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9434 Posts
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Quote :

The military-industrial complex has the motive in this latest attrocity. Every major western government, including the British, has been caught red-handed carrying out bombings against their own people and blaming it on external enemies. It is mainstream news in Spain that the government was involved in the 3/11 bombing. The London 7/7 bombings are nothing different. Government ghouls are now all over television spreading the fear to encourage the people to submit to the war on terror."

Report: Israel Was Warned Ahead of First Blast

Israel Warned, Cover-up In Progress

British 'Terror Suspects' Were in Contact With MI5

UK Government has bombed itself before

FLASHBACK: Madrid Bombers Linked to Spanish Security Service (London Times article),,1150429,00.html

FLASHBACK: Madrid Bombers were "police informants" (BBC article)

7/7/2005 6:47:00 PM

All American
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damn, you're on the ball with these conspiracies

7/7/2005 6:49:44 PM

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7/7/2005 6:50:53 PM

Tom Joad
72767 Posts
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drudge had the thing up about the jews earlier this morning...suprised it took this long for the tinfoil to transmit

7/7/2005 6:53:12 PM

All American
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7/7/2005 6:57:33 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Report: Israel Was Warned Ahead of First Blast

This was later corrected to being warned after the first blast. If its all part of a massive conspiracy, why were the initial reports released at all?

Israel Warned, Cover-up In Progress

Why not just label this: "Initital reporting was inaccurate. Corrections = conspiracy"

British 'Terror Suspects' Were in Contact With MI5

They were told to leave the country. Later they were arrested. Technically I guess that is contact.

UK Government has bombed itself before

Most of this has been debunked in your 9/11 thread already.

FLASHBACK: Madrid Bombers Linked to Spanish Security Service


FLASHBACK: Madrid Bombers were "police informants"

As is often your tactic, you now present totally unrelated information in the hope that it will lend creedence to your wild accusations.

While you lack any sort of actual evidence, I'm sure that you'll post at least 3 pages of and links in this thread.

7/7/2005 7:00:30 PM

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hey someone thats more leet than me just start a new thread and make it load and in the thread so that way he doesn't have to cut and paste anymore

kinda like dakota_man's slashdot thread in tech talk

7/7/2005 7:03:02 PM

All American
2793 Posts
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can someone delete this guys account??

7/7/2005 7:03:17 PM

All American
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Do you ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, this was done by people who hate the British government for its actions instead of the British government itself?

I mean honestly, what makes more sense here, a hate filled organization carrying out bombing on a nation it considers an enemy, or the British government bombing its own citizens for "insert reason."

7/7/2005 7:12:49 PM

All American
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7/7/2005 7:17:21 PM

Shivan Bird
Football time
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I read the title and thought "This looks like something written by sal- (glances over) yep, that explains it."

7/7/2005 7:21:28 PM

39171 Posts
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Quote :
"hey someone thats more leet than me just start a new thread and make it load and in the thread so that way he doesn't have to cut and paste anymore

kinda like dakota_man's slashdot thread in tech talk"

seriously someone get on this

7/7/2005 7:25:03 PM

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Netanyahu Changed Plans Due To Warning

Quote :
"(Jerusalem-AP) July 7, 2005 - A senior Israeli official says British police told the Israeli Embassy in London minutes before Thursday's explosions that they had received warnings of possible terror attacks in the city.

Israel was holding an economic conference in a hotel over the subway stop where one of the blasts happened, but the official didn't say whether British police made any link to the meeting. Officials say Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was supposed to attend the conference, but in response to the warning, didn't leave his hotel to attend the meeting."

Netanyahu Warned In Advance - Israelis Knew

Quote :
"JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was on his way to a hotel near the scene of one of the London blasts Thursday when he received a call to stay put, the foreign minister said.

"After the first explosion, our finance minister received a request not to go anywhere," Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom told Israel Army Radio."

7/7/2005 11:49:14 PM

All American
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how does this prove that the bombings were commited by the government?

7/8/2005 12:04:25 AM

All American
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7/8/2005 12:06:28 AM

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The bombing of the London Underground was a false-flag operation designed to keep the West mired in war. Don't believe otherwise

Quote :

Unlike four years ago, however, I refuse to accept that the attack on London was anything less than a false-flag operation designed to enrage Western "civilization" against the Middle East. Why? Because there is no reason for "terrorist" groups to attack England. As recently as this week, the Ministry of Defense announced that plans were being drafted that would pull British armed forces from the quagmires in Iraq and Afghanistan. With the British effectively admitting they're throwing in the towel, the only motivation to stay could come from an attack that compels the forces to stay and fight "global terrorism."

Think about it. The attack only benefits empires desperate to maintain a foothold in the Middle East without further eroding public opinion. Will Parliament shrug their shoulders and push their soldiers into longer tours of duty because of this? Obviously it's too early to tell, but if that happens, insurgents and rebels will have lost more than they could have ever possibly gained in destroying part of the Underground.


As is the ever-present Israeli connection, a staple among false flag operations. Before today's attack, the Israeli Embassy in London was notified an attack was forthcoming. As a result, former Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu remained in his hotel room rather than head towards a nearby hotel where he was to address an economic summit."

7/8/2005 12:09:05 AM

All American
3174 Posts
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Quote :
""After the first explosion, our finance minister received a request not to go anywhere," Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom told Israel Army Radio."

Yes, b/c after a bomb goes off, we all want to go out and play. WTF, who the hell would go out and do anything after a bomb goes off near you. Jesus Christ dude. Remind me that if an attack happens here, I should go out to the site of the attack and have fun. Ladies and gentlemen, I think salisburyboy has officially gone beyond the deep end.

7/8/2005 12:13:23 AM

All American
9317 Posts
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theres a hammer and sickle in that eye


7/8/2005 12:13:52 AM

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Quote :
"Cui bono? Stupidity Versus Logic in the Latest “Terror” Attack

by Anthony Wade
July 7, 2005

Wow, al Qaeda must be the stupidest terrorists, no wait, stupidest people period, on this entire planet. Their purported goal is to shake the will of the western powers that have invaded Iraq, and to drive them out, no? Then can someone please explain to me the logic of the London bombings? No seriously, it is time to apply logic to these events. Please do not hand me the nonsense about these people being “killers” who do not apply logic. You do not become the number one terrorist organization without having some logic, no? We are expected to swallow that these people were smart enough to circumvent our billion dollar intelligence and air defense systems with box cutters, but they cannot play coherent cause-effect scenarios out in their mind prior to carrying out terrorist activities? I doubt that very much.

Just this week, it was reported that England had drafted plans to pull out their troops, gone, see you later, victory for al Qaeda, right? So we are to believe then that the orchestrated response to these plans was to blow up a double decker bus, in England."

Public support in the UK for the war in Iraq and for the Blair government was dropping to new lows just before this attack, and they were even drafting plans to pull their troops out of Iraq. WHO STANDS TO GAIN FROM THIS ATTACK? Oh, and let's not forget that the British people had been strongly resisting a National ID card plan. Let's see if that gets steamrolled into law here shortly.

7/8/2005 12:16:43 AM

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Report: Salisburyboy made obsolete

7/8/2005 12:16:52 AM

All American
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Convience is not evidence. You've got a motive here, but no evidence. I could come up with motives all day long. I could believe the government turns all the stoplights red when I'm late for work, but that doesn't mean it's true.

You can't blame everything that goes wrong on the Jewish-Communist-Feminist-Gay one world conspiracy.

7/8/2005 12:20:52 AM

All American
7167 Posts
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what would be the gov's motive for that?

7/8/2005 12:21:38 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Oh, and let's not forget that the British people had been strongly resisting a National ID card plan. Let's see if that gets steamrolled into law here shortly."

Can I hold you to that?

If it doesn't happen can I call you out for it and you can stop believing this load of crap?

7/8/2005 12:24:39 AM

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Quote :
"Britain failed to protect London even after Israel warned Britain of coming Al-Queda terror – inefficiency or conspiracy?

India Daily News Bureau
Jul. 7, 2005

Israel knew and warned United Kingdom of possible terror plots to disrupt life in London. But British authorities failed to respond accordingly to deter the attacks, according to an unconfirmed rumor circulating in intelligence circles. Israel is keeping quiet for the time being with a lot of pressure on them.

Fact of the matter is that British Authorities knew it is coming, warned the Israelis before the first bomb. The Associated Press reported July 7 that an anonymous source in the Israeli Foreign Ministry said Scotland Yard had warned the Israeli Embassy in London of possible terrorist attacks in the U.K. capital. The information reportedly was passed to the embassy minutes before the first bomb struck at 0851 London time. The Israeli Embassy promptly ordered Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to remain in his hotel on the morning of July 7. Netanyahu was scheduled to participate in an Israeli Investment Forum Conference at the Grand Eastern Hotel, located next to the Liverpool Street Tube station -- the first target in the series of bombings that hit London on July 7.

The biggest question of the day is British Authorities knew and protected Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, then why not common British citizens in London?"

7/8/2005 12:24:57 AM

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Quote :
"Terror warnings received before blasts

Associated Press
Thursday, July 07, 2005

JERUSALEM -- British police told the Israeli Embassy in London minutes before today's explosions that they had received warnings of possible terror attacks in the city.

Israel was holding an economic conference near the scene of one of the explosions.

Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was supposed to attend, but the attacks occurred before he arrived.

A senior Israeli official says just before the blasts, Scotland Yard called the security officer at the Israeli Embassy and said warnings of possible attacks had been received."

7/8/2005 12:31:20 AM

39171 Posts
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Report: Salisburyboy made obsolete

[Edited on July 8, 2005 at 12:38 AM. Reason : .]

7/8/2005 12:38:19 AM

All American
7023 Posts
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wow, not even 24 hours later and conspiracy bullshit makes its first appearance

7/8/2005 12:44:55 AM

All American
9166 Posts
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[Edited on July 8, 2005 at 9:46 AM. Reason : U GOT MAJOR ISSUES, I THINK IT'D BE BEST FOR U TO TALK WITH A SHRINK]

7/8/2005 9:45:42 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Salisburyboy, people might respect your opinion if you actually examined evidence and formed your own from time to time. Right now whenever a world event happens you try to connect it to some huge monological conspiracy theory, whether there is evidence or not. You ignore everything factual about it and instead focus on some coincidence within the event. Just like Terri Schiavo, Hunter S Thompson, Jeff Gannon, etc. etc.

Are you really in law school? If so, please be a trial attorney and let all of us come. I would love to see you try to pass off logic like this to a judge.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that my client was framed by a zionist conspiracy. The same conspiracy that legalized abortion, allows illegal immigration, committed the 9/11 attacks, faked the Cold War, sodomizes little boys in the white house, killed Hunter S Thompson because he knew too much, and killed Terri Schiavo to desensitize us to a world of government euthenasia."

[Edited on July 8, 2005 at 10:12 AM. Reason : The jews were aware of my spelling mistake before it happened. ]

7/8/2005 10:11:31 AM

All American
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7/8/2005 12:06:46 PM

All American
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7/8/2005 12:21:05 PM

All American
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The fact that you took the time to photoshop that makes you a loser.

7/8/2005 1:37:22 PM

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Quote :
"Phony 'Al-Qaeda' Responsibility Claim a Proven Hoax

Prison Planet | July 8 2005

With regard to the so-called claim of responsibility for the London bombings from an unknown Al-Qaeda group which the British government is treating as 'serious,' MSNBC reported,

MSNBC TV translator Jacob Keryakes, who said that a copy of the message was later posted on a secular Web site, noted that the claim of responsibility contained an error in one of the Quranic verses it cited. That suggests that the claim may be phony, he said.

"This is not something al-Qaida would do," he said.

Furthermore, the website posting doesn't even claim personal responsibility, it simply references "the heroic mujahedeen" in the third person. The posting praises the attack, it doesn't even take responsibility for it.

These facts didn't stop countless newspapers and Neo-Con websites automatically assuming Al-Qaeda (or Al-CIAda) was behind the attack."

7/8/2005 1:57:16 PM

All American
32719 Posts
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i like how that article contradicts itself


"this doesnt seem like something al-queda would do"

7/8/2005 2:01:37 PM

All American
9166 Posts
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^^ faggot

7/8/2005 2:05:57 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Quote :
"These facts didn't stop countless newspapers and Neo-Con conspiracy theory websites automatically assuming Al-Qaeda (or Al-CIAda) the NWO was behind the attack."

"If your only tool is a hammer, then every problem looks like a nail."

Similarly, by making some ridiculous theory your only way to explain all events, you will see all events as part of the ridiculous theory.

7/8/2005 2:09:47 PM

All American
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If the conspiracy is so grand salisburyboy, why aren't they after you?

7/8/2005 2:10:36 PM

All American
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They underestimate him

it's the luke skywalker complex

7/8/2005 2:11:24 PM

26647 Posts
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Quote :
""My first thought when I heard - just on a personal basis, when I heard there had been this attack and I saw the futures this morning, which were really in the tank, I thought, 'Hmmm, time to buy.'"
- Fox News's Brit Hume, 7/7/05 "

7/8/2005 3:24:19 PM

Mr. Joshua
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^ wrong thread

7/8/2005 3:31:59 PM

All American
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^^ Was watching a bit of an NCSU class on TV the other night and an economics professor said the same thing about when he was working and Reagan was shot (news initiallyreported as him being killed, not just wounded). The first thing popping into his mind was to buy because the market always tanks for 3 days following bad news, like an assassination attempt.

7/8/2005 4:18:51 PM

Sup, B
52741 Posts
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Quote :
"I read the title and thought "This looks like something written by sal- (glances over) yep, that explains it.""


7/8/2005 6:59:32 PM

Duh, Winning
62353 Posts
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youre right salisburyboy!!!

its a wonder adam and eve managed to get through life without bombing each other

7/8/2005 7:04:13 PM

All American
4550 Posts
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Quote :
"unconfirmed rumor "

That sounds pretty solid to me.

7/8/2005 8:08:03 PM

Pi Master
All American
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Quote :
"I read the title and thought "This looks like something written by sal- (glances over) yep, that explains it.""

Same here

7/8/2005 8:21:48 PM

3 of 11
All American
6276 Posts
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Funny I knew who posted this without looking at the name

infowars = Libertarian/Anarchist nutsack 'were all going to die/be taken over by a world government' bullshit.

[Edited on July 8, 2005 at 8:53 PM. Reason : "theres a sucker born every minute" was an optomistic prediction]

7/8/2005 8:49:51 PM

Sup, B
52741 Posts
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well, the caps lock on the thread title didn't help. The only thing that would have set it off more as a salisburyboy thread would have been lots of asterisks and hyphens

7/8/2005 10:36:44 PM

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Confusion and Contradiction: What Really Happened In London?

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"We have watched relentlessly as the official story has been pieced together, and this looks, smells and tastes like another government operation. Already, within hours, there are multiple inconsistencies and contradictions which must be highlighted now before they disappear down the memory hole."

7/9/2005 11:39:15 AM

All American
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you know they didn't know it was a plane that hit the WTC untill the second one got hit

7/9/2005 11:43:20 AM

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Israel Orders Officials Not To Speak To Media About Bombings

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"In the aftermath of the attacks, The Prime Minister's Office instructed Israeli officials not to give interviews to the foreign media."

Quote :
"Comment: An obvious desperare attempt to prevent any more damaging leaks about the fact that Netanyahu got the warning not to leave his hotel room."

7/9/2005 12:00:11 PM

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