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All American
3486 Posts
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microsoft announced the 2 prices.

$299 for the base version, and $399 for everything

Quote :

also, games are going to be $60 from now on.

8/17/2005 1:05:55 PM

All American
14628 Posts
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$60? wtf, $50 is bad enough. assholes

8/17/2005 1:09:50 PM

All American
8923 Posts
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might as well get the fucking $400 one

8/17/2005 1:11:43 PM

148893 Posts
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^^hopefully ESPN basketball games will still be mad cheaper than EA Sports

8/17/2005 1:11:59 PM

All American
14628 Posts
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i'm not tech savvy enough to use all the "multimedia" functions, so i might as well buy a new fucking computer

[Edited on August 17, 2005 at 1:14 PM. Reason : v]

8/17/2005 1:14:04 PM

148893 Posts
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Quote :
"Without a hard drive, the Xbox 360 will not be able to play any games from the current Xbox"

i guess that means

a. if you have the HDD you can play all your old XBox games (might've been covered in another XBOX 360 thread, but thats good)

b. if you only have memory units (who the hell) you cant...i dont get it

8/17/2005 1:15:25 PM

26780 Posts
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n64 games were 70-80

8/17/2005 1:28:49 PM

All American
14033 Posts
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Will definitely pre-order the $400 (if its possible to)

8/17/2005 1:38:41 PM

All American
9344 Posts
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Shit I remember buying Final Fantasy III for the SNES for $80.

And I'm definitley buying the $400 one as soon as humanly possible.

[Edited on August 17, 2005 at 1:49 PM. Reason : ]

8/17/2005 1:44:27 PM

4838 Posts
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^well, that was worth it

8/17/2005 1:45:04 PM

All American
30986 Posts
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damn that would be sweet if my internship hooked me up with one

8/17/2005 1:47:45 PM

All American
9344 Posts
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^^ You're damn straight it was. That is still the best game I've ever played.

8/17/2005 1:48:53 PM

All American
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Breakdown for the non-readers out there...

Base: $299
Everything: $399
wireless controller: $50
detachable 20 GB hard drive: $100 ( required to play old Xbox games)
headset: $20
component cables: $40
remote control: no listing
"Gamers who buy the $400 version of the system will also find their hard drives pre-loaded with music, gaming videos and more, though Microsoft declined to specifically say what it planned to include on the hard drive."

Faceplates: $20
Games: $60

8/17/2005 1:49:45 PM

All American
30986 Posts
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50 controller goddamn

8/17/2005 1:50:28 PM

All American
7040 Posts
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I hope this console gets destroyed by Revolution and PS3.

8/17/2005 1:51:57 PM

All American
9828 Posts
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^all you can do is hope i really doubt they will

8/17/2005 1:56:13 PM

All American
30986 Posts
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if ps3 is $500 like its rumored (or more) then i doubt it

hopefully this drops ps3 price (i can MAYBE do 300, 350 is pushing shit)

tho its new wave technology so i dont see price droppin

8/17/2005 1:59:07 PM

148893 Posts
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i fully expect PS3 to be the same price

8/17/2005 2:50:42 PM

All American
27124 Posts
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Nintendo has sucked balls since the N64...fuck them.

I'd really love this, but i dont spend enough time playing console games to drop $400 on a system (i wouldnt cheap out and buy the $300 one either)

8/17/2005 2:56:40 PM

All American
2200 Posts
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what does the $400 have that the $300 doesnt

8/17/2005 3:06:35 PM

All American
10141 Posts
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I'll buy one once somebody mods it.

Screw paying $60 a game.

^^ A Hard drive (20GB), a headset, and a remote control.

[Edited on August 17, 2005 at 3:16 PM. Reason : .]

8/17/2005 3:15:54 PM

All American
27292 Posts
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What N64 games were $70-80? The highest I remember seeing them were ~$50. But with a price that steep, the Revolution might to a lot better than expected since we know it's gonna be a lot cheaper.

8/17/2005 3:34:34 PM

All American
45553 Posts
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when TMNT 2: the Arcade game came out, it was 60 bucks

i was in 5th grade. only one kid in school had it

about a month or two later, it was down to 40, so most of us got it for christmas

8/17/2005 3:37:10 PM

All American
10406 Posts
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^^^you forgot the wireless controller...

I could give a shit about a wireless controller, remote control, or headset.
all you are really paying for is the hard drive.

In 2008 or 2009 when the new systems come out, you will have 3 options consisting of

Option 1: Console comes in parts, you must put together, wire, and build it... no controllers or games or any accessories, Price: $299.99

Option 2: Console comes put together, 1 cord controller with 3 feet of cord, no games, Price: $399.99

Option 3: The loaded package, console comes ready to play (except for cables and adapters), 1 wireless controller, nifty headset that 50% of people won't use, remote control (wow!), and no games included, however you can buy games for the low price of $70-80 bucks... Don't forget to go out and buy the cables and adapters to hook it to the TV...those are $49.99
Price of this package $499.99

I remember the day, it seems so distant, when consoles came with 2 controllers, you could save with what you had, all adapters and cables, and a GAME!

[Edited on August 17, 2005 at 3:44 PM. Reason : yep]

8/17/2005 3:41:09 PM

All American
9256 Posts
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I'm holding out for the Revolution, if I buy any of them at all. For $400 I could upgrade my PC instead and play much better games...

8/17/2005 3:54:52 PM

All American
1047 Posts
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they're really turning me off with those 50$ controllers and 60$ games. if i had a woody, that would have killed it.

8/17/2005 4:10:48 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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they priced the games that high to make the console that affordable

all their consoles are sold at a loss

they make it up in the games

8/17/2005 4:27:33 PM

148893 Posts
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just think though of all the money you will save...once you have the xbox 360 you will stay home playing it a lot, instead of going out drinking, you know, it all evens out

8/17/2005 4:27:53 PM

All American
557 Posts
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the games went up 60 cuz its apparently hellishly more work to make them now

8/17/2005 4:34:00 PM

All American
11945 Posts
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Shit, I remember commonly seeing SNES and Genesis games priced at $60-$80. What impressed me so much about the original Playstation was that Sony required game developers to drop to $20 at a certain point. These days, I rarely buy games at even the full $50--the vast majority of the time they just aren't worth that to me.

That being said, I already had no plans to get the Xbox 360, just like I never got an XBox. There just aren't any system-specific games that draw me in (Halo isn't enough) the way the Gamecube and PS2 did.

8/17/2005 4:35:20 PM

All American
18939 Posts
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$2.65 for gas?!


8/17/2005 4:44:46 PM

All American
27292 Posts
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Well on the bright side, there will always be EB, Gamestop, Babbages, etc. that you can get the games used for a decent price. But that shit won't fly for new titles.

8/17/2005 6:06:23 PM

All American
10855 Posts
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Seems like only yesterday I got my NES for Christmas, complete with Super Mario, Duck Hunt, 2 controllers and zapper, and I still remember being absolutely stunned that my mom paid so much for it.....100 bucks.

8/17/2005 6:39:58 PM

All American
2395 Posts
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I think il be getting the PS3

i am sick and tired of the Xbox's abhorrent lack of good Role playing games

this freeroaming shit doesnt come close to real rpgs

8/17/2005 6:57:19 PM

200 Posts
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Quote :
"Well on the bright side, there will always be EB, Gamestop, Babbages, etc. that you can get the games used for a decent price. But that shit won't fly for new titles."

I don't know I think that EB still rips you pretty good with used copies of newer games. For instance I bet that right now a used copy of God of War for the ps2 would go for 44 bucks while the new costs 50.
I guess the used prices might be worth while for older games.

8/17/2005 11:12:05 PM

All American
10406 Posts
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my friend just got a copy of NCAA football 06 from EB GAMES used for 40 bucks... he saved 10 bucks...but it is worth the 10 bucks b/c they guarantee to replace it if it doesn't work (or so they say)

8/17/2005 11:29:04 PM

All American
6922 Posts
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I don't mind the games being $60...well, I do mind, but I can accept it.

I can't stand having to buy a $50 dollar controller. I'll be glad to buy to buy the cheap knockoffs for $19.99

8/18/2005 12:10:12 AM

All American
2110 Posts
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^ they've already said Microsoft isn't releasing the controller rights to 3rd parties for at least the first year.

8/18/2005 1:39:01 PM

All American
8118 Posts
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8/18/2005 1:49:47 PM

All American
47925 Posts
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Quote :
"just think though of all the money you will save...once you have the xbox 360 you will stay home playing it a lot, instead of going out drinking, you know, it all evens out"

but then when they want a date, they'll have to pay some internet service to hook them up since they will lack any social skills. or use hookers...and hookers aint cheap.

8/18/2005 1:54:31 PM

148893 Posts
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i play supermodels in madden and they paypal me sex

8/18/2005 1:58:49 PM

All American
8118 Posts
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which version do i get? so many choices...

8/18/2005 8:24:43 PM

Lil G
2426 Posts
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Quote :
"I don't mind the games being $60...well, I do mind, but I can accept it.

I can't stand having to buy a $50 dollar controller. I'll be glad to buy to buy the cheap knockoffs for $19.99"

$60 per game isn't a HUGE deal. You'll be able to buy used games for a much cheaper price. If you absolutely HAVE to have a game when it comes out, then $60 probably isn't a big concern to you. Also, money-conscious people can take advantage of those "Buy two, get one free" offers from makers like EA.

As far as the controllers are concerned, I think the wireless controllers are the only ones that cost $50. The ones with wires will cost less.

8/18/2005 8:41:02 PM

All American
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8/18/2005 9:40:19 PM

All American
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8/18/2005 10:00:46 PM

All American
27139 Posts
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Quote :
"I don't know I think that EB still rips you pretty good with used copies of newer games. For instance I bet that right now a used copy of God of War for the ps2 would go for 44 bucks while the new costs 50.
I guess the used prices might be worth while for older games."

even so, if you join their lil used game club for a one time fee of $10 you get a full year magazine subscription (whoopty doo) and 10% off EACH used game.

so ur paying like 40 each time for a week old game instead of 50. that shit adds up quick. EB card = totally worth it, if u plan on buying a bunch of used games in the next year.

and yes 64 games were around 75 bux a pop when it first came out, they dropped down to 60 or so not long after then much lower when ps started raping it.

8/18/2005 10:24:31 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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8/18/2005 10:34:16 PM

All American
11945 Posts
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Quote :
"even so, if you join their lil used game club for a one time fee of $10 you get a full year magazine subscription (whoopty doo) and 10% off EACH used game.

so ur paying like 40 each time for a week old game instead of 50. that shit adds up quick. EB card = totally worth it, if u plan on buying a bunch of used games in the next year."

Yeah, if you shop at EB regularly it's worth it.

I got a card when I bought my used Gamecube, because with the card + 10% off I ended up saving money overall. Used it pretty regularly throughout the year. The magazine actually isn't bad either.

8/18/2005 10:44:12 PM

All American
5057 Posts
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Would ppl please stop saying the whole "Games used to be $60-$80." Some stores sold it for that, but not all. There comes a time in life when we stop buying games from K-Mart and Sears.

PS: Cartridges were hella expensive compared to DVD's. This is a profit move. Same thing with the wireless controller. If they can sell a Gameboy for the same price, you know they're sticking it to you.

[Edited on August 19, 2005 at 12:52 AM. Reason : .]

8/19/2005 12:52:26 AM

All American
14033 Posts
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There were also some games for sale at that price when I worked at Best Buy back in the day. I wanna say it was mainly EA or some other sports game. WIth the number of coupons and discounts you can get you gotta be crazy to pay full MSRP for any game. Hell, every game $19.99 and up has a permanent $5 discount by milking their gamer gift cards.

8/19/2005 12:59:55 AM

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