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 Message Boards » » Lewis Libby wrote book on kiddie porn/beastiality Page [1]  
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* incest between two uncles and their niece
* a hunter asking his companions if they should have sex with a freshly killed deer while it's still warm
* the description of a prepubescent girl's painted "mound" and pleasing lack of vaginal odor;
* a story about a girl who's kept in a cage and raped by a bear to train her to become a whore

read the follow and judge for yourself.

my fav part;
Quote :
"At age ten the madam put the child in a cage with a bear trained to couple with young girls so the girls would be frigid and not fall in love with their patrons. They fed her through the bars and aroused the bear with a stick when it seemed to lose interest."

other sick bits;

Quote :
"A dozen guests sat in the main room by the edge of the firepit. Their heads were bent low and they held things to the light. When the youth drew near he saw that they held near their faces cards of lacquered paper and that other cards lay scattered about their feet and others till passed among them hand to hand.
On the cards were painted pictures of naked women bathing and lovers engaged in odd, exotic practices and on some were monkeys with erections and on one a demon and a maid. The top card, facing outward, bore a half-dressed courtesan and a warrior, reversed upon each other, garments hitched to their waists, with swollen, oversized organs and impossibly reddened flesh, and behind her back the courtesan held a dagger and there were scratchings on the card that bore urgent words . .
He said that boys from the village took the merchant's daughter places, and word spread that she had many lovers. There were odd tales of her sexual prowess, and they said she had coupled with dogs and men and several of the boys at once. Then to their village came a young samurai, who spotted the girl as all did, and she folded him into her. She took other lovers in the village, which enraged him, but he would not be done with her . . .
The young samurai's mother had the child sold to a brothel, where she swept the floors and oiled the women and watched the secret ways. At age ten the madam put the child in a cage with a bear trained to couple with young girls so the girls would be frigid and not fall in love with their patrons. They fed her through the bars and aroused the bear with a stick when it seemed to lose interest. Groups of men paid to watch. Like other girls who have been trained this way, she learned to handle many men in a single night and her skin turned a milky white.
Stories of this north-country training for prostitutes were apparently well-known among the guests, who made impatient motions for Ueda to continue . . . "Then," Ueda said, "they trained the young whore in all of the finest ways to pleasure men. They gave her wooden penises and taught her how to handle them. They taught her how to sing out in the night and move to finish off her customers more quickly." . . .
"They taught her how to draw pubic hair on her mound," Ueda laughed, "because she was still too young to have any of her own." A fat woman on the far side of the fire laughed out until tears streamed down her face and her sides rocked. She reached into her clothes while she was laughing and pulled sharply and made a little cry and her mouth opened and then, laughing harder, she pulled her hand out with pubic hairs stuck between her swollen fingers and flung them at the men around the fire. "No ink here," she gasped, laughing, "No ink, no ink" and the laughing men beside her made grasping motions above the fire as if to catch the pubic hair she had thrown. Some clung unnoticed in her moist palm.
"And then," Ueda said, laughing and shouting over the others' laughter, "when she was twelve and ready they gave her to me for the first night, because I had done this for them before."
The others stopped laughing in a series of diminishing gasps and leaned forward intently with glinting eyes to hear the secrets of a man used for first-night training by a house that could afford a bear.
"Is there feeling?" a bucktoothed man asked. "At least on the first night, after a bear?"
(p. 78-82)

Dancing, the tiny girl did now what seemed to the youth an amazing thing. Reaching down to her ankles, she parted her kimono and lifted it several inches off the ground . . .
The village woman now threw herself forward on her stomach very near the candle and sniffed up into the shadows beneath the tiny dancer's red kimono. "No smell," she shouted, laughing, "no smell," and the men around her laughed, too, but with a different edge as they looked at the young girl . . . she raised the gathered clothing higher still until she was naked from the floor to her child's breasts . . .
"Her hair's painted," one of the men by the fat village woman yelled and pointed, and the youth saw that the tiny dancer's mound was in fact not covered by hair but by long painted lines.
(p. 100-101)

One of her breasts now hung loosely in his hand near his face and he knew not how best to touch her. The sleeve of his other arm was pinned under his side, and this arm he could barely raise. He stretched to touch her with his fingertips, and as he did she slid one leg over him and kissed his ear. Her breath there was warm and moist and then she licked inside his ear. He was startled. He had never been touched like that before. The feeling at first was good, but then it was wet and cold and unpleasant. He could hear her breath just above his ear, but he could no longer see even the ghost of her. She bent down once more, and he lowered his head for the thought of being licked again disturbed him.
(p. 150)

"Maybe you should report the strangers."
"Some thought we should. There was a girl raped just before the storm. But we discovered it was a fox-spirit that raped her. Someone even saw the fox-spirit. It had taken the form of a man. She's not right yet, but that is common with such things.""

go buy it at amazon



[Edited on November 9, 2005 at 1:12 AM. Reason : -]

11/9/2005 1:09:23 AM

All American
17913 Posts
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Not that any of this really matters at all....

But, could you please complete your thought here?

Quote :
"* a story about a girl who's kept in a cage and raped by a bear to train her to become a [...]"

a WHAT?!?

I'm on the edge of my seat.

11/9/2005 1:11:09 AM

26780 Posts
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^i fixed that. my bad.

that was her prostitution training.

would someone please just drown everyone in the office of the VP

[Edited on November 9, 2005 at 1:13 AM. Reason : -]

11/9/2005 1:12:06 AM

Shivan Bird
Football time
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Don't you have better things to worry about than a piece of fiction?

11/9/2005 1:25:13 AM

26780 Posts
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^worry? im not worried. im sickened.

11/9/2005 1:26:03 AM

147487 Posts
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i'm sickntired of bush

11/9/2005 4:45:19 AM

9434 Posts
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He's a "Jew" too.

11/9/2005 8:09:41 AM

All American
31058 Posts
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wait a minute

that was real?

11/9/2005 8:17:43 AM

9434 Posts
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In a related note, Lynne Cheney wrote a lesbian romance novel called "Sisters."

Quote :
"Cheney: 'Sisters' Gets Outed

April 5 issue - In 1981, long before her husband was elected vice president, Lynne Cheney wrote "Sisters," a steamy bodice-ripper set in the 19th-century American West, featuring vivid tales of whorehouses, attempted rapes, a suspicious murder and several lesbian love affairs, of which Cheney writes approvingly. The paperback, published in Canada, has been out of print for nearly two decades."

[Edited on November 9, 2005 at 8:34 AM. Reason : 1]

11/9/2005 8:28:11 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"He's a "Jew" too."

What does that have to do with anything?

11/9/2005 1:29:49 PM

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Quote :
"April 5 issue - In 1981, long before her husband was elected vice president, Lynne Cheney wrote "Sisters," a steamy bodice-ripper set in the 19th-century American West, featuring vivid tales of whorehouses, attempted rapes, a suspicious murder and several lesbian love affairs, of which Cheney writes approvingly. The paperback, published in Canada, has been out of print for nearly two decades.

But on April 6 the book is scheduled to be released for the first time in the United States. Many of the novel's most lurid details have already been unearthed on the Internet and by gay-rights activists, who believe Cheney's treatment of lesbian relationships in the book is at odds with the Bush administration's stance against gay marriage. (Cheney's been silent about gay marriage, although her daughter Mary is openly gay.) For example, in the book a woman says of her female lover: "How well her words describe our love—or the way it would be if we could remove all impediments, leave this place and join together. Then our union would be complete. Our lives would flow together, twin streams merging into a single river."

A Cheney spokesperson says the reissue came as a surprise to the Second Lady. Cheney told The Washington Post in October 2000: "The reports of my novel are greatly exaggerated. Nevertheless, I hope they improve sales." "

my god salsbuty, youve posted a real news article.


let me tell you.

[Edited on November 9, 2005 at 1:32 PM. Reason : -]

11/9/2005 1:30:53 PM

All American
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theyve discovered the location of cheney's "safe location"

a gay leather bar named "Butch The Bear's"

11/9/2005 5:31:19 PM

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11/9/2005 5:48:47 PM

All American
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I really don't care about what a person writes so long/does (so long as it's legal)/or believes in as they do their job but considering the Republicans are always harping on "morality" and constantly belittling Clinton for his BJ in the White House, this shows they are highly hypocritical with these sorts of people representing the party. I suggest they drop the morality bit altogether because it is not the governments responsibility to legislate morality IMO.

11/9/2005 6:50:48 PM

All American
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He's coming out with a new book for the kids called Fucking the Cat in the Hat

11/10/2005 7:56:14 AM

9434 Posts
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And we've just been talking about books these sickos write. That's not even getting into the child prostitution rings and going to Bohemian Grove and participating in occult rituals.

[Edited on November 10, 2005 at 8:12 AM. Reason : 1]

11/10/2005 8:10:09 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"He's a "Jew" too."

What does that have to do with anything?

answer please.

11/10/2005 8:40:17 AM

All American
41050 Posts
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wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute...

you mean to tell me that his real name isn't scooter?

11/10/2005 8:47:07 AM

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Quote :
"I really don't care about what a person writes so long/does (so long as it's legal)


you would be the only one

11/10/2005 1:11:28 PM

All American
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Quote :
"you would be the only one"

Unfortunately. I don't really care if the person running is a transexual Satanist, if s/he/whatever is for upholding the Constitution and what it stands for s/he/whatever has got my vote. Do I have a problem with what this guy has written, yes I do. But techically it is protected under the Bill of Rights. My problem is that the Republican party is supposed to be the party of "morality" but they have people like this in their midst. It's hypocritical, is what I'm trying to say.

[Edited on November 10, 2005 at 4:52 PM. Reason : ..]

11/10/2005 4:52:16 PM

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Libby's Vile, Despicable 'Book'

11/17/2005 10:38:02 AM

All American
10491 Posts
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from a slightly more reputable source:

11/17/2005 2:18:13 PM

26780 Posts
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well people can read the exerpts for themselves

11/17/2005 9:18:17 PM

All American
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11/17/2005 9:30:53 PM

26780 Posts
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^are you saying you want kiddie porn to be published?

11/17/2005 9:37:08 PM

All American
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i'm saying that you're pretty damn pathetic

you're grasping at anything and everything you can, aren't you.

you smug son of a bitch.

have you never heard of subversion? are you a fan of Kubrick, or Polanksi? What about the critically acclaimed novel "Lolita"? Point is, there is tons of literature that deals with this topic; written by conservatives and liberals alike. It's expression, it's writing, dare i say, it's art.

Get a grip, just because you don't like the person and they're causing problems for those who share your idealogy doesn't make them what you purport them to be.

You could give a shit about what it says anyways, you just care about the Libby name attached to it.

yea, joshnumbers, "hero of the children."

11/17/2005 9:46:27 PM

26780 Posts
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Quote :
"have you never heard of subversion? are you a fan of Kubrick, or Polanksi? What about the critically acclaimed novel "Lolita"?"

No. You ivory-tower-east-coast-educated-elites can take your kiddie porn and shove it.

Someone has to look out for our kids. And thats, me.

[Edited on November 17, 2005 at 9:57 PM. Reason : -]

11/17/2005 9:54:06 PM

All American
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first, you stay the hell away from my kids :p

all i'm saying is that by pointing this out, you're just attempting character assassination, plain and simple. if you thought "kiddie porn" was a threat, you'd bitch about that all the time. you don't, you bitch about republicans all the time, which leads me to believe you could give a shit about "the kids" and you're more interested in making Libby look bad.

[Edited on November 17, 2005 at 9:58 PM. Reason : clarify]

11/17/2005 9:58:03 PM

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im interesting in making all child pornographers and beastiality freaks look bad

11/17/2005 10:00:55 PM

All American
16965 Posts
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this is nothing compared to Naked Lunch


[Edited on November 17, 2005 at 11:29 PM. Reason : .]

11/17/2005 11:29:20 PM

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i dont believe in nudity. it hurts children

11/18/2005 1:53:59 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Dirty Libby

I don’t normally associate bestiality with Republicans, but in Scooter Libby’s case, one has to make an exception. Consider this excerpt from Libby’s 1996 novel, The Apprentice, which chronicles the depraved training of a Japanese prostitute:

The young samurai’s mother had the child sold to a brothel, where she swept the floors and oiled the men and watched the secret ways. At age ten the madam put the child in a cage with a bear trained to couple with young girls so the girls would be frigid and not fall in love with their patrons. They fed her through the bars and aroused the bear with a stick when it seemed to lose interest. Groups of men paid to watch. Like other girls who have been trained this way, she learned to handle many men in a single night and her skin turned a milky-white.

This is a curious passage, and not just because of the less-than-obvious connection between milky-white skin and sex with a bear. It’s strange because the author is a conservative Republican, a member (well, until recently) of an administration which considers sex—even sex between two humans—a bad, bad thing. John Ashcroft, for example, clothed a statue’s bare breast; the FCC tried to cover up Janet Jackson’s; and two months ago, the FBI launched an anti-obscenity squad. (Would Scooter Libby’s book fit the bill?) So the fact that Dick Cheney’s closest confidante scripted a work featuring bestiality, rape and general licentiousness would seem to constitute hypocrisy in the GOP’s war against immorality—lashing out against others’ smut and sin while profiting off them yourself.

[Edited on November 18, 2005 at 8:48 AM. Reason : 1]

11/18/2005 8:47:37 AM

26780 Posts
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if this was a liberal, oreily would tear him apart

11/22/2005 2:10:29 AM

 Message Boards » The Soap Box » Lewis Libby wrote book on kiddie porn/beastiality Page [1]  
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