coppertop wolpfack! 1803 Posts user info edit post |
I was just wondeirng how many ncsu alum were in the gulf coast now... I moved down to good ol Pensacola last week and with as many alumni that join the military, there has got to be others down here too...
I was also wondering if anyone knew of a good place to watch (or Find) state games that are televised... still learning the area! 10/23/2005 4:50:18 PM
Duff Man All American 4627 Posts user info edit post |
Damons plays stuff sometimes, but usually on teh little TV's by the bar. Never on teh big screen. Thats pretty much the only place to watch our games. They are on TV sometimes. Its both ACC/SEC country, so you get a mix of both.
As for places to go. Seville Quarter, great place, but dont' fall for the Rosie's piano bar guys playing the Navy Hymn/Marines Hymn. They get about 500 bucks in a 5 minute span b/c so many drunk guys will drop money to hear theres.
The beach has a good boardwalk. Bamboo Willies usually has a live band, and they keep it semi warm during the winter.
Alot of good little eating places in the downtown area, just have to find them. Some are in old houses type of thing.
Go see the ice pilots, minor league hockey is ok/they get into fights every game.
just realized you are a coastie, so forget the Navy/Marine Hymn thing.
[Edited on October 23, 2005 at 6:59 PM. Reason : .] 10/23/2005 6:56:43 PM
coppertop wolpfack! 1803 Posts user info edit post |
yeah, I doubt they know Semper Paratus... although being the minority, I am pretty sure it wouldn't last too long, not without some serious funds...
I've been to McGuire's which was great, but anywhere else... Anything good up by 9 Mile road? It's a little closer to home for me, but it seems everything decent is downtown/Sevile Quarter...
I'll certainly have to check out Damons then...
Thanks! Don't hold the Coastie thing against me! 10/23/2005 10:33:26 PM
Duff Man All American 4627 Posts user info edit post |
no, not holding the coastie thing against you.....
Lets see, Nine Mine road...(I used to live in Pace). I remember a sandwich shop in teh target parking lot that was ok. Further down west there were some ok places to eat.
There are some little places on teh road that Best Buy is on. Its honestly got alot of good food joint around, you just have to try and find them. Its been so long since I have lived there that its hard for me to remember..... 10/23/2005 11:01:18 PM
theDuke866 All American 52920 Posts user info edit post |
there are a bunch of NCSU people down there...
Me tkester00 lives with me Lake Mullen lives with me F18Navig8tor is moving in with us soon
Dave Sheehan just got winged and left for the west coast, if you happened to know him.
some other dude...can't remember his name offhand. he's in the USAF.
i think there are one or two more, but i can't remember offhand.
do you need a place to live, or are you good? one of my roommates is moving out in a couple of weeks.
Quote : | "As for places to go. Seville Quarter, great place, but dont' fall for the Rosie's piano bar guys playing the Navy Hymn/Marines Hymn. They get about 500 bucks in a 5 minute span b/c so many drunk guys will drop money to hear theres. " |
Seville is great, and yeah, they do the same thing with college fight songs. drunk people will pay UNBELIEVABLE amounts to hear a college fight song.
can't go wrong with Flora-Bama, and when they close down, you can go down the road to the Keg Lounge in Orange Beach, Alabama...i think they're open 24 hours. i know they have a live band playing every fri/sat night until like 4 or 5. we've spent some pretty damned late nights out at that place.
the Pensacola Beach bars like Flounders and the other place across the street are pretty good.
McGwire's is alright...we used to go there on weeknights before we started school.
Live Bait (over in alabama) is kinda cool, but they charged a $7 cover the time i went. that's pretty gay if you ask me.
[Edited on October 24, 2005 at 1:39 AM. Reason : asfdasdf] 10/24/2005 1:38:05 AM
coppertop wolpfack! 1803 Posts user info edit post |
Nah, thanks for the offer though, I just moved into sweetwater over off of 9 Mile... only place at the time that I could find that allowed pets... I have a Golden retriever/husky mix that kept me out of more than a few places that allowed pets.
How far of a drive is it out to flora-bama and all that, looks like about a 30-45 minute drive...
Yeah I am not much for paying covers unless I know the band or have some desire to see them.
Good to know that there are a few other wolfpack fans down here! It'd be cool to watch the games (should one ever be televised down here) or something although if ya'll have been down here awhile I'd wager you've started primary and are balls to the walls busy with that.
Me, I've got 2.5 months before I do even IFS hurry up and wait! 10/24/2005 10:14:00 AM
theDuke866 All American 52920 Posts user info edit post |
yeah, my wait time for IFS was over a month, but it was during the middle of the summer, so i just went to the beach every day.
flora-bama is maybe 10-15 minutes from my house, which is right out the back gate of NASP. 10/24/2005 11:06:41 AM
Duff Man All American 4627 Posts user info edit post |
I thought Flor-Bama blew away and they weren't going to rebuild it........
and what the fuck is Sheehan flying?
[Edited on October 24, 2005 at 9:26 PM. Reason : .] 10/24/2005 9:25:30 PM
brainysmurf All American 4762 Posts user info edit post |
scrager is at OCS down there
but he has disowned TWW 10/24/2005 10:31:01 PM
theDuke866 All American 52920 Posts user info edit post |
^^he got west coast snakes just like his brother, Capt Sheehan
and Flora-Bama is rebuilt and in full effect. 10/25/2005 1:53:30 AM
abugslife Veteran 402 Posts user info edit post |
i will be there next friday on my way to FSU game. 10/26/2005 11:44:59 PM
SwtJewelBird All American 1684 Posts user info edit post |
I am not in pensacola, but I will be in Orlando in May... I am looking forward to moving down that way!  11/19/2005 7:43:03 AM
theDuke866 All American 52920 Posts user info edit post |
met another Pensacola wolfpacker...
Ryan Stallsworth. he's in my squadron, and actually in my class.
in fact, i was out at Seville Quarter last night with him and Dave Leisenring (and a bunch of other people). i had the piano player play Song For the Dumped by Ben Folds Five. I felt right at home.
[Edited on November 19, 2005 at 5:17 PM. Reason : asdfasd] 11/19/2005 5:13:36 PM
mattncsu All American 720 Posts user info edit post |
^ I know Ryan, he was in a few classes of mine back in the day.
swtjewelbird - i know a few people from ncsu down in the orlando area 11/25/2005 11:02:45 PM
coppertop wolpfack! 1803 Posts user info edit post |
Any of you guys go running on tuesdays at McGuire's?
On tuesdays they do a 5k around downtown and if you do it you get drink tickets, free food and if you go 6 times, a free t-shirt.
I've been 2x and it is a pretty decent crowd, mostly people in their 20s... 11/30/2005 2:51:17 AM
tayncsu03 Veteran 124 Posts user info edit post |
is the flora-bama back and running? i used to live in orange beach, al and spent many a nights there. 12/1/2005 7:54:57 AM
coppertop wolpfack! 1803 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah it's alledgedly back but I have not seen it yet...
so no mcguire's runners? eh oh well... 12/1/2005 1:08:18 PM
theDuke866 All American 52920 Posts user info edit post |
^^yeah, the Bama is up and running. i haven't been there in a month or two, but when it was always warm and i never had shit to do, we went there 2-3 nights/week.
^nah, i knew a girl who did, but i think she's stationed in OK now. i might make it out there sometime, but i don't know when. 12/1/2005 7:07:36 PM