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 Message Boards » » so a plane takes off from a treadmill.... Page 1 ... 5 6 7 8 [9] 10 11, Prev Next  
All American
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Quote :
"The wheels aren't powering the treadmill. The treadmill is powered on its own. It doesnt matter where the wheels are getting their power from.

The wheels don't move the plane, the engine does. It doesn't matter what the wheels are doing.

Try this: take a toy car, hold it in one hand, put it on a piece of paper, hold the paper with the other hand. Now pull the piece of paper as hard as fast as you can, then pull the piece of paper nice and slow. Notice that no matter how fast you pull the paper, your one hand can easily hold the car still (or move it forward if you want).

The airplane is like the car, and your hand is like the plane's engines.

12/12/2007 9:04:40 PM

All American
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Not for nothing, but Ted Striker had flying experience.

Quote :
"All right, Striker, you listen, and listen close. Flying a plane is no different from riding a bicycle; it's just a lot harder to put baseball cards in the spokes."

12/12/2007 9:05:48 PM

All American
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alright, are they even doing this myth tonight??

looks like this one have been their big myth to try to bust, but instead it is the 'talking someone down'?? c'mon..

12/12/2007 9:15:31 PM

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^^^Yes, the wheels do not move the plane, I understand that. But while it is on the ground, they in since do. When a plane is going down the runway, it doesnt matter what is powering it, the wheels are still moving ALONG THE GROUND at a certain speed. It that speed is equally matched by the runway, in this case, the treadmill moving at the exact same speed as the plane, even if the plane speeds up, it is going nowhere.

I dont see how the talking someone down is even a myth. My cousin had to do this when my Uncle had a heart attack mid flight. Granted it was just a Cesna and not a huge jumbo jet, but still...

[Edited on December 12, 2007 at 9:22 PM. Reason : .]

12/12/2007 9:17:56 PM

All American
7867 Posts
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you're a goddamn idiot

12/12/2007 9:23:37 PM

New Recruit
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i odnt think theyre doing it

12/12/2007 9:24:44 PM

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wtf, how are they gonna advertise something as big as this for weeks, then not do it.

They obviously have no clue what this means to TWW. We have so much riding on this.

[Edited on December 12, 2007 at 9:26 PM. Reason : .]

12/12/2007 9:25:30 PM

All American
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i dont think we're gonna see it tonight

12/12/2007 9:29:12 PM

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WTF was that shit?!?! A commercial for jumb jet plane tires?????

12/12/2007 9:30:20 PM

New Recruit
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maybe its the surprise ending

12/12/2007 9:36:20 PM

All American
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12/12/2007 9:41:04 PM

All American
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im so glad that chinese dude got his teeth fixed. those things were so disgusting to look at i almost quit watching the show altogether

12/12/2007 9:41:41 PM

All American
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^^^^I know right, who is gonna go out and buy some jumbo jet tires after watching this.

[Edited on December 12, 2007 at 9:42 PM. Reason : ]

12/12/2007 9:41:45 PM

All American
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i sat there and watched. said nothing about the treadmill.

and yeah i thought that jet tire ad was the treadmill thing. lol

12/12/2007 9:47:33 PM

New Recruit
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this thread sucks

12/12/2007 9:49:43 PM

All American
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fuck the bullshit


12/12/2007 9:51:16 PM

All American
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12/12/2007 9:56:59 PM

All American
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looks like it's too challenging of a myth for these guys to tackle...

12/12/2007 9:59:36 PM

New Recruit
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ive been looking on there for a thread to explain it, gg

12/12/2007 10:01:00 PM

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Quote :
"^^^^I know right, who is gonna go out and buy some jumbo jet tires after watching this."

haha, no shit right? Like Delta is gonna be all like "Well we were gonna go with that Russian company who gives us tires on the cheap, but after whatching the first ever jumbo jet tire commercial during MythBusters last night, we just gotta go with those guys"

Granted Bridgestone is a good company, but still. This is just one of those products you do not advertise.

12/12/2007 10:27:27 PM

All American
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^ you're kidding right? I don't believe for a minute that they expect to sell any more jumbo jet tires from running that commercial, but the idea is to sell themselves as a high quality tire maker.

The idea being that if they can make tires that are used on multi-million dollar machines that go 100s of mph (not that the tires do anything when they go that fast) then they must be making damned good tires.

Same thing with GE running commercials about some of the industrial products they make: windmills, locomotives, generators. They're trying to show how good their shit is to the people who will want to buy their consumer products.

12/12/2007 10:43:50 PM

All American
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lol @ Dexter

12/12/2007 11:01:38 PM

All American
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i'm trying to read any other page other than the first one of the Discovery thread...but it's just not happening. either my computer or internet connection sucks (which everything else is working ok), or their website has blown up with pissed off individuals

i'll go with the latter

discovery pwnt, myth busters are pissed

12/12/2007 11:14:13 PM

37709 Posts
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how did the myth turn out?

12/12/2007 11:17:42 PM

All American
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Quote :
"i'm trying to read any other page other than the first one of the Discovery thread...but it's just not happening. either my computer or internet connection sucks (which everything else is working ok), or their website has blown up with pissed off individuals

i'll go with the latter

discovery pwnt, myth busters are pissed


i'd say it's just traffic. shit was forever slow when i went to it

12/12/2007 11:23:11 PM

All American
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from a post by the moderator on that board:

Quote :
"I have just received an email from Dan Tapster, executive producer of MythBusters.

Thanks to all the activity, he can't log in and asked me to post this for him.

"Adam? Jamie? Dan? Someone step up and tell us what happened tonight."

Dear all,

As wbarnhill called out, I thought I should step in to what is rapidly becoming a hornet's nest. I will try to calm things down but I don't hold out much hope!

First up, for those concerned that this story has been cancelled, don't worry, planes on a conveyer belt has been filmed, is spectacular, and will be part of what us Mythbusters refer to as 'episode 97'. Currently that is due to air on January 30th.

Secondly, for those very aggrieved fans feeling "duped" into watching tonight's show, I can only apologise. I'm not sure why the listings / internet advertised that tonight's show contained POCB. I will endeavour to find out an answer but for those conspiracy theorists amongst you, I can assure you that it will have just been an honest mistake. At one point
several months ago, POCB was going to be part of Airplane Hour. Somewhere, someone has mistakenly posted the wrong listing. It will have been a genuine mistake but nonetheless it was a mistake which is unacceptable. As said I will try to find out what went wrong and hope that you will see fit to forgive the team at Discovery.

Thanks in advance,


And with that, the entire board is going "READ ONLY" until I can clean up the mess.


haha imagine if tww ever went "read only" for any period of time

12/13/2007 9:50:29 AM

All American
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good deal

12/13/2007 9:52:13 AM

All American
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there is no way that plane would take off, I don't even know why there's a hype about it

12/13/2007 9:55:51 AM

All American
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Quote :
"there is no way that plane would take off, I don't even know why there's a hype about it"

yes it wood dude, simple physics

12/13/2007 9:57:22 AM

All American
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so the wheels are free to rotate right? yea it'll take off

12/13/2007 9:59:45 AM

All American
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the wheels are there simply as stabilizers.

12/13/2007 10:02:05 AM

All American
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This thread is perfect for those who want to sharpen their trolling abilities.

12/13/2007 10:05:56 AM

Art Vandelay
45180 Posts
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to keep it from hitting the ground....

12/13/2007 10:06:54 AM

All American
17820 Posts
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god damn this thread is so stupid it hurts

12/13/2007 10:08:40 AM

All American
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haha best post yet and I'm only on page 2:

Quote :
"Some of you guys are fucking idiots.

Yes, the jet applies force to the air. BUT, the plane requires LIFT in order to take off, not just horizontal velocity. The LIFT is generated by the plane's movement with respect to the air around it. The air around the plane is generally in the same frame of reference as the ground. So, if the jet is not moving with respect to the ground, then it is highly improbable that the jet will have enough lift to take off.

Thank you, you have just been owned. Now shut the fuck up with your wise-ass "hahah, durrr, a jet's wheels don't make it move, durr.""

Quote :

I have a degree in mechanical engineering.

I fly airplanes for a living.

I will put any amount of money up to, say, $30,000 on the line as a bet that I'm right on this one.

I have a hard time believing that a NE alumnus could be stupid enough to actually believe what you're saying, so I'm assuming you're trolling."

I don't have a degree in ME, but I wouldn't mind making some money, so I'd match Duke's bet.

12/13/2007 10:18:05 AM

All American
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you guys can stroke your egos and say you're gonna put up all kinds of cash money, but i don't see anyone betting against you

that said, $7000 dollar bucks says the plane WILL TAKE OFF

12/13/2007 10:40:05 AM

All American
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12/13/2007 10:41:08 AM

All American
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I think Duke a few pages back said he would be $10k

nm, it was mentioned a few posts up

[Edited on December 13, 2007 at 10:45 AM. Reason : ]

12/13/2007 10:44:37 AM

Agent 0
All American
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could a bird running on a treadmill take off?


same thing, albeit a different method of take off power

the principles are the same though

12/13/2007 10:45:09 AM

Art Vandelay
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80 some out of 100 people on here understand why it takes off

10 don't care

and 10 are idiots that think it will just sit there...

as for burro's "point" - the conveyor belt is not "the ground" nor "the air" it only relates to the wheels. ground speed (with the earth) would be the same as if it were taking off, the wheels would just be spinning faster do the action of the belt on them combined with the planes velocity

12/13/2007 10:57:48 AM

37709 Posts
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Quote :
"Well, they didn't show it. According to an interview w/ Savage, they tested it w/ an ultralight and a 1/4 mile long conveyor but haven't aired it yet."

12/13/2007 11:01:30 AM

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12/13/2007 11:02:13 AM

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12/13/2007 11:02:46 AM

All American
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So those of you who don't think it will take off... did you just decide to ignore the youtube videos posted in this thread that physically show model planes moving forward on a treadmill under their own power?

12/13/2007 11:03:00 AM

All American
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i ain't going to lie, discovery channel embarassed me last night. my father-in-law and i have debated this issue since about a month ago, and we kept saying, wait til dec 12. well, we watch the show together, and it does not air.

12/13/2007 4:58:07 PM

All American
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question- when it says the conveyor belt is "matching the speed", does that mean the belt is rolling the opposite direction itself (like if you stood still on it, the belt would move you) or that it is equal to the opposite speed of the plane (if you walk 3 mph one direction, the belt goes 3 mph in the other direction)

if this has been addressed on the previous pages, sorry

[Edited on December 13, 2007 at 5:15 PM. Reason : Ø]

12/13/2007 5:15:25 PM

All American
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it doesn't mean anything really. it's the part of the problem that will confuse you into thinking it can't take off.

12/13/2007 5:17:37 PM

All American
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Quote :
"it is equal to the opposite speed of the plane (if you walk 3 mph one direction, the belt goes 3 mph in the other direction)"

but like ^ said, it doesn't matter how fast the belt is moving, it could be going 2 or 3 times as fast and it still wouldn't change it.

12/13/2007 7:27:37 PM

All American
871 Posts
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Wow, I love this thread.

As a recently graduated "Rocket Scientist", all i want to say is that yes, the damn plane will take off.

Granted, I had to think through the problem the first time I heard it, and there is a possibility Mythbusters will mess it all up somehow (they're not exactly physicists), but there is no valid reason that that the treadmill would keep the plane from taking off. Perhaps rolling friction will make the takeoff roll a little longer, but it'll still fly.


Thread closed, discussion over, thanks for reading.

12/13/2007 8:18:58 PM

All American
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you offered no evidence to support your claim. (it will take off, im with you on that)

admit it, you just posted so you could say you are a "rocket scientist"


12/13/2007 8:59:46 PM

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