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 Message Boards » » USB Harddrive Issues Page [1]  
All American
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Okay, here's the deal-

I have a 30 gig laptop harddrive I got for a laptop, that is now dead (i thought the harddrive was the issue as did others, turns out it was other things in addition).

I have it in a USB powered external enclosure-
However, for a while the thing was pretty flaky as to whether a system would see it or wouldnt- but when it did, it worked fine.

I was trying to copy over a lot of data the other week- and kept getting I/O errors. I ran a format on the harddrive and a check disk and everything came back saying the drive is fine. Alright-

So i replaced the enclosure- and the system now doesn't see the drive again. I'm pretty frustrated as I have no other way of telling if the drive is bad (although nothing seems to indicate that), and really just have no idea of what to do.

Oh, we're working with WindowsXP for the OS, and a Sabrent USB 2.0 harddrive enclosure I picked up at tiger direct. The computer itself does not have USB 2.0 but the normal USB- but as far as I understand it's backwards comatable. It's done this on both my laptop and my desktop so I'm pretty confused- as far as the recognizing sometimes not recognizing others.

[Edited on August 27, 2005 at 1:20 PM. Reason : added info]

8/27/2005 1:18:30 PM

All American
2286 Posts
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Okay, the USB cord had gone, which, okay, whatever. I have the computer recognizing the drive now, however, I'm still getting I/O errors when I try to copy files (at random points)

I'm really not sure what to suspect at this point. The cord seems good, the USB port seems fine, it's the one I had my printer on earlier today- and that works great. But nothing I check against the disk seems to turn up an issue- thoughts?

8/27/2005 2:11:55 PM

All American
31346 Posts
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buy a new hard drive, see if it solves the problems.

8/27/2005 8:36:22 PM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » USB Harddrive Issues Page [1]  
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