appamali All American 4482 Posts user info edit post |
Anyone..... ? 8/15/2005 11:58:08 PM
JSnail All American 4844 Posts user info edit post |
yup...Dare County  8/16/2005 8:46:04 AM
abonorio All American 9344 Posts user info edit post |
I grew up in Morehead City.
That's almost too far east. 8/16/2005 9:45:17 AM
DA THRILL All American 1228 Posts user info edit post |
Yep, living in Greenville now. Are there any more State grads in Greenville? I've yet to find any. 8/16/2005 10:07:41 AM
abonorio All American 9344 Posts user info edit post |
You might find the pirate captain out that way. 8/16/2005 10:09:01 AM
JSnail All American 4844 Posts user info edit post |
^^^you can't get much further east than me though I think Frisco on Hatteras Island is about the most eastern part of NC!
^^I go to g'ville appx. once every week, give or take. 8/16/2005 10:15:43 AM
DA THRILL All American 1228 Posts user info edit post |
^What brings you to Greenville so much? 8/16/2005 10:23:36 AM
JSnail All American 4844 Posts user info edit post |
my district office is there...but I try not to go if I can b/c its 2.5 hours away  8/16/2005 11:06:33 AM
30thAnnZ Suspended 31803 Posts user info edit post |
i grew up east of beaufort in carteret county.
that's almost too far east. 8/16/2005 12:20:03 PM
Creaver All American 1193 Posts user info edit post |
Camden Here. 8/16/2005 1:32:33 PM
abonorio All American 9344 Posts user info edit post |
^^ Where at east of beaufort? Smyrna? Arapahoe?
Now, this is what I heard, maybe it's us westerners, but I heard that east of beaufort, the literacy rate is 40%.
probably rumor, but there are a lot of stupid klansman who live out there... like harker's island. 8/16/2005 1:36:14 PM
30thAnnZ Suspended 31803 Posts user info edit post |
look man, i grew up in Smyrna. my dad's from Harker's Island and i've spent as much time there as anywhere else down east.
the literacy rate is the same as it is anywhere else. and that includes morehead, AB, or anywhere else.
i have NEVER come across anybody who even claimed to be in the KKK, nor have i ever seen any evidence of it even existing down east.
so let's not start spewing uninformed stereotypes or i'll have to quote the stereo type for people who live in and west of beaufort: "they're all stuck up motherfuckers who act like their shit doesn't stink because they were born on the other side of that fucking bridge."
i know that isn't true, so i don't spout that shit.
[Edited on August 16, 2005 at 2:34 PM. Reason : *] 8/16/2005 2:34:18 PM
abonorio All American 9344 Posts user info edit post |
Hey man, calm down! It was playful at best. But I do hear those rumors and given that I go to beaufort and rarely have a reason to go east of there, I don't know.
The klan was planning a march down bay street in MHC my sophomore year at west carteret... which is heavily populated with black people... the city was in such an uproar about it that all the white people decided that they were going to go stand with the black people on bay street to protest.
The klan chickened out. There was gonna be some fightin.
From what I hear, Carteret County has a rather active kkk.
So we do have those folks, unfortunately, the west side of the bridge.
[Edited on August 16, 2005 at 2:49 PM. Reason : .] 8/16/2005 2:48:40 PM
30thAnnZ Suspended 31803 Posts user info edit post |
fuck you and your playful. 8/16/2005 7:40:55 PM
coppertop wolpfack! 1803 Posts user info edit post |
well went to HS in Benson, which is pretty much the begining of Eastern NC... and now live in Morehead City, so yeah... I'm down with E-NC 8/16/2005 8:39:29 PM
abonorio All American 9344 Posts user info edit post |
You live in MOrehead City? I wish I could go back! Where do you live? 8/17/2005 12:18:54 PM
appamali All American 4482 Posts user info edit post |
New Bern here... 8/17/2005 5:43:17 PM
bkfemme All American 11672 Posts user info edit post |
Went to school in Elizabethtown. My home is in Council.
Yaah Bladen County  8/17/2005 6:28:10 PM
PvtJoker All American 15000 Posts user info edit post |
Camden yo 8/17/2005 9:26:49 PM
jayesseff All American 1313 Posts user info edit post |
greenville 8/17/2005 9:31:45 PM
JWHWolf All American 3320 Posts user info edit post |
kure beach here.... work in wilmington 8/18/2005 10:40:44 AM
Jax883 All American 5562 Posts user info edit post |
Rodanthe. As far east as you can go without a boat. 8/18/2005 12:07:35 PM
JSnail All American 4844 Posts user info edit post |
no no silly...that's Frisco! you know, where the island pokes out and then pulls an almost 90 degree turn but you're definitely close!
...and I thought you were in Manteo?  8/18/2005 3:19:44 PM
Duck All American 4708 Posts user info edit post |
greenville sucks 8/18/2005 3:44:25 PM
coppertop wolpfack! 1803 Posts user info edit post |
abinorio I got a place near the HS on country club... those new condos they just built... morhead is nice... the new hooters is a plus for sure! 8/19/2005 3:09:58 PM
Pi Master All American 18151 Posts user info edit post |
Southeastern NC 8/19/2005 4:56:44 PM
dmmcleod New Recruit 33 Posts user info edit post |
southeastern nc Robeson County 8/19/2005 5:32:57 PM
Patman All American 5873 Posts user info edit post |
Snow Hill. 8/19/2005 10:39:57 PM
Woodfoot All American 60354 Posts user info edit post |
wilson, wilson county
reppin strong 8/19/2005 10:47:46 PM
Nighthawk All American 19640 Posts user info edit post |
Grew up in Roanoke Rapids. Live in Scotland Neck. Work in Ahoskie.
I got NE NC on lockdown. 8/20/2005 7:27:37 AM
Sweden All American 12297 Posts user info edit post |
You also have gay anal pleasure on lock down. 8/20/2005 7:46:17 AM
gossard All American 5638 Posts user info edit post |
That's true
[Edited on August 20, 2005 at 8:14 AM. Reason : Brian Clary told me] 8/20/2005 8:14:18 AM
Nighthawk All American 19640 Posts user info edit post |
OH WOW! I'VE BEEN BUSTED  8/20/2005 8:34:12 AM
abonorio All American 9344 Posts user info edit post |
coppertop: I lived right off of country club road when i was in high school (west carteret).
They have some new condos out there? It's been a while since I've been there... where did they build those?
I also heard about the hooters. I remember Morehead City when the McDonalds used to be next to the Pizza Hut, then it became a Chinese Restaurant, then an addition to the hospital. There used to be 3 choices for fast food: McDonalds, Burger King, or Bojangles.
Also, if you haven't already, hit up the El's drive-in restaurant just west of the hospital. It looks dirty as hell (and probably is) but holy God is it good. It's like Chargrill plus. 8/20/2005 4:15:06 PM
coppertop wolpfack! 1803 Posts user info edit post |
^ I am familiar with the ways of El... Yeah. I've been coming down here for years (like most from raleigh!) The new condos are across from country club apartments between glad tidings church and the elementrary school.
seems like everyone is close to country club! I remember when the McDonalds in AB would close for the offseason... It still gets slower when the 'Tour-ons' (tourist + moron) leave thankfully as traffic here is retarded right now 8/20/2005 4:44:08 PM
appamali All American 4482 Posts user info edit post |
Who was at the beach today?
[Edited on August 20, 2005 at 7:51 PM. Reason : asdf] 8/20/2005 7:51:35 PM
abonorio All American 9344 Posts user info edit post |
I used to work on the beach at the Sheraton and it would take me 45 minutes to get from the Sheraton to the AB Bridge during the summers, it was ridiculous. It was worse when the Bridges street extension wasn't there. Bridges used to end at the stoplight at the blockbuster. So hwy 70 was the only way to get from one side of the town to the other.
And I used to go to glad tidings too. Crazy they built condos out there, I can't even picture it. 8/21/2005 2:32:30 PM
coppertop wolpfack! 1803 Posts user info edit post |
That's funny, my girlfriend works front desk at the sheraton! 8/21/2005 7:13:47 PM
abonorio All American 9344 Posts user info edit post |
Ask her if she knows Dave Aleshire, he's the fella that runs the chairs and umbrellas (I used to work for him and a very good friend of mine). 8/21/2005 7:15:30 PM
mmpatel All American 1653 Posts user info edit post |
and the old Golden Corral building that turned into a Ragazzi's and then a Chuck-E-Cheese type joint is now a Culinary building for Carteret Community College... 8/22/2005 12:21:00 AM
abonorio All American 9344 Posts user info edit post |
Heeeey, Mital (this is kind of our thread). Have you seen those condos by the church on country club? I've yet to visit the hooters either  8/22/2005 4:53:03 PM
mmpatel All American 1653 Posts user info edit post |
I actually haven't been to the Hooter's yet...and haven't seen the new condos, but I'm going home this weekend, so I'll try to take pictures or something, hah 8/22/2005 8:48:25 PM
NutGrass All American 3695 Posts user info edit post |
grew up in Pollocksville now live in Trenton
both towns are in Jones County
thats between J-ville, Kinston, and New Bern for those who are unsure. 8/23/2005 3:06:38 PM
DA THRILL All American 1228 Posts user info edit post |
^where ya work at man? 8/23/2005 3:09:20 PM
NutGrass All American 3695 Posts user info edit post | in craven county 8/23/2005 3:15:15 PM
mmpatel All American 1653 Posts user info edit post |
^ where in Craven County...Havelock? Where do you work? 8/24/2005 10:05:47 AM
Lewizzle All American 14393 Posts user info edit post |
Wayne County! 8/24/2005 10:34:27 AM
Brian5NCSU Starting Lineup 58 Posts user info edit post |
Da Bern 8/24/2005 12:29:15 PM
mmpatel All American 1653 Posts user info edit post |
I'm heading home this weekend to Morehead City and Atlantic Beach this weekend, can't wait for the peace and quiet that is Morehead City 8/24/2005 12:41:52 PM
NutGrass All American 3695 Posts user info edit post |
^^^^i'm the asst. resident engineer the office is on glenburnie road in new bern the job takes me around carteret, jones, craven, pamlico, and parts of lenior
[Edited on August 24, 2005 at 3:41 PM. Reason : .] 8/24/2005 3:41:16 PM