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All American
33757 Posts
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I think, with the IPS panel, they may make decent eBook readers, which no other tablet can really say.

Quote :
"so, have the fanboys started the circle-jerk yet?

I'll bet this tablet does half of the shit all the other tablets do, for twice the price as the others. But, Apple will market the hell out of it, and people won't care.

why do you hate capitalism?

ANd neither the iPod or the iPhone came to dominance because of marketing. They maintained dominance because of marketing, but each device swept their markets purely due to features.

[Edited on January 27, 2010 at 7:50 PM. Reason : ]

1/27/2010 7:50:00 PM

All American
44689 Posts
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^4 The big picture is that Apple is resting on its laurels by releasing underwhelming shit while Android devices catch up with a quickness.

For every Apple tablet out there, there will be 3-5 Android devices released that have the same feature set and perform just as well as for much cheaper, especially if Google decide to be a more active part of the Android app development community.

Example #1: The JooJoo.

and BESIDES all of that, this entire MARKET is completely fabricated. The idea was for device convergence to make our lives SMALLER.

Camera + Phone + MP3 player + Internet device + Voice dictation + Video player + whatever = iPhone.

I'm saying that Apple has lost a step and everyone fawning over this thing is getting distracted by the smoke and mirror show.

[Edited on January 27, 2010 at 7:58 PM. Reason : .]

1/27/2010 7:56:59 PM

All American
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Quote :
"The big picture is that Apple is resting on its laurels by releasing underwhelming shit while Android devices catch up with a quickness.

haha, you don’t seriously believe that do you?

The android was released essentially at the middle of the iPhone upgrade cycle, and is a generation behind in its backend development.

Apple has a clearer direction with the iPhone OS, and I can guarantee the next iPhone iteration will blow the Droid out of the water.

You neglect that Apple’s ace in the hole is having full control over the hardware specs. Google doesn’t have this luxury, and they will be lagging Apple for a while as a result.

And the iPad doesn’t compete with any known Android based devices… I don’t even know why i’m discussing this in this thread...

[Edited on January 27, 2010 at 8:04 PM. Reason : ]

1/27/2010 8:03:01 PM

4759 Posts
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1/27/2010 8:07:04 PM

All American
5237 Posts
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Quote :
"I already have a phone, I already have an iPod, I already have a laptop/netbook. No 3G, less space than an iPod. Lame."

I already have an iPhone. Period.

What does the Macs iPad do that my iPhone doesn't? I already have an iPad that fits in my pocket!

1/27/2010 8:10:55 PM

1337 b4k4
All American
10033 Posts
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Just because I'm bored. From the iPhone thread:

Quote :
"id rather have seperate devices that do their functions very well than one device that does multi functions half assed

until they can make an all in one that stores ALL my music, functions as a good phone, etc.

fuck this stupid ass contraption"

Quote :
"too big
too expensive
too slow
data plans cost $$$

no fucking thanks. release something smaller on verizon and I might buy it, but until then no fucking way

Quote :

Quote :
"you're right - the iphone comes with an extra huge body that will strengthen your wrist, onboard memory (instead of crappy microSD), and a screen that will destroy your battery life...woohoo!!!

Quote :
"Completely unusable internet functionality without WiFi access is a HUGE killer

No copy/paste

OSX uses 700mb of the 4gb of memory?

No voice recognition OR contact search functionality? That would rule me out of this phone IMMEDIATELY. Only scroll through them?? that's insanity.

Camera has no video functionality. yet another huge disappointment, being that is has Youtube as a main application.

No video capability in the web browser? Another huge miss.

Cant set music library to ringtones?

No A2DP support is yet another huge miss.

All that and only average reception and call quality.

Quote :
"actually, the things noen mentioned are VERY important.

i feel the phone lacks thing very things it is supposed to embody. that is innovation.

for the price i feel it should possess video and the capability to upload, Wi-Fi, contact search, etc...

hopefully v2 won't be as rushed and they'll actually spend time developing what people want.

of course a lot of the problems can be solved with simple software and firmware updates."

Quote :
"This thing doesn't even come CLOSE to competing with the Blackberry or most PDA phones for business use. No contact search, no mobile IM and no MMS are big problems. Not being able to edit basic documents is another big business problem.

For the hipster techie, all the retarded worthless features do matter a LOT. What's the point of unlimited data plans without high speed connectivity?

Quote :
"The keyboard is terrible. They fubared the most key element of the UI, the damn keyboard. Most of the UI is a big step forward I agree. But to say that you sacrifice features (and a lot of these are not bells and whistles, but really standard cell phone features) for the UI tells me the UI really wasn't that well designed after all.

Seriously, if you want to call someone named Larry, you havent had to scroll to the middle of your contacts list since the mid 90's. You push L-A and send. Or, you use the damn voice dial that has been a standard feature for the last 5 years too.

Quote :
"I'm easily excitable when it comes to tech gadgetry, and I was pumped when this thing was announced.

The iPhone leaves me completely flaccid.


Quote :
"No 3G
No Significant amount of storage
No Thanks


Quote :
"so OSX takes up 700MB? That means on the $500 version, you get less storage than $100 will buy you in MircoSDHC. Can't record video? Can't use a song as a ringtone? What else can they screw up? Oh, how about no MMS and no voice dialing?

I almost want to go to AT&T stores on Friday to just point and laugh.

Quote :
"that shitty

how can they boast about having "the internet... not a watered down version of the internet" without even supporting java or flash


Quote :
"i would not buy this piece of shit for 500, or any other apple product. their stuff is OVERrated big time. and even if i had a smidgen of a thought to buy an apple product, other than a laptop, i would not becasue they have no subscription service. you want 300 songs, that 300 bucks ~ screw apple and they 'make-me-feel-so-special gadgets'


And that's just in the first 5 pages. At least Noen has apparently learned to be cautiously optimistic about apple products.

Also, this is just as applicable now:

Quote :
"As Lowjack said in another thread...
Quote :
1. Nerds fume in disgust over version 1.
2. The rest of the world will lap it up because they doesn't give a fuck about GSM vs CDMA.
3. Apple will address nerd complaints in later versions, as economics justify further developments.
4. Nerds grudgingly succumb to the Apple juggernaut.
5. Steve Jobs drops LSD with above average hookers.

1/27/2010 8:12:11 PM

All American
44689 Posts
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^^ Blind.

JooJoo. Google it. Engadget had a full show and tell on it in early December. Fully functional device that runs on Linux/Android.

I'll pick apart the rest of your post later.

1/27/2010 8:12:32 PM

All American
27023 Posts
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LOL @ google fanbois in here

1/27/2010 8:32:49 PM

All American
11577 Posts
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Quote :
"I think, with the IPS panel, they may make decent eBook readers, which no other tablet can really say."

It still refreshes and is still an LCD. It will put the kindle DX out of business, but it won't put cheaper e-book readers out of business. Coming back to the basic point, you can't read for extended periods of time on an LCD display. If you think you can then you've never tried reading a novel on an LCD display. I tried on my iPhone and my netbook. It hurts your eyes. I'd still rather have an e-book reader AND a netbook/tablet.

But IMHO I think there's potential for the iPad.

1. Think of the musical possibilities for developers. Right now the ipod/iphone don't offer a big enough screen to really do much on. But now with the ipad you can sample music/play piano/almost could use it as a DJing device. If any of you are familier with the Japanese Tenorion, there could be some awesome Tenorion apps. (like Melodica but better)

2. It really works well as a way to show clients photos/videos on the go. You can pass it around much easier than a laptop/netbook.

3. Same built in GPS as the iPhone. I imagine for people who complain about the iphone being too small for an efficient GPS device the ipad could really take over in that field.

4. As much as i don't want to admit it, you can read on an LCD display. Just not for extended periods of time. For reading newspaper/short articles it's much easier to just pick up and read than a laptop. e-book readers still win out for extended novel reading.

5. That case looks really cool. Don't know about the keyboard though. Or if you could really carry it around with you.

[Edited on January 27, 2010 at 8:47 PM. Reason : s]

1/27/2010 8:33:12 PM

All American
10491 Posts
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Quote :
As Lowjack said in another thread...

Quote :
1. Nerds fume in disgust over version 1.
2. The rest of the world will lap it up because they doesn't give a fuck about GSM vs CDMA.
3. Apple will address nerd complaints in later versions, as economics justify further developments.
4. Nerds grudgingly succumb to the Apple juggernaut.
5. Steve Jobs drops LSD with above average hookers"

I stand by my iphone post with this device, but I add more better grammar. I'm not sure I can use it, yet, but videos of people using it look sexy as shit.

I was hoping for that front facing camera, voice control, and carrier competition. I also wanted to see more things to unify my media from many sources -- hulu, downloaded, purchased video from itunes, slingbox?

iPad is by far much better to use than a netbook while sitting on the can. With the tomtom app, it's also the best car nav.

[Edited on January 27, 2010 at 9:01 PM. Reason : .]

1/27/2010 8:55:23 PM

All American
8112 Posts
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scratch that

do want

[Edited on January 27, 2010 at 9:15 PM. Reason : c]

1/27/2010 8:56:46 PM

All American
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1/27/2010 8:58:17 PM

All American
27023 Posts
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Just played with the simulator briefly. Pretty neat interface.

1/27/2010 9:11:43 PM

25063 Posts
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this may very well replace my car pc

1/27/2010 9:14:38 PM

476 Posts
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My Apple enthusiast friends are already "defending" the iPad's shortcomings saying:

"It's not about the first iteration....look at the evolution of the iPod!"

I do not think it lived quite up to the hype, but that's just me.

1/27/2010 9:17:03 PM

All American
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Quote :
"My Apple enthusiast friends are already "defending" the iPad's shortcomings saying:

"It's not about the first iteration....look at the evolution of the iPod!"

I do not think it lived quite up to the hype, but that's just me."

I think its because the hype was completely off and no one knew what to expect. Most blogs I saw were speculating that it would be some sort of revolutionized tablet PC or netbook, it was none of these things. One blog (can't remember which) that I read said they were going to create a new product and market, which in my opinion is exactly what apple did with the iPad.

1/27/2010 9:21:04 PM

476 Posts
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^ Well it certainly does seem to be one of its kind. It doesn't fit into the portable devices: pdas, music players, phones. And it's not exactly a netbook/laptop. So I guess it is new in that way. I was surprised at the price. I figured Apple would jack the price up sky high.

1/27/2010 9:27:18 PM

All American
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Apple has been lowering their prices over the years. I'm not surprised its not sky high but I am surprised its this low.

1/27/2010 9:29:48 PM

All American
19842 Posts
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Quote :
"like what?"

As one example, the UI on Maps is atrocious when using it for directions. The "Previous"/"Next" buttons are half the size of the "Search" and "Directions" buttons on the bottom of the screen. They're the most important buttons on the screen when in the middle of trying to find a place and yet they're some of the smallest and hardest to tap without looking.

1/27/2010 9:35:28 PM

All American
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^I don't see that at all. I think they're button placement works. The google maps app is useless as a GPS app for other reasons but thats definitely not one of them.

1/27/2010 9:50:04 PM

All American
4763 Posts
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i think the ipad is incredibly underwhelming but they will sell a ton of them. i think subsequent versions and updates will make them pretty cool though.

as far as all the gripes posted in the iphone thread, it seems like most, if not all of the "deal breakers" were addressed and fixed

1/27/2010 9:53:08 PM

All American
11662 Posts
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these are what iWant, Tegra tablets:

1/27/2010 10:15:39 PM

All American
26447 Posts
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^looks dumb

1/27/2010 10:21:37 PM

All American
21806 Posts
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the iPad is the ultimate coffee table book replacement

and nothing more

except maybe a good navigator map for driving

1/27/2010 10:28:04 PM

All American
16417 Posts
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in for 1

1/27/2010 11:10:04 PM

Sup, B
52725 Posts
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Quote :
"ANd neither the iPod or the iPhone came to dominance because of marketing. They maintained dominance because of marketing, but each device swept their markets purely due to features."

you mean the same features that every other phone and mp3 player on the market had? oh, minus about half of the ones that the iPod and iPhone didn't have?

1/27/2010 11:38:26 PM

All American
27023 Posts
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^its not the bullet points on the box that makes it a good product or better than another. Its how you string them together and make them work that puts you ahead of everyone else.

1/27/2010 11:45:09 PM

Sup, B
52725 Posts
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true. but if you don't have much in the way of bullet points to begin with, then... well, you get the picture

1/27/2010 11:47:07 PM

All American
8704 Posts
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i agree with most of the arguments about it being underwhelming

but at a $499 price point for the base model I think its a great device....

if this was going for $1k+ I'd be laughing my ass off. But at this price point they'll sell a shit load

1/27/2010 11:50:10 PM

All American
4279 Posts
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I will probably end up with one, as I enjoy surfing the web/reading reports, but seldom do more than that on a trip somewhere. 10 inch touch interface coupled with 10 hour battery life on a 1.5lbs device sounds like a good match for what I do with my laptop most of the time, while being less cumbersome to use.

Another major consideration for me when looking at buying a laptop/phone, how universal the chargers are. Currently practically everybody I know has at least an iPod, which means I can charge my iPhone anywhere, if need be. This was a major reason I stayed with Nokias for a long time, I could plug the phone in anywhere, as they had chargers compatible across multiple models and platforms, as well as decent market penetration. Anyway, the same is true for my Apple laptops, all MacBook magsafe chargers will plug into and charge all MacBook/Pros, to me a huge benefit, that'll carry over to the iPad.

I had a similar reaction at first to what most people are saying, but as a primary web surfing in the living room/music device, I will probably at least consider it...

1/28/2010 12:11:06 AM

All American
27142 Posts
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If you are trying to still on the couch and chill, holding this thing up to view it would be a pain. The screen of a laptop is adjustable and you can sit it in your lap easily.

1/28/2010 12:13:47 AM

All American
11577 Posts
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that's why they showed it sitting on your knees, but yeah there's a reason a laptop is free standing. Although it never phased Caption Picard. Padd!

[Edited on January 28, 2010 at 12:22 AM. Reason : s]

1/28/2010 12:22:11 AM

All American
26447 Posts
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I now see how this is useful.

The most common use for this is as a replacement for coming home from work, relaxing on the couch, and reading the news (back when there still were newspapers). When I am at home, the main things I use my computers (laptop, desktop) at home for are browsing, checking email, music, or chatting. This thing does the first 3 better than either my laptop, desktop, or iphone.

So, that covers 80% of my use cases right there.

Not only that, it's way better than the others for lounging. Using a laptop while sitting on the couch sucks ass. You are trapped with the thing on your lap, you have to hunch over to use it, and getting up and down is a pain in the ass (to go check something on the stove, do chore, pee, etc -- with a laptop, you have to worry about setting it down carefully, knocking it over, or hitting the screen). In fact, I usually set the laptop next to me on the couch and operate it with one hand while watching tv, eating, etc.

The fact that this is an appliance with instant-on would also make it the first place I go when I need to check something (site, email, map). Much easier to access this quickly rather than wake/startup the laptop or desktop, sit down in front of it, and launch the appropriate app.

So, it definitely has the potential to make my daily life more convenient. That is worth something to me, and this device is growing on me. I couldn't see why I would use it instead of my laptop or iphone, at first. There are other features I would like (along with making it lighter), but if it has the potential to be my main device for most of my home computer use, then it is valuable.

For the 90% of the population who aren't nerds, this is a slam dunk appliance to have. It just works, it does the most common computer activities really well, it's more convenient than a laptop while sitting on your couch watching TV. Very easy to imagine my parents and older people using this instead of their laptops.

(And I have a job, so I am at the point in my life where I will pay for convenience rather than waste my life dicking with pointless shit)

^^ has, exact opposite conclusion. I hate the laptop on the couch, though I do agree this could be lighter. I'm sure it will be when larger OLEDs come down in price.

[Edited on January 28, 2010 at 2:54 AM. Reason : .]

1/28/2010 2:47:46 AM

All American
31346 Posts
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Quote :
"but the problem with Apple is that they haven't done any of the hardware work to make the iPhone and its platform push the envelope."

You mean their Cortex ARM multi-core, all-on-die cpu/gpu/memory unit? The A4 is absolutely bleeding edge hardware. It's almost EXACTLY the same architecture as the Tegra2 chipset, except cheaper and arguably more energy efficient (with slightly lower 3d rendering performance).

Apple hasn't slouched at all on their hardware. The iPhone 3GS is a beast internally, and the iPad is another factor faster. Don't know if you've been paying attention to the analysts who have already been saying that ARM is going to stomp the Atom architecture in the appliance/low end markets.

Quote :
"JooJoo. Google it. Engadget had a full show and tell on it in early December. Fully functional device that runs on Linux/Android."

I had a lot of hope for the JooJoo. But, like pretty much every other Android device on the market today, it's woefully underpowered, has just adequate battery life and component quality, and the interface for it has lightyears to go before it's commercially viable, much less a best of breed product. So far I've yet to see a single Android device that isn't sluggish and patchworked together in terms of the experience. Motorola has by far created the best implementation, but even that is unintuitive, needlessly complex and inconsistent. Did I mention sluggish?

And Google has fucked themselves in the ass with the Nexus one. Other than Motorola, I don't see why any other handset manufacturer is going to continue using the platform. HTC has sole production of the hardware, so anyone else implementing Android is fighting both the platform and the 1st party manufacturer. This reeks of 3dfx.

This is classic analysis paralysis to me. The same shit happens every time a new market entry happens, Apple or not. and the same people are the ones buying it 9 months later. Anyone remember the iMac, or even better the eMac? CD player? Walkman? flash memory? LCD monitors? eBooks? webcams? netbooks?

And to your point on the Kindle, they've sold more than a million of the things. Which isn't the same ubiquity as, say, the iPhone, but it sure as hell isn't anything to scoff at. For an expensive niche device, selling a million units is pretty phenomenal.

1/28/2010 5:58:59 AM

All American
820 Posts
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^^ I agree with most of what you're saying. However, most people who'd buy this have already purchased a laptop and a smartphone which can do all of the things this can. I don't know why you'd pay for yet another gadget. I wouldn't anyway.

1/28/2010 7:44:18 AM

no u
103352 Posts
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when's the MS Courier going to be officially available?

1/28/2010 8:07:34 AM

All American
22025 Posts
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Quote :
"This is true, but if i'm out and all I'm going to do on my laptop is check email, surf the web, etc...isn't all that power overkill?

Rarely am I bringing my laptop out if I am just going to check mail, surf, and super basic stuff. If that is all I am doing, I am fine doing it on my phone as needed. I rarely go out places to sit around and just do that kind of stuff. If I am bringing my laptop with me, it is because I am doing something that I feel like I would still need/prefer my laptop for (Autocad, writing, editing tracked music etc.)

The writing I could possibly see with the use of a physical keyboard attachment, if they had something compatible with Word. (Since, even though touchscreens are nice, if I am straight typing for long periods of time, I prefer a physical keyboard). Sometimes I do go out and bring my laptop when I want to write but not be at home. However, that is not worth the price to me since carrying a laptop out with me in my bookbag is no hassle at all. Plus I have stuff like OneNote that I want to run while writing.

However, yes. For people that frequently bring their laptop out to wifi hotspots or coffee shops etc. and just surf, check email, etc., I agree they might not need all that power.

1/28/2010 8:33:34 AM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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I think it's a neat gadget that will sell well because the price point is right. This isn't going to be anywhere near as revolutionary though as the ipod was for digital media or the iphone was for smartphones.

I think there are some real annoyances though that need to be addressed that probably will happen down the road-- as was the case with the iphone.

1/28/2010 8:44:04 AM

5975 Posts
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Quote :
"but I am surprised its this low"

I was suprised as well. This actually makes it in the range of something I might buy.

I consider myself a techie/enthusiast, but I understand the place of this device. It would be a nice thing to have sitting in the den to be able to quickly look something up, chat, or check email.

I could also see myself laying in bed at night watching a movie or tv shows on it, without having to have my full size laptop laying next to me taking up space/being plugged in.

1/28/2010 9:08:53 AM

All American
16417 Posts
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until your friend on chat links you to youtube

1/28/2010 9:23:49 AM

All American
27023 Posts
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^it plays youtube videos.

1/28/2010 9:30:02 AM

All American
16417 Posts
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you want to comment on whats going on. you have 10" of screen real estate to do both.

1/28/2010 9:57:22 AM

All American
547 Posts
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if only they could have put th Mac OS on here instaed of the iPhone OS

1/28/2010 10:01:53 AM

All American
16417 Posts
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my previous post was on a 1366x768 netbook while watching the ipad video on the side (hosted on youtube) while asking an apple friend questions about it. i will say I did have to pause my mp3 playing to listen to jobs.

this netbook was 220$

I could see my parents using one of these to be honest.

[Edited on January 28, 2010 at 10:12 AM. Reason : .]

1/28/2010 10:07:13 AM

All American
13936 Posts
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^^ OS X isn't optimized at all for touch-based system.

This is exactly one of the reasons Windows-based tablets haven't taken off with the general public - because you're still just running windows, but with a stylus instead of a mouse. And this is also why Windows Mobile is crashing and burning as we speak, because it was designed over a decade ago to try to duplicate the Windows desktop experience on a small device. With the iPhone, Apple came out and said "this is ridiculous. we're not going to try to replicate OS X on a small screen. We need to build an OS that's specifically designed for small screens with touch input," and they've obviously followed up with the iPad

1/28/2010 10:19:26 AM

All American
11662 Posts
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I could see my parents using one of these to be honest.

Or anyone who's incompetent when it comes to technology. I mean let's be honest there's a lot of people that could use this. People who need something easy to use and no frills.

[Edited on January 28, 2010 at 10:50 AM. Reason : .]

1/28/2010 10:48:53 AM

All American
11792 Posts
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Quote :
"This is exactly one of the reasons Windows-based tablets haven't taken off with the general public - because you're still just running windows, but with a stylus instead of a mouse. And this is also why Windows Mobile is crashing and burning as we speak, because it was designed over a decade ago to try to duplicate the Windows desktop experience on a small device. With the iPhone, Apple came out and said "this is ridiculous. we're not going to try to replicate OS X on a small screen. We need to build an OS that's specifically designed for small screens with touch input," and they've obviously followed up with the iPad"


1/28/2010 10:53:08 AM

All American
2354 Posts
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^^True, but to call it a "magical and revolutionary" device? Hardly.

1/28/2010 11:05:25 AM

All American
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Quote :
"^^True, but to call it a "magical and revolutionary" device? Hardly."

but it is in a way for what it is. As someone already stated, most touch based PC's are basically running the same software as your standard PC. This is an OS built for the sole purpose of a touch interface, and after watching the videos of the thing in use the interface really is revolutionary.

1/28/2010 11:09:05 AM

All American
1044 Posts
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how is an OS built and utilized over 2 years ago still considered revolutionary? so they made a larger ipod touch with 3g capabilities... that is hardly "magical and revolutionary"

1/28/2010 11:27:48 AM

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