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All American
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I'm saying that my observation doesn't affect whether the team should be criticized.

There are 10,000 unmasked and unvaccinated people, at least, in the stands together.

Suspending any game for any covid reason among players is stupid in that context. It doesn't do anything but make the ncaa feel better.

6/26/2021 8:03:19 PM

All American
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I guess next y’all gonna tell me Clay Travis is wrong too?? He’s an international celebrity.

6/26/2021 8:39:48 PM

oh we back
25990 Posts
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I mean, clay Travis is usually wrong. So without reading that…yeah fuck him

6/26/2021 8:48:12 PM

Save TWW
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6/26/2021 9:02:46 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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6/26/2021 9:29:21 PM

Sup, B
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Absolute horse shit. If this were about player safety, they would have DQed us BEFORE the game yesterday, not after we almost still won. If this were about player safety, they would have been testing everyone. If this were about player safety, they would have played the whole tourney in a bubble. If this were about player safety, there wouldn't be 25k screaming fans, cheek to cheek, surrounding them. This is a fucking screw job.

6/26/2021 10:07:13 PM

All American
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Quote :
" I guess next y’all gonna tell me Clay Travis is wrong too?? He’s an international celebrity."

there aren’t enough eye rolls on the internet for this one

6/26/2021 10:51:06 PM

?? ????? ??
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I'm sure so.eone else has said it already, but since clearly some people didn't see or comprehend it, NCAA did not set the stadium rules, the city of Omaha did. NCAA can regulate the players, not the fans.

6/26/2021 11:09:54 PM

All American
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the people who are arguing otherwise don’t give a damn about facts

6/26/2021 11:13:01 PM

All American
3285 Posts
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Cue the "comprehensive list of NC State sh*t" thread

6/26/2021 11:14:26 PM

Sup, B
53293 Posts
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You are naive if you think the NCAA couldn't flex its muscle about the crowd. The more people there, the more money they make. Period.

6/26/2021 11:17:11 PM

play so hard
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Players are in much closer contact with each other than they are with the crowd tho right?

Or some of y'all wanna die on the "but what about catching foul balls near the crowd" hill?

6/26/2021 11:51:28 PM

All American
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The NCAA absolutely has the ability to control the stadium conditions.

They just chose not to do so.

They're just being arbitrary and absurd.

6/27/2021 12:55:53 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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I can think of some other people being arbitrary and absurd.

6/27/2021 3:47:36 AM

All American
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state got hosed. ncaa should have tested vandy's players too or nobody.. preferably nobody

[Edited on June 27, 2021 at 8:24 AM. Reason : s]

6/27/2021 8:22:28 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Maybe NC State's players infected Vandy.

6/27/2021 10:31:27 AM

All American
7528 Posts
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Quote :
"You are naive if you think the NCAA couldn't flex its muscle about the crowd. The more people there, the more money they make. Period."

Correct. The stadium covid policy explicitly states that mask/social distancing/etc. is up to the event organizer.

Quote :
"Or some of y'all wanna die on the "but what about catching foul balls near the crowd" hill?"

It's not just foul balls. Players were in regular contact with crowds before and after games signing autographs and such. No rules against that? Does the NCAA care about player safety or not?

The "thems the rules" crowd is starting to sound a hell of a lot like religious fundamentalists. It doesn't matter how fuckin dumb or arbitrary or inconsistent the rules are, we gotta follow them and fuck you if you point out how dumb or inconsistent the rules are. And yes, it's a damn shame that someone had to get fucked by them before it was clear how dumb they were. If the NCAA had any leadership or balls whatsoever, they would have applied some common sense to the situation instead of just defaulting to their rule book (which it is unclear if they even followed precisely here anyways).

The reality is that outdoor transmission of the virus is incredibly rare. Baseball isn't a contact sport. This is not a bubble environment and testing shouldn't have been done at all. Vaccinated players can test positive and potentially spread the virus so why the fuck are we not testing all vaccinated players again?

There is more than a little smoke coming from Giglio on twitter (who is usually pretty level-headed) that the Vandy coach had at least something to do with the whole fiasco too.

[Edited on June 27, 2021 at 11:36 AM. Reason : d]

6/27/2021 11:35:16 AM

All American
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Here's a Snapchat screenshot that's been floating around the internet in case some of yall haven't seen it. Old Row / someone online said it's from a State baseball player.

Definitely agree that the Vandy coach did this with no altruism or hopes of having a safe game.

It's worth noting that NCAA policy is to NOT test already vaccinated players, and that vaccinated players testing positive isn't surprising -- the point of the vaccine is to prevent hospitalize-able cases, not any transmission.

6/27/2021 11:40:10 AM

oh we back
25990 Posts
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Quote :
" Does the NCAA care about player safety or not? "

I mean, only insofar as it effects their bottom line and public perception. Otherwise no.

But that’s not anything new in any sport.

6/27/2021 12:13:31 PM

Sup, B
53293 Posts
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Remember when Trevor Lawrence got COVID and the entire Clemson football team had to forfeit a regular season game?

6/27/2021 12:54:45 PM

oh we back
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The fishy thing isn’t that clemson didn’t forfeit. It’s fishy that nobody else was out due to contact tracing in that game. But several teams did have games cancelled for positive tests and contact tracing, obviously.

They may not have counted as a forfeit but that’s because it wasn’t in the postseason.

VCU did forfeit a game in the NCAAT for it.

Also, the ncaa didn’t really have anything to do with the Lawrence/Clemson thing. Since it was a regular season game, I’m pretty sure they just went by ACC protocol.

[Edited on June 27, 2021 at 1:15 PM. Reason : A]

6/27/2021 1:14:49 PM

All American
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Quote :
" The reality is that outdoor transmission of the virus is incredibly rare. Baseball isn't a contact sport."

you’d have a point if teams spent 100% of their time outdoors, but they don’t

6/27/2021 1:21:15 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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What are we complaining about again? I want to know who to be angry at! Right now it's NC State players, coaches, administrators, and fans for being anti-science idiots.

6/27/2021 1:46:03 PM

Save TWW
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I think almost all the posters here agree the NCAA rules are contradictory at best and not at all transparent, but the time to complain was before you got burned.

If there were inconsistencies and changes, then sure sue them like crazy, but if they followed the written protocols then you should have done a better job of keeping the players bubbled or vaccinated.

6/27/2021 2:18:05 PM

All American
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certainly doesn’t help that the loudest Covid-deniers (and more than a few anti-vaxxers) are the ones who are hitching their wagon to this specific cause

they should’ve all gotten the vaccine. it’s as simple as that. everything else is just noise. they made their bed and now they gotta sleep in it.

there is no conspiracy against our athletic program

6/27/2021 2:30:09 PM

oh we back
25990 Posts
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Quote :
" there is no conspiracy against our athletic program"

As shocking as it is to some, this is true

6/27/2021 3:52:47 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
28601 Posts
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The anti-vax movement was actually created just to be part of the conspiracy against NC State

6/27/2021 3:55:59 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Anti-NC State conspiracy playing 4-D chess. Very convincing!

6/27/2021 4:08:15 PM

All American
28661 Posts
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Quote :
"NC State fans on twitter make me want to blow my brains out"

I mean, that's extreme, but yeah

6/27/2021 4:25:29 PM

Save TWW
38157 Posts
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Quote :
"The @NCStateBaseball Removal.

I spoke on the record with the #NCAA and with various sources inside the @NCStateBaseball program.

Here are the facts:

The timeline of events leading up to the NCAA’s decision to remove #NCState.


More from same guy, Kendall Rodgers. Disagrees with Giglio, or at least Giglio implications
Quote :
"Oh yeah, one more thing, in none of my reporting did the idea that Tim Corbin demanded anyone retested come up. That narrative needs to stop. Ridiculous."

[Edited on June 27, 2021 at 5:49 PM. Reason : E]

6/27/2021 5:23:23 PM

All American
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by far the best write up of the situation I’ve seen and more people need to read it

6/27/2021 6:46:41 PM

oh we back
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Yeah seems pretty straight forward and makes sense.

It’s a super shitty way to end the season. But seems like there was no reasonable alternative.

It’s not an anti-State conspiracy. It’s not a political stunt. It’s just shitty.

You can reasonably argue that it was handled poorly. But it doesn’t seem like the ncaa broke their own protocol or anything…which has been an accusation I’ve definitely seen on Twitter and probably in this thread too

[Edited on June 27, 2021 at 7:12 PM. Reason : a]

6/27/2021 7:07:19 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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People are mad because they tested vaccinated players, but it's written in the guidelines that is a possibility once there is considerable infection of unvaccinated. And 4 out of the travel party is imo a considerable number to come back positive in 1 day.

So it seems like Jarrett was patient 0 in this case and justice was his roommate.

6/27/2021 7:18:27 PM

oh we back
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6/27/2021 7:31:17 PM

All American
3288 Posts
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Quote :
"It’s not an anti-State conspiracy. It’s not a political stunt. It’s just shitty."

Enforcing rules like this on players when there are probably 100 to 1,000 active, unvaccinated, unmasked covid cases in the stands is a political stunt if there ever was one.

6/28/2021 10:28:19 AM

All American
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^^^ That's part of the issue here. 4 out of 13 positive cases on vaccinated individuals is statistically unlikely given what has been reported across the general population as a less than 1% that vaccinated individuals can contract the virus (hint: it's why transmission rates are going down). That seems to point to some faulty testing--particularly since those players were asymptomatic from everything I have read.

The other part of the d1baseball writeup that concerns me is this: "All of those unvaccinated members of the team were negative for COVID-19, including several prominent players on the roster. None of those players were able to return to the ballpark in time to enter the game." Some have alleged that they ran out of tests at the park and so had to drive somewhere to get tested. Presumably, had they tested negative in time, they could have played Friday. This is where I could reasonably see Corbin coming into the picture. If NCState asked for a doubleheader on Saturday so they could get their guys back,

Even by that writeup's timeline which seemed to be very NCAA friendly, NCState acted proactively and sent two more players to get tested who were showing symptoms. At some point, the whole team was tested due to the four positives and that was when the 4 vaccinated positives came up. The NCAA made the decision that with contact tracing, quarantines and such, NCstate wouldn't be able to field a team going forward. That seems to be the decision that many (including myself) are having trouble with. Even if you believe that the NCAA completely abided by protocols leading up to that moment (I am not as sure of that as some of you seem to be), it doesn't appear from anything I have read that there were protocols for what to do there. They were making a call. They claimed to make it under the advice of local health officials (which was later denied).

BTW, you don't have to believe that there is some vast NCstate conspiracy and still believe that NCstate got hosed here.

The NCAA has these rules so they can pretend they care about player safety while ignoring it any a myriad of other ways that might hurt their bottom line and then they get put in the awkward position of enforcing the dumb and inconsistent rules when something like this happens. At minimum, the NCAA is culpable in that context. IMO, there are a number of areas where it seems they could have done better even beyond not having arbitrary and inconsistent rules in the first place. None of that means anybody acted maliciously or in a way that is out to get NCstate. It could easily be chalked up to incompetence or simple fear of public backlash given the way the whole Covid and vaccination issue has gotten politicized.

6/28/2021 11:09:54 AM

oh we back
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Enforcing the rules as they were written isn’t a political stunt. Having State forfeit because we had 8 positives and multiple others in quarantine is not a political stunt. As I said before, I don’t think the ncaa truly cares about player safety. But that doesn’t make what happened a political stunt and certainly not some conspiracy to rob State of a chance at a title.

Quote :
" The NCAA has these rules so they can pretend they care about player safety while ignoring it any a myriad of other ways that might hurt their bottom line and then they get put in the awkward position of enforcing the dumb and inconsistent rules when something like this happens. At minimum, the NCAA is culpable in that context. IMO, there are a number of areas where it seems they could have done better even beyond not having arbitrary and inconsistent rules in the first place. None of that means anybody acted maliciously or in a way that is out to get NCstate."

I don’t really disagree with much this. But we had 8 positives, plus others out due to contact tracing (remember, you might not test positive for a few days after exposure). I guess I just don’t find it to be a total injustice that the team was sent home given the 8 positives plus others out due to contact tracing. I also agree it could’ve been handled much better. But that still doesn’t change the fact that it was determined we didn’t have enough bodies to continue.

[Edited on June 28, 2021 at 11:20 AM. Reason : A]

6/28/2021 11:10:10 AM

All American
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It's a political stunt / stupid arbitrary meaningless posturing (is that phrase better?) to have rigorous testing requirements to play in front of 100 to 1,000 active, unmasked, unvaccinated covid cases.

6/28/2021 11:12:14 AM

All American
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A 0.4% case rate in the attending population would yield 100 unmasked, unvaccinated active cases in a crowd of 25,000. It could be 4%. It could be 0.2%.

Any number in the crowd will dwarf whatever problem they're allegedly trying to stop among the players.

It's not about safety for anyone.

6/28/2021 11:15:10 AM

oh we back
25990 Posts
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Sure, but the enforcement of the rules (ie, sending State home after having 8 positives and others in quarantine) isn’t a political stunt.

6/28/2021 11:21:51 AM

All American
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The enforcement itself wasn't the stunt.

The existence of the rules was the stunt.

But enforcement of rules is a consequence of their existence. Therefore, if existence of the rules is a stunt, then enforcement is included as part of the stunt.

6/28/2021 11:23:45 AM

play so hard
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6/28/2021 11:57:01 AM

oh we back
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Yeah I’m not gonna keep arguing this.

6/28/2021 12:29:27 PM

All American
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Hundreds of active, unvaccinated, unmasked cases in the stands and the NCAA advertises it as a good thing, while sending NC State home.

6/28/2021 12:30:56 PM

Save TWW
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I don't know, seems like if I knew not getting vaccinated could put me and my team at risk for DQ bc of rules I've known about, I'd just get vaccinated.

Also zero chance ncaa was happy about the outcome, nothing but bad press

6/28/2021 12:43:13 PM

All American
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This is the sketchiest part of it all, taken from the AP News article. (Probably been discussed already, but this is just blatant lying by the NCAA).

Quote :
"“This decision was made based on the recommendation of the Championship Medical Team and the Douglas County Health Department,” the NCAA said in a statement. “As a result, Vanderbilt will advance to the CWS Finals. ...

Douglas County Health Department spokesman Phil Rooney said the health department did not recommend NC State’s removal but told the NCAA the department would support whatever decision the NCAA made.

Rooney said the health department provides assistance to the NCAA in testing and contact tracing but is limited in mandating procedures related to COVID-19 because there is no local directed health measure in effect."

[Edited on June 28, 2021 at 12:51 PM. Reason : ]

6/28/2021 12:48:08 PM

play so hard
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So this is 100% NCAA hosing us and 0% players hosing themselves?

[Edited on June 28, 2021 at 12:54 PM. Reason : Just heard Vandy required their travelling party to get vaxxed]

6/28/2021 12:51:12 PM

All American
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It can be both. Considering it was four vaccinated players testing positive that ultimately did us in, I'm not sure how much blame can really be put on the team.

You can say the entire team should've been vaccinated, and I agree to an extent. But from what I read, the ones who weren't were simply waiting until the season was over to get their vaccine for fear of it affecting their performance. I'm sure they heard all the horror stories about the vaccine kicking people's ass. I had to miss two days of work after getting the J&J vaccine, and I work from home. Can't imagine trying to play d1 baseball.

6/28/2021 1:02:08 PM

Not an alcoholic
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I don't know how you know that they're just waiting.. I mean it makes sense, but you'd also think missing a random midweek game would be better than potentially getting kicked out of the cws.. Could definitely see some dumbass kids thinking they just don't need the vaccine at all

6/28/2021 1:09:18 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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This may be splitting hairs, but declaring no contest based on the recommendation of the Douglas County Health Department doesn't necessarily mean that the Douglas County Health Department recommended that no contest be declared.

6/28/2021 1:25:37 PM

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