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 Message Boards » » New "Anti-Hate" Bill Could End Freedom of Speech Page [1] 2, Next  
9434 Posts
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Quote :
"House Approves 'Anti-Hate' Bill

Freedom Of Speech Now In Jeopardy

By Rev. Ted Pike

In a surprising move, the House of Representatives on September 14, 2005 approved "The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2005," HR2662, as an amendment to the Children'S Safety Act, HR3132. It was approved 223-199.

The Senate is expected to also approve a similar amendment within a month.

This federal legislation, orchestrated by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith will lead to creation of a vast anti-hate bureaucracy in America, similar to what now exists in Canada. In Canada it is a "hate crime" to publicly criticize such federally protected groups as homosexuals and Jews. In Canada free speech talk radio no longer exists. It is even illegal now in some areas to evangelize or "proselytize" in public."

Quote :
"New 'Hate' Bill Means Funeral For Freedom Of Speech

By Rev. Ted Pike

On Sept. 14, the US House of Representatives passed, 223-199, the ominous federal "anti-hate" bill, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2005. It was inserted as AMDT.2662 into the Children's Safety Act. If approved unaltered by the senate judiciary, this legislation is ready for the President to sign into law."

Quote :


By Rev. Ted Pike

But if Senate Judiciary Committee members are bombarded NOW with complaints, there is a chance they will modify some of the language of hate bill 2662. This would create a conflict between the House and Senate versions that must be resolved in a conference between the House and Senate. This conference will provide a tremendous opportunity to yet save free speech. "

Contact Senate Judiciary Committee members and express your opposition to hate crimes bill AMDT.2662 of the Children’s Protection Act, HR 3132.

9/27/2005 2:13:27 PM

All American
16056 Posts
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Seems bad.

9/27/2005 2:16:38 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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I can't live without my racial slurs.

9/27/2005 2:37:42 PM

9434 Posts
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You must have an excuse lined up for butchering every right in the Bill of Rights, no?

9/27/2005 2:40:54 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Wow. You are all about some misrepresentation as of late. You used to cry like a little girl with a skinned knee whenever someone did that to you.

9/27/2005 2:43:00 PM

9434 Posts
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So you oppose this new "anti-hate" bill?

9/27/2005 2:45:55 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Where exactly did I say that?

9/27/2005 2:48:00 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Mr. Joshua: Where exactly did I say that?"

It's a question, moron.

9/27/2005 2:52:35 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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You've really fallen off lately.

9/27/2005 2:53:25 PM

9434 Posts
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I'll ask again. Do you oppose this new "anti-hate" bill?

9/27/2005 2:54:19 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18117 Posts
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Based on the nonexistant description of what the bill actually says that you've provided, I don't see how any of us could say one way or the other.

9/27/2005 3:13:40 PM

3 of 11
All American
6276 Posts
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I hate salisburyboy... I hope they don't lock me up for that

9/27/2005 3:15:45 PM

All American
60354 Posts
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i'm gonna have to side with salisbury boy on this one

this is terrible

wait a sec
this is from almost 2 weeks ago
how about an update
since i'm not finding anything on

[Edited on September 27, 2005 at 3:20 PM. Reason : ?]

9/27/2005 3:17:01 PM

All American
12317 Posts
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I thought Republicans hated minorities? Stupid over-compensation!!!!

9/27/2005 3:36:11 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Its unnecessary, but it won't end free speech by any means.

9/27/2005 4:07:41 PM

Forgetful Jones
147727 Posts
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so where does it say that it will take away your 1st amendment right to freedom of speech

btw its the damn left wing political correctness thats causing shit like this

9/27/2005 4:19:47 PM

All American
16056 Posts
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we'll become like Cananda

and we all know that ain't good

9/27/2005 4:30:40 PM

All American
4642 Posts
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Quote :
"It is even illegal now in some areas to evangelize or "proselytize" in public."

Sounds good to me.

9/28/2005 9:25:38 AM

All American
60354 Posts
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Quote :
"btw its the damn left wing political correctness thats causing shit like this"

i forgot the left wing had control of both the house and senate

i mean, here i was just thinking the democrats only control....uhm, hollywood?

Quote :
"so where does it say that it will take away your 1st amendment right to freedom of speech"
as i understand it, it prohibits things like preachers saying that Gays are sinners etc from the pulpit

it makes plenty of individual thought hate speech

9/28/2005 9:55:01 AM

All American
3486 Posts
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why can't you post the actual bill, damnit?

9/28/2005 11:34:30 AM

Yankee Cowboy
27011 Posts
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For once, I actually agree about what salisburyboy is talking about. Here is part of the bill as HR 2662.

Quote :

1st Session

H. R. 2662
To provide Federal assistance to States and local jurisdictions to prosecute hate crimes, and for other purposes.


May 26, 2005
Mr. CONYERS (for himself, Mr. ABERCROMBIE, Mr. ACKERMAN, Mr. ALLEN, Ms. BALDWIN, Ms. BERKLEY, Mr. BERMAN, Mr. BISHOP of Georgia, Mr. BLUMENAUER, Mr. BOSWELL, Mr. BROWN of Ohio, Mrs. CAPPS, Mr. CAPUANO, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. CASE, Mr. CLAY, Mr. COOPER, Mr. CROWLEY, Mr. CUMMINGS, Mr. DAVIS of Alabama, Mr. DAVIS of Florida, Mr. DELAHUNT, Ms. DELAURO, Mr. ENGEL, Ms. ESHOO, Mr. FARR, Mr. FATTAH, Mr. FILNER, Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts, Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. GUTIERREZ, Mr. HASTINGS of Florida, Mr. HOLT, Mr. HONDA, Mr. HOYER, Mr. INSLEE, Mr. ISRAEL, Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas, Mr. JEFFERSON, Mrs. JONES of Ohio, Mr. KENNEDY of Rhode Island, Mr. KILDEE, Mr. KIND, Mr. KIRK, Mr. KOLBE, Mr. LANGEVIN, Mr. LANTOS, Mr. LARSON of Connecticut, Mr. LEACH, Ms. LEE, Mrs. LOWEY, Mr. LYNCH, Mrs. MALONEY, Mr. MATHESON, Mrs. MCCARTHY, Ms. MCCOLLUM of Minnesota, Mr. MCDERMOTT, Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. MCNULTY, Mr. MEEHAN, Mr. MEEK of Florida, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California, Mr. MOORE of Kansas, Mr. NADLER, Mr. OLVER, Mr. OWENS, Mr. PALLONE, Mr. PASTOR, Mr. PAYNE, Mr. PRICE of North Carolina, Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN, Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD, Mr. SABO, Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of California, Mr. SANDERS, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Mr. SCHIFF, Mr. SCOTT of Georgia, Mr. SERRANO, Mr. SHAYS, Mr. SHERMAN, Mr. SIMMONS, Mr. SMITH of Washington, Ms. SOLIS, Mr. STARK, Mrs. TAUSCHER, Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi, Mr. TIERNEY, Mr. UDALL of Colorado, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Ms. WATERS, Ms. WATSON, Mr. WEXLER, Ms. WOOLSEY, and Mr. WU) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary


To provide Federal assistance to States and local jurisdictions to prosecute hate crimes, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the `Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2005'.


Congress makes the following findings:

(1) The incidence of violence motivated by the actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability of the victim poses a serious national problem.

(2) Such violence disrupts the tranquility and safety of communities and is deeply divisive.

(3) State and local authorities are now and will continue to be responsible for prosecuting the overwhelming majority of violent crimes in the United States, including violent crimes motivated by bias. These authorities can carry out their responsibilities more effectively with greater Federal assistance.

(4) Existing Federal law is inadequate to address this problem.

(5) The prominent characteristic of a violent crime motivated by bias is that it devastates not just the actual victim and the family and friends of the victim, but frequently savages the community sharing the traits that caused the victim to be selected.

(6) Such violence substantially affects interstate commerce in many ways, including--

(A) by impeding the movement of members of targeted groups and forcing such members to move across State lines to escape the incidence or risk of such violence; and

(B) by preventing members of targeted groups from purchasing goods and services, obtaining or sustaining employment, or participating in other commercial activity.

(7) Perpetrators cross State lines to commit such violence.

(8) Channels, facilities, and instrumentalities of interstate commerce are used to facilitate the commission of such violence.

(9) Such violence is committed using articles that have traveled in interstate commerce.

(10) For generations, the institutions of slavery and involuntary servitude were defined by the race, color, and ancestry of those held in bondage. Slavery and involuntary servitude were enforced, both prior to and after the adoption of the 13th amendment to the Constitution of the United States, through widespread public and private violence directed at persons because of their race, color, or ancestry, or perceived race, color, or ancestry. Accordingly, eliminating racially motivated violence is an important means of eliminating, to the extent possible, the badges, incidents, and relics of slavery and involuntary servitude.

(11) Both at the time when the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the Constitution of the United States were adopted, and continuing to date, members of certain religious and national origin groups were and are perceived to be distinct `races'. Thus, in order to eliminate, to the extent possible, the badges, incidents, and relics of slavery, it is necessary to prohibit assaults on the basis of real or perceived religions or national origins, at least to the extent such religions or national origins were regarded as races at the time of the adoption of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the Constitution of the United States.

(12) Federal jurisdiction over certain violent crimes motivated by bias enables Federal, State, and local authorities to work together as partners in the investigation and prosecution of such crimes.

(13) The problem of crimes motivated by bias is sufficiently serious, widespread, and interstate in nature as to warrant Federal assistance to States and local jurisdictions.


In this Act, the term `hate crime' has the same meaning as in section 280003(a) of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (28 U.S.C. 994 note).

9/28/2005 3:32:59 PM

Yankee Cowboy
27011 Posts
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And more of it.

Quote :

(a) Assistance Other Than Financial Assistance-

(1) IN GENERAL- At the request of a law enforcement official of a State or Indian tribe, the Attorney General may provide technical, forensic, prosecutorial, or any other form of assistance in the criminal investigation or prosecution of any crime that--

(A) constitutes a crime of violence (as defined in section 16 of title 18, United States Code);

(B) constitutes a felony under the laws of the State or Indian tribe; and

(C) is motivated by prejudice based on the actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability of the victim, or is a violation of the hate crime laws of the State or Indian tribe.

(2) PRIORITY- In providing assistance under paragraph (1), the Attorney General shall give priority to crimes committed by offenders who have committed crimes in more than 1 State and to rural jurisdictions that have difficulty covering the extraordinary expenses relating to the investigation or prosecution of the crime.

(b) Grants-

(1) IN GENERAL- The Attorney General may award grants to assist State, local, and Indian law enforcement officials with the extraordinary expenses associated with the investigation and prosecution of hate crimes.

(2) OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS- In implementing the grant program, the Office of Justice Programs shall work closely with the funded jurisdictions to ensure that the concerns and needs of all affected parties, including community groups and schools, colleges, and universities, are addressed through the local infrastructure developed under the grants.


(A) IN GENERAL- Each State that desires a grant under this subsection shall submit an application to the Attorney General at such time, in such manner, and accompanied by or containing such information as the Attorney General shall reasonably require.

(B) DATE FOR SUBMISSION- Applications submitted pursuant to subparagraph (A) shall be submitted during the 60-day period beginning on a date that the Attorney General shall prescribe.

(C) REQUIREMENTS- A State or political subdivision of a State or tribal official applying for assistance under this subsection shall--

(i) describe the extraordinary purposes for which the grant is needed;

(ii) certify that the State, political subdivision, or Indian tribe lacks the resources necessary to investigate or prosecute the hate crime;

(iii) demonstrate that, in developing a plan to implement the grant, the State, political subdivision, or tribal official has consulted and coordinated with nonprofit, nongovernmental victim services programs that have experience in providing services to victims of hate crimes; and

(iv) certify that any Federal funds received under this subsection will be used to supplement, not supplant, non-Federal funds that would otherwise be available for activities funded under this subsection.

(4) DEADLINE- An application for a grant under this subsection shall be approved or disapproved by the Attorney General not later than 30 business days after the date on which the Attorney General receives the application.

(5) GRANT AMOUNT- A grant under this subsection shall not exceed $100,000 for any single jurisdiction within a 1 year period.

(6) REPORT- Not later than December 31, 2006, the Attorney General shall submit to Congress a report describing the applications submitted for grants under this subsection, the award of such grants, and the purposes for which the grant amounts were expended.

(7) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS- There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this subsection $5,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2006 and 2007.


(a) Authority to Make Grants- The Office of Justice Programs of the Department of Justice shall award grants, in accordance with such regulations as the Attorney General may prescribe, to State and local programs designed to combat hate crimes committed by juveniles, including programs to train local law enforcement officers in identifying, investigating, prosecuting, and preventing hate crimes.

(b) Authorization of Appropriations- There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out this section.


There are authorized to be appropriated to the Department of the Treasury and the Department of Justice, including the Community Relations Service, for fiscal years 2006, 2007, and 2008 such sums as are necessary to increase the number of personnel to prevent and respond to alleged violations of section 249 of title 18, United States Code, as added by section 7.

9/28/2005 3:34:26 PM

Yankee Cowboy
27011 Posts
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Last three sections.

Quote :

(a) In General- Chapter 13 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:

`Sec. 249. Hate crime acts

`(a) In General-

`(1) OFFENSES INVOLVING ACTUAL OR PERCEIVED RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN- Whoever, whether or not acting under color of law, willfully causes bodily injury to any person or, through the use of fire, a firearm, or an explosive or incendiary device, attempts to cause bodily injury to any person, because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, or national origin of any person--

`(A) shall be imprisoned not more than 10 years, fined in accordance with this title, or both; and

`(B) shall be imprisoned for any term of years or for life, fined in accordance with this title, or both, if--

`(i) death results from the offense; or

`(ii) the offense includes kidnaping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill.


`(A) IN GENERAL- Whoever, whether or not acting under color of law, in any circumstance described in subparagraph (B), willfully causes bodily injury to any person or, through the use of fire, a firearm, or an explosive or incendiary device, attempts to cause bodily injury to any person, because of the actual or perceived religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability of any person--

`(i) shall be imprisoned not more than 10 years, fined in accordance with this title, or both; and

`(ii) shall be imprisoned for any term of years or for life, fined in accordance with this title, or both, if--

`(I) death results from the offense; or

`(II) the offense includes kidnaping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill.

`(B) CIRCUMSTANCES DESCRIBED- For purposes of subparagraph (A), the circumstances described in this subparagraph are that--

`(i) the conduct described in subparagraph (A) occurs during the course of, or as the result of, the travel of the defendant or the victim--

`(I) across a State line or national border; or

`(II) using a channel, facility, or instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce;

`(ii) the defendant uses a channel, facility, or instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce in connection with the conduct described in subparagraph (A);

`(iii) in connection with the conduct described in subparagraph (A), the defendant employs a firearm, explosive or incendiary device, or other weapon that has traveled in interstate or foreign commerce; or

`(iv) the conduct described in subparagraph (A)--

`(I) interferes with commercial or other economic activity in which the victim is engaged at the time of the conduct; or

`(II) otherwise affects interstate or foreign commerce.

`(b) Certification Requirement- No prosecution of any offense described in this subsection may be undertaken by the United States, except under the certification in writing of the Attorney General, the Deputy Attorney General, the Associate Attorney General, or any Assistant Attorney General specially designated by the Attorney General that--

`(1) he or she has reasonable cause to believe that the actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability of any person was a motivating factor underlying the alleged conduct of the defendant; and

`(2) he or his designee or she or her designee has consulted with State or local law enforcement officials regarding the prosecution and determined that--

`(A) the State does not have jurisdiction or does not intend to exercise jurisdiction;

`(B) the State has requested that the Federal Government assume jurisdiction;

`(C) the State does not object to the Federal Government assuming jurisdiction; or

`(D) the verdict or sentence obtained pursuant to State charges left demonstratively unvindicated the Federal interest in eradicating bias-motivated violence.

`(c) Definitions- In this section--

`(1) the term `explosive or incendiary device' has the meaning given the term in section 232 of this title;

`(2) the term `firearm' has the meaning given the term in section 921(a) of this title; and

`(3) the term `gender identity' for the purposes of this chapter means actual or perceived gender-related characteristics.

`(d) Rule of Evidence- In a prosecution for an offense under this section, evidence of expression or associations of the defendant may not be introduced as substantive evidence at trial, unless the evidence specifically relates to that offense. However, nothing in this section affects the rules of evidence governing impeachment of a witness.'.

(b) Technical and Conforming Amendment- The analysis for chapter 13 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:

`249. Hate crime acts.'.


Subsection (b)(1) of the first section of the Hate Crimes Statistics Act (28 U.S.C. 534 note) is amended by inserting `gender and gender identity,' after `race,'.


If any provision of this Act, an amendment made by this Act, or the application of such provision or amendment to any person or circumstance is held to be unconstitutional, the remainder of this Act, the amendments made by this Act, and the application of the provisions of such to any person or circumstance shall not be affected thereby."

9/28/2005 3:34:49 PM

All American
60354 Posts
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Quote :
"including violent crimes motivated by bias."


9/28/2005 3:47:17 PM

All American
16056 Posts
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reading the bill, I'm actually not seeing how this will make us like canada

9/28/2005 3:48:44 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Don't Be Hoodwinked By 'Anti-Hate' Bill S.1145


This bill empowers the federal government to assume control of local hate crimes law enforcement. It establishes unity between federal and local law enforcement, thus creating the beginnings of a "police state." This enables the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, creator of this legislation, to enforce nationally the kind of persecution against Christians which their national executive board member, Philadelphia District Attorney Lynne Abraham, enforced locally against 11 Christians on October 10, 2004. Preaching at a gay pride rally, they were arrested for violation of ADL's Pennsylvania hate law. Possible penalties: 47 years in prison and $90,000 fines each. Mercifully, the case against them was thrown out by a higher court.

Lynne Abraham had unrestrained power to command her police underlings to arrest the Philadelphia Christians. ADL wants the same federal power to enforce its federal hate crimes agenda against Christians, right-wing talk show hosts, critics of Israel, pro-lifers, anti-war activists, etc., in every town in America. "

10/10/2005 4:06:34 PM

All American
1414 Posts
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10/10/2005 4:10:35 PM

All American
7167 Posts
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I'm sorry, Canis Lupis, but dog fuckers are not a protected group as of yet.

[Edited on October 10, 2005 at 6:09 PM. Reason : .]

10/10/2005 6:08:45 PM

All American
3174 Posts
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So I guess this would mean we couldn't have protests on how much we hate Bush?

Quote :
"btw its the damn left wing political correctness thats causing shit like this"

As a member of the left (though not extreme), I will straight out say I hate that shit. But......

Quote :
"i forgot the left wing had control of both the house and senate

i mean, here i was just thinking the democrats only control....uhm, hollywood?"

10/11/2005 1:36:13 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"ADL Expert Tapped To Lead International Network Against Cyber Hate

New York, NY, October 10, 2005 … An internationally recognized expert on the Internet and leader of the Anti-Defamation League's efforts to combat hate online has been tapped to lead the world's foremost organization working to counteract cyberspace bigotry. Christopher Wolf, the longtime Chair of ADL's Internet Task Force and Partner, Proskauer Rose LLP, was named Chair of the International Network Against Cyber Hate (INACH) during its fourth annual conference, held September 29 - 30 at ADL National Headquarters New York City.

"Building on my experience at the ADL fighting cyber-hate, I look forward to helping organizations around the world coordinate their efforts to counter the evil that lurks online, and to building alliances with government and industry," Mr. Wolf said.

The INACH conference brought together American and European experts from academia, government, law enforcement and non-governmental organizations to examine the issues posed by online hate and ways in which governments and watchdog groups can work cooperatively to counteract it. ADL, which has long worked to study and expose hate on the Internet, is the U.S. representative in INACH, whose members come from around the world, including representatives from Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom and various other European nations.

"The Internet's speed and reach unfortunately has provided anti-Semites and racists with a tool to spread hatred across borders instantaneously," said Brian Marcus, Director of ADL's Internet Monitoring Unit. "Because there are different laws in different parts of the world dealing with cyber-hate, it is important for law enforcement officials, governments and non-government organizations to join forces and share best practices in responding to the proliferation of hate on the Web.

[Edited on October 11, 2005 at 8:12 AM. Reason : 1]

10/11/2005 8:10:41 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :

Fight in Senate is Our Only Hope for Survival of Free Speech

By Rev. Ted Pike

Senate Judiciary members who support the federal “anti-hate bill” S.1145 outnumber opponents by at least 12 to 10. Two Republicans, Senator Arlen Specter (R., Pennsylvania) and Mike DeWine (R., Ohio), have declared their support for the bill.

Unless there is a miracle of Divine intervention or a senatorial change of mind, S.1145 will soon be on the floor of the Senate, voted upon by a Senate overwhelmingly inclined to pass it quickly. Such passage already occurred on June 15, 2004, with a vote of 65 to 33, although it was later overturned in conference.

It is imperative that all who love freedom call each of the 55 Republican members of the Senate toll free at 1-888-355-3588 or toll at 1-202-225-3121."

10/11/2005 9:55:22 AM

All American
9256 Posts
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This is going to put a lot of comedians out of business...

10/11/2005 10:08:46 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Hate Bill Defeated In Senate Judiciary Committee - BUT

By Rev. Ted Pike

Yesterday in a stunning surprise, the Senate Judiciary Committee, led by Senator Orrin Hatch, refused to pass S.1145 - "The Local Law Enforcement Crime Prevention Act of 2005."

Yet, Senator Edward Kennedy still intends to pass the hate crimes bill. He wants to reattach it to the new version of the Children's Safety Act, "The Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act," S.1086. "

[Edited on October 24, 2005 at 9:46 AM. Reason : 1]

10/24/2005 9:46:23 AM

All American
15292 Posts
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What good comes for hate? Yes, I know this will limit the Freedom of Speech, but what good comes from this freedom, besides the raw existence of the freedom itself?

I doubt comedians would be affected at all, since they are usually in a private setting. More like Neo-Nazi rallies in a public setting.

[Edited on October 24, 2005 at 9:57 AM. Reason : -]

10/24/2005 9:54:20 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"What good comes for hate? Yes, I know this will limit the Freedom of Speech, but what good comes from this freedom, besides the raw existence of the freedom itself?"

Do you realize what you are saying? You are supporting the trashing of the First Amdement and freedom of speech.

The speech they are trying to outlaw is NOT "hateful." They are trying to re-define "hate" to mean any criticism of certain groups, and then make this speech a crime. This is making otherwise protected and lawful speech a crime.

But even if the bill was attempting to outlaw "racist" or truly "hateful" speech, that too would be unconstitutional. The First Amendment protects that kind of speech as well. Most of that kind of speech is not "good" for society, but the problem is giving the power to the government to decide which types of speech to ban. It opens the door to censorship of certain views, which is very dangerous. It is much better to allow all kinds of speech, and let the ideas compete in the "marketplace of ideas." False and evil ideas will eventually lose out to what is true and right.

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"I doubt comedians would be affected at all, since they are usually in a private setting. More like Neo-Nazi rallies in a public setting."

This bill would criminalize certain speech that is critical or "biased" against certain groups, no matter whether that speech is in public places or over internet or published on paper. You can't base your judgement of whether the bill is good or bad just on the fact that it is labeled as an "anti-hate" bill. You have to examine the CONTENT of the bill to see what the bill actually does and prohibits.

10/24/2005 10:13:18 AM

All American
3174 Posts
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I hate bad things, so I guess that means something good comes out of that.

10/24/2005 10:13:37 AM

All American
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Well, if it's unconstitutional it will be thrown out anyway, regardless. But, I suppose I agree with you salisburyboy. It is better to let the shit hit the fan, because at least we know where the shit is and where it lives. In a censored society, these people would fester like infected wounds and might resort to violent means to receive the attention that they cannot receive in a non-violent public setting. Any law that is based on an arbitrary definition is a bad legislation idea to begin with. It's a double-edged sword really.

10/24/2005 10:32:32 AM

All American
29309 Posts
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Quote :
"Well, if it's unconstitutional it will be thrown out anyway, regardless."

that's rather naive, don't you think?

10/24/2005 10:41:34 AM

4836 Posts
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I'll bet the jews are behind this...

10/24/2005 10:48:31 AM

All American
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^^ Assuming we have a working and sensible Supreme Court. I recognize that it is possible that this law would not be ruled unconstitutional, but I wouldn't put my money on it and I bet you wouldn't either. So...

[Edited on October 24, 2005 at 10:58 AM. Reason : -]

10/24/2005 10:52:07 AM

8934 Posts
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"Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith" is a Jewish organization pushing for this.

You know, the Jewish population should be protected from the hateful jokes and harmful things you guys say. It is hateful and disrespectful. Hopefully it will pass so anyone who makes Jewish jokes in the future or speaks out against Jews will be thrown in jail...hopefully even executed.

10/24/2005 11:04:46 AM

All American
14478 Posts
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Quote :
"Most of that kind of speech is not "good" for society, but the problem is giving the power to the government to decide which types of speech to ban. It opens the door to censorship of certain views, which is very dangerous. It is much better to allow all kinds of speech, and let the ideas compete in the "marketplace of ideas." False and evil ideas will eventually lose out to what is true and right."

I would say this a nice response to Smoker4's post on the subject in another thread.

10/24/2005 11:06:04 AM

All American
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I agree with that quote. It makes more sense to let people vent and fume openly, because public interaction may prevent violent actions from these people who would otherwise lose public attention for their cause; because of this proposed law that would limit the freedom of speech. It is sad but true, people will do terrible things to get attention. So let's instead give these hate groups the attention they constitutionally deserve, so that they can go back home empty-handed as it should be.

Basic Human Behavior 101

[Edited on October 24, 2005 at 11:22 AM. Reason : -]

10/24/2005 11:14:11 AM

All American
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10/24/2005 11:25:14 AM

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Quote :
"Sen Kennedy May Try To Pass 'Hate Bill' This Week!

By Rev. Ted Pike

The office of Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist says that Senator Edward Kennedy will probably try this week to attach his hate crimes bill, S.1145, defeated by Judiciary last Thursday, onto the Sex Offenders Registration Act, S.1086. "

10/27/2005 12:22:16 PM

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Quote :
"Net Busting Hate Bill Readied

Free Market News | October 28 2005

Senator Edward Kennedy will attach his hate crimes bill, S.1145 onto the Sex Offenders Registration Act, according to the office of Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist.

The bill passed the Senate 65 to 33 in 2002 but was stripped in conference. The Judiciary Committee defeated the bill last Thursday. FMNN has reported that the bill is part of a larger package of measures aimed not so much at those who are in some sense "racist" but at the alternative press itself which already has been targeted by the Bush State Dept.

The Hate Crimes bill, the State Dept. initiative and press Shield bill announced by Senator Richard Lugar create a formidable package of weaponary for legislators seeking to attack and weaken the alternative Internet press. This initiative is solidly backed by the mainstream media which has not sought to cover it with any level of analytical certainty but has instead reported on the package as a series of discreet and unlinked items.

E-mail and call U.S. Senators to express your opposition to the hate bill. A massive influx of opposition, even at the last minute, could cause the bill to be defeated.

[Edited on October 28, 2005 at 2:26 PM. Reason : 1]

10/28/2005 1:59:45 PM

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Quote :
"11 Christians Arrested at Homosexual Event

Demonstrators spend 21 hours in jail, charged with felonies

Date: October 15, 2004

Eleven Christians who were demonstrating at a public homosexual-rights event in Philadelphia have been arrested and charged – they say unjustly.

According to a statement from Life and Liberty Ministries, on Sunday the Christian protesters were "preaching God's Word" to the crowd of people attending the outdoor Philadelphia OutFest event and displaying banners with biblical messages.

Not long after the group began their activity, members of the Pink Angels, which the statement describes as "a militant mob of homosexuals," confronted the protesters and attempted to drown out their message with whistles, while hiding the signs with large sheets of pink Styrofoam.

"Even though the Christians obeyed all laws, city ordinances and lawful requests by the Philadelphia police officers on hand," said Life and Liberty Ministries, "they were promptly and without warning arrested and hauled off to jail, where they spent 21 hours before being released on Monday morning."

Eight charges were filed against the protesters, including three felonies and five misdemeanors. The charges were: criminal conspiracy, possession of instruments of crime, reckless endangerment of another person, ethnic intimidation, riot, failure to disperse, disorderly conduct, and obstructing highways.

The “ethnic intimidation” charge, explains Robert Knight, writing for Concerned Women for America's Culture and Family Institute, was made possible by Pennsylvania’s Ethnic Intimidation and Institutional Vandalism Act – that state's “hate crimes" law – to which the newest "victim" category of "sexual orientation" was recently added.

Although some of the charges reportedly have been dropped since the 11 defendants were released, the Culture and Family Institute report quotes Philadelphia Police spokeswoman Officer Maria Ibrahim as saying the remaining charges are "criminal conspiracy," "failure to disperse," "disorderly conduct" and "obstructing a highway."

Responding to the riot charge, the group's statement said: "Despite the fact that our behavior was above reproach and we were attacked by a mob of whistle-blowing, obscenity-screaming God haters, the Christians, and only the Christians, were charged."

Said Dennis Green, director of Life and Liberty Ministries: "The Scriptures are filled with accounts of faithful followers of the Messiah who proclaimed the Gospel despite severe persecution. We are called upon and commanded to do no less. To shrink back would not be biblical Christianity."

The organization Repent America sponsored the protest.

"This is one of the most remarkable and unlawful actions by police that I have ever witnessed," said Michael Marcavage, director of Repent America. "Their blatant disregard of the law by allowing hecklers to impede our way, block our message and then arrest us, is inexcusable, especially by police officers who are specially trained to protect civil rights.

"Christians are now being labeled as 'haters' and any speech that homosexuals perceive to be intimidating, such as our Christian witness at OutFest, makes them a prime target for 'hate crimes legislation.'"

Continued Marcavage: "We are clearly 'not guilty' of these crimes, and with the help of our video footage, we shall be vindicated of these trumped-up charges."

The CFI account quotes Brian Fahling of the American Family Association's Center for Law and Policy, a public interest law firm which is representing the Christian defendants.

"We’re going to do whatever it takes to ensure that the Philadelphia Police Department and the city are held accountable for this," Fahling told CFI. "As far as we can tell, this was utterly uncalled for and has no legal justification."

The group is scheduled to be arraigned Oct. 18 at the Philadelphia Criminal Justice Center.

Christians peacefully demonstrating against homosexuality charged with a laundry list of felonies and misdeameanors, including under a "hate crime" law.

This is the future if this legislation passes. The end of freedom of speech in America. Government persecution of people with particular viewpoints. Imprisoning people for speech. The thought police. We are living in the twilight zone.

10/28/2005 2:41:07 PM

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Toll Free Number to all 100 Senators and a list of all Senators with links to their personal webpages here:

Quote :
"Protest to Senate Members by Calling:
1-888-355-3588 (Toll-Free)"

10/28/2005 2:42:54 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"We are living in the twilight zone."


[Edited on October 28, 2005 at 3:23 PM. Reason : .]

10/28/2005 3:23:09 PM

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Yeah. Where you been? Government says torture is good. Government deliberately lies to get us into a war in Iraq. Government mandates forced psychological testing. Then calls it the "new freedom." Christians face felonies for simply standing on a street speaking out against homosexuality. Supreme Court says you have no private property rights. Government says we should give up our rights, but meanwhile the border stays WIDE OPEN after 9/11 when boogey men terrorists could just walk right into the country. Martial law and gun confiscations after Hurricane Katrina. Government passes laws allowing secret warrantless searches.

And on and on and on...

[Edited on October 28, 2005 at 3:34 PM. Reason : 1]

10/28/2005 3:30:59 PM

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