're upset. They know they've been given a raw deal (because they have.)

It's just incredibly unfortunate that they're attracted to an asshole plutocract who is pointing at Muslims/Mexicans/whoever as the source of their troubles.

3/13/2016 1:58:10 PM

All American
1801 Posts
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More protectionism is the answer! 45% tariffs for all!

3/13/2016 2:00:30 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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our economy would have been immensely more fucked without free trade agreements

3/13/2016 2:30:22 PM

All American
1801 Posts
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We need "fair trade" not free trade you globalist.

3/13/2016 2:52:13 PM

All American
33764 Posts
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I was wondering when we'd see this. Could you imagine if a democratic leader openly embraced this kind of violence?

3/13/2016 4:03:22 PM

All American
26447 Posts
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At the RNC, he's going to say the whole campaign was a trick to show how dumb republicans are nowadays.

3/13/2016 4:19:08 PM

All American
3111 Posts
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You think if the economy had been better to these people who wish the south had won the civil war they wouldn't be supporting the guy who says we need to kick all the Mexicans out and bar all Muslims from entry? I guess you're right, they'd probably put their racism aside in favor of careful financial analysis...

3/13/2016 6:53:01 PM

26632 Posts
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finances is often the largest contributor to how happy or angry someone is

3/13/2016 7:15:38 PM

All American
52662 Posts
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^^^ haha i've thought about that. I give it 2% odds.

If he does, though, I think he should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

3/13/2016 7:25:55 PM

play so hard
60912 Posts
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^ is that the same % chance of him being a Clinton mole?

3/13/2016 7:30:34 PM

All American
3111 Posts
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Having money and being happier does not necesarilly mean racist people stop making race a priority in how they vote...would it help theoretically? Probably to some extent, but without statistical proof of that I’m not going to accept that democrats and their trade agreements are more to blame than the general way the GOP and Fox News have acted for the last decade +

3/13/2016 7:45:04 PM

All American
52662 Posts
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^^ haha, let's call that a 0.2% chance.

3/13/2016 9:57:44 PM

All American
33764 Posts
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Dumb, poor, authoritarians have always been part of the political landscape, what's changed isn't the democrats approach to them, it's having their views condoned by the mainstream. Since at least Sarah Palin days, if you remember Joe the plumber, the GOP and right wing media has been propping these people up because their delusional anger and emotion played well on tv. This is what set the stage for someone like trump to take the next step and rather than insinuation of fascism, he's outright preaching fascism.

3/13/2016 10:56:03 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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Quote :
" it's having their views condoned by the mainstream"

Are you kidding? Today's society is more PC then ever and there is almost a culture of who can one-up their friend/competitor on being the most open-minded or tolerant. For fucks sake you have parents advocating for their allegedly 6 yr old "trans-gender" son/daughter so that they can get all the heart felt sympathy and progressive outrage when their little boy can't go tinkle with the 1st grade girls.

Not condoning trump fans but Trumps rising is almost a reaction to the tolerance movement that is intolerant of anything that could offend any sensitive snow-flake that lives in our country.

3/14/2016 11:58:44 AM

50084 Posts
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You seem to be offended by the "PC culture." Are you ok, delicate snowflake?

3/14/2016 12:31:12 PM

All American
4458 Posts
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Quote :
"Dumb, poor, authoritarians have always been part of the political landscape, what's changed isn't the democrats approach to them..."

Nawww. Ever since Mike Dukakis got his ass handed to him by Bush 1, the Democratic Party decided to jump on the corporate teet. They fundamentally had to change their approach, and dropped the "tax and spend" model for the neo-liberal economic model we have today. Republicans never game a damn about the working poor, and used religion and social issues to get their vote. But Democrats pretended to care about their economic interests all the while wheeling and dealing with their corporate donors.

3/14/2016 12:31:15 PM

play so hard
60912 Posts
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this is hilarious

3/14/2016 3:16:44 PM

All American
33764 Posts
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I've seen a LOT of people turn on Trump the past few days in my circle of facebook friends (who are mostly conservatives), a lot of republicans despise him especially after his calls for violence, I'm increasingly less worried he'll win the presidency, and i'm becoming more content the social pressure will keep the whakco ~12-20% of his supporters in check post-election.
Quote :
"At rally, Trump criticizes Christie (who's on stage) for being an absentee governor, then turns and says to him, "I needed to make a point."

3/14/2016 11:48:54 PM

play so hard
60912 Posts
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I think the only way he wins is if Rubio and maybe Kasich don't drop out, but given how many of the leading GOP talking heads/sites are already rallying behind Trump it's hard to say.

3/15/2016 12:00:25 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18121 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm increasingly less worried he'll win the presidency"

So for a while I felt this way. I don't anymore. History has some prominent examples of times when this attitude was proven disastrously wrong.

If the election were today, I'd feel confident. But there's a lot of time between now and November, and any number of things could tip the thing into Trump's hands.

Hillary could get the nomination and then be indicted over the e-mail thing -- which I think would be a garbage move, but it could happen, and it would hurt her. Or any number of other skeletons could fall out of the Clintons' closet. I think Bill was a tolerably good president. I think Hillary would be "OK" or "meh." But I'm willing to bet that their closet is more of an ossuary than most.

A terrorist attack could happen. In the past, that would have meant national unity and cooperation -- on 9/12 there weren't Democrats blaming George W. Bush for failing to protect America. But it's 2016 now. Donald Trump would waste no time in blaming Obama for any attack, and I'm no longer confident that people would see through the bullshit. And I think ISIS would be more than happy to oblige Trump with his very own Reichstag fire, given the recruiting material he would give them.

3/15/2016 9:04:19 AM

play so hard
60912 Posts
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As if there was ever any doubt about this:

Quote :
"The rally was canceled, we were told, because law enforcement officials consulted with the campaign and concluded that scrubbing the event was in the best interest of public safety. One problem: The Chicago Police Department said that never actually happened.

And if you find that curious, perhaps you will find it even more interesting that a political campaign whose security has been so stifling as to draw angry comparisons to fascist regimes would plan a key rally for Trump in the middle of a racially diverse urban campus. The fact that this campus sits in the middle of a city that is so Democratic that it has not elected a Republican mayor since before Franklin Roosevelt was sworn in as president makes the venue’s selection even more bizarre."

Who were the fools on here parroting the "He had to cancel his rally" narritave?

It's all part of the show folks.

3/15/2016 1:09:57 PM

All American
6788 Posts
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He does know how to get free media attention

3/15/2016 2:03:29 PM

50084 Posts
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He's a master showman. No one denying that.

3/15/2016 2:13:26 PM

8379 Posts
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This will make some of yall happy. I've changed my mind on voting third party if Clinton wins, even though the past week has made me dislike her more than ever. Trump has turned from a joke to a legitimate danger to minorities. Not the right election to make a statement on third parties.

Unless of course the Greens somehow gain traction.

[Edited on March 15, 2016 at 3:11 PM. Reason : .]

3/15/2016 3:06:44 PM

26632 Posts
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the electorate will take care of Trump in the general, this is a better chance than usual to make a 3rd party statement.

3/15/2016 3:12:11 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Quote :
"Trump has turned from a joke to a legitimate danger to minorities."

What has happened recently that convinced you of this?

3/15/2016 3:15:28 PM

8379 Posts
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Fair point, I'll vote Clinton only if the polls are close.

Rachel Maddow's compilation of him inciting violence. Plus his statement that he was looking into paying the legal bills of the old fuck who sucker punched a black guy.

And today he said he doesn't think he needs to tone down his campaign.

[Edited on March 15, 2016 at 3:17 PM. Reason : .]

3/15/2016 3:15:52 PM

26632 Posts
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he forgot that Trump also has to win the general

3/15/2016 3:16:27 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Quote :
"Rachel Maddow's compilation of him inciting violence. Plus his statement that he was looking into paying the legal bills of the old fuck who sucker punched a black guy.

And today he said he doesn't think he needs to tone down his campaign."

That just means he's inciting violence. What does that have to do with minorities? The fact that the guy was black doesn't seem like of much importance in this case.

Why do minorities that vote Republican (admittedly, it's a small number) support Trump more than any other GOP candidate? I really haven't heard a good explanation for this. If Trump is racist, it seems like he'd have zero support from non-whites.

3/15/2016 3:31:25 PM

8379 Posts
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his supporters are shouting at brown people unprovoked at his rallies. sorry dude, the racist undertones are there. and its bringing full blown racists together and making them more comfortable

3/15/2016 3:34:02 PM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
Rachel Maddow's compilation of him inciting violence. Plus his statement that he was looking into paying the legal bills of the old fuck who sucker punched a black guy.

And today he said he doesn't think he needs to tone down his campaign.

yeah, he's terrible, but there will probably never be a time when the democratic candidate will have to do less to win the election so this is a fantastic time to make a 3rd party statement.

3/15/2016 3:36:21 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Quote :
"his supporters are shouting at brown people unprovoked at his rallies. sorry dude, the racist undertones are there. and its bringing full blown racists together and making them more comfortable"

I haven't been to a Trump rally (or any rally, for that matter), but I find this really hard to believe. The "Trump is racist and his supporters are racist" is something that's taken as gospel on the left, but I think the situation deserves a harder look and better understanding.

I basically said as much a month ago, but if the left can't find a better way to attack Trump than "racism", then you're going to hand Trump the election. There's a general sentiment on the right where people are tired of being called racist simply for being fiscally conservative.

I hear this all the fucking time from other people my age, and honestly, it makes my blood boil because it's so dishonest, and it's preventing a real conversation from taking place.

"Oh, you don't believe in 15/hour minimum wage? Well, that means you're a secret racist."
"You're not on board with universal healthcare? Definitely racist."
"You don't want free college education? Calm down there, Mr. Grand Wizard"

Somehow, when you fail to accept the paternalistic nanny state and a centrally planned economy, you've outed yourself as not down with the struggle.

3/15/2016 3:46:58 PM

8379 Posts
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3/15/2016 3:52:52 PM

All American
33764 Posts
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^^ Trump using racist rhetoric (which generally means he's racist, but it could be tactical) isn't "the left's" opinion, it's pretty much all journalists right now, including conservative writers.

Racism is literally what put Trump on the map, it's what made him viable. The racism (and related fascism) is what draws people to protest him (for obvious reasons I hope).

Some people supporting him might legitimately not be racist, but trump hasn't been elevating these viewpoints, and instead chooses to support the racist nutters in his ranks.

3/15/2016 4:00:25 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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I think you're being very generous in your use of the word "racist". The left claims to be anti-racist, pro-minority, but they actually treat minorities like children without agency. You could see this when Sanders started losing early primaries, and Sanders supporters were calling black people stupid for voting Clinton - that they were "voting against their self interest". This is something I hear from liberals all the time - in real life! I'm not sure if they have any idea how patronizing and condescending they sound. Even liberals on TWW were shocked at how black people could fail to make The Right Decision.

In any case, I would argue that Trump's opposition to illegal immigration is different than pure racism. It's still bad, but it's different, and it's useful to understand the contrast and talk about that, rather than talking past the problem.

3/15/2016 4:08:54 PM

play so hard
60912 Posts
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Quote :
"I hear this all the fucking time from other people my age

"Oh, you don't believe in 15/hour minimum wage? Well, that means you're a secret racist."
"You're not on board with universal healthcare? Definitely racist."
"You don't want free college education? Calm down there, Mr. Grand Wizard""

Sounds like you need to change who you associate with. Not even the wackos on this site say that shit, and most have the benefit of anonymity.

Quote :
"In any case, I would argue that Drumpf's opposition to illegal immigration is different than pure racism."

It's not the policy that that's racist; it's the rhetoric.

3/15/2016 4:09:19 PM

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