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All American
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happy chaunikka

12/25/2005 10:39:29 PM

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Quote :
"The Holocaust Cash Hoax

Swiss Holocaust cash revealed to be myth

THE TIMES - London, Saturday, October 13, 2001

MOST dormant Swiss bank accounts thought to have belonged to Holocaust survivors were opened by wealthy, non-Jewish people who then forgot about their money. The announcement marks the end of a four-year independent investigation into the archives and vaults of the world's most secretive banking system.

It will come as a disappointment to many Jewish families, who were sure that their dead relatives left behind fortunes in Switzerland. A 17-member tribunal based in Zurich was set up in 1997 to investigate the identities of 5,500 foreign accounts and 10,000 Swiss accounts that have lain dormant since the end of the Second World War.

The tribunal said that it had processed about 10,000 claims in response to the list of dormant account names published by the Swiss Bankers' Association five years ago. Only 200 accounts - containing £6.9 million - could be traced to Holocaust victims."

Only 200 out of 10,000 that were supposed to be "Holocaust victims" were actually "Holocaust victims"? A 2% success rate ain't bad. Hey, if we apply that 2% rate to the "6 million" that supposedly died, maybe only around 120,000 really died in the camps. Well, actually, that would be much closer to how many really died.

Zionist Death Threats End Kurt Nimmo's Writing

Simple logical thoughts on the "Holocaust"...

Quote :
"The whole premise of the Jewish Holocaust defies simple logic: Why would Germany, fighting a war on two fronts...with fuel scarce...short of all resources...ship millions of Jews by railroad...hundreds and thousands of camps specially built just to hold them...feed them...clothe them in order to keep track of them....just to KILL them?

It doesn't even begin to make sense. If the Germans had wanted to kill the Jews, they would have done it the way the Russian Jews murdered 20 to 80 million Russian Christians earlier in the century...with a bullet to the base of the skull, wherever they were found.

Or, as my buddy Al likes to say: In all of German-occupied Europe , there were 2.4 million Jews. After the war, 3.8 million Jews applied for Holocaust reparations. Tragically, the remaining 6 million were lost. More Jews received pensions than were present in German-occupied Europe because so many of them moved west from Russia after the war and cleaned up on the pension scam.

Even a cursory examination proves that the Jews are lying. For example, the Jewish Encyclopedia confirms Al's figures. Otherwise, the Jewish prewar worldwide population figure of 15 million would read 9 million after the war instead of the 16 million that it gives. That's right - the worldwide Jewish population actually increased during WWII!

In fact, the WWII Jewish Holocaust did not really take shape until fully fabricated by Jews during the late 1950s. That is why, in the memoirs of so many WWII leaders and generals, including Eisenhower, Churchill and De Gaulle, as recently pointed out by Professor Richard Lynn, "one will find no mention either of Nazi 'gas chambers,' a 'genocide' of the Jews, or of 'six million' Jewish victims of the war.""

Quote :
"Holocaust denier given 15 months in Czech prison

Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa)

Prague (dpa) - A man who attended a Prague rally in support of a Holocaust-denying writer was sentenced Monday to 15 months in prison, the CTK news agency reported.

Antonin Cermak, 21, was convicted of denying the Holocaust by shouting "only" when a counter-demonstrator at the October protest shouted, "You killed 1.7 million Jewish children," the report said.

Cermak was among 70 people who rallied outside the German embassy in Prague on a Czech state holiday.

The rally, organized by Czech neo-Nazis, was closely watched and videotaped by police.

The rally was called to show support for book writer Ernst Zuendel, who is currently on trial in Mannheim, Germany, for allegedly denying the Holocaust in his book, "The Hitler We Loved and Why". The book is popular among neo-Nazis. "

Absolute insanity. I guess adherence to the Holy Holocaust Story is the new state religion, and those who refuse to believe are the new "heretics."

[Edited on January 17, 2006 at 11:40 AM. Reason : `]

1/17/2006 11:39:12 AM

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1/17/2006 11:50:56 AM

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oh noes!!11 a picture!

1/17/2006 11:58:46 AM

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1/17/2006 12:03:53 PM

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That's it! Teh picture proves that any criticism of the j00z is wrong! Only "Nazis" criticize the j00z.

1/17/2006 12:09:39 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"Or, as my buddy Al likes to say: In all of German-occupied Europe , there were 2.4 million Jews. After the war, 3.8 million Jews applied for Holocaust reparations. Tragically, the remaining 6 million were lost. More Jews received pensions than were present in German-occupied Europe because so many of them moved west from Russia after the war and cleaned up on the pension scam."

According to the Nazis' own figures given in the Wannsee Protocol, there were eleven million Jews in occupied Europe in 1942. Of course why should we pay attention to historical records? Since it contradicts you and buddy Al, I'm sure that you will label this as a fraud.

Why can't you refute any of this? I'll just assume that you can't.

Quote :
"The testimonies of 4 SS guards at Treblinka.

The testimonies of SS guards at Auschwitz.

The testimonies of various SS officers.

The testimony of Lt. Jack Taylor, an american POW sent to Mauthausen.

The testimony of Lt. Col. Felix L. Sparks.

The testimony of Dan Johnson.

The testimony of 1st. Lt. William Cowling.

The testimony of Harry J. Herder, Jr.

The testimony of Glenn Edward Belcher.

The testimony of Bruce Nickols.

The testimony of Charles V. Ferree.

The testimony of Bill Sarnoff."

Quote :
"They have not been proven to be a "hoax." The Protocols are genuine."

They have been proven to be a hoax. Please prove otherwise if you wish to keep playing.

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"This is actually a website that completely refutes your denial of the gas chambers and debunks the Leuchter report. Of course, you will brush it off as propaganda and stick to your theory, despite however much evidence contradicts it.

A Holocaust survivor responds to Holocaust denial:

The testimony of Holocaust Survivor David Leitner:

And this was all on page one of a google search. The evidence is out there little buddy, are you big enough to question your own preconceptions?"

From back in the day:

Quote :
"How do all Jews know to create anti-semitism? Is there a secret newsletter or are they just trained to take over the world from birth?

Despite your usual wild accusations, you have yet to prove that the Third Reich or any modern neo-nazi groups are actually funded by jews.

And you never explained this:

Are all Holocaust survivors lying? Did they all get together circa 1945 and agree on one big lie to tell the world? This seems like a pretty major point of your Jew conspiracy, yet you have never addressed it.

Seriously, Can you explain how they pulled it off? When did the memo go out to all of the jews in all of the concentration camps detailing the lie that they would all tell upon being liberated. Can you find a copy of this memo? Can you at least present a working explanation of your theory?"

Quote :
"The j00z absolutely despise Christianity and Christians."

Can we see this proven of all jews?

Please get on that. Thanks.

1/17/2006 12:11:14 PM

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Quote :
"Why can't you refute any of this? I'll just assume that you can't.

Why can't you refute any of what I've posted? I'll just assume that you can't.

1/17/2006 12:12:38 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Ah ha. You can't refute any of it, so you try to turn the tables on me. I've provided ample evidence from legitimate sources. However, you refuse to believe anything that threatens your belief structure, so of course you ignore all of it.

You are telling us that a major historical event never occured. The burden of prooof is on you little buddy. I'm asking you to defend your ideas, if you are unable or unwilling to, please stop posting you nonsense on a discussion board.

You told us that only 2.4 million jews lived in German-occupied Europe - I provided German documents proving otherwise.

I mentioned veteran testimony. You said "Where is all this testimony you are talking about? Can you present any of it here?" - Which I did. You have never even attempted to respond or refute any of it.

You constantly fall back on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion - these were proven to be fake in 1921, yet you have never proven otherwise. You need to establish the credibility of your sources before you can ask anyone else to believe them.

I have provided a website that completely refutes your denial of the gas chambers and debunks the Leuchter report. You have never responded to it.

I provided the testimony of Holocaust survivors to which you have never responded.

I have asked critical questions about the nature of faking genocide, which you have never answered.

I have asked you to prove your wild claims that have no factual basis - you never have, and I can only assume that you never will.

1/17/2006 12:30:35 PM

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You say you "refuted" this and "refuted" that. And you claim that the Protocols were "proven to be fake". But that's all nothing more than empty rhetoric. You haven't disproven or refuted anything. Anyone who has actually read the Protocols or done research in that area knows good and well that they are authentic. Similarly, anyone who has done research for themselves on the Holocaust knows that there are very legitimate questions and problems with the "official" Holocaust story.

And I don't have the time to wade through and disect every nonsense link you posted. As you've admitted, you're here to try to distract me. I'm not going to waste my time with your crap. That's not to say I won't respond to you now and then if you actually make a good point or raise a decent question. But I'm not going to repond to every single thing you post, when we all know that most of the time you are trolling.

And most of the time, I've already addressed the specific issue raised by your "new" evidence or point. But that doesn't stop you from acting as if I've never addressed that issue. I'm not going to waste my time responding to things I've already addressed.

1/17/2006 1:51:42 PM

10517 Posts
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its a well-known fact that the Times in London busted open the protocols hoax in 1921.

what you've given to refute that is examples of people simply assuming that they were never, in fact, proven fake and thus constitute a legit discussion. why do these people think they are fake? where is the original copy if it is so genuine?

maybe these people just ignore the fact that they are fake because it disrupts their neat little conspiracy theory where they can blame everything on an all-knowing, all-seeing body instead of realizing that history had been a series of different reactions by many different, non-associated groups. why is that so hard to believe? why do you need an illuminati or zionist group to blame everything on?

1/17/2006 2:09:31 PM

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Quote :
"why is that so hard to believe? why do you need an illuminati or zionist group to blame everything on?

It's not that I "need" anything. It's merely acknowledging the facts and the reality of the situation.

As for the Protocols, the claims of it being a hoax are false. If you actually read the Protocols, you will find that the plans laid out in the Protocols have been implemented in today's world. So someone is following the plan laid out in the Protocols. The fulfillment of the plans in the Protocols in reality is the strongest evidence in favor of the Protocols authenticity. The only question is who actually wrote them. Then, you can look at who it is that dominates the media and the banking, etc...which clearly shows that it is the Jews who are implementing the plans in the Protocols.

The Protocols are now almost not needed to prove the Jewish/Zionist conspiracy for world domination because an uncensored edition of the Babylonian Talmud has been released--which makes the Protocols look tame by comparison. Virtually all the key doctrinal points contained in the Protocols are contained also in the Talmud--including the rabid anti-Christian sentiment, the idea that the Jews are the "master race" and all other people are mere "cattle"...that Jews can rightfully cheat, steal from, and kill non-Jews....that Jews are to dominate and control the world...etc.

Their most "holy" book--the Babylonian Talmud--proves the conspiracy. The Protocols are just supplementary evidence.

1/17/2006 2:20:50 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"Anyone who has actually read the Protocols or done research in that area knows good and well that they are authentic."

Quote :
"And you claim that the Protocols were "proven to be fake". But that's all nothing more than empty rhetoric."

But when you claim that they are authentic while providing absolutely no proof, we are to believe that your claims are anything more than empty rhetoric? Why do you hold everyone else to a higher standard than yourself?

Quote :
"Similarly, anyone who has done research for themselves on the Holocaust knows that there are very legitimate questions and problems with the "official" Holocaust story."

In all honesty, there are much more serious problems with your theory than with any aspect of the Holocaust. Clearly you won't look at any links that I post, but if you do the research you'll find that most of the questions that you have raised have rational and well documented explanations.

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"And I don't have the time to wade through and disect every nonsense link you posted."

Yet you want us to wade through all of yours? It doesn't bother you to base your entire belief structure on a double standard?

Quote :
"As you've admitted, you're here to try to distract me."

You keep saying this. Where pray tell did I ever admit to that? Or is this another conspiracy theory that will come true if you repeat it over and over again?

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"But I'm not going to repond to every single thing you post, when we all know that most of the time you are trolling."

This is my favorite part. You reach the point where you can't defend your ideas anymore, so you resort to namecalling. I remember the days when you used to cry about "slander" and "smear tactics" but now you just love the stuff. I would expect that level of maturity from someone who believes fairy tales about satanic jews controlling the sale of stamps.

Quote :
"And most of the time, I've already addressed the specific issue raised by your "new" evidence or point. But that doesn't stop you from acting as if I've never addressed that issue. I'm not going to waste my time responding to things I've already addressed."

What exactly are you talking about? Ninety percent of the time you ignore every response to your post. When you do respond it is generally with a link to prisonplanet. You never address issues, little buddy - you just run in circles. Of course, sometimes you just respond with namecalling.

This is exactly why you will never convince anyone of your conspiracy theories.

Quote :
"So someone is following the plan laid out in the Protocols. The fulfillment of the plans in the Protocols in reality is the strongest evidence in favor of the Protocols authenticity."

Sadly, that is the strongest evidence that you have. There is much stronger evidence that the Protocols were plagiarized from earlier works, not recorded at a secret meeting of jew elders. Why should we believe that a group unable to control the distribution of their own meeting minutes would be capable of controlling international affairs?

Quote :
"The origin of most of what make up the Protocols lies in an 1864 pamphlet titled Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu or Dialogues in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu by the French satirist Maurice Joly, which attacks the political ambitions of Napoleon III by using the device of diabolical plotters in Hell. In turn, Joly appears to have plagiarized a good amount of the material from a popular novel by Eugene Sue, The Mysteries of the People. In Sue's work, the plotters were Jesuits, and the Jews do not appear in the pamphlet. (There seems to be some confusion here, because the Jesuit plotters were in Sue's book The Wandering Jew, which was not in fact about Jews.)

It being illegal to criticize the monarchy, Joly had the pamphlet printed in Belgium, and then attempted to have it smuggled over the French border. It was seized by the police, who confiscated as many copies as they could, then banned the book. The police traced the book to Joly, who was then tried on April 25, 1865, and sentenced to fifteen months in prison.

The Protocols 1-19 closely follow the order of the Dialogues in Hell... 1-17, with a few exceptions. In some places, plagiarism is incontrovertible:

Montesquieu: "How are loans made? By the issue of bonds entailing on the Government the obligation to pay interest proportionate to the capital it has been paid. Thus, if a loan is at 5 per cent., the State, after 20 years, has paid out a sum equal to the borrowed capital. When 40 years have expired it has paid double, after 60 years triple: yet it remains debtor for the entire capital sum.” (Dialogues, p. 250)

"A loan is an issue of Government paper which entails an obligation to pay interest amounting to a percentage of the total sum of the borrowed money. If a loan is at 5 per cent., then in 20 years the Government would have unnecessarily paid out a sum equal to that of the loan in order to cover the percentage. In 40 years it will have paid twice; and in 60 thrice that amount, but the loan will still remain as an unpaid debt." (Protocols, p. 77)

The forger:
Hermann Goedsche, a German anti-Semite and a spy for the Prussian secret police who had been removed from his job as a postal clerk after forging evidence for the prosecution of political reformer Benedict Waldeck in 1849, included Joly's Dialogues in his 1868 book Biarritz, written under the name Sir John Retcliffe. In the chapter "The Jewish Cemetery in Prague and the Council of Representatives of the Twelve Tribes of Israel", he invented a secret rabbinical cabal which meets in the cemetery at midnight every hundred years to plan the agenda for the Jewish Conspiracy. To portray the meeting, he borrowed heavily from the scene in the novel Joseph Balsamo by Alexandre Dumas where Cagliostro and company plot the affair of the diamond necklace, and likewise borrowed Joly's Dialogues as the outcome of the meeting.

Goedsche's book was translated into Russian language in 1872, and in 1891 an extract of the chapter containing the meeting of the fictional centennial rabbinical "council of representatives", including the plagiarized Joly's Dialogues was circulating in Russia; whether they originated it or not, the Russian secret police found the work useful in their fight to discredit liberal reformers and revolutionaries who were rapidly gaining support among the populace. During the Dreyfus affair in France in 1893–1895, when polarization of European attitudes towards the Jews was at a maximum, the Dialogues were edited into their final form, which appeared in Russia in 1895 and began to be privately published starting in 1897 as the Protocols."

Can you prove that they aren't a forgery? Please find a shred of proof that they are authentic if you want to continue with this.

[Edited on January 17, 2006 at 4:06 PM. Reason : .]

1/17/2006 4:05:42 PM

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Quote :
"Who was this "Frenchman," the author of the "Dialogues in Hell?" This problem is solved by Gottfried zur Beck in his preface to the German edition of the "Protocols." In which we find that Maurice Joly, according to the record, in his infancy was circumcised as Moses Joel!

How strange!

Israel is doing its utmost to prove that the "Protocols" were written with the purpose of bringing the jews into contempt - and now there is evidence that this satanical plan as outlined in both of these books has the same Jewish heart and the same jewish mind as a source of origin.


The "Dialogues" are not a creation of an anti-semite, but on the contrary they represent the Quintessence of Jewish Idealism.


Anyone who will study carefully these books should be very much surprised to hear the Jews whining about Jews being innocently persecuted and forced to defend themselves against "Lies & Defamation." There can be no talk about "Forgery" whatsoever, as we have to do only with slightly different versions of "ideas" coming from the same powerful political and economical circle of influence."

1/17/2006 4:56:16 PM

All American
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salisbury didnt respond...SHOCKING!!!

1/17/2006 5:12:34 PM

All American
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Wow, there's a shock. salisburyboy refusing to respond to anything that directly refutes what he says.

[Edited on January 17, 2006 at 8:36 PM. Reason : Congratulations, you've as much as advertised your kookery by using IaHUShUa as a source of info.]

1/17/2006 8:33:54 PM

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Mr. Joshua hasn't responded to all of the info I've posted either. No one can reasonably be expected to respond to that volume of information. And just because you haven't responded to every single bit of information/question/argument of the other side doesn't mean that you are avoiding that info because you don't have an answer.

1/18/2006 7:59:50 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"Please find a shred of proof that they are authentic if you want to continue with this."

So are you trying to say that they are indeed plagiarized, but that doesn't matter because they were plagiarized from another jew?

Evidently you missed the part about Maurice Joly plagiarizing Dialogues in Hell from a work by Eugène Sue.

Quote :
"There can be no talk about "Forgery" whatsoever, as we have to do only with slightly different versions of "ideas" coming from the same powerful political and economical circle of influence."

I hardly even know how to respond to such a stupid statement. Is your article actually saying that it doesn't matter if the Protocols are the minutes of a secret Jewish cabal that controls the world or if it is just a piece of political satire - as long as it was written by a Jew?

1/18/2006 1:11:15 PM

3 of 11
All American
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1/18/2006 2:55:06 PM

All American
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Quote :
"hardly even know how to respond to such a stupid statement."

Just nod and say "Sieg Heil", and all will be well.

1/18/2006 5:24:11 PM

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1/18/2006 10:11:50 PM

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Quote :
"Pharisee Nation

by John Dear
Tuesday, February 15, 2005


We have become a culture of Pharisees. Instead of practicing an authentic spirituality of compassion, nonviolence, love and peace, we as a collective people have become self-righteous, arrogant, powerful, murderous hypocrites who dominate and kill others in the name of God. The Pharisees supported the brutal Roman rulers and soldiers, and lived off the comforts of the empire by running an elaborate banking system which charged an exorbitant fee for ordinary people just to worship God in the Temple. Since they taught that God was present only in the Temple, they were able to control the entire population. If anyone opposed their power or violated their law, the Pharisees could kill them on the spot, even in the holy sanctuary.

Most North American Christians are now becoming more and more like these hypocritical Pharisees. We side with the rulers, the bankers, and the corporate millionaires and billionaires."

Hmmmmmm. That sounds very familiar. The modern-day Pharisees didn't fall far from the tree.

1/19/2006 4:04:05 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Please answer the question.

Quote :
"So are you trying to say that they are indeed plagiarized, but that doesn't matter because they were plagiarized from another jew?"

For once I would like to have an intelligent discussion without you running away.

1/19/2006 4:09:16 PM

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Quote :
"So are you trying to say that they are indeed plagiarized, but that doesn't matter because they were plagiarized from another jew?"

No. The author is saying there is no plagarism at issue with the Protocols. The text is not exactly the same in the two works. Rather, it is a case of similar versions of the same general idea. The author states that the Protocols and Joly's work bear some similarity because they are "slightly different versions of ideas coming from the same powerful political and economical circle of influence." This conclusion hinges on the fact that Joly was in fact Jewish (real name Moses Joel). The works are similar only because both emanate from Jewish sources.

Furthermore, only around 15% of what is contained in the Protocols can in any way be said to be closely similar to any earlier work.

Quote :
"Myers goes into enormous detail on the technical aspects of the "forgery" argument, explaining the nuances of the arguments as well as demonstrating that only one-sixth [a liberal interpretation according to Makow] of the Protocols by word count can in fact be linked to any earlier document."

And again, all this is moot because history shows that the Protocols have been implemented by the Jews. That alone is proof of their authenticity. And, the Talmud contains virtually all of the key doctrinal points that are contained in the Protocols.

[Edited on January 19, 2006 at 5:00 PM. Reason : `]

1/19/2006 4:41:09 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"This conclusion hinges on the fact that Joly was in fact Jewish (real name Moses Joel). The works are similar only because both emanate from Jewish sources."

Oh wow, so if I were to hand in an assignment for a poetry class that plagiarized Walt Whitman, I could say "these works are similar only because Whitman and I are both white males"? Once again your logic is appalling.

Quote :
"Daily Overview for January 22, 2006
Provided by Daily Extended Forecast

You can't always be objective. Don't be afraid to let feelings guide your actions.

Are you ready for a transformation of the most profound levels of your soul? A radical shift in attitude is about to change how you see things -- including yourself. The outward results may not be dramatic, but they'll matter."

This is my horoscope from yesterday. It is a series of vague predictions that could be applied to what happened to me yesterday. That alone is proof of it's authenticity. Prove that I am wrong.

1/23/2006 1:33:40 PM

All American
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Let his threads die. He can't rebut now. I hope he's suspended for 90 days so they will all die.

1/23/2006 1:35:27 PM

297 Posts
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someone told me to search his threads, this crap is crazy

2/27/2006 8:40:02 AM

All American
12790 Posts
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^Thanks for bumping them all

[Edited on February 27, 2006 at 8:56 AM. Reason : -]

2/27/2006 8:56:08 AM

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