quietflight0 All American 859 Posts user info edit post |
ok jus got a used palm pilot it comes with palm OS 4.0 , got a bunch of cool third party apps for it already and what I'm wondering is if it were to loose all its memory will hotsync restore everything? or will it only restore the basic palm stuff like address book memopad datebook etc.
if not does anyone know of any good freeware back up programs? 8/1/2005 12:55:44 PM
Mobileman Veteran 472 Posts user info edit post |
I think its going to restore only the ROM stuff after you reset/loose all battery power. But it does keep a backup on your computer and you should be able to restore almost everything (by hot-sync).
[Edited on August 1, 2005 at 1:09 PM. Reason : a] 8/1/2005 1:09:07 PM
darkone (\/) (;,,,;) (\/) 11612 Posts user info edit post |
The standard notsync will back up everything on your Palm. There's no need to get a third-party program. 8/1/2005 3:31:51 PM