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26780 Posts
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Just watched s2 over 48 hrs

episodes are like lays chips

i will post *rumors* about the general plot of s5 here. yes its a little early but its the best show on tv.

Quote :
"'The Chinese Government has learned that Jack is still alive and they know his suspicious death was an elaborate hoax. (It's looking more and more like the season five prequel will deal with how the Chinese learn of Jack's resurrection.) U.S. intelligence assets have covertly confirmed the Chinese claims and an international incident is imminent. In order to suppress the diplomatic damage, elements within the U.S. Government begin to set a plan in motion that will contain the situation.

The plan calls for the immediate assassinations of every single person who knows that Jack Bauer is still alive as well as the assassination of Jack'

Basically meaning Michelle, Tony and Chloe as well as Palmer will have to work together with Jack to avoid almost certain death. It's looking more and more likely that season 5 might be the best yet- and i said the same thing bout season 4."

they claim thats a spoiler, but since the scripts arent even written yet, its obviously at the most just something the writters are toying with. lots of rumors about the death of a main character, like tony/palmer is episode one.

post ideas about what you want to see in s5 here

[Edited on July 6, 2005 at 3:22 AM. Reason : 6 months to go]

7/6/2005 3:07:00 AM

All American
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That sounds awesome.

Also to fuel the fire, the tv man-god David Fury has been hired as a producer/writer for season 5. David Fury: the scripter of more Buffyverse scripts than anyone on the planet, save Buffy/Angel creator, television genius, maker of the funny, and legionaire of the fan legions, Joss Whedon. David Fury wrote for the first season of Lost and penned what many believe to be its finest episodes. Most recently, David Fury was brought on to write for the last six episodes off the really swell and disturbingly disturbing Fox crime drama, the Inside. Episode hich, most likely, you will never see.

[Edited on July 6, 2005 at 3:43 PM. Reason : apostrophe demon]

7/6/2005 3:42:30 PM

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Quote :
"David Fury wrote for the first season of Lost and penned what many believe to be its finest episodes."

cool. i hope that best ep we're ttalkin about is 'walkabout' where you find out locke was in a wheel chair. that episode was more moving then most movies.

but its interesting that a whole new writter is gonna do the season. things are going to be taking in a whole new direction i guess. risky. the writters did a good job with s4 it just seems like they cant come up with anything new.

i think someone should give the writters a new plot arc and let them fill in the details

7/6/2005 10:45:25 PM

All American
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TV shows are generally written by a groups of writers, individual episodes are given to specific people to write, but the story is "broken" in the writer's room as everyone who isn't off writing their assigned episode sits around and throws around ideas.

7/6/2005 11:24:08 PM

26780 Posts
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^ ok; so youre saying this guy probably isnt going to write every episode?

7/6/2005 11:57:14 PM

All American
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Yep, not every episode. That is 1100 script pages, give or take. One hell of a work load. What I am saying, however, is that he will be present for the breaking of a lot of the episodes with the other writers.

7/7/2005 12:01:22 AM

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ok. hes seems like a good fit. lost was all about the mystery and no pay off, 24 is all about the pay off, so i hope he delivers. one things for sure, it will end with a cliff hanger.

7/7/2005 12:05:17 AM

All American
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Why would it end with a cliffhanger? No season of 24 has ended with a cliffhanger.

7/7/2005 1:45:56 AM

All American
792 Posts
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Lock this up!

Existing thread...

7/7/2005 2:44:43 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Why would it end with a cliffhanger? No season of 24 has ended with a cliffhanger."

season 2 did, they just didnt follow up with it in season 3

7/7/2005 3:00:27 AM

All American
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^^ Dump that other thread, this one is far more informative and way more likely to inspire legitimate conversation.

7/7/2005 10:25:51 AM

26780 Posts
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this is gonna have so many bumps ....


7/10/2005 11:12:38 PM

All American
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can someone summarize what happened in seasons 2-4?

7/10/2005 11:29:38 PM

All American
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It will take 3 days.

7/10/2005 11:50:26 PM

6745 Posts
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^^haha, thats actually kinda funny.

7/10/2005 11:53:26 PM

All American
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ok, what happened in 2-4 that's pertinent, like:

who died, who's bad/good, etc

7/10/2005 11:54:50 PM

All American
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just saw season 3 over the weekends. probably start season 4 next week. so far season 3 has been my favorite. crazy twists

7/11/2005 12:22:49 AM

All American
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I watched seasons 1-3 only during the weekends over the course of 2 months this past spring. That show is ADDICTING

7/11/2005 1:24:51 AM

26780 Posts
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over the past week ive watched season 1 and 2

3 and 4 by the end of the month

7/11/2005 4:00:52 AM

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probably that caption could be made better

but the point remains.

7/12/2005 2:32:42 AM

26780 Posts
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8/2/2005 6:05:36 PM

All American
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five more months to go

8/2/2005 6:55:08 PM

All American
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me and my boyfriend have been watching season 3 the past couple of weeks. But they haven't had disc 5 in (the one closets to us has a defected disc and the other store doesn't have it in, and hasnt for the past week) it's frustrating because i want to finish it!

8/2/2005 7:17:05 PM

26780 Posts
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i have season 3 on my HD. im rewatching it.

^u could just rent that from blockbuster though

8/2/2005 9:44:55 PM

All American
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^i am renting it from blockbuster.

8/2/2005 11:54:54 PM

26780 Posts
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yea i didnt read that first part. blockbusters are on every street corner.

8/2/2005 11:59:57 PM

All American
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If Jack flees to Mexico, I hope Salma Hayek makes a cameo appearance. Damn that would be awesome.

8/3/2005 12:45:01 AM

26780 Posts
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we've done mexico

8/3/2005 12:46:50 AM

All American
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This sounds a lot better than season 4 did, if true.

8/3/2005 1:06:04 AM

All American
792 Posts
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Lock this up!

Existing thread...

8/3/2005 1:07:29 AM

All American
24675 Posts
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youre annoying as fuck

8/3/2005 1:17:00 PM

26780 Posts
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Quote :
"hes the best"

watching s3....there are so many good lines. but i gotta tell ya, chapelle death might be the best in the series, i cant wait

8/4/2005 12:10:20 AM

26780 Posts
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Quote :
"you can file a report with your comanding officer"

8/4/2005 10:46:42 PM

26780 Posts
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my thread should get favored becuase i am clearly a bigger 24 fan

i have every single episode on my hard drive. thats 30 GB

Quote :
"dont take it personaly, he doesnt talk much"


[Edited on August 5, 2005 at 10:19 PM. Reason : oh and my thread title says official. which makes this thread, OFFICIAL.]

8/5/2005 10:12:19 PM

26780 Posts
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Quote :

s3e17 quote:

Quote :
"no, no, no, no, no ... "

contains cast info:

Quote :
"Future seasons

24 has been officially renewed for two more seasons [3]. Season five will premiere in January 2006 and will presumably run over five months, similar to season four.

For season five, David Fury and Manny Coto are joining the crew as writers/executive producers. Kiefer Sutherland, Carlos Bernard, Roger Cross, James Morrison and Mary-Lynn Rajskub have all signed on for season five, according to various reports. In July 2005, Variety magazine reported that Jean Smart, Brady Corbet and Connie Britton have all joined the cast for the fifth season. Season 5 started filming on July 26, 2005.

In an interview with the cast and producers of 24 on the Charlie Rose Show it was said that the gap between seasons 4 and 5 will be shorter than the usual 18 month gap. Also, season 5 will be more directly affected by season 4 than other seasons have been by the preceding season.

Richard Marcinko, one of the founders of SEAL Team 6 and Red Cell, and novelist Vince Flynn, have been signed onto season 5 as story consultants."

[Edited on August 6, 2005 at 12:15 AM. Reason : S]

[Edited on August 6, 2005 at 12:16 AM. Reason : -]

8/6/2005 12:11:45 AM

26780 Posts
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Quote :
" oh...

of course you understand

youre the one thats gonna kill me "

that IS the quote of season 3. ok im done.

8/6/2005 12:56:51 AM

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8/6/2005 10:50:13 PM

All American
5160 Posts
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Quote :
"my thread should get favored becuase i am clearly a bigger 24 fan

i have every single episode on my hard drive. thats 30 GB"

A real 24 fan would have no need for the first three seasons on his hard drive since he has all 3 DVD sets in his collection.

8/7/2005 12:34:30 AM

26780 Posts
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^yes but i am poor

8/7/2005 12:39:36 AM

All American
2353 Posts
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not including my post, 7 outta the last 8 posts were made by the thread starter. this thread is on life support and should be declared *dead*.

8/7/2005 1:42:52 AM

All American
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I FINALLY got a hold of the last two discs of season 3. We watch 8 episodes tonight and now i'm finally done with it I can't wait till season 4 comes out on dvd so i can watch that one too.

8/7/2005 2:07:36 AM

26780 Posts
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the end of s3 is some great 24...chapelles death, the way they get sauders to crack

8/7/2005 2:35:42 AM

All American
8029 Posts
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24 blows

8/7/2005 12:39:10 PM

All American
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^^ yeah no kidding. I cried when chapelle died, not cause i like him but because it just sucked having to go out like that.

i watch a couple of episodes of season 4 so i know what it's about but i can't wait to watch the whole thing. Is chase in season 4? We saw some clips from it and didn't see chase or kim in any of them.

8/7/2005 3:17:06 PM

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^yes they actually are barely mentioned, its said they are in valencia

so... thats valencia california or spain -- ...we dont really know

basicaly i think the writters reconized how kim heavy the series has been, and has gave that a break for s4. dont expect to see them.

but the rumor mills are going crazy about those two for season five -- i think they are definitly going to be involved in season five. its just my personal speculation, but im thinking they are gonna gonna kill at least chase in season five, maybe kim.

there is a short prequel to s5 on the net -- aaron driscol fires jack for the drug history.

you can download the entire season 5 on the internet. its 8 GB -- HDTV rips. if you have rr and know how to torrent, i reccomend doing it. the download takes 3 days.

heres the torrent

[Edited on August 7, 2005 at 7:47 PM. Reason : -]

8/7/2005 7:41:25 PM

All American
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^yeah i have no idea how to do anything you just said.

i hope they don't kill off chase cause i really liked him. We saw the special features on season 3 discs about season 4 and how jack got fired for the drugs. That sucks.

8/7/2005 7:57:48 PM

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8/16/2005 3:39:17 PM

All American
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OMG....Samwise Gamgee alongside Jack Bauer!!!!!

8/26/2005 9:29:55 PM

26780 Posts
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Quote :
"LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) -
Sean Astin, who starred in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, is joining the cast of Fox's real-time drama "24," which will again kick off its season with four episodes screening on two consecutive nights.

Astin will portray a new addition to the Counter Terrorist Unit in the drama series, which stars
Kiefer Sutherland as agent Jack Bauer.

The fifth season will premiere with two episodes from 8-10 p.m. January 8, followed by two from 8-10 p.m. January 9 (the second episode January 9 will be the show's 100th). On January 16, the fifth hour of "24" will air in the show's regular 9 p.m. Monday slot.

The scheduling strategy is designed to let viewers watch an entire season on a weekly basis without repeats or pre-emptions.

Season 5 will pick up 18 months after the fourth season ended, with Jack presumably dead but actually living a new life with Diane (
Connie Britton) and her son Derek (Brady Corbet).
Jean Smart ("Frasier") is set to play first lady Martha Logan.

Astin is shooting Columbia Pictures' feature film "Click" opposite
Adam Sandler and
Kate Beckinsale and has wrapped the upcoming Lions Gate film "Borderland.""

[Edited on August 26, 2005 at 9:34 PM. Reason : =]

8/26/2005 9:31:40 PM

Pi Master
All American
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8/26/2005 10:25:02 PM

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