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All American
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Quote :
"Did Kennedy have a grandparent when he was elected?"

I'm pretty sure he had a grandmother living.. though that is just pulled out of my ass off hand knowledge.

11/3/2008 5:13:08 PM

All American
3507 Posts
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life can be cruel sometimes...couldn't cancer just wait 24 more hours so she could at least see how this played out for her grandson?

11/3/2008 5:22:51 PM

All American
4550 Posts
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i am a runner/poll observer for the Obama campaign in Cracky Mount tomorrow.

it's gonna suck driving from raleigh to cracky mount at 5 am tomorrow.

Never again volunteering myself.


11/3/2008 5:24:43 PM

All American
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i'm waiting for Faux News and/or their like-minded flunkies in the blogger community to question the authenticity of Obama's grandmother death, and suggest that it was a political stunt to gain more votes.


11/3/2008 5:27:25 PM

Sup, B
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I think she actually died in kenya. I'm just sayin...

BTW, maybe she died a day early so that she wouldn't have to bear the stinging pain of an Obama loss. That's what Faux News told me

11/3/2008 5:30:15 PM

All American
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you're such a turd.

11/3/2008 5:32:05 PM

Sup, B
52748 Posts
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you're a giant douche

11/3/2008 5:33:28 PM

All American
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11/3/2008 5:38:30 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I think she actually died in kenya. I'm just sayin... BTW, maybe she died a day early so that she wouldn't have to bear the stinging pain of an Obama loss. That's what Faux News told me"

I hate to attack personally on this board but you're pathetic.

[Edited on November 3, 2008 at 6:00 PM. Reason : -]

11/3/2008 5:59:33 PM

Sup, B
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i was totally serial, too

11/3/2008 6:14:08 PM

All American
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I just saw Obama live in Charlotte - he definitely busted a couple tears - weird though b/c his voice never trembled.

(when talking about his grandmother)

11/3/2008 6:42:32 PM

All American
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I bet the liberal media wouldn't be reporting this if it was McCain's mom that died.

11/3/2008 7:38:56 PM

All American
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regarding obama's grandmother, where are the conspiracy theories and speculation? i'm surprised i haven't seen/read anything yet.

11/3/2008 7:42:14 PM

All American
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It takes a while to disseminate to the less-crazy areas of the internets. The tubes are only so wide.

11/3/2008 7:44:58 PM

supple anteater
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has Obama's event in Charlotte ended yet? anyone have pictures of video?

11/3/2008 8:06:23 PM

Tom Joad
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11/3/2008 8:22:32 PM

All American
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Olbermann just made a good point that SNL spent more time on HIM than anyone else the SNL before the election!


He seems flattered

11/3/2008 8:40:27 PM

All American
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has hooksaw retreated to his bunker yet?

party's over.

11/3/2008 9:22:39 PM

All American
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My house has been hit 3 times this weekend by Obama-freaks. And I've thrown away 2 door knob flyers that were placed there when I wasn't home. So, just tonight...

Dude: (In European/French accent) "Did you vote yet?"
Me: "Yes, I did"
Dude: "Great, then do we have your vote!"
Me: "Well, I voted third party"
Dude: "Oh I see, can I convince you to support Obama"
Me: "I already voted"
Dude: "Ok, I see. Vote Obama!" (as he runs off to the next house)

I don't think he heard anything I said. Too high on Obama madness

11/3/2008 10:39:59 PM

All American
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11/3/2008 10:41:01 PM

All American
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11/3/2008 10:46:07 PM

All American
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good god, these people are scary.....

(btw - not another "maccain rally" video. it's the election officials in Philadelphia)

[Edited on November 3, 2008 at 11:31 PM. Reason : .]

11/3/2008 11:31:08 PM

All American
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On average, a solid majority at 51.6% of likely voters are behind Obama. Bush only had an average of 48.9% in 04.

11/3/2008 11:35:57 PM

The Stubby
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it's not over till it's over

11/3/2008 11:54:39 PM

All American
2588 Posts
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Quote :
"good god, these people are scary.....

(btw - not another "maccain rally" video. it's the election officials in Philadelphia)"

That woman is scary as fuck looking. She is also a moron.

11/4/2008 12:02:15 AM

All American
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Polls showing McCain leading in Florida, Ohio, and NC now.....might not be the blowout everyone expected.

11/4/2008 12:49:07 AM

All American
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plz to show those polls

11/4/2008 1:00:54 AM

All American
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11/4/2008 1:08:33 AM

All American
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I'm puzzled as to why several state polls have moved back towards McCain over the past couple weeks.

11/4/2008 1:13:23 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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I'm going to post in here as opposed to following through with my original idea, starting a thread entitled "No matter what happens today..." in part because it would be redundant, and in part because my starting a thread is like a death sentence for the thing.

For the first time since I can remember -- in fact, for the first time in a long time since I've known about elections -- I'm not going to be upset tomorrow over the outcome of the presidential election.

In spite of the points on which I disagree with Barack Obama, I won't lose a lot of sleep if he ends up on top (as it seems he probably will). I intend to vote for McCain because I think that, in the end, he will not merely be an extension of the Bush presidency, and because he has a chance at reforming the Republican party from within rather than without. Regardless of what the past eight years have done, I still see the GOP as the best conduit for pragmatism and realism over idealism.

That said, I think that Barack Obama is a reasonable enough individual who will not do too much wrong, and who in the process of running and winning can bring record numbers of individuals into the electoral process who have too long been left out, and who, besides, can bring such vigor to the same as we have not seen in our lifetimes. I'm not an idiot -- I realize that a sudden influx of new voters is overwhelmingly bad for the Republican party. Hopefully that effect, too, can bring change to the party with which I have allied myself these past years. And hopefully yet again, that change can bring the party more in line with America as a whole rather than with American religious fundamentalists.

I'll be very upset if Elizabeth Dole wins. Having met the woman, corresponded with her, and followed her campaign, I couldn't possibly support her in good conscience. I'll be equally upset if that vestigial apparatus of the NC Democratic Party called Bev Perdue wins. But as far as the Presidential election is concerned, I am, for once, complacent going into the voting booth tomorrow. I won't have an aneurysm one way or the other, and honestly, that's enough for me to be grateful.

11/4/2008 1:54:59 AM

All American
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everyone just forget about this election

there are more pressing issues

[Edited on November 4, 2008 at 3:51 AM. Reason : keanu reeves doesn't owe photographer anything!!!!]

11/4/2008 3:51:19 AM

All American
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Look, I have no problem with people who vote republican, as long as they are doing it because they truly believe in conservative policies. If you believe in a small federal government, by all means vote for McCain. Obama's health policies are clearly big government ideas. If you are vehemently against abortion, vote for McCain. Think taxing people sucks? Dear god, don't vote for Obama

However, if you're voting based on menial religious issues, or the fear mongering hate speech that has been promoted by the republican party this election, then I frankly think you suck. If anything good comes out of this election, I hope both parties abandon that style of campaigning for good.

11/4/2008 7:41:16 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I hope both parties abandon that style of campaigning for good."

you are gonna be hoping for a long damn time brother

11/4/2008 7:54:35 AM

All American
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"I'm gonna takes more of [the oil company's] revenues and share it when the people of the State of Florida"
- John McCain, Florida, November 3


11/4/2008 8:18:39 AM

All American
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^I thought we'd been over this before... most presidents for quite a while now have been socialist to some degree.

11/4/2008 8:37:25 AM

All American
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yeah, that's fine with me.
Just curious that McCain has been slamming Obama for weeks now as being a socialist because he wants to raise the highest tax bracket a couple percent, but then 1) his running mate redistributes as much oil wealth as possible in Alaska, and 2) he comes right out and says the exact same thing that he's been hammering on Obama for.

11/4/2008 8:48:39 AM

All American
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^Kind of like how he claims and other Republicans claim to be socially fiscally conservative, and then do things like support the bailout or other wasteful spending policies?

Yeah, lately politicians just kind of use words without remembering what they actually mean.

[Edited on November 4, 2008 at 9:04 AM. Reason : .]

11/4/2008 8:51:14 AM

All American
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Quote :
"However, if you're voting based on menial religious issues, or the fear mongering hate speech that has been promoted by the republican party this election, then I frankly think you suck. "

This is why i have never really had a problem with TKEshultz xtreme right wing GOP stance. At least he believes in the conservative platform for what it means and can articulate his viewpoint.

Many of your so called Republican conservatives living in the trailor park have to clue what they are talking about but sure do know they don't want the tax N spend liberals stealing their $9/hr paychecks

11/4/2008 8:55:39 AM

All American
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Quote :
"other Republicans claim to be socially conservative, and then do things like support the bailout or other wasteful spending policies"


being socially conservative has nothing to do with the bank bailouts or economic issues. I think you mean fiscal conservative.

Social Conservatism equals family values, anti-drugs, pro-life, etc
Truly I am turned off from the GOP platform on their emphasis of social conservatism versus fiscal conservatism.

11/4/2008 8:58:15 AM

All American
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^Did I say socially? Dang. Yeah, I meant fiscal. I also thought I posted fiscal, but apparently not.

11/4/2008 9:04:10 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Many of your so called Republican conservatives living in the trailor park have to clue what they are talking about but sure do know they don't want the tax N spend liberals stealing their $9/hr paychecks"

not arguing this

but how many so called Democrat liberals know anything more than the big bad rich republicans are making so much money and exploiting the poor pitiful lower and middle class with their rawr rawr i hate oil companies rawwwwrrrrrr

shit goes both ways, this holier than thou attitude on both sides is getting so old

11/4/2008 9:14:04 AM

All American
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Quote :
"shit goes both ways, this holier than thou stupid and willfully ignorant attitude on both sides is getting so old"

11/4/2008 9:16:05 AM

All American
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Quote :
"In spite of the points on which I disagree with Barack Obama, I won't lose a lot of sleep if he ends up on top (as it seems he probably will). I intend to vote for McCain because I think that, in the end, he will not merely be an extension of the Bush presidency, and because he has a chance at reforming the Republican party from within rather than without. Regardless of what the past eight years have done, I still see the GOP as the best conduit for pragmatism and realism over idealism."

I would lose sleep with Palin being in the whitehouse.

She's closer to the "inside the beltline" politicians than either McCain or Obama in her personality and tactics.

11/4/2008 11:04:12 AM

All American
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Quote :
"In spite of the points on which I disagree with Barack Obama, I won't lose a lot of sleep if he ends up on top"

I'm glad you are able to view this rationally, but I hope you can help spread some of your rationalism to your fellow Conservatives.

I have heard too many people (my own family members included) who are "scared to death" of an Obama presidency. These are not people like you who are able to objectively look at the positions and policies of both candidates, but instead are simple ideologues. Needless to say, they are almost all Christian Fundamentalists too. So many people think that Obama literally wants to turn the US into a "Muslim nation", or literally wants to gather up all the guns in the country, or literally wants to suppress white people. It's ridiculousness that goes far beyond differences in ideologies.

11/4/2008 11:15:17 AM

All American
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Quote :
"but how many so called Democrat liberals know anything more than the big bad rich republicans are making so much money and exploiting the poor pitiful lower and middle class with their rawr rawr i hate oil companies rawwwwrrrrrr

agree; but my position exposes me to more of the former than the latter.

11/4/2008 11:17:55 AM

All American
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McCain has lost far too much integrity during this campaign for me to ever consider voting for him. Back when he was running against the other Republicans I thought he might have a chance to get my vote, but after seeing how much he'll give up everything he believes in, I couldn't possibly have voted for him. Palin was the straw that broke the camel's back.

11/4/2008 11:18:46 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Who are we gonna elect? Barack Obama!

Who's the next president? Barack Obama!

Who is our hero? Barack Obama!

Who is going to lead us out of poverty? Barack Obama!

Who is going to save the United States of America? Barack Obama!

Who is going to save the entire world? Barack Obama!

And who do we love? Barack Obama!"

11/4/2008 11:18:49 AM

All American
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Palin really was the nail in the coffin for me for any support of McCain I might have had. His age is clearly a factor and although I wish no ill of the man being president is a very stressful job and does take a toll on the body and mind. I just can not fathom turning over the reins to Oliver Cromwell incarnate. I, too, hoped that McCain would be a Chester Arthur and actually do what is right for the country instead of what is right for his party.

I still retain hopes of a socially liberal, fiscally moderate to conservative, pro-environment candidate. Hey, I can dream can't I?

11/4/2008 11:31:43 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Once upon a time, there was a charismatic and eloquent leader who decided his nation needed a change and he was the one to implement it. The people were receptive and ready for a change. He spoke passionately when denouncing the existing system and the press loved him.

Nobody questioned what he believed in or who his friends were. He would help the poor and bring free medical care and education to all. He would bring justice and equality. He said, 'I am for hope and change, and will bring you both.'

Nobody bothered to ask about the change, so by the time the executioner's guns went silent, all guns had been confiscated. When everyone was finally equal, they were equally poor, hungry, and miserable. Their free education was worthless. When the change was fully implemented, the country had been reduced to Third World status. More than a million people fled in small boats and rafts.

The charismatic young leader was Fidel Castro; the nation, Cuba.

The citizens of the United States would never fall for a charismatic, eloquent leader who promises hope and change without asking, 'What change, and how much will it cost us?'

Would we?"

How do you even respond to people who are so stupid?

It's like they never took a civics class

11/4/2008 11:39:53 AM

All American
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^ Someone I know posted a McCain rant (not anywhere NEAR as bad as that though), and I just posted some graphs showing they were obviously wrong, and other people then joined in.

I would just point out that Obama isn't offering free health care or education, and doesn't want to take peoples' guns. And also point out Cuba is poor largely because of the embargoes against them.

And finally, "hope" hasn't become a bad thing until this election, prior to that it was known to be a positive motivating force for people to have in their lives.

11/4/2008 11:47:12 AM

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