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Tom Joad
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6/11/2009 6:21:45 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Did you see the O'Reilly Factor numbers? "

yeah, i did. way to go Billo. But you also said "referring to FOX News in general", in which case, the overall Fox News number of 35% is more applicable to your comment than O'Reilly's number of 51%.

Quote :
"In any event, the "dumb people" comment is a stereotype."

no shit, you think?
So, does that mean you're ready to denounce the stereotypes that TDS/TCR audiences are made up of stoner college students, and NPR listeners are just a bunch of latte-drinking, volvo driving liberals?

Of course, maybe the more pertinent question would be: Do dumb people prefer to watch Fox News, or does watching Fox news make you dumb(er)?

6/11/2009 7:03:48 PM

All American
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^ Since I regularly listen to NPR (and occasionally watch "TDS/TCR"), no, the listeners are not "just a bunch of latte-drinking, volvo driving liberals"--I also read The New York Times every day (GASP!). But I set my liberal bullshit filter on maximum before I do either.

6/11/2009 8:32:40 PM

All American
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one of hannity's whores..i mean guests..just blamed barack obama as to why david letterman was joking on palin and kids

and said that obama should come out and blast letterman for his tasteless jokes

i guess freedom of speech only matters when it comes to republicans

[Edited on June 11, 2009 at 9:18 PM. Reason : ..]

6/11/2009 9:16:05 PM

All American
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Quote :
"one of hannity's whores"

Now that's objective!

6/11/2009 9:24:47 PM

All American
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we were rolling on the floor with laughter when she said that

absolutely ridiculous

6/11/2009 9:25:06 PM

All American
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^ Yes, the politics of condemnation is something brand new--invented by Hannity's guest.

6/11/2009 9:29:59 PM

All American
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you cant honestly think either of those two women has anything going on besides a pretty face

if you do, fox news has you hook, line, and sinker

6/11/2009 9:31:59 PM

All American
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^ I don't know. I haven't seen what you're talking about--I'm not sitting here watching FOX News while simultaneously condemning it as stupid.

My point was that the politics of condemnation is nothing new. And I find the timing of the wolves of sanctimony that come out of the left side of the forest to be damned peculiar.

6/11/2009 9:37:05 PM

not dnl
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I'm wondering if the woman they are talking about(Hannity's whore) is Michelle Malkin

6/12/2009 2:47:52 AM

All American
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they were both brunettes (i realize malkin is a brunette, but these were two white chicks)

one of them had their tits hanging out

[Edited on June 12, 2009 at 3:04 AM. Reason : clarification]

6/12/2009 3:03:46 AM

All American
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I find it damned peculiar that all of you were watching FOX News, but I wasn't--you know, the guy who you're always accusing of watching FOX News? So, I DVR-ed the later Hannity to see what was up.

As usual, you guys gave a total mischaracterization of what the female commentator, S.E. Cupp (yes, go ahead and giggle at her name), actually said. To paraphrase, she didn't suggest that Obama should infringe on Letterman's free speech rights--she suggested that Obama simply condemn Letterman's remarks about Palin and her family. Cupp added that if Obama were to condemn Letterman's remarks, which he surely would do had this been a liberal politician, Obama's approval ratings would go through the roof--and she's probably right.

FWIW, I think I prefer Mary Katharine Ham to S.E. Cupp.

6/12/2009 5:42:17 AM

All American
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HAHAHA. Faux News indeed! I am feeling particularly saucy this morning so I am watching Faux and Fiends . . .errr...Fox and Friends (mostly to hear them whine about Letterman and because Robin Meade is out to skydive with Papa Bush). Anyways, they are giving about 30 seconds to the story about some woman's 911 call because she was surrounded by coyotes in the woods and this is what they show:

Really, Fox News?!?! REALLY?

6/12/2009 6:43:56 AM

Tom Joad
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6/12/2009 8:43:06 AM

All American
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Has anyone from Fox News tried to make the connection to the shooter at the Holocaust museum to the left? Hannity, O' Reilly, Beck or any of the other clowns on that network? I'm curious because I heard clips from Limbaugh that this guy was obviously a far left liberal.

6/12/2009 10:49:57 AM

All American
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6/12/2009 12:45:54 PM

All American
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They can't have people like Shep infusing "reality" and "sanity" into their "fair and balanced" reporting!

Quote :
" Shepard Smith is scolding us for the 89 year old Nazi Von Brunn — a nut case who served six years in federal prison in the 1980s. Von Brunn had walked into the headquarters of the Federal Reserve System with two guns, a package he said contained dynamite, and a desire to improve the nation's economy, D.C. police said. A certifiable sicko.

How amusing that Shepard feels the need to take this opportunity to scold us for doing the job the Shepardsmithmug media and schmucks like him won't do. He also took the opportunity to vouch for the DHS report on right wing extremism. You know, the one that targeted vets, tea party attendees, Jewish extremists — as the real threats to the country. The 89 year old Nazi Von Brunn served in World War II — are those the new terror threats? WW2 vets? Scary stupidity.

FOX could do so much better than this pompous elitist. If Beck proved anything, it's that if you are halfway talented, your numbers will go through the roof. Beating the competition when you're on FOX is no biggie. The competition of CNN, MSNBC et al drives people to FOX. Leading the leftwing media asshats is not the bar to beat. FOX numbers are the bar. I am sure, for example, if FOX dropped Beck into Greta's spot, he would increase their numbers at 10pm by 30%.

But Shep sucks. And Shep has always sucked, and it's time to get rid of the deadwood. "

Bets on when he'll be fired for something "unrelated" ?

6/12/2009 1:00:13 PM

All American
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It will be bad if they got rid of Shep. He is actually one of the very few on that network (maybe only) that actually is balanced. He calls out bullshit from both sides.

Maybe they'll replace him with Carrie Prejean.

6/12/2009 1:35:48 PM

All American
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She can't even keep a job as a beauty queen.

6/12/2009 1:40:16 PM

All American
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which is exactly why they would hire her

6/12/2009 1:42:31 PM

All American
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and she is a hot blonde

6/12/2009 1:53:14 PM

All American
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Bill O'reilly is going apeshit on this joan walsh cunt

6/12/2009 8:16:46 PM

not dnl
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sheppard smith fucking won with me when this whole obama/cheney fued got really heated a month or 2 ago and he came on air going against cheneys use of torture

maybe someone else saw it

6/12/2009 8:20:34 PM

All American
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^ yeah, that was awesome

and here he is talking about the frightening email

[Edited on June 12, 2009 at 11:14 PM. Reason : .]

6/12/2009 11:14:05 PM

All American
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Sheppard Smith is easily the best they have.

And I think the best on cable news right now.

[Edited on June 12, 2009 at 11:40 PM. Reason : .]

6/12/2009 11:33:36 PM

not dnl
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holy shit that was not what i saw

the one i saw it was just fading to commercial and he was like "this is america, we dont torture...i want off this boat...period" or something to that effect

[Edited on June 13, 2009 at 2:44 AM. Reason : ^oh no way on the best in cable news...i wouldnt rank him above like 10th probably]

[Edited on June 13, 2009 at 2:45 AM. Reason : in ppl i'd like to hear talk i guess]

6/13/2009 2:43:51 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Bill O'reilly is going apeshit on this joan walsh cunt"

FYI, here is "the cunt's" thoughts on her appearance, written after the interview, but before it aired.
her takeaway
Quote :
"Watch O'Reilly yourselves tonight, and weigh in here. Maybe he'll run the uncut version! [he did] If he does, I'll apologize [she did]. In the meantime, I'll leave you with the probably really pathetic uncut version of the "Talking Points" I had prepared for O'Reilly, almost none of which got used. I'm a little embarrassed because they make me look like a liberal Pollyanna, a lamb ready to lie down with the lion -- to be eaten! Live and learn:

"Thanks for having me Bill, maybe this is the first step in what I talked about on my blog: Dialing down the extreme rhetoric and hate. If we can sit here and talk calmly, maybe we'll set a good example for others.

My basic issue is that we are a nation of laws, and abortion is legal. Late-term abortion is legal. It's heart-wrenching, and it gets a lot of attention, but we should note that only 1 percent of all abortions in the U.S. are after 21 weeks.

What bothers me, Bill, is that you started a crusade against a doctor who was doing his legal job. You have an enormous audience, the top show in cable, and I think you have a responsibility to think about the impact of your words. And on the issue of abortion, there's a terrible history of violence in this country. At least four doctors have been killed, multiple clinics have been bombed. Dr. Tiller himself had been shot twice in 1993, Bill. His clinic had been bombed and repeatedly vandalized. He was in clear danger, and yet you attacked him, 42 times over four years, and at least 24 times you called him a "baby killer." (That's from the nonpartisan fact-checker Politifact.) You accused him of "murder," "you said he had blood on his hands," you said he "had to be stopped," and the people of Kansas were a "disgrace" for not stopping him -- even though he was acquitted by the courts multiple times of various legal charges against him.

I know you have decried vigilante justice, and I believe you mean that, but we saw vigilante justice in this case. Every time I've written about it, Bill, I've been sure to say you did not cause it. The only person responsible at this point is Scott Roeder, unless we find he had formal accomplices, no word of that so far. I'm just saying that in the wake of Dr. Tiller's tragic murder in a church, no less, you might have expressed some remorse. Instead, you turned your show into a pity party, and made yourself the victim, and honestly, Bill, I don’t often agree with you, but I thought you were better than that. I was disappointed. That's what I said.

If you really wanted to be fair and balanced, you could have said in every segment, "Some call him Tiller the baby killer, others call him Dr. Tiller, the hero, because he has performed this legal but rare procedure for women in dire circumstances: Women who were diagnosed with breast cancer; for a 9-year-old girl raped by her stepfather, who didn't know she was pregnant, for women who found late in their pregnancies that their babies had brain and heart deformities that would kill them early in their lives, but not without a lot of surgery and suffering. The two sides probably can't meet, Bill, but there is another side. And again, only 1 percent of abortions are late-term abortions, taking place after 21 weeks. One percent, Bill.

I am a pro-choice Irish Catholic. I have agonized for years, but I am pro-choice. I have one Catholic aunt who works at Planned Parenthood, escorting women past clinic protesters. I have another Catholic aunt who loved Obama's economic policies but couldn't vote for him because of abortion. I love them both, and they love me. After prayer and soul searching I came to believe the only answer is that this is the woman's choice. We live in a pluralistic country, Bill, people disagree. People don't agree on when life begins. They're not sure the right course here. So abortion stays legal. People stay uncomfortable with it, for sure. It's true. But it is legal, and if you don't think it should be legal, work within our great democracy to change the laws.

Finally, Bill, you yourself have demonized folks on the left for saying things that you believe could lead to violence: You've railed against Hollywood, you've railed against Rosie O Donnell and Janeane Garofalo and Michael Moore for saying things you believed were irresponsible and could foment violence. Just last month, you criticized Google Maps for making it easy to find the homes of people who gave money to Prop. 8, because they might get hurt. Antiabortion crazies regularly published the address of Dr. Tiller's home, church and clinic. So I think you're inconsistent on these issues, you call out the left if you think their speech could endanger conservatives, or just Americans, but I'm a pariah for raising the same questions about your Tiller speech? I don't understand it, but I hope we've improved the terms of the debate tonight."


6/13/2009 11:09:56 PM

All American
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^^I guess i just like the fact that he doesn't blindly stick to the fox news ideas, I probably can't actually say that he was the best on cable news, bc i cant name another person that does a show like his. I mean I watch them but I don't know who most of the people are by face.

6/13/2009 11:54:13 PM

All American
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lol plz embed

6/15/2009 9:37:13 AM

All American
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ahah, that's hilarious. that redhead is confused as hell.
"define that please"?

6/15/2009 10:53:35 AM

Tom Joad
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6/15/2009 11:16:01 AM

All American
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I've said this several times and no one has taken me up on it yet, so I'll propose it again...

Lets all watch one of these fox news programs and discuss the "bias". How about we watch O'Reilly tonight? Any takers?

6/15/2009 4:41:11 PM

All American
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What? O'Rielly isn't suppose to be unbiased. That's the point of the show, is that it's his opinions on things happening in the US/World.

6/15/2009 5:44:51 PM

All American
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^^ So your going to pick one show to define an entire network to prove its not bias?

6/16/2009 3:34:04 PM

Tom Joad
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6/17/2009 5:41:14 PM

All American
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^ Ever the fan of visual rhetoric, aren't you, marko?

6/17/2009 5:43:45 PM

Tom Joad
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i like shit that's fucking stupid

6/17/2009 5:53:27 PM

All American
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^ Well, at least that one is bipartisan stupidity.

6/17/2009 6:07:56 PM

All American
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He's not saying the people are stupid (although they may be), he's saying the Fox News graphics are fucking retarded, for an organization who wants the appearance of being a serious news outlet. They're barely one step above The National Enquirer, and sometimes barely at the level of the Drudge Report

[Edited on June 17, 2009 at 6:13 PM. Reason : doub]

6/17/2009 6:13:16 PM

All American
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[Edited on June 17, 2009 at 6:13 PM. Reason : .]

6/17/2009 6:13:39 PM

All American
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^^ I understood the post--I was referring to the graphic. And opinions vary about FOX News.

[Edited on June 17, 2009 at 6:15 PM. Reason : ^]

6/17/2009 6:14:51 PM

Tom Joad
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lol drudge is my favorite... they'll straight up MAKE UP a headline, post a pic that may or may not have to do with anything... then link to a story that isn't even close to the jump off point... it's fucking great cause you can see the followers jumping around from one site to the next commenting in the story, obviously responding to the drudge headline rather than actually reading the story on the page that they're COMMENTING ON

i look at it 10-15 times a day

i usually save those for the liberal media thread though

huffington goes too hollywood "in touch" magazine on me

[Edited on June 17, 2009 at 6:29 PM. Reason : +]

6/17/2009 6:26:51 PM

All American
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drudge is the master

not sure why michelle obama's garden is relevant though. really not seeing the point there

6/17/2009 6:31:00 PM

Tom Joad
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oh man, you noticed too?

he's been all about the garden this past week

also, i don't know where he got the ABC OBAMA logo from, but it's missing a pair of mouse ears on it....

just to bridge and reinforce the fact that ABC is owned by Disney, so that it's even more twisted and sick that Walt's dream of crafting America into an odd happy wonder-world still has tentacles out there and is helping to craft a Socialistic Health Care Paradise

[Edited on June 17, 2009 at 6:37 PM. Reason : +]

6/17/2009 6:33:58 PM

All American
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Speaking of O'Reilly, here's a bit of a take-down of him by Roger Ebert, or more so, a takedown of the style of "news and opinion" O'Reilly has come to represent. It comes of a bit like "these damn kids today with their internets who can't read a newspaper", but Ebert is no Luditte, and it's not really "the kids" who are the target - it's middle-age and even older viewers who have apparently forgotten what news used to be like and are now the biggest audiences of junk like O'Reilly, Rush, Beck, etc.

Quote :
"I am not interested in discussing O'Reilly's politics here. That would open a hornet's nest. I am more concerned about the danger he and others like him represent to a civil and peaceful society. He sets a harmful example of acceptable public behavior. He has been an influence on the most worrying trend in the field of news: The polarization of opinion, the elevation of emotional temperature, the predictability of two of the leading cable news channels. A majority of cable news viewers now get their news slanted one way or the other."

Quote :
"What are TV shouters telling their viewers? They use such anger in expressing their opinions. Who are they trying to convince? They're preaching to the choir. Their viewers already agree with them. No minds are going to be changed. Why are they so mad? In a sense they're saying: You're right, but you're not right ENOUGH! I'm angrier about this than you are! Viewers may get the notion that there's unfinished business to be done, and it's up to them to do it."

6/17/2009 11:24:41 PM

Tom Joad
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6/18/2009 8:50:30 AM

All American
51889 Posts
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so are they just taking panels straight out of watchmen or

[Edited on June 18, 2009 at 8:56 AM. Reason : or dark knight returns even]

6/18/2009 8:56:01 AM

All American
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Rush, O'Reilly, and Beck = what's evil with the news media

Olbermann, Maher, and Chris Matthews = fair and balanced objective reporters/commentators


6/18/2009 9:08:18 AM

All American
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I like how you got all that from him posting an image without comment from their own website.

6/18/2009 9:19:06 AM

All American
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Quote :
" Olbermann, Maher, and Chris Matthews = fair and balanced objective reporters/commentators "

see, you've fallen into the Fox News trap. They don't have to be "fair and balanced" - they're commentators, and they can comment from any particular point of view they have. That's a false standard that Fox News made up. Now, maybe news shows should strive to be "fair and balanced", but even more ideally, they should simply be "objective and factual". Fox News likes to pretend there are 2 sides to everything, that deserve equal weight, when in fact, a lot of stories are either factually right or wrong, or if there is an opposing point of view, it's a fringe or small minority view that doesn't deserve an equal platform as the consensus view.

The point is, they (olbermann, maher, etc) don't constantly yell at people and pretend that's a normal thing to do. Chris Matthews gets worked up sometimes, but it's nothing compared to the vitriol that O'Reilly displays for his guests.
"I can say what I say, you say what you say, as vile as you say it, you can say it. And I would never condemn you for saying it. You are misguided, you have blood on your hands."

6/18/2009 9:19:50 AM

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