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 Message Boards » » A MESSAGE FROM YOUR "A.U.T.H.O.R.I.T.I.E.S." Page [1] 2, Next  
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that's right, we're the AUTHORITIES....not your public servants or representatives
surely you've noticed the media referring to us as the "authorities" increasingly as of late

everything is fine
it will all be ok if you just OBEY us
patriotism requires blind obedience to your government
don't ask questions

the patriot act is good
secret searches are good
secret arrests and detainment without trial is good
a national ID card is good
those without their ID cards are probably with the terrorists
face scanning is good
thumb scanning is good
video cameras everywhere is good
giving up your liberties gives you security
if you don't give up your liberties, the terrorists will win

martial law is good
gun confiscations are good
guns are bad
mandatory evacuations are good
curfews are good
torture is good
abortion is good

big government is good
MASSIVE government debt is good
massive personal debt is good. real good
paying for 2.5 houses just to own one is good
having no real property rights is good
paying your land rent (property taxes) to the government is good
having around 50% of your income go to the government is good
being a slave is good
spying and taddle-taling on your neighbor is good

foreign troops patrolling the U.S. is good
satellite tracking devices in your car is good
implantable microchips are good

think this is too much control and you're being treated like a slave?
don't forget that this is all going on while the borders remain WIDE OPEN

forcibly psychologically testing your children is good
it's part of the "new freedom"
genetically modified food is good
don't be alarmed if we have to outlaw natural (non-genetically modified) seeds in the future
the terrorists use non-terminating seeds that can produce food perpetually

toxic chemicals added to the food supply is good
toxic fluoride added to the water supply is good
mercury in the vaccines is good
it's nutricious

starting wars based on lies is good
speaking against homosexuality is a "crime" and will get you thrown in jail
it's hate speech
running male prostitution rings out of the White House is 'conservative'

and remember, open borders are good. REAL GOOD
blanket amnesty for illegal aliens is good
above all else, remember to do WHATEVER the government says
remember, patriotism requires blind obedience to your government
because whatever the government says to do is good
the government loves you
and you may need to give up your rights and your guns so we can guarantee your security
just trust us

if you disagree with any of this, you're just a whacko conspiracy theorist
or a hateful anti-government extremist
or you may be with Al-Queda
those with more than a few days supply of food are whackos
those with guns are whackos too
they're dangerous extremists, maybe terrorists
oh yeah, we may need to regulate the internet
it is being used by the terrorists

you don't like it?
we've got machine guns and black ski masks
so shut up
and turn in your guns
or we'll take you to a camp
hope you like being our slaves

note: "good" mentioned above means good for the elite government controllers

[Edited on October 6, 2005 at 1:10 PM. Reason : 7]

10/6/2005 12:41:46 PM

All American
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link plz

10/6/2005 12:49:36 PM

All American
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Keeping nutbars confounded in their basements since May 1, 1776!

Ewige blumenkraft!

10/6/2005 12:51:02 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :

that reminds me
conspiracies have never existed. EVER
all talk of conspiracies is just theoretical
conspiracies don't exist, especially in government
people seeking power would never conspire to gain more power and control
and they would never seek to gain power and control through the means of government
even though that would seem logical
that's crazy talk

[Edited on October 6, 2005 at 1:00 PM. Reason : 7]

10/6/2005 12:56:10 PM

All American
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I wouldnt call it good poetry, but yeah, sounds bout right. Cept for the 50% taxes thing....see

the rich need tax breaks n all.

10/6/2005 12:59:40 PM

Mr. Joshua
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^^ Conspiracies do exist. However they have never existed on the scale that you would like to believe. There is no monological conspiracy behind world events.

10/6/2005 1:04:58 PM

Yankee Cowboy
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Quote :

Is it from the Man from U.N.C.L.E.?

10/7/2005 5:06:12 PM

All American
21682 Posts
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No but I think it's an A.C.R.O.N.Y.M...MAYBE.

10/7/2005 11:32:07 PM

9434 Posts
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the militarization of our police is good
the only way to aviod catastrophe from the bird flu is to submit to a militarized police state
martial law will keep you safe

[Edited on October 10, 2005 at 12:24 PM. Reason : 1]

10/10/2005 12:15:55 PM

Mr. Joshua
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For what exactly is A.U.T.H.O.R.I.T.I.E.S. an acronym?

10/10/2005 2:22:50 PM

All American
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I'm sure his answer goes something like this:

Those who know do not speak.
Those who speak do not know.

10/10/2005 2:32:04 PM

All American
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this tickled me:
Quote :
"note: "good" mentioned above means good for the elite government controllers"

10/10/2005 6:11:23 PM

9434 Posts
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cops on roids beating a 64 year old man to a bloody pulp for no reason is good
then cops attacking a reporter who caught the incident on tape is good
harrassing reporters is freedom. it's protecting freedom of speech.
oh, and the old man tried to protect himself from being beat up
big no no
that's resisting arrest and assault of a royal police officer
he'll probably go to prison for 10-20 for that
you must obey and submit

oh, and if this wasn't caught on tape, any reports of it would clearly have been lies
it would have been "conspiracy theory whacko" talk

also, let me remind you that torture is good. real good
that's why his excellency george bush had to veto the anti-torture bill
torture is so good, hopefully it will be implemented here in the U.S. very soon
to go along with secret arrests, secret detainment, and infinite detainment without trial
remember, martial law is the solution. it saved the day after Katrina in New Orleans
it will save us from the bird flu as well

[Edited on October 11, 2005 at 12:34 PM. Reason : 1]

10/11/2005 12:27:37 PM

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watch the video and tell me cops pounding an old man for asking about the curfew isn't good
and he wasn't drunk
he stopped to ask the cops about the curfew
the cops were rude to him
the old man told them they weren't being professional and walked away
the royal cops were offended and responding properly by pounding him
how dare he talk irreverently to the cops
when talking to your AUTHORITIES, speak in a reverential/submissive tone and manner
and try not to look them square in the eyes
show proper respect and you won't have to get beat down

[Edited on October 11, 2005 at 12:54 PM. Reason : 2]

10/11/2005 12:51:19 PM

9434 Posts
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continue taking your prozac and ritalin
even though prozac and ritalin increase suicidal tendencies
and have many other harmful side effects
suicide and turning kids into zombies is good. real good

continue taking your aspartame (nutraseet) as well
even though it causes cancer, weight gain, and a host of other ill effects
this is good

oh, and exposing US soldiers to radioactive depleted uranium is good
gulf war syndrome is good
making our troops sick, killing them, and causing birth defects to those affected is good
it's fantastic

[Edited on October 12, 2005 at 2:40 PM. Reason : 2]

10/12/2005 2:37:36 PM

All American
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guys this shit is true

I read it somewhere on the internet

10/12/2005 2:51:47 PM

9434 Posts
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it's only the truth if it comes from the government or the mainstream media

if you disagree with the government or mainstream media, you're a lying conspiracy theorist
and probably an anti-government extremist who secretly sympathizes with al-queda
remember, you're either with us or against us, as lord bush said
end of discussion

[Edited on October 12, 2005 at 3:43 PM. Reason : 1]

10/12/2005 3:40:59 PM

All American
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ah I'm just fuckin with you

I agree with your oil thread though

10/12/2005 8:25:23 PM

All American
3174 Posts
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I fight authority, authority always wins
I fight authority, authority always wins
I been doing it, since I was a young kid
I’ve come out grinnin’
I fight authority, authority always wins

10/12/2005 10:52:36 PM

9434 Posts
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anyone who stands against the tyranny of government is a lunatic
everyone knows that government tyranny is wonderful
being treated like a slave is good
the government loves you
anybody who opposes the government is clearly insane and paranoid
and should be psychologically tested (that's coming soon)

[Edited on October 14, 2005 at 10:32 AM. Reason : 1]

10/14/2005 10:22:37 AM

All American
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Salisburyboy, although your premises for believing in the existence of conspiracies is logical, you always stretch those premises into areas that have no grounding or outside support. Even though governmental conspiracies are likely and plausible, that doesn't mean that you are justified in spreading unbacked bullshit. Herein lies your overall logical fallacy.

[Edited on October 14, 2005 at 10:32 AM. Reason : -]

10/14/2005 10:29:24 AM

9434 Posts
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you must obey ANY AND ALL laws the government AUTHORITIES pass
or any special orders, even if they aren't laws
because, hey, those are the rules
haven't you heard that before?
no questions asked
it does not matter if the law or order is unconstitutional and violates the Bill of Rights
you may have heard that any law that violates the Constitution is null and void
just forget about that
you don't really have any rights
you only have the "rights"...or should I say privileges that the government wants to give you
that's why you need a permit or license from the government to do about any and everything
so, don't object to secret warrantless searches or detainment without trial
and turn in your guns when we say so

oh, and if you disagree with this you're an anti-government, paranoid, delusional lunatic
who probably lives in a cabin in the woods with a gun and a supply of food

[Edited on October 14, 2005 at 10:44 AM. Reason : 1]

10/14/2005 10:41:41 AM

9434 Posts
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in order to guarantee your safety
we are going to need police/military checkpoints
and we're going to need to confiscate your guns
while the border stays WIDE OPEN
and illegals with TB and leprosy come across the border freely

leprosy and illegal immigration fight al Queda and keep us safer
it might sound crazy
but we're the AUTHORITIES
so shut up and follow orders civilians

10/18/2005 2:28:33 PM

Mr. Joshua
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10/18/2005 2:35:13 PM

9434 Posts
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did i mention how good martial law is?
if we have an outbreak of flu or some other calamity
we're gonna need to declare martial law
and confiscate your guns
for your safety and security of course
this is freedom

we've been training military, foreign troops, and police for over a decade
to confiscate your guns and administer martial law

this is all very good
it's american
it's freedom
don't resist
we don't tolerate civil disobedience
just obey your government
do what you're told and everything will be fine

10/21/2005 2:25:58 PM

All American
6839 Posts
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don't take my guns plz
the rest is ok

10/21/2005 2:27:15 PM

All American
36908 Posts
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Quote :
"even though prozac and ritalin increase suicidal tendencies"

They don't really do that. Things like prozac tend to get linked to suicide, but it's not neccesarily because of the prozac, it's just that the people who take prozac have higher suicide rate for obvious reasons and because of this there tends to be a correlation between suicide and prozac, but this in no way proves that prozac CAUSES the higher suicide rate. It's simply the depressed people who take it have a higher rate of suicide anyways.

10/21/2005 2:31:12 PM

9434 Posts
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a note on the reports of bird flu, etc....

a government like our current one operates by preying upon fear
you see, when threatened with immediate death people lose the ability to think rationally
and they'll gladly submit to nearly anything in order to save their skin
including giving up their rights and agreeing to invading foreign countires
and sending their sons and duaghters off to die in needless wars

we carried out 9/11, told you that al-queda and bin laden wanted to come and get you
and that allowed us to invade Afghanistan and Iraq and build the police state here in America

so remember, al-Queda is out to get you
and bird flu is about to kill you all
but the nice guys in black uniforms with machine guns will keep you safe
we won't let the terrorists get you
we'll leave the border wide open though
but they won't get you. promise
just as long as you give up all your rights to us
so we can guarantee your safety and security of course
those pesky rights make it difficult for us to control you...*cough*...I mean keep you safe

and remember that when you're about to die from the bird flu
we will need to take your guns and declare martial law
because that is what we need to do to save your life
you don't want to die from the bird flu or the terrorists do you?
i didn't think so
so just give up your rights and you won't have to die
got it?

10/21/2005 2:39:43 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
24861 Posts
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Quote :
"salisburyboy, your photo gallery on PIC is getting pretty racy, don't you think?"

10/21/2005 2:46:42 PM

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we've noticed that people are becoming uneasy about illegal immigration
so we've given it some attention in our controlled media and television
to make you believe that something might actually be done about the problem
but rest assured that massive illegal immigration will continue
because its good
very good

and notice that were just going to call it "immigration" a lot of the time
remove the "illegal" from it all together
like that?

what's the big fuss?
sure it's against the law, but so what?
its wonderful
minus the fact that it costs taxpayers billions to pay for their school, hospital, and other costs
and so what if hundreds of millions of people would like to come here?
we've got room for 30, 50, or 100 million more

if you're against illegal immigration, you're probably just a racist
because you're opposing're "anti-immigrant"
oh, so you say your against ILLEGAL immigration?
well, so what. you're still a bigotted racist who hates mexicans
because you don't support massive illegal immigration

you see, first illegal immigrants just did farm work and the like
and we told you that "they do the jobs americans won't do"
well, did you notice the wages paid to those illegal aliens were very low?
that's the reason they are hired over american citizens
because they'll work for much lower wages
so of course americans don't want those jobs. they couldn't survive on such low pay

now, illegal aliens are taking over entire other fields, including landscaping and factory work
factory jobs used to pay good wages decades ago
but now illegal aliens have taken them over and they pay much less
and we've told you again that "americans are lazy" and "we need these people to do the work"
so many of you dolts believe these lies. that's good
you probably wonder how we survived without illegal aliens all these years
well, no, you probably don't. you're just the blindly obedient to authority type

pretty soon there will be a lot of jobs that "americans won't do"
perhaps in construction and the like
remember, you americans are "lazy"
forget that studies show that americans are the most productive workers in the world
you're still a bunch of "lazy" morons
and we need these illegals
corporations and employers like their cheap labor. good for the bottom line
like the slave labor in china

but, truly, we need this massive invasion to drive down wages
and for cheap labor for our corporations
and to destroy the middle class
and transform America into something closer to a third world country
where there are just the overlords and a bunch of near slaves and peons
as well as conditioning Americans for the pan-American union and the loss of sovereignty
and ultimately for world government

you see, this is a world community
that needs world government
so, there is no need for borders or countries
get used to it

10/26/2005 11:10:43 AM

Mr. Joshua
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I can't believe that you sat down and typed all of that nonsense.

Your own ideas are actually worse than the crap that you cut and paste from prisonplanet and

10/26/2005 12:20:19 PM

9434 Posts
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And that coming from you, you expect me to....?

Wait. Yes. I'll be crying myself to sleep tonight.

10/26/2005 12:30:02 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Wow. You suck at critical thought and sarcasm.

10/26/2005 12:35:21 PM

All American
1550 Posts
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^^^ no they are true and make sense, did you actually read..dont criticize just read and its your choice to agree or not, this guy is trying to shed light...your in a free country so he has the right to write what the fuck he wants to...and yea you have a right to say any shit you want to...but your wasting your finger typing power as am i right now by typing this to you..and its just not worht it.... so ill stop now.

[Edited on October 27, 2005 at 2:27 AM. Reason : ..cant belivei reread what i wrote to fix the gramma shit up?]

10/27/2005 2:26:23 AM

9434 Posts
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look people
think about it
just give up all your rights to us
so we can control you...uhhh....i mean protect your security and safety
while the border stays WIDE OPEN
and terrorists could be walking across the border freely

you would think that part of protecting the country involves securing the border
especially when diabolical and ingenius terrorists could easily get in the country
but no

we need you to give up your rights
then, and only then, will you be safe from the terrorists
but if you refuse to give up your rights
the terrorists will definitely attack again
you see, we'll have to stage another terrorist attack to scare you into submission
uhhhh....forget I said that

remember, give up all your rights

that's all for now

[Edited on October 28, 2005 at 3:32 PM. Reason : 1]

10/28/2005 3:22:52 PM

Mr. Joshua
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So are you just going to continue rephrasing the exact same statement until this thread hits 30 pages?

10/28/2005 3:30:53 PM

All American
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^Loler...well just have to see

10/30/2005 12:21:09 AM

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"See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda."

--George W. Bush

11/1/2005 8:06:12 AM

All American
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Holy shit. He really said that (^).

11/1/2005 9:23:48 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :

WTF does that mean?

11/2/2005 3:25:48 PM

9434 Posts
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you are now entering an Orwellian society
where you sheeple must learn to embrace inconsistent concepts without dissent
as I'm sure you've noticed, your excellent leader George W. Bush has recently made it clear
that "we don't torture" and "we didn't lie about the intelligence used to justify the Iraq war"
now, those are both bold-faced, outright lies
even a casual observer of the news could see that they are lies
the downing street memos firmly established that the U.S. and Britain deliberately falsified intelligence reports in order to provide the pretext to invade Iraq
we tortured people at Abu Ghraib and have many secret prisons all over the globe
and Cheney is currently fighting for an exemption for the CIA from a torture ban
but no matter. the government creates reality.
and we're testing to see just how dumbed-down, gullible, and submissive you civilians are
so we can make adjustments in how quickly we want to advance our totalitarian agenda

"That's not the way the world really works anymore," he continued. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality."

--White House aide

if you think that the U.S. uses torture
or that the Bush Administration deliberately lied about Iraq's WMDs in order to get us into a war
then you're clearly a wacko nutjob conspiracy theorist
who's with al-Queda
you see, if you disagree with the government, you're crazy
and may need to be institutionalized or forcibly psychologically tested

[Edited on November 14, 2005 at 8:44 AM. Reason : 3]

11/14/2005 8:28:55 AM

All American
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11/14/2005 1:59:14 PM

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there's a lot of confusion on this torture thing

to sum up...
we tortured people at abu ghraib
then people were prosecuted and sent to prison for torturing (eg, that England girl)
congress tried to pass a bill banning torture
bush threatened to veto the bill
then bush said "we don't torture"
then cheney said that the cia needs to be able to torture people
now the white house says that we can't rule out torture just yet
we may need to torture people to stop another terrorist attack

oh, and the U.S. media is condemning other people for torturing on the nighly news
so if other people torture it's bad
ok....this is the deal
if we torture people it's good
unless we send them to prison for torturing (like that England girl)
and if other countries torture people it's bad

hope this helps

[Edited on November 18, 2005 at 2:08 PM. Reason : 1]

11/18/2005 2:06:47 PM

All American
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posting on an internet message board will bring change
prisonplanet is THE most reliable news source on the planet
people buy into fear because fear is the easiest market to capitalize on
if orwell knew people were going to take big brother this extreme, he would have never written 1984
people who work for the government are evil, regardless if they are our friends, family, neighbors, etc.

11/18/2005 2:43:31 PM

9434 Posts
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no. you got it all wrong.
anyone who criticizes the government or doesn't believe the government always tells the truth is clearly insane or some kind of anti-government extremist
if you disagree with the government or mainstream media, you're a lying conspiracy theorist
prisonplanet is conspiracy theory crap. they're wacko nutjobs
they think torture, secret searches, illegal immigration, and national ID cards are bad
they think martial law and suspending the constitution and confiscating guns is bad
they're probably with al-queda. this is why we will need to regulate and censor the internet

11/18/2005 2:56:28 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Quote :


11/18/2005 3:08:00 PM

14084 Posts
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Quote :
"we won't let the terrorists get you"

even after threat after threat, they still haven't "gotten" us.

11/18/2005 11:38:03 PM

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lord Rumsfeld made his rounds on the morning shows this weekend
we need to reinforce some of the truths he espoused

first, he said that president bush had NOT threatened to veto McCain's torture ban bill
so...forget about those news reports saying that Bush was going to veto the bill
and he said that the U.S. does NOT advocate or support the use of torture
so...forget about those news reports that Cheney wants the CIA to be exempt from a torture ban

Rumsfeld also made clear that any suggestion that they mislead the nation on Iraq's WMD threat
is "reprehensible" and wrong. the intelligence was wrong, but it was just a big mistake
so...forget about the Downing Street Memos and the forged Niger document

let me remind you also that a while back Rumsfeld told Bob Schieffer on Face the Nation
that he hadn't used the phrase "immediate threat" to describe the situation in Iraq and that
President Bush hadn't either
some people said this was clearly a lie by Rumsfeld
but it wasn't a lie. the government can't lie. we all know that
the suggestion that Rumsfeld lied is reprehensible and irresponsible

to sum up....
if you think they said Iraq was an "immediate threat" or if you think they lied about Iraq's WMDs
or if you think that this Administration supports torture
you are a lying wacko conspiracy theorist

11/21/2005 9:04:16 AM

10517 Posts
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Better call Robert Vaughn and David McCallum!

11/21/2005 4:45:58 PM

9434 Posts
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you civilians are starting to get a little rowdy and restless over this torture and the Iraq war
and we can't have much more of this

listen here you civilian scum
suggesting our great leaders misled the nation on Iraq WMDs is reprehensible and irresponsible
criticizing the war is unpatriotic
so slap a yellow made in China ribbon on your car
and learn to love sending your sons and daughters to die

we would never lie about something like that
same goes for the torture
our great loving government would never torture people
and if you say they would then your an anti-American conspiracy theorist or with al-Qaeda

we can start wars based on lies if we want to
and we can lie and lie and lie all we want
we're the f-ing government
and we're at WAR people. al-Qaeda is out to get us. don't forget that
so, yeah, we're gonna ask you to give up your liberties
and we're gonna put surveillance cameras up everywhere
and make you take national ID cards
you don't like us rolling out the red carpet for the illegal aliens?
too bad. that's integral to taking this country down. learn to love it

that's right. learn to love this tyranny. because you can't stop us
so just SHUT UP you pathetic bootlicking cowards
bow down and obey your masters

11/23/2005 2:48:19 PM

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