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 Message Boards » » When did google start indexing TWW? Page [1]  
All American
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I thought the admins opted out or whatever long ago.

Try it though: <search term> site:

11/12/2005 9:00:56 AM

41010 Posts
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oh snap

11/12/2005 9:18:20 AM

All American
13936 Posts
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son of a bitch....

either Google is now ignoring this
or there a bug in the robot file, or Joe/Jake changed the file?

11/12/2005 9:30:24 AM

10214 Posts
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STFU guys - we finally have a decent search tool

don't fuck this up

11/12/2005 9:38:47 AM

All American
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I dunno the cause, but I agree. The search is intensive on the TWW end. The current search only works for topic names, not posts.

I hope they let it be.

11/12/2005 9:41:34 AM

All American
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I hope they don't.

There's something to be said for posts being lost to crappy search

11/12/2005 10:01:20 AM

All American
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the idea was that Jake/Joe were trying to protect TWWers to a certain (albiet small) degree by not letting Google index your entire post history. And I kind of agree with that - when I google my name, I don't want my entire TWW history showing up.

Now should they install a local Google Search utility for TWW users to use? hell yes. But a completely open, public search? i don't think so

11/12/2005 10:18:20 AM

All American
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^ Actually I considered that. Its a double edged sword. In my case I wished I picked a different username from the start now.

11/12/2005 10:20:38 AM

All American
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^^ exactly. And for people dumb enough to use their real information on anything here, employers WILL definitely google you nowadays just for kicks.

Definitely a bad idea.

11/12/2005 10:29:39 AM

All American
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Forget it, lets not argue. Who knows Joe or Jake so it can be taken care of? Thats the way they have always wanted this site, so no reason to deviate now.

I would hope an employer would be too busy to read through all my posts.

11/12/2005 10:34:07 AM

All American
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wow just when you thought you were the only one to use a certain username, google proves you wrong.

11/12/2005 10:36:59 AM

All American
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^^ they aren't. Employees are a company's biggest expense. Furthermore, it's not like people work all the time at work

11/12/2005 10:39:27 AM

All American
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no more warez talk

11/12/2005 11:32:07 AM

All American
14033 Posts
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Quote :
"And for people dumb enough to use their real information on anything here, employers WILL definitely google you nowadays just for kicks."

Puh-lease. Hell, most employers don't even do proper education and work history checks, sometimes even skipping criminal record checks. They sure as hell aren't googling you.

11/14/2005 1:35:59 PM

31803 Posts
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i google our new employees

well, the good looking women anyway

if they're naked on the net, inquiring minds want to know!

11/14/2005 1:41:28 PM

All American
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Quote :
"sometimes even skipping criminal record checks. They sure as hell aren't googling you."

Do you know how bass-ackwards that line of reasoning is? How long does it take and how expensive is it to get a full criminal check? Probably have to pay a consultant or a service, will take several days/weeks to get results and cost the manager a couple hundred $.

so how long does it take to run your name through google again.....?

11/14/2005 1:55:19 PM

Thots and Prayers
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Unless they have an uncommon name, googling someone's name is not a very reliable way to find out a lot about a person.

So basically, i gotta watch what I say.

11/14/2005 2:11:04 PM

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11/14/2005 2:11:57 PM

All American
13936 Posts
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yeah, but with a couple additions you can narrow it down a lot -
bobby digital : "bobby digital" : "bobby digital" NC : "bobby digital" NCSU : "bobby digital" cisco sucks etc

11/14/2005 2:13:24 PM

All American
19842 Posts
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I'm going to go out on a limb and say the man's last name isn't "Digital"

11/14/2005 2:39:05 PM

All American
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no shit. that's an example

11/14/2005 2:42:06 PM

All American
170962 Posts
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yo son

it must be bobby

11/14/2005 2:58:57 PM

All American
2318 Posts
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fortunately for me no one will be able to wade through the piles of crap that show up when you google my name

11/14/2005 3:02:59 PM

All American
26447 Posts
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Quote :
"Puh-lease. Hell, most employers don't even do proper education and work history checks, sometimes even skipping criminal record checks. They sure as hell aren't googling you."

Have you ever even had a job? I've had several prospective employers google me. It's not hard when they do your name with other identifying information. It's obvious why googling something is different that a work or education history check.

11/14/2005 3:07:43 PM

26780 Posts
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you cant link a handle to an identity less you use your real name or something

[Edited on November 14, 2005 at 3:10 PM. Reason : -]

11/14/2005 3:10:23 PM

All American
971 Posts
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They only seem to be indexing newer stuff, but it's more than just topics:

11/15/2005 5:55:58 PM

All American
9344 Posts
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I signed up for tdub when I was drunk and a freshman. I saw "userid" and typed in my unity id. Shouldn't have done that

oh well... better watch what I say now.

11/15/2005 7:00:57 PM

El Nachó
special helper
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Quote :
"I signed up for tdub when I was drunk and a freshman. I saw "userid" and typed in my unity id. Shouldn't have done that

oh well... better watch what I say now.

you mean like admitting that you were drunk as an (presumably underaged) freshman?

Yep, I'd watch out for stuff like that.

11/16/2005 1:55:46 AM

All American
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I can't vouch for other employers, but I know my boss isn't sitting around googling my name.

11/16/2005 2:01:55 AM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » When did google start indexing TWW? Page [1]  
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