BigB23USAABC All American 913 Posts user info edit post |
I have an HP Pavilion laptop, that I bought new last November, with a 2.0Ghz AMD64 processor, with an NVidiA 64Mb shared graphics card, running XPSP2 and 45 minutes ago, the display was working fine, I walked away for a bit, and power management turned the screen off, like normal, but now, when I try to move the mouse, to get the display back on, nothing happens. I can hear the normal Windows sounds, so apparently the computer itself is working, just something is going on with the display. I tried rebooting, nothing different, everything else is normal sound-wise, but no visuals during boot up either, the screen glows sometimes, though not always. Login password works, and I can hear everything in hte background, just can't see anything. Any ideas why this might be happening? And all of a sudden like that, when I wasn't really doing anything with high demand? Any ideas how to fix it? 10/22/2005 1:22:20 AM
Golovko All American 27023 Posts user info edit post |
the light source at the top of your screen is probably dead. unless its a brightview screen then you should have two sources. Either way send it back to HP, if you have a reciept proving when you bought it then you still have your one year manf. warranty. for the next few days at least  10/22/2005 1:40:35 AM