MosPJ21 Starting Lineup 75 Posts user info edit post |
Anyone going to the Atmosphere show at Cat's Cradle tommorow-Wednesday? 10/18/2005 11:30:32 PM
Jeepin4x4 #Pack9 35781 Posts user info edit post |
nope but i like atmosphere. he's pretty damn talented 10/18/2005 11:36:01 PM
bassman803 All American 16966 Posts user info edit post |
i saw him last time he was there
awesome fucking show
i wont make it to this show, but i will sure as hell make it to the next Sage Francis show in November  10/19/2005 12:04:44 AM
AdrockBS2000 All American 1840 Posts user info edit post |
you like him? its not a person you fools it's a 2 person group or technically 3 Slug + Ant + Mr. Dibbs 10/19/2005 12:31:49 AM
Ronny All American 30652 Posts user info edit post |
Ahaha, self pwnt 10/19/2005 12:38:30 AM
adam8778 All American 3095 Posts user info edit post |
me, my roomie, and my girlfriend will be there, gonna be the shit 10/19/2005 12:57:56 AM
ZiP All American 18939 Posts user info edit post |
atmosphere is tight - but sadly, i don't think they've made a recent album better than the Lucy Ford LP (combining the Lucy EP and the Ford EP)... that was quality stuff back then.
-ZiP!- 10/19/2005 1:02:42 AM
vinylbandit All American 48079 Posts user info edit post |
I thought this was gonna be about how the Cradle had better atmosphere when they allowed smoking. 10/19/2005 1:03:27 AM
bassman803 All American 16966 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "you like him? its not a person you fools it's a 2 person group " |
only slug was at that show, tho
hence the "him"...cause i didnt see "them" 10/19/2005 1:09:10 AM
adam8778 All American 3095 Posts user info edit post |
but both slug and ant will be at this one, from what i read one of the reasons im so stoked about this one
[Edited on October 19, 2005 at 1:12 AM. Reason : ant] 10/19/2005 1:11:43 AM
Hurley Suspended 7284 Posts user info edit post |
God loves Ugly, Lucy Ford, Sevens Travels, Overcast, and You Can't Imagine How Much Fun We're Having...... all good shit that cannot be overlooked 10/19/2005 1:11:58 AM
AdrockBS2000 All American 1840 Posts user info edit post |
^ true. ant doesnt tour normally and mr. dibbs didnt tour that time either so he was backed by a band which was wack. he can't pull that off so i am iffy about going if its going to be gay again
i wanna hear songs from the new album "you cant....." and Felt 2. 10/19/2005 1:12:43 AM
PvtJoker All American 15000 Posts user info edit post |
Atmosphere/Slug ran its course w/ me. He jsut kinda gets on my nerves now.
But I've been rockin Mr Dibbs for a few years now, and NEVER knew he was part of Atmosphere 10/19/2005 3:41:36 AM
AdrockBS2000 All American 1840 Posts user info edit post |
^ ha i am kinda of the opposite. i always kinda hated or disliked them but since felt 2 have been converted and like the new album as well.
and now you know you've never noticed the shout outs to dibbs in tracks and interviews and such? or that he helped make the first felt album along w/ grouch from Living Legends 10/19/2005 1:19:56 PM
Igor All American 6672 Posts user info edit post |
me and a few homeboys are goin 10/19/2005 5:27:15 PM
adam8778 All American 3095 Posts user info edit post |
anyone know who the other white guy that was rapping with slug for a while was? i dont remember him ever saying a name 10/20/2005 7:11:46 PM
MosPJ21 Starting Lineup 75 Posts user info edit post |
^I believe that was Crescent Moon, the guy who introduced himself as "the bartender" (was wearing a hat and a harmonica) before Slug first came out. At least that is what my buddy told me, I could be wrong....awesome show though! 10/20/2005 7:35:34 PM