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 Message Boards » » Pictures of you drinking get you busted...... Page [1] 2 3 4 5 ... 12, Next  
135 Posts
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Holy crap... how may of you read this:

That is such bullshit, you can't give someone drinking citations or any form of documentation just because they were in a picture. Well I'll be damned if that isn't an imfringement on privacy and freedom of expression as well as being based on the fact that arbritray assumptions are being made.... You can't assume these people were on campus first off; nor can one assume that just because someone has a bottle in their hand that they were drinking of this bottle. On top of everything else, if the incident isn't actually wittnessed by a living breathing official (RA or housing official) ON CAMPUS then there isn't anything that can be done by the University or anybody else. If this goes through the system there will be quite some uproar, both on my part and the part of others..... This is such a joke, the things NCSU does to be put in the news and have Amato be taken off the burner for a while....

10/28/2005 1:49:12 AM

414 Posts
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hate to break it to you, but they most def. can do that

10/28/2005 1:54:31 AM

All American
617 Posts
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wait, even if you acted it out and took a picture? that's fucking bogus.

10/28/2005 1:55:33 AM

135 Posts
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exactly, who's to say there actually was any drinking going on.... and what if she was just holding the bottle for someone while they pissed or helping a friend clean up. If this person is smart enough to bring this before the judicial board, let it blow up, and bring up the points I've made alone she should be able to get off. The fact of the matter is that this is bullshit she should have to waste her time with this. What's wores is that the RD and RA involved in this actually allowed this to be under their jurisdiction, what a joke and absolute mokery of our rights.

10/28/2005 1:59:32 AM

1964 Posts
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i didnt stab anybody i was just holding the bloody knife for the murderer while he went to the bathroom

10/28/2005 2:08:06 AM

26780 Posts
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comparing a bloody knife to an empty beer can?

sorry, go sell crazy in some other thread

if this kid was smart, he would place an empty beer can in his RA's dorm when she goes to the bathroom, then take a picture of her and the beer can when she picks it up to throw it out

that would be pwn-tastic. actually i need to go call this kid to tell him ill help him do this.

[Edited on October 28, 2005 at 2:14 AM. Reason : -]

10/28/2005 2:12:54 AM

135 Posts
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jurisdiction my friend.... if I went into international waters and gambled, took pictures, then returned to my home state where gambling is illegal, should I prosicuted for my actions???? Simply put, no because the jurisdiction of the law does not cover my actions for the place in which the event occured, nor do the pictures have to depict reality. It is indeed plausable that the pictues are from some sort of a play, thus without more plausable evidence, ie a smoking gun, the pictures are useless and form no case. In your case above Socrates, there would be no use for these pics if no dead body was found, thus they should draw no suspicion....... Also let me add that the RA that found these pics online did so without the permission of the girl. The aim screen name was aquired through facebook which then inturn led to the aquisition of the girls link to webshots..... so not only were the pics not aquired in a legal manner ( or just manner that would be allowed so they could be used as evidence) but that is one big ass cockhead of an RA to be snooping though people's crap.

10/28/2005 2:17:10 AM

26780 Posts
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well..the picture probably clearly showed the person in the dorm. just a guess

[Edited on October 28, 2005 at 2:21 AM. Reason : -]

10/28/2005 2:18:29 AM

135 Posts
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I will attempt to get a copy of the picture being that I know one of the 10 people busted..... one cannot tell the location from the pic and you cannot see the label on the bottle, so who is to say that the girl wasn't drink root-beet or cream-soda, assuming she was actually drinking of the bottle....

This is why I fucking love appartments, no more of this bull shit to worry about

10/28/2005 2:27:52 AM

All American
27023 Posts
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just nuke them and be done with it.

10/28/2005 2:33:21 AM

26780 Posts
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id think in order for this to punnishable even by a complete psycho youd need an alcohol label and a dorm background

its legal to drink alcohol if you are under 21. there is NO law against it.

im serious though about getting the RA. find an alcohol can and get a pic of the RA holding it. seriously, theres NOTHING illegal about getting teh picture, or plants a beer can. it would be just.

[Edited on October 28, 2005 at 2:35 AM. Reason : -]

10/28/2005 2:33:50 AM

All American
5628 Posts
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Quote :
"jurisdiction my friend.... if I went into international waters and gambledhad sex with an 8 year old, took pictures, then returned to my home state where gamblingfucking children is illegal, should I prosicuted for my actions????"

you can and will get prosecuted for crimes that you commit out of the state/country.
that said, getting cited for pictures is fucking bullshit.

10/28/2005 2:43:35 AM

All American
23299 Posts
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you cant possess it at all, thats whats illegal

no its not illegal to consume but to possess it is, so a picture of you possessing it is indeed evidence, and if there is ANYthing that resembles a dorm u will be us the picture though

but yea...its called stupidity

10/28/2005 2:44:29 AM

All American
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I hate arbritray imfringement... what this is isn't chit chat? oh well, fuck it

10/28/2005 2:44:40 AM

All American
25825 Posts
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heres a hint coming from the master of getting arrested for mindless and stupid actions:

don't fucking break the law and take pictures to brag about it

10/28/2005 3:10:16 AM

26780 Posts
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10/28/2005 3:15:33 AM

All American
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if youre under 21 it most certainly is

10/28/2005 3:19:01 AM

26780 Posts
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you cant buy it. but if, for example your parents pour you a glass of wine with your dinner, its 100% legal.

[Edited on October 28, 2005 at 3:23 AM. Reason : - ]

10/28/2005 3:21:54 AM

97470 Posts
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if your parents serve you alcohol when you're underage

they could get imprisoned.

10/28/2005 3:26:47 AM

70298 Posts
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this is kind of like that time that guy got onto his roommate's computer (thus infringing on his privacy) and found child porn, and got him arrested

it seems to me the guy should get arrested for trespassing on his computer instead of being able to get the guy arrested

10/28/2005 3:27:57 AM

26780 Posts
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^^ maybe in india

10/28/2005 3:30:47 AM

97470 Posts
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even in the US

If you google enough

you'll find that parents have been arrested for that.

10/28/2005 3:32:12 AM

26780 Posts
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^thats becuase the parents thru a party for 30 kids

im talking about dinner served to the kids. the law is, its legal. also, everyone does it.

[Edited on October 28, 2005 at 3:34 AM. Reason : -]

10/28/2005 3:34:06 AM

97470 Posts
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that's about as legal as buying alcohol for your underage sibling

Think about it

Stop before someone busts your nuts.

PS: Everyone doing it doesn't make it legal...everyone on campus has access to alcohol in one way or another...everyone knows that...doesn't mean it's all legal.

[Edited on October 28, 2005 at 3:36 AM. Reason : .]

10/28/2005 3:35:40 AM

All American
25825 Posts
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you are wrong josh numbers

it's called constructive possession

jesus take a criminal law class

[Edited on October 28, 2005 at 3:38 AM. Reason : ]

10/28/2005 3:37:22 AM

26780 Posts
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so guess every catholic priest is a criminal?


Quote :
- No one under the age of 21 is allowed to consume or possess alcohol unless a parent or guardian gives permission for their child or ward to drink, but only on private property and under the supervision of the parent or guardian. Anyone under the age of 21 can't drive any motor vehicle with a BAC of .02 but less than a BAC of .05. Anyone 21 years of age or older may not drive if they have a BAC of .10 or higher."

[Edited on October 28, 2005 at 3:39 AM. Reason : -]

10/28/2005 3:38:37 AM

97470 Posts
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I challenge you to show me one parent serving alcohol to their underage kid at a restaurant.

10/28/2005 3:39:23 AM

26780 Posts
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Quote :
- No one under 21 year of age is allowed to possess alcohol (therefore you can't drink it either) unless at home when the parent or guardian gives it to his/her child or ward and the parent or guardian is present (supervising). It's illegal to drive a motor vehicle with a BAC of .02 or higher if under the age of 21. For anyone 21 years of age or older may not drive if they have a BAC of .08 or higher.
Reference 1
Reference 2"

^ READ!!!!!!!!

i know its hard. it must be in the parents home.


i clearly stated it would be at the dinner table.

[Edited on October 28, 2005 at 3:40 AM. Reason : -]

10/28/2005 3:40:23 AM

All American
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when was the last time a parent was in line at the harriss teeter asking their underage son or daughter if they wanted busch or natty

10/28/2005 3:40:37 AM

26780 Posts
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^thats probably never happened

10/28/2005 3:41:33 AM

All American
25825 Posts
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where is your source?

are you fucking kidding me?

[Edited on October 28, 2005 at 3:43 AM. Reason : national youth rights?]

10/28/2005 3:42:11 AM

26780 Posts
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Quote :
"New York
- No one under the age of 21 is allowed to buy or posses alcohol. But you can drink alcohol if you are a student in a curriculum licensed or registered by the state education department and is required to taste or imbibe alcoholic beverages in courses which are part of the required curriculum. Also you can consume alcohol if it is given to you by your guardian or parent. I didn't find the BAC limit for anyone under 21 (if there is one), but I did find that the BAC (at least for someone 21 years old or older) is .10 (Effective until November 1, 2003.) After November 1, 2003 the new law is .08.

Reference 1
Reference 2


[Edited on October 28, 2005 at 3:45 AM. Reason : - ]

10/28/2005 3:43:05 AM

97470 Posts
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So before you get yourself stuck in the backpedalling quicksand

lemme remind you

You said it is COMPLETELY LEGAL to drink alcohol when you're underage.

and then when called out

you said that the parent has to be present/supervising

which is clearly a great thing to mention in this case

since I am sure the facebook picture has a parent supervising the fucktard.

Not to mention that it is still illegal to buy alcohol solely for the purpose of getting your kid drunk.

But yea

Welcome to backpedalling haven.

10/28/2005 3:43:39 AM

26780 Posts
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^have you seen it?

could there not a be a parent present?

10/28/2005 3:45:18 AM

97470 Posts
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I am pretty sure

that if a parent serves alcohol at a friggin dorm

it is a bigger criminal offense.

10/28/2005 3:45:55 AM

26780 Posts
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we dont know its a pic of the dorm

Quote :
"its legal to drink alcohol if you are under 21"

thats what i said. but hey...if you need to put words in my mouth to win is suggest you just keep arguing you yourself and youi.

[Edited on October 28, 2005 at 3:49 AM. Reason : -]

10/28/2005 3:46:20 AM

97470 Posts
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In any case

Prove to me how drinking underage is legal

I would love to goto a restaurant with a family on the dinner table and the kids drinking sparkling wine like there is no tomorrow.

besides, all that law basically translates to : do whatever you want until no one sees you.


I am sure the chances of cops busting your family dinner have very very miniscule odds.

10/28/2005 3:48:36 AM

All American
23299 Posts
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he wouldnt bitch about it if a parent was present

not to mention its illegal to possess it at all in NC, those other states it may be different, i knwo for a fact here though if u possess it, u are breaking the law, and that is what he did

10/28/2005 3:48:41 AM

All American
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and if you have alcohol in your system, the state of NC considers you an open container

10/28/2005 3:49:39 AM

97470 Posts
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Heck in NC

if you have underage people in your car and there are open containers

everyone gets busted.

10/28/2005 3:49:39 AM

26780 Posts
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drinking underage is legal when served and supervised by an adult as it clearly states in the text of just about every state's law statutes

10/28/2005 3:50:28 AM

97470 Posts
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10/28/2005 3:50:41 AM

26780 Posts
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[Edited on October 28, 2005 at 3:51 AM. Reason : who cares.]

10/28/2005 3:51:02 AM

97470 Posts
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Quote :
"all that law basically translates to : do whatever you want until no one sees you. "

They made it easy for the idiots like you to interpret the law

and you're still having issues.

10/28/2005 3:51:50 AM

All American
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no its not, find me where in NC law it states that because it NC if you possess it, i dont care if u are at home at church or wherever, if u possess it, its illegal

and to ujustwaits reply thats totally incorrect
if u can prove that u consumed the alcohol without possessing it its totally legal, it states no where that its illegal to consume it...but u cannot be over the state limit of .08 generally though when u get busted its with the cup in ur hand, finding it in you is not illegal

but possessing it in ANY form in NC is illegal

10/28/2005 3:54:26 AM

3 of 11
All American
6276 Posts
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I don't know about you, but I think its time for these again:

10/28/2005 3:55:55 AM

All American
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your post doesnt make sense, but since im a polisci major and have actually been arrested for underage drinking i will spell it out for you

even if you arent holding a beer or dont appear intoxicated, a cop can cite you for being an open container of alcohol if there is any in your system

im not just making this up

10/28/2005 3:56:48 AM

26780 Posts
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^wouldnt suprise me. cops say some fucking stupid shit

10/28/2005 3:57:49 AM

97470 Posts
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on a side note

I find it funny that a human is considered an open container


10/28/2005 3:58:29 AM

All American
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constructive possession

10/28/2005 3:59:28 AM

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